{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Token.Text (module Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Token.Text) where import Text.Gigaparsec (Parsec, void, (<|>), empty, somel, (<~>), ($>), atomic, some) import Text.Gigaparsec.Char (char, digit, hexDigit, octDigit, bit, satisfy, trie, string) import Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Descriptions ( TextDesc(TextDesc, characterLiteralEnd, graphicCharacter), EscapeDesc(EscapeDesc, escBegin, emptyEscape, gapsSupported, mapping, literals, decimalEscape, hexadecimalEscape, octalEscape, binaryEscape), NumericEscape(NumericSupported, NumericIllegal, numDigits, maxValue, prefix), CharPredicate, NumberOfDigits(Exactly, AtMost, Unbounded) ) import Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Errors ( ErrorConfig(verifiedCharBadCharsUsedInLiteral, verifiedStringBadCharsUsedInLiteral, filterCharNonAscii, filterCharNonLatin1, labelCharAscii, labelCharAsciiEnd, labelCharLatin1, labelCharLatin1End, labelCharUnicodeEnd, labelCharUnicode, labelGraphicCharacter, labelStringCharacter, filterStringNonAscii, filterStringNonLatin1, labelEscapeEnd, labelEscapeSequence, filterEscapeCharNumericSequenceIllegal, filterEscapeCharRequiresExactDigits, labelEscapeNumericEnd, labelEscapeNumeric, labelStringEscapeGap, labelStringEscapeGapEnd, labelStringEscapeEmpty, labelStringAscii, labelStringAsciiEnd, labelStringLatin1, labelStringLatin1End, labelStringUnicode, labelStringUnicodeEnd), NotConfigurable (notConfigured) ) import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Token.Errors ( checkBadChar, filterS, annotate, mapMaybeS, mapMaybeS', LabelWithExplainConfig, LabelConfig ) import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Token.Generic ( GenericNumeric(zeroAllowedDecimal, zeroAllowedHexadecimal, zeroAllowedOctal, zeroAllowedBinary) ) import Data.Char (isSpace, chr, ord, digitToInt, isAscii, isLatin1) import Data.Map qualified as Map (insert, map) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as Set (toList) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), sort) import Text.Gigaparsec.Registers (Reg, make, unsafeMake, gets, modify, put, get) import Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator (guardS, choice, manyTill) import Control.Applicative (liftA3) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) -- TODO: is it possible to /actually/ support Text/Bytestring in future? -- Perhaps something like the Numeric stuff? type TextParsers :: * -> * data TextParsers t = TextParsers { unicode :: Parsec t , ascii :: Parsec t , latin1 :: Parsec t } -- I want the convenient naming, sue me type StringParsers :: * type StringParsers = TextParsers String type CharacterParsers :: * type CharacterParsers = TextParsers Char mkCharacterParsers :: TextDesc -> Escape -> ErrorConfig -> CharacterParsers mkCharacterParsers TextDesc{..} escape !err = TextParsers {..} where unicode = lit (labelCharUnicode err) (labelCharUnicodeEnd err) uncheckedUniLetter ascii = lit (labelCharAscii err) (labelCharAsciiEnd err) (filterS (filterCharNonAscii err) (> '\x7f') uncheckedUniLetter) latin1 = lit (labelCharLatin1 err) (labelCharLatin1End err) (filterS (filterCharNonLatin1 err) (> '\xff') uncheckedUniLetter) quote = char characterLiteralEnd lit label endLabel c = annotate label quote *> c <* annotate endLabel quote uncheckedUniLetter = escapeChar escape <|> graphic <|> checkBadChar (verifiedCharBadCharsUsedInLiteral err) graphic = annotate (labelGraphicCharacter err) $ maybe empty satisfy (letter characterLiteralEnd False graphicCharacter) type StringChar :: * data StringChar = RawChar | EscapeChar {-# UNPACK #-} !Char (Parsec (Maybe Char)) mkEscapeChar :: EscapeDesc -> Escape -> Parsec () -> ErrorConfig -> StringChar mkEscapeChar !desc !esc !space !err = EscapeChar (escBegin desc) stringEsc where stringEsc = escapeBegin esc *> (escapeGap $> Nothing <|> escapeEmpty $> Nothing <|> Just <$> escapeCode esc) escapeEmpty = maybe empty (annotate (labelStringEscapeEmpty err) . char) (emptyEscape desc) escapeGap | gapsSupported desc = some (annotate (labelStringEscapeGap err) space) *> annotate (labelStringEscapeGapEnd err) (escapeBegin esc) | otherwise = empty mkChar :: StringChar -> ErrorConfig -> CharPredicate -> Parsec (Maybe Char) mkChar RawChar !err = maybe empty ((<|> checkBadChar (verifiedStringBadCharsUsedInLiteral err)) . fmap Just . annotate (labelStringCharacter err) . satisfy) mkChar (EscapeChar escBegin stringEsc) err = foldr (\p -> annotate (labelStringCharacter err) . (<|> checkBadChar (verifiedStringBadCharsUsedInLiteral err)) . (<|> fmap Just (annotate (labelGraphicCharacter err) (satisfy (\c -> p c && c /= escBegin))))) stringEsc isRawChar :: StringChar -> Bool isRawChar RawChar = True isRawChar EscapeChar{} = False ensureAscii :: ErrorConfig -> Parsec String -> Parsec String ensureAscii !err = filterS (filterStringNonAscii err) (not . all isAscii) ensureLatin1 :: ErrorConfig -> Parsec String -> Parsec String ensureLatin1 !err = filterS (filterStringNonLatin1 err) (not . all isLatin1) mkStringParsers :: Set (String, String) -> StringChar -> CharPredicate -> Bool -> ErrorConfig -> StringParsers mkStringParsers !ends !stringChar !isGraphic !allowsAllSpace !err = TextParsers {..} where ascii = stringLiteral (ensureAscii err) (labelStringAscii err) (labelStringAsciiEnd err) latin1 = stringLiteral (ensureLatin1 err) (labelStringLatin1 err) (labelStringLatin1End err) unicode = stringLiteral id (labelStringUnicode err) (labelStringUnicodeEnd err) stringLiteral :: (Parsec String -> Parsec String) -> (Bool -> Bool -> LabelWithExplainConfig) -> (Bool -> Bool -> LabelConfig) -> Parsec String stringLiteral valid openLabel closeLabel = choice (map (uncurry (makeStringParser valid openLabel closeLabel)) (Set.toList ends)) makeStringParser :: (Parsec String -> Parsec String) -> (Bool -> Bool -> LabelWithExplainConfig) -> (Bool -> Bool -> LabelConfig) -> String -> String -> Parsec String makeStringParser valid openLabel closeLabel begin end@(terminalInit : _) = let strChar = mkChar stringChar err (letter terminalInit allowsAllSpace isGraphic) in (annotate (openLabel allowsAllSpace (isRawChar stringChar)) (string begin) *>) . valid $ catMaybes <$> manyTill (Just <$> char terminalInit <|> strChar) (annotate (closeLabel allowsAllSpace (isRawChar stringChar)) (atomic (string end))) makeStringParser _ _ _ _ [] = error "string terminals cannot be empty" letter :: Char -> Bool -> CharPredicate -> CharPredicate letter !terminalLead !allowsAllSpace (Just g) | allowsAllSpace = Just $ \c -> c /= terminalLead && (g c || isSpace c) | otherwise = Just $ \c -> c /= terminalLead && g c letter _ _ Nothing = Nothing type Escape :: * data Escape = Escape { escapeCode :: !(Parsec Char) , escapeBegin :: !(Parsec ()) , escapeChar :: !(Parsec Char) } mkEscape :: EscapeDesc -> GenericNumeric -> ErrorConfig -> Escape mkEscape EscapeDesc{..} gen !err = Escape {..} where escapeBegin = annotate (labelEscapeSequence err) $ void (char escBegin) escapeCode = annotate (labelEscapeEnd err) $ escMapped <|> numericEscape escapeChar = escapeBegin *> escapeCode escs = foldr (\c -> Map.insert [c] c) mapping literals escMapped = trie (Map.map pure escs) numericEscape = decimalEsc <|> hexadecimalEsc <|> octalEsc <|> binaryEsc decimalEsc = fromDesc 10 decimalEscape (zeroAllowedDecimal gen notConfigured) digit hexadecimalEsc = fromDesc 16 hexadecimalEscape (zeroAllowedHexadecimal gen notConfigured) hexDigit octalEsc = fromDesc 8 octalEscape (zeroAllowedOctal gen notConfigured) octDigit binaryEsc = fromDesc 2 binaryEscape (zeroAllowedBinary gen notConfigured) bit boundedChar :: Parsec Integer -> Char -> Maybe Char -> Int -> Parsec Char boundedChar p maxValue prefix radix = annotate (labelEscapeNumeric err radix) $ foldr (\c t -> char c *> annotate (labelEscapeNumericEnd err c radix) t) (mapMaybeS config f p) prefix where config = filterEscapeCharNumericSequenceIllegal err maxValue radix f c | c < toInteger (ord maxValue) = Just (chr (fromInteger c)) | otherwise = Nothing atMost' :: Int -> Parsec Char -> Reg r Word -> Parsec Integer atMost' radix dig atMostR = -- FIXME: surely this is an inefficient mess with the translations? somel (\n d -> n * toInteger radix + toInteger (digitToInt d)) 0 (guardS (gets atMostR (> 0)) *> dig <* modify atMostR pred) atMost :: Word -> Int -> Parsec Char -> Parsec Integer atMost n radix dig = make n (atMost' radix dig) exactly :: Word -> Word -> Int -> Parsec Char -> NonEmpty Word -> Parsec Integer exactly n full radix dig reqDigits = make n $ \atMostR -> mapMaybeS' snd (filterEscapeCharRequiresExactDigits err radix reqDigits) (\(num, m) -> if m == full then Just num else Nothing) (atMost' radix dig atMostR <~> gets atMostR (full -)) oneOfExactly' :: NonEmpty Word -> Word -> Word -> [Word] -> Int -> Parsec Char -> Reg r Word -> Parsec Integer oneOfExactly' reqDigits digits m [] radix dig digitsParsed = exactly digits m radix dig reqDigits <* put digitsParsed digits oneOfExactly' reqDigits digits m (n:ns) radix dig digitsParsed = let theseDigits = exactly digits m radix dig reqDigits restDigits = atomic (Just <$> oneOfExactly' reqDigits (n - m) n ns radix dig digitsParsed <* modify digitsParsed (+ digits)) <|> put digitsParsed digits $> Nothing combine !x Nothing !_ = x -- digits is removed here, because it's been added before the get combine x (Just y) e = x * toInteger radix ^ (e - digits) + y in liftA3 combine theseDigits restDigits (get digitsParsed) oneOfExactly :: NonEmpty Word -> Int -> Parsec Char -> Parsec Integer oneOfExactly ns radix dig = let reqDigits@(m :| ms) = sort ns in unsafeMake (oneOfExactly' reqDigits m m ms radix dig) fromDesc :: Int -> NumericEscape -> Parsec Integer -> Parsec Char -> Parsec Char fromDesc !_ NumericIllegal !_ !_ = empty fromDesc radix NumericSupported{..} integer dig = case numDigits of Unbounded -> boundedChar integer maxValue prefix radix AtMost n -> boundedChar (atMost n radix dig) maxValue prefix radix Exactly ns -> boundedChar (oneOfExactly ns radix dig) maxValue prefix radix lexeme :: (forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec a) -> TextParsers t -> TextParsers t lexeme lexe TextParsers{..} = TextParsers { unicode = lexe unicode, ascii = lexe ascii, latin1 = lexe latin1 }