{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

-- |
-- Module      : JavaScript.WebSockets.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2015
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : ghcjs
-- Low-level API for the 'Connection' socket wrapper, for situations like
-- debugging when things exported by "JavaScript.WebSockets" is not enough.
-- Most everyday usage should be covered by the aforementioned module, so
-- don't import this unless you really really have to.

module JavaScript.WebSockets.Internal (
  -- * Types
  -- ** Data types
  , SocketMsg(..)
  , ConnClosing(..)
  , Socket
  -- ** Typeclasses
  , WSSendable(..)
  , WSReceivable(..)
  -- ** Exceptions
  , ConnectionException(..)
  -- * Manipulating and inspecting 'Connection's
  , openConnectionImmediate
  , closeConnection
  , closeConnectionLeftovers
  , clearConnectionQueue
  , dumpConnectionQueue
  , connectionClosed
  , connectionCloseReason
  , connectionStateCode
  -- * Sending and receiving
  , sendMessage
  , receiveMessageMaybe
  -- * Connection mutex
  , withConnBlock
  , withConnBlockMasked
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad             (void, join, when)
import Data.Binary               (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy      (ByteString, fromStrict, toStrict)
import Data.IORef                (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe                (isJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Text as T            (Text, unpack, append)
import Data.Text.Encoding        (decodeUtf8', encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8)
import Data.Traversable          (mapM)
import Data.Typeable             (Typeable)
import JavaScript.Blob           (Blob, isBlob, readBlob)
import JavaScript.WebSockets.FFI
import Prelude hiding            (mapM)
import Unsafe.Coerce             (unsafeCoerce)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64      as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64L

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import GHCJS.Foreign             (jsTrue, setProp, newObj, toJSString
                                , fromArray, getPropMaybe, fromJSBool
                                , newArray, jsNull, fromJSString )
import GHCJS.Marshal             (fromJSRef)
import GHCJS.Types               (JSRef, JSString, isNull)
import JavaScript.NoGHCJS

-- | Encapsulates a (reference to a) Javascript Websocket connection.  Can
-- be created/accessed with either 'openConnection' or (preferably)
-- 'withUrl'.
-- Care must be taken to close the connection once you are done if using
-- 'openConnection', or unprocessed messages and callbacks will continue to
-- queue up.
data Connection = Connection { -- | JSRef to JS Websocket object
                               _connSocket     :: Socket
                               -- | JSRef to JSArray of queued incoming
                               -- messages, managed directly in FFI
                             , _connQueue      :: ConnectionQueue
                               -- | JSRef to JSArray of queue of waiting
                               -- receivers, managed directly in FFI
                             , _connWaiters    :: ConnectionWaiters
                               -- | Text of server socket was originally
                               -- opened with
                             , _connOrigin     :: Text
                               -- | IORef with Nothing if the connection is
                               -- still open and @Just reason@ if it's
                               -- closed, with the reason
                             , _connClosed     :: IORef (Maybe ConnClosing)
                               -- | Mutex for thread-safe manipulation
                             , _connBlock      :: MVar ()

-- | Sum type over the data that can be sent or received through
-- a JavaScript websocket.
-- What an incoming message is classified as depends on the Javascript
-- Websockets API <http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/>, which provides
-- a "typed" input channel of either text or binary blob.
-- There are several convenience functions to help you never have to deal
-- with this explicitly; its main purpose is if you want to explicitly
-- branch on a 'receiveMessage' depending on what kind of message you
-- receive and do separate things. 'receiveText' and 'receiveData' will
-- both allow you to "filter" incoming messages by their type.
data SocketMsg = SocketMsgText Text
               | SocketMsgData ByteString
               deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

-- | Data type containing information on 'Connection' closes.
-- *  'ManualClose': Closed by the Haskell 'JavaScript.WebSockets'
--    interface, using 'closeConnection' or variants.
-- *  'JSClose': Closed on the Javascript end, either by a connection error
--    or server request, or what have you.  Contains information from the
--    Javascript Websockets API
--    <http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#event-definitions>.
--    The first field is whether or not it was a clean close; the second
--    field is the closing reason code; the third field is a 'Text' with
--    the reason given by the Websockets API.
-- *  'OpenInterupptedClose': There was an unexpected error encountered
--    when attempting to open the connection.
-- *  'UnexpectedClose': Otherwise uncategorized closed status, with
--    a 'Text' field offering a reason.
data ConnClosing = ManualClose
                 | JSClose (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
                 | OpenInterruptedClose
                 | UnexpectedClose Text
                 deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An exception that may be thrown when using the various 'Connection'
-- operations.  Right now, only includes 'ConnectionClosed', which is
-- thrown when using an "unsafe" @receive@ on a closed 'Connection', or if
-- a 'Connection' closes while an unsafe @receive@ is waiting.
data ConnectionException = ConnectionClosed { _socketOrigin :: Text }
                         deriving (Eq, Typeable)
-- TODO: Other exceptions!  Open? Send?

instance Show ConnectionException where
    show (ConnectionClosed o) = T.unpack $ T.append "Error: Waiting on closed connection " o
instance Exception ConnectionException

-- | A typeclass offering a gratuitous abstraction over what can be sent
-- through a 'Connection'.  Allows you to wrap things in a 'SocketMsg'
-- automatically.  The only instances that should really ever exist are
-- 'Text' and instances of 'Binary'.
class WSSendable s where
    wrapSendable :: s -> SocketMsg

-- | A typeclass offering a gratuitous abstraction over what can be
-- received through a 'Connection'.  Allows you to unwrap things in
-- a 'SocketMsg' automatically.  The only instances that should really ever
-- exist are 'Text' and instances of 'Binary'.
class WSReceivable s where
    unwrapReceivable :: SocketMsg -> Either SocketMsg s

instance WSSendable Text where
    wrapSendable = SocketMsgText

instance Binary a => WSSendable a where
    wrapSendable = SocketMsgData . encode

instance WSReceivable Text where
    unwrapReceivable (SocketMsgText t) = Right t
    unwrapReceivable i@(SocketMsgData d) = f . decodeUtf8' . toStrict $ d
        f (Right t) = Right t
        f _         = Left i

instance Binary a => WSReceivable a where
    unwrapReceivable inc =
        case decodeOrFail bs of
          Right (_,_,x) -> Right x
          Left   _      -> Left inc
        bs = case inc of
               SocketMsgText t -> fromStrict (encodeUtf8 t)
               SocketMsgData d -> d

-- | A version of 'openConnection' that doesn't wait for the connection to
-- be opened.  Returns an 'MVar' where the connection can be expected to be
-- placed when it is opened.
openConnectionImmediate :: Text -> IO (MVar Connection)
openConnectionImmediate url = do
    queue   <- newArray
    waiters <- newArray
    socket  <- ws_newSocket (toJSString url) queue waiters
    closed  <- newIORef Nothing
    block   <- newMVar ()
    let conn = Connection socket queue waiters url closed block
    outp    <- newEmptyMVar
    _       <- forkIO $ handleClose conn
    -- TODO: Opening errors
    _       <- forkIO $ handleOpen conn outp
    return outp

_dudConnection :: Text -> ConnClosing -> IO Connection
_dudConnection url closing = Connection jsNull
                         <$> newArray
                         <*> newArray
                         <*> pure url
                         <*> newIORef (Just closing)
                         <*> newMVar ()

handleOpen :: Connection -> MVar Connection -> IO ()
handleOpen conn connMVar =
    bracketOnError (return ())
                   (\_ -> _closeConnection OpenInterruptedClose False conn)
                  $ \_ -> do
                      _ <- ws_handleOpen (_connSocket conn)
                      putMVar connMVar conn

handleClose :: Connection -> IO ()
handleClose conn = do
    connState <- connectionStateCode conn
    when (connState < 3) . handle handler $ do
      closeEvent <- ws_handleClose (_connSocket conn)
      wasClean   <- fmap fromJSBool <$> getPropMaybe ("wasClean" :: Text) closeEvent
      code       <- fmap join . mapM fromJSRef =<< getPropMaybe ("code" :: Text) closeEvent
      reason     <- fmap fromJSString <$> getPropMaybe ("reason" :: Text) closeEvent
      let jsClose = JSClose wasClean code reason
      _ <- _closeConnection jsClose False conn
      return ()
    -- TODO: any way to reasonably restore the handler?
    handler :: SomeAsyncException -> IO ()
    handler _ = void $ _closeConnection (UnexpectedClose reason) False conn
        reason = "Close handler interrupted with Asynchronous Exception."

-- | Manually closes the given 'Connection'.  It un-blocks all threads
-- currently waiting on the connection and disables all sending and
-- receiving in the future.
-- The result is a list of all messages received by the connection but not
-- yet retrieved by 'receive', etc. on the Haskell end.
-- To close and ignore leftovers, use 'closeConnection'.
closeConnectionLeftovers :: Connection -> IO [SocketMsg]
closeConnectionLeftovers = _closeConnection ManualClose True

-- | Manually closes the given 'Connection'.  Will un-block all threads
-- currently waiting on the 'Connection' for messages (releasing their
-- callbacks) and disable sending and receiving in the future.
-- All leftover messages that were never processed on the Haskell end will
-- be deleted; use 'dumpConnectionQueue' to manually fetch them before
-- closing, or 'closeConnectionLeftovers' to recover them while closing.
closeConnection :: Connection -> IO ()
closeConnection = void . _closeConnection ManualClose False

_closeConnection :: ConnClosing -> Bool -> Connection -> IO [SocketMsg]
_closeConnection cclsing dump conn = withConnBlockMasked conn $ do
    closed <- isJust <$> readIORef (_connClosed conn)
    connState <- connectionStateCode conn
    if closed || connState < 3
        return []
      else do
        writeIORef (_connClosed conn) (Just cclsing)
        ws_closeSocket (_connSocket conn)
        ws_clearWaiters (_connWaiters conn)
        outp <- if dump
          then _dumpConnectionQueue conn
          else [] <$ ws_clearQueue (_connQueue conn)
        return outp

-- | Clears the message queue (messages waiting to be 'receive'd) on the
-- given 'Connection'.  Is essentially a no-op on closed connections.
clearConnectionQueue :: Connection -> IO ()
clearConnectionQueue conn = withConnBlockMasked conn $ do
    closed <- isJust <$> readIORef (_connClosed conn)
    when closed $ ws_clearQueue (_connQueue conn)

-- | Returns all incoming messages received by the socket and queued for
-- retrieval using 'receive' functions.  Empties the queue.
dumpConnectionQueue :: Connection -> IO [SocketMsg]
dumpConnectionQueue conn = withConnBlockMasked conn $
    _dumpConnectionQueue conn

-- | Execute process with the connection mutex lock in effect.  Will wait
-- until the lock is released before starting, if lock was already in
-- place.
-- Will break almost every 'Connection' function if you run one while this
-- is in effect, because almost all of them require the lock to begin.
withConnBlock :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
withConnBlock conn f = withMVar (_connBlock conn) (const f)

-- | Execute process with the connection mutex lock in effect, with
-- asynchronos exceptions masked (See "Control.Exception").  Will wait
-- until the lock is released before starting, if lock was already in
-- place.
-- Will break almost every 'Connection' function if you run one while this
-- is in effect, because almost all of them require the lock to begin.
withConnBlockMasked :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
withConnBlockMasked conn f = withMVarMasked (_connBlock conn) (const f)

_dumpConnectionQueue :: Connection -> IO [SocketMsg]
_dumpConnectionQueue conn = do
    msgsRefs <- fromArray (_connQueue conn)
    results  <- catMaybes <$> mapM _loadJSMessage msgsRefs
    ws_clearQueue (_connQueue conn)
    return results

-- | Check if the given 'Connection' is closed.  Returns a 'Bool'.  To
-- check *why* it was closed, see 'connectionCloseReason'.
connectionClosed :: Connection -> IO Bool
connectionClosed = fmap isJust . connectionCloseReason

-- | Returns @Nothing@ if the given 'Connection' is still open, or @Just
-- closing@ containing a 'ConnClosing' with information on why the
-- connection was closed.
-- For just a 'Bool' saying whether or not the connection is closed, try
-- 'connectionClosed'.
connectionCloseReason :: Connection -> IO (Maybe ConnClosing)
connectionCloseReason conn = withConnBlock conn $
    readIORef (_connClosed conn)

-- | Returns the "readyState" of the connection's javascript websockets
-- API: 0 is connecting, 1 is open, 2 is closing, and 3 is closed.
-- Shouldn't really be used except for debugging purposes.  Use
-- 'connectionCloseReason' whenever possible to get information in a nice
-- haskelley sum type.
connectionStateCode :: Connection -> IO Int
connectionStateCode conn = withConnBlock conn $
    ws_readyState (_connSocket conn)

-- | Sends the given 'SocketMsg' through the given 'Connection'.
-- A 'SocketMsg' is a sum type of either 'SocketMsgText t', containing
-- (strict) 'Text', or 'SocketMsgData d', containing a (lazy) 'ByteString'.
-- Returns 'True' if the connection is open, and 'False' if it is closed.
-- In the future will return more feedback about whether or not the send
-- was completed succesfully.
sendMessage :: Connection -> SocketMsg -> IO Bool
sendMessage conn msg = do
  closed <- connectionClosed conn
  if closed
      return False
    else do
      -- TODO: Validate send here
      ws_socketSend (_connSocket conn) (outgoingData msg)
      return True
    outgoingData (SocketMsgText t) = toJSString . decodeUtf8 . B64.encode . encodeUtf8 $ t
    outgoingData (SocketMsgData d) = toJSString . decodeUtf8 . toStrict . B64L.encode $ d

-- | Block and wait until the 'Connection' receives any message, and
-- returns the message wrapped in a 'SocketMsg'.  A 'SocketMsg' is a sum
-- type of either 'SocketMsgText t', containing (strict) 'Text', or
-- 'SocketMsgData d', containing a (lazy) 'ByteString'.
-- Will return 'Just msg' as soon as any message is received, or 'Nothing'
-- if the 'Connection' closes first.  Returns 'Nothing' immediately if the
-- 'Connection' is already closed.
receiveMessageMaybe :: Connection -> IO (Maybe SocketMsg)
receiveMessageMaybe conn = do
  closed <- connectionClosed conn
  if closed
    then return Nothing
    else do
      waiterKilled <- newObj
              -- set to ignore waiter if thread has died
      msg <- ws_awaitConn (_connQueue conn) (_connWaiters conn) waiterKilled
              `onException` setProp ("k" :: JSString) jsTrue waiterKilled
      _loadJSMessage msg

_loadJSMessage :: JSRef a -> IO (Maybe SocketMsg)
_loadJSMessage msg | isNull msg = return Nothing
                   | otherwise  = do
    blb <- isBlob msg
    if blb
      then do
        let blob = unsafeCoerce msg :: Blob
        readed <- fromStrict <$> readBlob blob
        return (Just (SocketMsgData readed))
      else do
        let blob = unsafeCoerce msg :: JSString
        return . Just . SocketMsgText . fromJSString $ blob