{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} module CompletionTests (tests) where import Control.Lens ((^.)) import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Default import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import Data.Row import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat (GhcVersion (..), ghcVersion) import Development.IDE.Test (waitForTypecheck) import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Ide.Plugin.Config import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types hiding (SemanticTokenAbsolute (..), SemanticTokenRelative (..), SemanticTokensEdit (..), mkRange) import Language.LSP.Test import System.FilePath import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import TestUtils tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "completion" [ testGroup "non local" nonLocalCompletionTests , testGroup "topLevel" topLevelCompletionTests , testGroup "local" localCompletionTests , testGroup "package" packageCompletionTests , testGroup "project" projectCompletionTests , testGroup "other" otherCompletionTests , testGroup "doc" completionDocTests ] completionTest :: HasCallStack => String -> [T.Text] -> Position -> [(T.Text, CompletionItemKind, T.Text, Bool, Bool, Maybe [TextEdit])] -> TestTree completionTest name src pos expected = testSessionWait name $ do docId <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines src) _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getAndResolveCompletions docId pos let compls' = [ (_label, _kind, _insertText, _additionalTextEdits) | CompletionItem{..} <- compls] let emptyToMaybe x = if T.null x then Nothing else Just x liftIO $ sortOn (Lens.view Lens._1) (take (length expected) compls') @?= sortOn (Lens.view Lens._1) [ (l, Just k, emptyToMaybe t, at) | (l,k,t,_,_,at) <- expected] forM_ (zip compls expected) $ \(CompletionItem{..}, (_,_,_,expectedSig, expectedDocs, _)) -> do when expectedSig $ liftIO $ assertBool ("Missing type signature: " <> T.unpack _label) (isJust _detail) when expectedDocs $ liftIO $ assertBool ("Missing docs: " <> T.unpack _label) (isJust _documentation) topLevelCompletionTests :: [TestTree] topLevelCompletionTests = [ completionTest "variable" ["bar = xx", "-- | haddock", "xxx :: ()", "xxx = ()", "-- | haddock", "data Xxx = XxxCon"] (Position 0 8) [("xxx", CompletionItemKind_Function, "xxx", True, True, Nothing) ], completionTest "constructor" ["bar = xx", "-- | haddock", "xxx :: ()", "xxx = ()", "-- | haddock", "data Xxx = XxxCon"] (Position 0 8) [("xxx", CompletionItemKind_Function, "xxx", True, True, Nothing) ], completionTest "class method" ["bar = xx", "class Xxx a where", "-- | haddock", "xxx :: ()", "xxx = ()"] (Position 0 8) [("xxx", CompletionItemKind_Function, "xxx", True, True, Nothing)], completionTest "type" ["bar :: Xz", "zzz = ()", "-- | haddock", "data Xzz = XzzCon"] (Position 0 9) [("Xzz", CompletionItemKind_Struct, "Xzz", False, True, Nothing)], completionTest "class" ["bar :: Xz", "zzz = ()", "-- | haddock", "class Xzz a"] (Position 0 9) [("Xzz", CompletionItemKind_Interface, "Xzz", False, True, Nothing)], completionTest "records" ["data Person = Person { _personName:: String, _personAge:: Int}", "bar = Person { _pers }" ] (Position 1 19) [("_personName", CompletionItemKind_Function, "_personName", False, True, Nothing), ("_personAge", CompletionItemKind_Function, "_personAge", False, True, Nothing)], completionTest "recordsConstructor" ["data XxRecord = XyRecord { x:: String, y:: Int}", "bar = Xy" ] (Position 1 19) [("XyRecord", CompletionItemKind_Constructor, "XyRecord", False, True, Nothing), ("XyRecord", CompletionItemKind_Snippet, "XyRecord {x=${1:_x}, y=${2:_y}}", False, True, Nothing)] ] localCompletionTests :: [TestTree] localCompletionTests = [ completionTest "argument" ["bar (Just abcdef) abcdefg = abcd"] (Position 0 32) [("abcdef", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdef", True, False, Nothing), ("abcdefg", CompletionItemKind_Function , "abcdefg", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "let" ["bar = let (Just abcdef) = undefined" ," abcdefg = let abcd = undefined in undefined" ," in abcd" ] (Position 2 15) [("abcdef", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdef", True, False, Nothing), ("abcdefg", CompletionItemKind_Function , "abcdefg", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "where" ["bar = abcd" ," where (Just abcdef) = undefined" ," abcdefg = let abcd = undefined in undefined" ] (Position 0 10) [("abcdef", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdef", True, False, Nothing), ("abcdefg", CompletionItemKind_Function , "abcdefg", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "do/1" ["bar = do" ," Just abcdef <- undefined" ," abcd" ," abcdefg <- undefined" ," pure ()" ] (Position 2 6) [("abcdef", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdef", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "do/2" ["bar abcde = do" ," Just [(abcdef,_)] <- undefined" ," abcdefg <- undefined" ," let abcdefgh = undefined" ," (Just [abcdefghi]) = undefined" ," abcd" ," where" ," abcdefghij = undefined" ] (Position 5 8) [("abcde", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcde", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcdefghij", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdefghij", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcdef", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdef", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcdefg", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdefg", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcdefgh", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdefgh", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcdefghi", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcdefghi", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "type family" ["{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}" ,"type family Bar a" ,"a :: Ba" ] (Position 2 7) [("Bar", CompletionItemKind_Struct, "Bar", True, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "class method" [ "class Test a where" , " abcd :: a -> ()" , " abcde :: a -> Int" , "instance Test Int where" , " abcd = abc" ] (Position 4 14) [("abcd", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcd", True, False, Nothing) ,("abcde", CompletionItemKind_Function, "abcde", True, False, Nothing) ], testSessionWait "incomplete entries" $ do let src a = "data Data = " <> a doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ src "AAA" void $ waitForTypecheck doc let editA rhs = changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . (.==) #text $ src rhs] editA "AAAA" void $ waitForTypecheck doc editA "AAAAA" void $ waitForTypecheck doc compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 0 15) liftIO $ filter ("AAA" `T.isPrefixOf`) (mapMaybe _insertText compls) @?= ["AAAAA"] pure () ] nonLocalCompletionTests :: [TestTree] nonLocalCompletionTests = [ brokenForWinGhc $ completionTest "variable" ["module A where", "f = hea"] (Position 1 7) [("head", CompletionItemKind_Function, "head", True, True, Nothing)], completionTest "constructor" ["{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}", "module A where", "f = True"] (Position 2 8) [ ("True", CompletionItemKind_Constructor, "True", True, True, Nothing) ], brokenForWinGhc $ completionTest "type" ["{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}", "module A () where", "f :: Boo", "f = True"] (Position 2 8) [ ("Bool", CompletionItemKind_Struct, "Bool", True, True, Nothing) ], completionTest "qualified" ["{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "f = Prelude.hea"] (Position 2 15) [ ("head", CompletionItemKind_Function, "head", True, True, Nothing) ], completionTest "duplicate import" ["module A where", "import Data.List", "import Data.List", "f = permu"] (Position 3 9) [ ("permutations", CompletionItemKind_Function, "permutations", False, False, Nothing) ], completionTest "dont show hidden items" [ "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad hiding (join)", "f = joi" ] (Position 3 6) [], testGroup "ordering" [completionTest "qualified has priority" ["module A where" ,"import qualified Data.ByteString as BS" ,"f = BS.read" ] (Position 2 10) [("readFile", CompletionItemKind_Function, "readFile", True, True, Nothing)] ], -- we need this test to make sure the ghcide completions module does not return completions for language pragmas. this functionality is turned on in hls completionTest "do not show pragma completions" [ "{-# LANGUAGE ", "{module A where}", "main = return ()" ] (Position 0 13) [] ] where brokenForWinGhc = knownBrokenFor (BrokenSpecific Windows [GHC810, GHC90, GHC92, GHC94, GHC96]) "Windows has strange things in scope for some reason" otherCompletionTests :: [TestTree] otherCompletionTests = [ completionTest "keyword" ["module A where", "f = newty"] (Position 1 9) [("newtype", CompletionItemKind_Keyword, "", False, False, Nothing)], completionTest "type context" [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "f = f", "g :: Intege" ] -- At this point the module parses but does not typecheck. -- This should be sufficient to detect that we are in a -- type context and only show the completion to the type. (Position 3 11) [("Integer", CompletionItemKind_Struct, "Integer", True, True, Nothing)], testSession "duplicate record fields" $ do void $ createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}", "module B where", "newtype Foo = Foo { member :: () }", "newtype Bar = Bar { member :: () }" ] docA <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where", "import B", "memb" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions docA $ Position 2 4 let compls' = [txt | CompletionItem {_insertText = Just txt, ..} <- compls, _label == "member"] liftIO $ take 2 compls' @?= ["member"], testSessionWait "maxCompletions" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "a = Prelude." ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 3 13) liftIO $ length compls @?= maxCompletions def ] packageCompletionTests :: [TestTree] packageCompletionTests = [ testSession' "fromList" $ \dir -> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [-hide-all-packages, -package, base, A]}}" doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "a = fromList" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 12) let compls' = [T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d | CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown d)), _label} <- compls , _label == "fromList" ] liftIO $ take 3 (sort compls') @?= map ("Defined in "<>) ( [ "'Data.List.NonEmpty" , "'GHC.Exts" ] ++ if ghcVersion >= GHC94 then [ "'GHC.IsList" ] else []) , testSessionWait "Map" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "a :: Map" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 7) let compls' = [T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d | CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown d)), _label} <- compls , _label == "Map" ] liftIO $ take 3 (sort compls') @?= map ("Defined in "<>) [ "'Data.Map" , "'Data.Map.Lazy" , "'Data.Map.Strict" ] , testSessionWait "no duplicates" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "import GHC.Exts(fromList)", "a = fromList" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 3 13) let duplicate = filter (\case CompletionItem { _insertText = Just "fromList" , _documentation = Just (InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown d)) } -> "GHC.Exts" `T.isInfixOf` d _ -> False ) compls liftIO $ length duplicate @?= 1 , testSessionWait "non-local before global" $ do -- non local completions are more specific doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}", "module A () where", "import GHC.Exts(fromList)", "a = fromList" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 3 13) let compls' = [_insertText | CompletionItem {_label, _insertText} <- compls , _label == "fromList" ] liftIO $ take 3 compls' @?= map Just ["fromList"] ] projectCompletionTests :: [TestTree] projectCompletionTests = [ testSession' "from hiedb" $ \dir-> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-Wmissing-signatures\", \"A\", \"B\"]}}" _ <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A (anidentifier) where", "anidentifier = ()" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics -- Note that B does not import A doc <- createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module B where", "b = anidenti" ] compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 1 10) let compls' = [T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d | CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown d)), _label} <- compls , _label == "anidentifier" ] liftIO $ compls' @?= ["Defined in 'A"], testSession' "auto complete project imports" $ \dir-> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-Wmissing-signatures\", \"ALocalModule\", \"B\"]}}" _ <- createDoc "ALocalModule.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module ALocalModule (anidentifier) where", "anidentifier = ()" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics -- Note that B does not import A doc <- createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module B where", "import ALocal" ] compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 1 13) let item = head $ filter ((== "ALocalModule") . (^. L.label)) compls liftIO $ do item ^. L.label @?= "ALocalModule", testSession' "auto complete functions from qualified imports without alias" $ \dir-> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-Wmissing-signatures\", \"A\", \"B\"]}}" _ <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A (anidentifier) where", "anidentifier = ()" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics doc <- createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module B where", "import qualified A", "A." ] compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 2) let item = head compls liftIO $ do item ^. L.label @?= "anidentifier", testSession' "auto complete functions from qualified imports with alias" $ \dir-> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-Wmissing-signatures\", \"A\", \"B\"]}}" _ <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A (anidentifier) where", "anidentifier = ()" ] _ <- waitForDiagnostics doc <- createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module B where", "import qualified A as Alias", "foo = Alias." ] compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 12) let item = head compls liftIO $ do item ^. L.label @?= "anidentifier" ] completionDocTests :: [TestTree] completionDocTests = [ testSession "local define" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = ()" , "bar = fo" ] let expected = "*Defined at line 2, column 1 in this module*\n" test doc (Position 2 8) "foo" Nothing [expected] , testSession "local empty doc" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = ()" , "bar = fo" ] test doc (Position 2 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 2, column 1 in this module*\n"] , testSession "local single line doc without newline" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "-- |docdoc" , "foo = ()" , "bar = fo" ] test doc (Position 3 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 3, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\n\n\ndocdoc\n"] , testSession "local multi line doc with newline" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "-- | abcabc" , "--" , "foo = ()" , "bar = fo" ] test doc (Position 4 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 4, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\n\n\nabcabc\n"] , testSession "local multi line doc without newline" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "-- | abcabc" , "--" , "--def" , "foo = ()" , "bar = fo" ] test doc (Position 5 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 5, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\n\n\nabcabc \n\ndef\n"] , testSession "extern empty doc" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = od" ] let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n" test doc (Position 1 8) "odd" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected] , brokenForMacGhc9 $ brokenForWinGhc90 $ testSession "extern single line doc without '\\n'" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = no" ] let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n* * *\n\n\nBoolean \"not\"\n" test doc (Position 1 8) "not" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected] , brokenForMacGhc9 $ brokenForWinGhc90 $ testSession "extern mulit line doc" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = i" ] let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n* * *\n\n\nIdentity function. \n```haskell\nid x = x\n```\n" test doc (Position 1 7) "id" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected] , testSession "extern defined doc" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines [ "module A where" , "foo = i" ] let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n" test doc (Position 1 7) "id" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected] ] where brokenForGhc9 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenForGHC [GHC90, GHC92, GHC94, GHC96]) "Completion doc doesn't support ghc9" brokenForWinGhc90 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenSpecific Windows [GHC90]) "Extern doc doesn't support Windows for ghc9.2" -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/20903 brokenForMacGhc9 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenSpecific MacOS [GHC90, GHC92, GHC94, GHC96]) "Extern doc doesn't support MacOS for ghc9" test doc pos label mn expected = do _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions doc pos rcompls <- forM compls $ \item -> do if isJust (item ^. L.data_) then do rsp <- request SMethod_CompletionItemResolve item case rsp ^. L.result of Left err -> liftIO $ assertFailure ("completionItem/resolve failed with: " <> show err) Right x -> pure x else pure item let compls' = [ -- We ignore doc uris since it points to the local path which determined by specific machines case mn of Nothing -> txt Just n -> T.take n txt | CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown txt)), ..} <- rcompls , _label == label ] liftIO $ compls' @?= expected