module Text.Gigaparsec.CombinatorTests where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Monad import Text.Gigaparsec import Text.Gigaparsec.Char import Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Test tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Combinator" [ choiceTests , optionTests , decideTests , fromMaybeSTests , optionalTests , manyNTests , skipManyNTests , sepByTests , sepBy1Tests , sepEndByTests , sepEndBy1Tests , endByTests , endBy1Tests , manyTillTests , someTillTests , countTests , exactlyTests , rangeTests , range_Tests , countRangeTests ] choiceTests :: TestTree choiceTests = testGroup "choice should" [ testCase "fail if given the empty list" do ensureFails @() (choice []) "" , testCase "behave like p for [p]" do (choice [char 'a'] ~~ char 'a') ["", "a", "b"] , testCase "parse in order" do parse (choice [string "a", string "b", string "bc"]) "bcd" @?= Success "b" , testCase "fail if none of the parsers succeed" do ensureFails (choice [string "a", string "b", string "bc"]) "c" ] optionTests :: TestTree optionTests = testGroup "option should" [ testCase "succeed with Just if p succeeds" do parse (option (char 'a')) "a" @?= Success (Just 'a') , testCase "succeed with Nothing if p fails withot consumption" do parse (option (char 'a')) "b" @?= Success Nothing , testCase "fail if p fails with consumption" do ensureFails (option (string "ab")) "a" ] decideTests :: TestTree decideTests = testGroup "decide should" [ testCase "succeed for Just" do parse (decide (Just <$> char 'a')) "a" @?= Success 'a' , testCase "fail for Nothing" do ensureFails @() (decide (pure Nothing)) "" , testCase "compose with option to become identity" do let id' = decide . option (id' (pure 7) ~~ pure 7) [""] (id' (char 'a') ~~ char 'a') ["", "a"] (id' (string "ab") ~~ string "ab") ["", "a", "ab"] ] fromMaybeSTests :: TestTree fromMaybeSTests = testGroup "fromMaybeS should" [ testCase "succeed for Just" do parse (fromMaybeS (pure 'b') (Just <$> char 'a')) "a" @?= Success 'a' , testCase "succeed for None" do parse (fromMaybeS (pure 'b') (Nothing <$ char 'a')) "a" @?= Success 'b' ] optionalTests :: TestTree optionalTests = testGroup "optional should" [ testCase "succeed if p succeeds" do parse (optional (char 'a')) "a" @?= Success () , testCase "also succeed if p fails without consumption" do parse (optional (char 'a')) "b" @?= Success () , testCase "fail if p failed with consumption" do ensureFails (optional (string "ab")) "a" ] manyNTests :: TestTree manyNTests = testGroup "manyN should" [ testCase "ensure that n are parsed" do forM_ [0..10] \n -> do parse (manyN n item) (replicate n 'a') @?= Success (replicate n 'a') ensureFails (manyN (n + 1) item) (replicate n 'a') , testCase "not care if more are present" do forM_ [0..10] \n -> parse (manyN n item) (replicate (n + 1) 'a') @?= Success (replicate (n + 1) 'a') ] skipManyNTests :: TestTree skipManyNTests = testGroup "skipManyN should" [ testCase "ensure that n are parsed" do forM_ [0..10] \n -> do parse (skipManyN n item) (replicate n 'a') @?= Success () ensureFails (skipManyN (n + 1) item) (replicate n 'a') , testCase "not care if more are present" do forM_ [0..10] \n -> parse (skipManyN n item) (replicate (n + 1) 'a') @?= Success () ] sepByTests :: TestTree sepByTests = testGroup "sepBy should" [ testCase "accept empty input" do parse (sepBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "" @?= Success [] , testCase "parse more than 1" do parse (sepBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "aba" @?= Success ['a', 'a'] ] sepBy1Tests :: TestTree sepBy1Tests = testGroup "sepBy1 should" [ testCase "not allow sep at the end of chain" do ensureFails p "ab" , testCase "be able to parse 2 or more p" do parse p "aba" @?= Success ['a', 'a'] parse p "ababa" @?= Success ['a', 'a', 'a'] parse p "abababa" @?= Success ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a'] , testCase "require a p" do ensureFails p "" parse p "a" @?= Success ['a'] ] where p = sepBy1 (char 'a') (char 'b') sepEndByTests :: TestTree sepEndByTests = testGroup "sepEndBy should" [ testCase "accept empty input" do parse (sepEndBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "" @?= Success [] , testCase "parse more than 1" do parse (sepEndBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "aba" @?= Success ['a', 'a'] ] sepEndBy1Tests :: TestTree sepEndBy1Tests = testGroup "sepEndBy1 should" [ testCase "require a p" do ensureFails p "" , testCase "not require sep at end of chain" do parse p "aa" @?= Success ["aa"] , testCase "be able to parse 2 or more p" do parse p "aabbaa" @?= Success ["aa", "aa"] parse p "aabbaabbaa" @?= Success ["aa", "aa", "aa"] , testCase "be able to parse a final sep" do parse p "aabb" @?= Success ["aa"] parse p "aabbaabb" @?= Success ["aa", "aa"] parse p "aabbaabbaabb" @?= Success ["aa", "aa", "aa"] , testCase "fail if p fails after consuming input" do ensureFails p "aabab" , testCase "fail if sep fails after consuming input" do ensureFails p "aab" ] where p = sepEndBy1 (string "aa") (string "bb") endByTests :: TestTree endByTests = testGroup "endBy should" [ testCase "accept empty input" do parse (endBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "" @?= Success [] , testCase "parse more than 1" do parse (endBy (char 'a') (char 'b')) "abab" @?= Success ['a', 'a'] ] endBy1Tests :: TestTree endBy1Tests = testGroup "endBy1 should" [ testCase "require a p" do ensureFails p "" , testCase "require a sep at the end of chain" do ensureFails p "aa" parse p "aabb" @?= Success ["aa"] , testCase "be able to parse 2 or more p" do parse p "aabbaabb" @?= Success ["aa", "aa"] parse p "aabbaabbaabb" @?= Success ["aa", "aa", "aa"] , testCase "fail if p fails after consuming input" do ensureFails p "aaba" ] where p = endBy1 (string "aa") (string "bb") manyTillTests :: TestTree manyTillTests = testGroup "manyTill should" [ testCase "require an end" do ensureFails p "aa" parse p "ab" @?= Success ['a'] , testCase "parse the end without result" do parse p "b" @?= Success [] , testCase "parse p until the end is found" do parse p "aaaaaaaaaab" @?= Success (replicate 10 'a') ensureFails (manyTill (string "aa") (char 'b')) "aaab" ] where p = manyTill (char 'a') (char 'b') someTillTests :: TestTree someTillTests = testGroup "someTill should" [ testCase "parse at least 1 p" do parse p "ab" @?= Success ['a'] ensureFails p "a" ensureFails p "b" ] where p = someTill (char 'a') (char 'b') countTests :: TestTree countTests = testGroup "count should" [ testCase "report how many successful parses occurred" do parse p "" @?= Success 0 ensureFails q "" parse p "ab" @?= Success 1 parse q "ab" @?= Success 1 parse p "ababab" @?= Success 3 parse q "ababab" @?= Success 3 , testCase "not allow partial results" do ensureFails p "aba" ] where p = count (string "ab") q = count1 (string "ab") exactlyTests :: TestTree exactlyTests = testGroup "exactly should" [ testCase "should be pure [] for n <= 0" do (exactly 0 (char 'a') ~~ pure []) ["", "a"] (exactly (-1) (char 'a') ~~ pure []) ["", "a"] , testCase "should parse n times for n > 0" do forM_ [0..100] \n -> parse (exactly n (char 'a')) (replicate n 'a') @?= Success (replicate n 'a') , testCase "fail if n inputs are not present" do ensureFails (exactly 2 (char 'a')) "a" ] rangeTests :: TestTree rangeTests = testGroup "range should" [ testCase "collect results up instead of count" do ensureFails p "a" parse p "ab" @?= Success ['a', 'b'] parse p "abc" @?= Success ['a', 'b', 'c'] parse p "abcd" @?= Success ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] parse p "abcde" @?= Success ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] parse q "abcdef" @?= Success ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] , testCase "should act as pure [] when range is bad" do (range (-1) 3 item ~~ pure []) ["", "a"] (range 2 1 item ~~ pure []) ["", "a"] ] where p = range 2 5 item <* eof q = range 2 5 item <* char 'f' range_Tests :: TestTree range_Tests = testGroup "range_ should" [ testCase "perform a range with no results" do ensureFails p "a" parse p "ab" @?= Success () parse p "abc" @?= Success () parse p "abcd" @?= Success () parse p "abcde" @?= Success () parse q "abcdef" @?= Success () , testCase "should act as unit when range is bad" do (range_ (-1) 3 item ~~ unit) ["", "a"] (range_ 2 1 item ~~ unit) ["", "a"] ] where p = range_ 2 5 item <* eof q = range_ 2 5 item <* char 'f' countRangeTests :: TestTree countRangeTests = testGroup "countRange should" [ testCase "count the parses within the range" do ensureFails p "ab" parse p "abab" @?= Success 2 parse p "ababab" @?= Success 3 parse p "abababab" @?= Success 4 parse p "ababababab" @?= Success 5 parse p "abababababab" @?= Success 5 ensureFails p "ababababa" ensureFails q "ab" parse q "abab" @?= Success 2 parse q "ababab" @?= Success 3 parse q "abababab" @?= Success 4 parse q "ababababab" @?= Success 5 parse q "abababababab" @?= Success 5 parse q "ababababa" @?= Success 4 , testCase "should act as unit when range is bad" do (countRange (-1) 3 item ~~ pure 0) ["", "a"] (countRange 2 1 item ~~ pure 0) ["", "a"] ] where p = countRange 2 5 (string "ab") q = countRange 2 5 (atomic (string "ab"))