{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} module Text.Gigaparsec.CharTests where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Text.Gigaparsec import Text.Gigaparsec.Char import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Require import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Test tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Char" [ satisfyTests , charTests , stringTests , satisfyMapTests , oneOfTests , noneOfTests , stringsTests , trieTests ] satisfyTests :: TestTree satisfyTests = testGroup "satisfy should" [ testCase "be pure if it cannot read" do pureParse (satisfy (const False)) pureParseWith (satisfy (== 'a')) "" pureParseWith (satisfy (== 'a')) "b" , testCase "be impure otherwise" do impureParseWith (satisfy (== 'a')) "a" , testCase "return the parsed character" do parse item "a" @?= Success 'a' parse item "ba" @?= Success 'b' parse item "\NUL" @?= Success '\NUL' , testCase "fail otherwise" do ensureFails (satisfy (== 'b')) "" ensureFails item "" ensureFails (satisfy (== 'b')) "a" ] charTests :: TestTree charTests = testGroup "char should" [ testCase "be pure if it cannot read" do pureParseWith (char 'a') "" pureParseWith (char 'a') "b" , testCase "be impure otherwise" do impureParseWith (char 'a') "a" , testCase "return the parsed character" do parse (char 'a') "a" @?= Success 'a' , testCase "fail otherwise" do ensureFails (char 'a') "" ensureFails (char 'a') "b" ] stringTests :: TestTree stringTests = testGroup "string should" [ testCase "reject the empty string" (throws @RequirementUnsatisfied (parse (string "") "")) -- don't ask why `string ""` doesn't work all the time , testCase "be pure if it cannot read at all" do pureParseWith (string "abc") "" pureParseWith (string "abc") "123" , testCase "be impure if there is a partial read" do impureParseWith (string "abc") "abd" , testCase "be impure if full read" do impureParseWith (string "abc") "abc" , testCase "return the parsed string" do parse (string "123") "123" @?= Success "123" , testCase "fail otherwise" do ensureFails (string "123") "124" ensureFails (string "123") "12" ] satisfyMapTests :: TestTree satisfyMapTests = testGroup "satisfyMap should" [ testCase "fail when invalid" do ensureFails p "" ensureFails p "a" , testCase "succeed performing the mapping otherwise" do parse p "4" @?= Success 4 parse p "9" @?= Success 9 ] where p = satisfyMap (\c -> digitToInt c <$ guard (isDigit c)) oneOfTests :: TestTree oneOfTests = testGroup "oneOf should" [ testCase "fail when given no characters" do pureParse p ensureFails p "" ensureFails p "a" , testCase "act like character given one character" do pureParseWith q "" pureParseWith q "b" impureParseWith q "a" parse q "a" @?= Success 'a' ensureFails q "" ensureFails q "b" , testCase "parse within a contiguous range" do pureParseWith r "" pureParseWith r "a" forM_ @[] ['0'..'9'] $ \c -> do impureParseWith r (pure c) parse r (pure c) @?= Success c ensureFails r "a" ensureFails r "\NUL" ensureFails r ":" ensureFails r "/" , testCase "parse any other sets" do pureParseWith s "" pureParseWith s "a" forM_ @[] ['.', ';', ',', ':'] $ \c -> do impureParseWith s (pure c) parse s (pure c) @?= Success c ensureFails s "a" ensureFails s "\NUL" ] where p = oneOf [] q = oneOf ['a'] r = oneOf ['0' .. '9'] s = oneOf ['.', ';', ',', ':'] noneOfTests :: TestTree noneOfTests = testGroup "oneOf should" [ testCase "act like item when given no characters" do pureParseWith p "" ensureFails p "" parse p "a" @?= Success 'a' parse p "\ACK" @?= Success '\ACK' , testCase "accept all but a specific character" do pureParseWith q "" pureParseWith q "a" impureParseWith q "b" parse q "5" @?= Success '5' ensureFails q "" ensureFails q "a" , testCase "parse within a contiguous range" do pureParseWith r "" impureParseWith r "a" forM_ @[] ['0'..'9'] $ \c -> do pureParseWith r (pure c) ensureFails r (pure c) parse r "a" @?= Success 'a' parse r "\NUL" @?= Success '\NUL' parse r ":" @?= Success ':' parse r "/" @?= Success '/' , testCase "parse any other sets" do pureParseWith s "" impureParseWith s "a" forM_ @[] ['.', ';', ',', ':'] $ \c -> do pureParseWith s (pure c) ensureFails s (pure c) parse s "a" @?= Success 'a' parse s "\NUL" @?= Success '\NUL' ] where p = noneOf [] q = noneOf ['a'] r = noneOf ['0' .. '9'] s = noneOf ['.', ';', ',', ':'] stringsTests :: TestTree stringsTests = testGroup "strings should" [ testCase "reject any empty strings" do throws @RequirementUnsatisfied (strings ["abc", "323", ""]) , testCase "have longest match behaviour" do parse p "hello" @?= Success "hello" parse p "hell" @?= Success "hell" parse p "he" @?= Success "h" parse p "123" @?= Success "123" parse p "124" @?= Success "1" , testCase "reject anything outside of the set" do ensureFails p "543" ensureFails p "good" ] where p = strings ["hell", "hello", "h", "123", "1"] trieTests :: TestTree trieTests = testGroup "trie should" [ testCase "reject any empty strings" do throws @RequirementUnsatisfied (trie' ["" --> unit]) , testCase "have longest match behaviour" do parse p "hello" @?= Success "hello" parse p "hell" @?= Success "hell" parse p "h" @?= Success "h" parse p "he" @?= Success "h" parse p "hi" @?= Success "hi" parse p "good" @?= Success "good" parse p "goodby" @?= Success "good" parse p "goodbye" @?= Success "goodbye" , testCase "reject anything outside of the set" do ensureFails p "543" ensureFails p "god" ] where p = trie' [ "h" --> atomic (trie' [ "ell" --> trie' ["o" --> pure "hello"] <|> pure "hell" , "i" --> pure "hi" ]) <|> pure "h" , "good" --> atomic (trie' ["bye" --> pure "goodbye"]) <|> pure "good" ] infix 0 --> (-->) = (,) trie' = trie . Map.fromList