module Text.Gigaparsec.Expr.ChainTests where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Gigaparsec import Text.Gigaparsec.Char (digit) import Text.Gigaparsec.Expr.Chain import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Test (parseAll, ensureFails) import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.PlainString () import Data.Char (digitToInt) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Chain" [ postfixTests , postfix1Tests , prefixTests , prefix1Tests , chainr1Tests , chainrTests , chainl1Tests , chainlTests ] postfixTests :: TestTree postfixTests = testGroup "postfix should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do parseAll (postfix ("1" $> 1) ("+" $> succ)) "1" @?= Success 1 , testCase "parse all operators that follow" do parseAll (postfix ("1" $> 1) ("+" $> succ)) "1++++++++++++++" @?= Success 15 , testCase "fail if an operator fails after consuming input" do ensureFails (postfix ("1" $> 1) ("++" $> succ)) "1+++++++++++++++" ] postfix1Tests :: TestTree postfix1Tests = testGroup "postfix1 should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do ensureFails (postfix1 id ("1" $> 1) ("+" $> succ)) "1" parseAll (postfix1 id ("1" $> 1) ("+" $> succ)) "1+" @?= Success 2 , testCase "parse all operators that follow" do parseAll (postfix1 id ("1" $> 1) ("+" $> succ)) "1++++++++++++++" @?= Success 15 , testCase "fail if an operator fails after consuming input" do ensureFails (postfix1 id ("1" $> 1) ("++" $> succ)) "1+++++++++++++++" ] prefixTests :: TestTree prefixTests = testGroup "prefix should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do parseAll (prefix ("+" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "1" @?= Success 1 , testCase "parse all operators that follow" do parseAll (prefix ("+" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "++++++++++++++1" @?= Success 15 , testCase "fail if an operator fails after consuming input" do ensureFails (prefix ("++" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "+++++++++++++++1" ] prefix1Tests :: TestTree prefix1Tests = testGroup "prefix1 should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do ensureFails (prefix1 id ("+" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "1" parseAll (prefix1 id ("+" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "+1" @?= Success 2 , testCase "parse all operators that follow" do parseAll (prefix1 id ("+" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "++++++++++++++1" @?= Success 15 , testCase "fail if an operator fails after consuming input" do ensureFails (prefix1 id ("++" $> succ) ("1" $> 1)) "+++++++++++++++1" ] chainr1Tests :: TestTree chainr1Tests = testGroup "chainr1 should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do let p = chainr1 ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+)) parseAll p "11" @?= Success 1 ensureFails p "1" ensureFails p "2" , testCase "parse all operators and values that follow" do parseAll (chainr1 ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+))) "11+11+11+11+11" @?= Success 5 , testCase "apply the functions with the correct associativity" do parseAll (chainr1 (digitToInt <$> digit) ("%" $> mod)) "6%5%2%7" @?= Success 0 , testCase "fail if an operator or p fails after consuming input" do let p = chainr1 ("11" $> 1) ("++" $> (+)) ensureFails p "11+11+11+11+11" ensureFails p "11++11++11++1++11" ] chainrTests :: TestTree chainrTests = testGroup "chainr should" [ testCase "allow for no initial value" do let p = chainr ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+)) 0 parseAll p "" @?= Success 0 ensureFails p "1" ] chainl1Tests :: TestTree chainl1Tests = testGroup "chainl1 should" [ testCase "require an initial value" do let p = chainl1 ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+)) parseAll p "11" @?= Success 1 ensureFails p "1" ensureFails p "2" , testCase "parse all operators and values that follow" do parseAll (chainl1 ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+))) "11+11+11+11+11" @?= Success 5 , testCase "apply the functions with the correct associativity" do parseAll (chainl1 (digitToInt <$> digit) ("%" $> mod)) "6%5%2%7" @?= Success 1 , testCase "fail if an operator or p fails after consuming input" do let p = chainl1 ("11" $> 1) ("++" $> (+)) ensureFails p "11+11+11+11+11" ensureFails p "11++11++11++1++11" ] chainlTests :: TestTree chainlTests = testGroup "chainl should" [ testCase "allow for no initial value" do let p = chainl ("11" $> 1) ("+" $> (+)) 0 parseAll p "" @?= Success 0 ensureFails p "1" parse p "2" @?= Success 0 ]