{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-} module Text.Gigaparsec.ExprTests where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Gigaparsec import Text.Gigaparsec.Char (digit) import Text.Gigaparsec.Expr import Text.Gigaparsec.Expr.Subtype import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Test (parseAll) import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.PlainString () import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Text.Gigaparsec.Expr.ChainTests qualified as Chain import Text.Gigaparsec.Expr.InfixTests qualified as Infix data Data = Bin Data Data | Un Data | Unit deriving stock (Eq, Show) data Comp = Less Expr Expr | OfExpr Expr deriving stock (Eq, Show) data Expr = Add Expr Term | OfTerm Term deriving stock (Eq, Show) data Term = Mul Factor Term | Mul' Term Factor | OfFactor Factor deriving stock (Eq, Show) data Factor = Neg Factor | OfAtom Atom deriving stock (Eq, Show) data Atom = Parens Comp | Num Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) instance Subtype Expr Comp where upcast = OfExpr instance Subtype Term Expr where upcast = OfTerm instance Subtype Factor Term where upcast = OfFactor instance Subtype Atom Factor where upcast = OfAtom instance Subtype Atom Term where upcast = upcast @Factor . upcast instance Subtype Atom Expr where upcast = upcast @Term . upcast instance Subtype Term Comp where upcast = upcast @Expr . upcast tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Expr" [ Chain.tests , Infix.tests , precTests ] precTests :: TestTree precTests = testGroup "precedence should" [ testCase "result in correct precedence" do let expr = precedence' (digitToInt <$> digit) [ ops InfixL ["*" $> (*)] , ops InfixL ["+" $> (+)]] parseAll expr "1+2*3+4" @?= Success 11 parseAll expr "1*2+3*4" @?= Success 14 , testCase "work for multiple operators at the same level" do let expr = precedence' (digitToInt <$> digit) [ops InfixL ["+" $> (+), "-" $> (-)]] parseAll expr "1+2-3+4" @?= Success 4 parseAll expr "1-2+3-4" @?= Success (-2) , testCase "work for mixed associativity operators" do let expr = precedence' (digitToInt <$> digit) [ ops InfixL ["*" $> (*)] , ops InfixR ["+" $> (+)]] parseAll expr "1+2*3+4" @?= Success 11 parseAll expr "1*2+3*4" @?= Success 14 , testCase "parse mathematical expressions" do let expr = precedence' (digitToInt <$> digit <|> "(" *> expr <* ")") [ ops Prefix ["-" $> negate] , ops InfixL ["/" $> div] , ops InfixR ["*" $> (*)] , ops InfixL ["+" $> (+), "-" $> (-)]] parseAll expr "(2+3)*8" @?= Success 40 parseAll expr "-3+4" @?= Success 1 parseAll expr "-(3+4)" @?= Success (-7) parseAll expr "(3+-7)*(-2--4)/2" @?= Success (-4) , testCase "parse prefix operators mixed with infix operators" do let expr = precedence' (digitToInt <$> digit <|> "(" *> expr <* ")") [ ops Prefix ["-" $> negate] , ops InfixL ["-" $> (-)]] parseAll expr "-1" @?= Success (-1) parseAll expr "2-1" @?= Success 1 parseAll expr "-2-1" @?= Success (-3) parseAll expr "-(2-1)" @?= Success (-1) parseAll expr "(-0)-1" @?= Success (-1) , testCase "be able to parse prefix operators weaker than an infix" do let expr = precedence' ("." $> Unit) [ ops InfixL [";" $> Bin] , ops Prefix ["~" $> Un]] parseAll expr "~.;." @?= Success (Un (Bin Unit Unit)) , testCase "generalise to sub-typed structures" do let expr = precedence $ sops InfixN ["<" $> Less] +< sops InfixL ["+" $> Add] +< sops InfixR ["*" $> Mul] +< sops Prefix ["-" $> Neg] +< Atom (Num . digitToInt <$> digit <|> "(" *> (Parens <$> expr) <* ")") parseAll expr "(7+8)*2+3+6*2" @?= Success (upcast (Add (Add (upcast (Mul (upcast (Parens (upcast (Add (upcast (Num 7)) (upcast (Num 8)))))) (upcast (Num 2)))) (upcast (Num 3))) (Mul (upcast (Num 6)) (upcast (Num 2))))) , testCase "generalise to non-monolithic structures" do let expr = precedence $ gops InfixN OfExpr ["<" $> Less] +< gops InfixL OfTerm ["+" $> Add] +< gops InfixR OfFactor ["*" $> Mul] +< gops Prefix OfAtom ["-" $> Neg] +< Atom (Num . digitToInt <$> digit <|> "(" *> (Parens <$> expr) <* ")") parseAll expr "(7+8)*2+3+6*2<4" @?= Success (Less (Add (Add (upcast (Mul (upcast (Parens (upcast (Add (upcast (Num 7)) (upcast (Num 8)))))) (upcast (Num 2)))) (upcast (Num 3))) (Mul (upcast (Num 6)) (upcast (Num 2)))) (upcast (Num 4))) , testCase "generalise to non-monolithic structures with more than one chainl1" do let expr = precedence $ Atom (Num . digitToInt <$> digit <|> "(" *> (Parens <$> expr) <* ")") >+ gops Prefix OfAtom ["-" $> Neg] >+ gops InfixL OfFactor ["*" $> Mul'] >+ gops InfixL OfTerm ["+" $> Add] >+ gops InfixN OfExpr ["<" $> Less] parseAll expr "1*(2+3)" @?= Success (upcast (Mul' (upcast (Num 1)) (upcast (Parens (upcast (Add (upcast (Num 2)) (upcast (Num 3)))))))) ]