{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

Module: GHC.TcPlugin.API.Internal

This module provides operations to directly lift and unlift computations in
GHC's 'GHC.Tc.TcM' monad to the various type-checking plugin monads, in the form
of the functions

  > unsafeLiftTcM :: TcM a -> m a

  > unsafeWithRunInTcM :: ( ( forall a. m a -> TcM a ) -> TcM b ) -> m b

Here 'GHC.Tc.TcM' is GHC's internal type-checker monad.

It also exposes extra environment available in the solving/rewriting stages:

  > askRewriteEnv :: TcPluginM Rewrite RewriteEnv

  > askEvBinds :: TcPluginM Solve EvBindsVar

It is hoped that none of these internal operations are necessary, and that users
can fulfill their needs without importing this internal module.

Please file a bug on the issue tracker if you have encountered a situation
which requires the import of this module.


module GHC.TcPlugin.API.Internal
  ( -- * Internal functions and types

    MonadTcPlugin(..), MonadTcPluginWork
  , unsafeLiftThroughTcM
    -- * Re-exported functions and types

  , TcPlugin(..), TcPluginStage(..)
  , TcPluginSolver
  , TcPluginM(..)
  , TcPluginErrorMessage(..)
  , TcPluginRewriter
  , askRewriteEnv
  , askDeriveds
  , askEvBinds
  , mkTcPlugin
  , mkTcPluginErrorTy

-- base

import Data.IORef
  ( IORef, newIORef )
import Data.Kind
  ( Constraint, Type )
import GHC.TypeLits
  ( TypeError, ErrorMessage(..) )

-- transformers

import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
  ( ReaderT(..) )

-- ghc

import qualified GHC.Builtin.Names
  as GHC.TypeLits
    ( errorMessageTypeErrorFamName
    , typeErrorTextDataConName
    , typeErrorAppendDataConName
    , typeErrorVAppendDataConName
    , typeErrorShowTypeDataConName
import qualified GHC.Builtin.Types
  as GHC
    ( constraintKind )
import qualified GHC.Core.DataCon
  as GHC
    ( promoteDataCon )
import qualified GHC.Core.TyCon
  as GHC
    ( TyCon )
import qualified GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
  as GHC
    ( PredType, Type(..), TyLit(..) )
import qualified GHC.Core.Type
  as GHC
    ( mkTyConApp, tcTypeKind )
import qualified GHC.Data.FastString
  as GHC
    ( fsLit )
import qualified GHC.Tc.Plugin
  as GHC
    ( tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupTyCon
    , tcPluginIO
import qualified GHC.Tc.Types
  as GHC
    ( TcM, TcPlugin(..), TcPluginM
    , TcPluginSolver
    , TcPluginRewriter
    , getEvBindsTcPluginM
    , runTcPluginM, unsafeTcPluginTcM
import GHC.Tc.Types
    ( TcPluginSolveResult
    , TcPluginRewriteResult
    , RewriteEnv
import qualified GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
  as GHC
    ( Ct )
import qualified GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
  as GHC
    ( EvBindsVar )
import qualified GHC.Types.Unique.FM
  as GHC
    ( UniqFM )
import qualified GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
  as GHC
    ( emptyUDFM )

-- ghc-tcplugin-api

import GHC.TcPlugin.API.Internal.Shim
  ( TcPluginSolveResult, TcPluginRewriteResult(..)
  , RewrittenTyFamApps, RewriteEnv
  , shimRewriter


-- Public types and functions.

-- | Stage of a type-checking plugin, used as a data kind.

data TcPluginStage
  = Init
  | Solve
  | Rewrite
  | Stop

-- | The @solve@ function of a type-checking plugin takes in Given and Wanted

-- constraints, and should return a 'GHC.Tc.Types.TcPluginSolveResult'

-- indicating which Wanted constraints it could solve, or whether any are

-- insoluble.

type TcPluginSolver
  =  [GHC.Ct] -- ^ Givens

  -> [GHC.Ct] -- ^ Wanteds

  -> TcPluginM Solve TcPluginSolveResult

-- | For rewriting type family applications, a type-checking plugin provides

-- a function of this type for each type family 'GHC.Core.TyCon.TyCon'.


-- The function is provided with the current set of Given constraints, together

-- with the arguments to the type family.

-- The type family application will always be fully saturated.

type TcPluginRewriter
  =  [GHC.Ct]     -- ^ Givens

  -> [GHC.Type]   -- ^ Type family arguments (saturated)

  -> TcPluginM Rewrite TcPluginRewriteResult

-- | A record containing all the stages necessary for the

-- operation of a type-checking plugin, as defined in this API.


-- __Note__: this is not the same record as GHC's built-in

-- 'GHC.Tc.Types.TcPlugin' record. Use 'mkTcPlugin' for the conversion.


-- To create a type-checking plugin, define something of this type

-- and then call 'mkTcPlugin' on the result.

-- This will return something that can be passed to 'GHC.Plugins.Plugin':


-- > plugin :: GHC.Plugins.Plugin

-- > plugin =

-- >   GHC.Plugins.defaultPlugin

-- >     { GHC.Plugins.tcPlugin =

-- >         \ args -> Just $

-- >            GHC.TcPlugin.API.mkTcPlugin ( myTcPlugin args )

-- >     }

-- >

-- > myTcPlugin :: [String] -> GHC.TcPlugin.API.TcPlugin

-- > myTcPlugin args = ...

data TcPlugin = forall s. TcPlugin
  { tcPluginInit    :: TcPluginM Init s
      -- ^ Initialise plugin, when entering type-checker.

  , tcPluginSolve   :: s -> TcPluginSolver
      -- ^ Solve some constraints.


      -- This function will be invoked at two points in the constraint solving

      -- process: once to manipulate given constraints, and once to solve

      -- wanted constraints. In the first case (and only in the first case),

      -- no wanted constraints will be passed to the plugin.


      -- The plugin can either return a contradiction,

      -- or specify that it has solved some constraints (with evidence),

      -- and possibly emit additional wanted constraints.


      -- Use @ \\ _ _ _ -> pure $ TcPluginOK [] [] @ if your plugin

      -- does not provide this functionality.

  , tcPluginRewrite :: s -> GHC.UniqFM GHC.TyCon TcPluginRewriter
    -- ^ Rewrite saturated type family applications.


    -- The plugin is expected to supply a mapping from type family names to

    -- rewriting functions. For each type family 'GHC.Core.TyCon.TyCon',

    -- the plugin should provide a function which takes in the given constraints

    -- and arguments of a saturated type family application, and return

    -- a possible rewriting.

    -- See 'TcPluginRewriter' for the expected shape of such a function.


    -- Use @ const emptyUFM @ if your plugin does not provide this functionality.

  , tcPluginStop    :: s -> TcPluginM Stop ()
   -- ^ Clean up after the plugin, when exiting the type-checker.


-- | The monad used for a type-checker plugin, parametrised by

-- the 'TcPluginStage' of the plugin.

type TcPluginM :: TcPluginStage -> ( Type -> Type )
data family TcPluginM s
newtype instance TcPluginM Init a =
  TcPluginInitM { tcPluginInitM :: GHC.TcPluginM a }
  deriving newtype ( Functor, Applicative, Monad )
newtype instance TcPluginM Solve a =
  TcPluginSolveM { tcPluginSolveM :: BuiltinDefs -> GHC.EvBindsVar -> [GHC.Ct] -> GHC.TcPluginM a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad )
    via ( ReaderT BuiltinDefs ( ReaderT GHC.EvBindsVar ( ReaderT [GHC.Ct] GHC.TcPluginM ) ) )
newtype instance TcPluginM Solve a =
  TcPluginSolveM { tcPluginSolveM :: BuiltinDefs -> GHC.EvBindsVar -> GHC.TcPluginM a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad )
    via ( ReaderT BuiltinDefs ( ReaderT GHC.EvBindsVar GHC.TcPluginM ) )
newtype instance TcPluginM Rewrite a =
  TcPluginRewriteM { tcPluginRewriteM :: BuiltinDefs -> RewriteEnv -> GHC.TcPluginM a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad )
    via ( ReaderT BuiltinDefs ( ReaderT RewriteEnv GHC.TcPluginM ) )
newtype instance TcPluginM Stop a =
  TcPluginStopM { tcPluginStopM :: GHC.TcPluginM a }
  deriving newtype ( Functor, Applicative, Monad )

-- | Ask for the evidence currently gathered by the type-checker.


-- Only available in the solver part of the type-checking plugin.

askEvBinds :: TcPluginM Solve GHC.EvBindsVar
askEvBinds = TcPluginSolveM
  \ _defs
  -> pure evBinds

-- | Ask for the Derived constraints that the solver was provided with.


-- Always returns the empty list on GHC 9.4 or above.

askDeriveds :: TcPluginM Solve [GHC.Ct]
askDeriveds =
  TcPluginSolveM \ _defs _evBinds deriveds -> pure deriveds
  pure []

-- | Ask for the current rewriting environment.


-- Only available in the rewriter part of the type-checking plugin.

askRewriteEnv :: TcPluginM Rewrite RewriteEnv
askRewriteEnv = TcPluginRewriteM ( \ _ rewriteEnv -> pure rewriteEnv )

-- | A 'MonadTcPlugin' is essentially a reader monad over GHC's 'GHC.Tc.TcM' monad.


-- This means we have both a @lift@ and an @unlift@ operation,

-- similar to @MonadUnliftIO@ or @MonadBaseControl@.


-- See for instance 'unsafeLiftThroughTcM', which is an example of function that

-- one would not be able to write using only a @lift@ operation.


-- Note that you must import the internal module in order to access the methods.

-- Please report a bug if you find yourself needing this functionality.

type  MonadTcPlugin :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Constraint
class Monad m => MonadTcPlugin m where

  {-# MINIMAL liftTcPluginM, unsafeWithRunInTcM #-}

  -- N.B.: these methods are not re-exported from the main module.

  -- | Lift a computation from GHC's 'GHC.TcPluginM' monad.

  liftTcPluginM :: GHC.TcPluginM a -> m a

  -- | Lift a computation from the 'GHC.Tc.TcM' monad.

  unsafeLiftTcM :: GHC.TcM a -> m a
  unsafeLiftTcM = liftTcPluginM . GHC.unsafeTcPluginTcM

  -- | Unlift a computation from the 'GHC.Tc.TcM' monad.


  -- If this type signature seems confusing, I recommend reading Alexis King's

  -- excellent blog post on @MonadBaseControl@:


  -- <https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2019/09/07/demystifying-monadbasecontrol/ Demystifying MonadBaseControl>

  unsafeWithRunInTcM :: ( ( forall a. m a -> GHC.TcM a ) -> GHC.TcM b ) -> m b

instance MonadTcPlugin ( TcPluginM Init ) where
  liftTcPluginM = TcPluginInitM
  unsafeWithRunInTcM runInTcM
    = unsafeLiftTcM $ runInTcM
      ( GHC.runTcPluginM . tcPluginInitM )
      ( ( `GHC.runTcPluginM` ( error "tcPluginInit: cannot access EvBindsVar" ) ) . tcPluginInitM ) 
instance MonadTcPlugin ( TcPluginM Solve ) where
  liftTcPluginM  = TcPluginSolveM
                 . ( \ ma _defs _evBinds _deriveds -> ma )
                 . ( \ ma _defs _evBinds -> ma )
  unsafeWithRunInTcM runInTcM
    = TcPluginSolveM
      \ builtinDefs
        GHC.unsafeTcPluginTcM $ runInTcM
          ( GHC.runTcPluginM
          . ( \ f -> f builtinDefs evBinds deriveds )
          . ( \ f -> f builtinDefs evBinds )
          . tcPluginSolveM )
          ( ( `GHC.runTcPluginM` evBinds )
          . ( \ f -> f builtinDefs evBinds deriveds )
          . tcPluginSolveM
instance MonadTcPlugin ( TcPluginM Rewrite ) where
  liftTcPluginM = TcPluginRewriteM . ( \ ma _ _ -> ma )
  unsafeWithRunInTcM runInTcM
    = TcPluginRewriteM \ builtinDefs rewriteEnv ->
      GHC.unsafeTcPluginTcM $ runInTcM
        ( GHC.runTcPluginM
        ( ( `GHC.runTcPluginM` ( error "tcPluginRewrite: cannot access EvBindsVar" ) )
        . ( \ f -> f builtinDefs rewriteEnv )
        . tcPluginRewriteM )
instance MonadTcPlugin ( TcPluginM Stop ) where
  liftTcPluginM = TcPluginStopM
  unsafeWithRunInTcM runInTcM
    = unsafeLiftTcM $ runInTcM 
      ( GHC.runTcPluginM . tcPluginStopM )
      ( ( `GHC.runTcPluginM` ( error "tcPluginStop: cannot access EvBindsVar" ) ) . tcPluginStopM )

-- | Take a function whose argument and result types are both within the 'GHC.Tc.TcM' monad,

-- and return a function that works within a type-checking plugin monad.


-- Please report a bug if you find yourself needing to use this function.

unsafeLiftThroughTcM :: MonadTcPlugin m => ( GHC.TcM a -> GHC.TcM b ) -> m a -> m b
unsafeLiftThroughTcM f ma = unsafeWithRunInTcM \ runInTcM -> f ( runInTcM ma )

-- | Use this function to create a type-checker plugin to pass to GHC.

  :: TcPlugin     -- ^ type-checking plugin written with this library

  -> GHC.TcPlugin -- ^ type-checking plugin for GHC

mkTcPlugin ( TcPlugin
              { tcPluginInit = tcPluginInit :: TcPluginM Init userDefs
              , tcPluginSolve
              , tcPluginRewrite
              , tcPluginStop
           ) =
    { GHC.tcPluginInit    = adaptUserInit    tcPluginInit
    , GHC.tcPluginSolve   = adaptUserSolve   tcPluginSolve
    , GHC.tcPluginRewrite = adaptUserRewrite tcPluginRewrite
    , GHC.tcPluginSolve   = adaptUserSolveAndRewrite
                              tcPluginSolve tcPluginRewrite
    , GHC.tcPluginStop    = adaptUserStop    tcPluginStop
    adaptUserInit :: TcPluginM Init userDefs -> GHC.TcPluginM ( TcPluginDefs userDefs )
    adaptUserInit userInit = do
      tcPluginBuiltinDefs <- initBuiltinDefs
      tcPluginUserDefs    <- tcPluginInitM userInit
      pure ( TcPluginDefs { tcPluginBuiltinDefs, tcPluginUserDefs })

    adaptUserSolve :: ( userDefs -> TcPluginSolver )
                   -> TcPluginDefs userDefs
                   -> GHC.EvBindsVar
                   -> GHC.TcPluginSolver
    adaptUserSolve userSolve ( TcPluginDefs { tcPluginUserDefs, tcPluginBuiltinDefs } )
      = \ givens deriveds wanteds -> do
        tcPluginSolveM ( userSolve tcPluginUserDefs givens wanteds )
          tcPluginBuiltinDefs evBindsVar deriveds
      = \ givens _deriveds wanteds -> do
        tcPluginSolveM ( userSolve tcPluginUserDefs givens wanteds )
          tcPluginBuiltinDefs evBindsVar

    adaptUserRewrite :: ( userDefs -> GHC.UniqFM GHC.TyCon TcPluginRewriter )
                     -> TcPluginDefs userDefs -> GHC.UniqFM GHC.TyCon GHC.TcPluginRewriter
    adaptUserRewrite userRewrite ( TcPluginDefs { tcPluginUserDefs, tcPluginBuiltinDefs })
      = fmap
          ( \ userRewriter rewriteEnv givens tys ->
            tcPluginRewriteM ( userRewriter givens tys ) tcPluginBuiltinDefs rewriteEnv
          ( userRewrite tcPluginUserDefs )
      :: ( userDefs -> TcPluginSolver )
      -> ( userDefs -> GHC.UniqFM GHC.TyCon TcPluginRewriter )
      -> TcPluginDefs userDefs
      -> GHC.TcPluginSolver
    adaptUserSolveAndRewrite userSolve userRewrite ( TcPluginDefs { tcPluginUserDefs, tcPluginBuiltinDefs } )
      = \ givens deriveds wanteds -> do
        evBindsVar <- GHC.getEvBindsTcPluginM
          givens deriveds wanteds
          ( rewrittenTyFamsIORef tcPluginBuiltinDefs )
          ( fmap
              ( \ userRewriter rewriteEnv gs tys ->
                tcPluginRewriteM ( userRewriter gs tys )
                  tcPluginBuiltinDefs rewriteEnv
              ( userRewrite tcPluginUserDefs )
          ( \ gs ds ws ->
            tcPluginSolveM ( userSolve tcPluginUserDefs gs ws )
              tcPluginBuiltinDefs evBindsVar ds

    adaptUserStop :: ( userDefs -> TcPluginM Stop () ) -> TcPluginDefs userDefs -> GHC.TcPluginM ()
    adaptUserStop userStop ( TcPluginDefs { tcPluginUserDefs } ) =
      tcPluginStopM $ userStop tcPluginUserDefs

-- | Monads for type-checking plugins which are able to emit new constraints

-- and throw errors.


-- These operations are supported by the monads that 'tcPluginSolve'

-- and 'tcPluginRewrite' use; it is not possible to emit work or

-- throw type errors in 'tcPluginInit' or 'tcPluginStop'.


-- See 'mkTcPluginErrorTy' and 'GHC.TcPlugin.API.emitWork' for functions

-- which require this typeclass.

type  MonadTcPluginWork :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Constraint
class MonadTcPlugin m => MonadTcPluginWork m where
  {-# MINIMAL #-} -- to avoid the methods appearing in the haddocks

  askBuiltins :: m BuiltinDefs
  askBuiltins = error "askBuiltins: no default implementation"
instance MonadTcPluginWork ( TcPluginM Solve ) where
  askBuiltins = TcPluginSolveM
    \ builtinDefs
    -> pure builtinDefs
instance MonadTcPluginWork ( TcPluginM Rewrite ) where
  askBuiltins = TcPluginRewriteM \ builtinDefs _evBinds -> pure builtinDefs

instance TypeError ( 'Text "Cannot emit new work in 'tcPluginInit'." )
      => MonadTcPluginWork ( TcPluginM Init ) where
  askBuiltins = error "Cannot emit new work in 'tcPluginInit'."
instance TypeError ( 'Text "Cannot emit new work in 'tcPluginStop'." )
      => MonadTcPluginWork ( TcPluginM Stop ) where
  askBuiltins = error "Cannot emit new work in 'tcPluginStop'."

-- | Use this type like 'GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage' to write an error message.

-- This error message can then be thrown at the type-level by the plugin,

-- by emitting a wanted constraint whose predicate is obtained from 'mkTcPluginErrorTy'.


-- A 'GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint.CtLoc' will still need to be provided in order to inform GHC of the

-- origin of the error (e.g.: which part of the source code should be

-- highlighted?). See 'GHC.TcPlugin.API.setCtLocM'.

data TcPluginErrorMessage
  = Txt !String
  -- ^ Show the text as is.

  | PrintType !GHC.Type
  -- ^ Pretty print the given type.

  | (:|:) !TcPluginErrorMessage !TcPluginErrorMessage
  -- ^ Put two messages side by side.

  | (:-:) !TcPluginErrorMessage !TcPluginErrorMessage
  -- ^ Stack two messages vertically.

infixl 5 :|:
infixl 6 :-:

-- | Create an error type with the desired error message.


-- The result can be paired with a 'GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint.CtLoc' in order to throw a type error,

-- for instance by using 'GHC.TcPlugin.API.newWanted'.

mkTcPluginErrorTy :: MonadTcPluginWork m => TcPluginErrorMessage -> m GHC.PredType
mkTcPluginErrorTy msg = do
  builtinDefs@( BuiltinDefs { typeErrorTyCon } ) <- askBuiltins
    errorMsgTy :: GHC.PredType
    errorMsgTy = interpretErrorMessage builtinDefs msg
  pure $ GHC.mkTyConApp typeErrorTyCon [ GHC.constraintKind, errorMsgTy ]


-- Private types and functions.

-- Not exposed at all, even from the internal module.

data BuiltinDefs =
    { typeErrorTyCon :: !GHC.TyCon
    , textTyCon      :: !GHC.TyCon
    , showTypeTyCon  :: !GHC.TyCon
    , concatTyCon    :: !GHC.TyCon
    , vcatTyCon      :: !GHC.TyCon
    , rewrittenTyFamsIORef :: !( IORef RewrittenTyFamApps )

data TcPluginDefs s
  = TcPluginDefs
  { tcPluginBuiltinDefs :: !BuiltinDefs
  , tcPluginUserDefs    :: !s

initBuiltinDefs :: GHC.TcPluginM BuiltinDefs
initBuiltinDefs = do
  typeErrorTyCon  <-                        GHC.tcLookupTyCon   GHC.TypeLits.errorMessageTypeErrorFamName
  textTyCon       <- GHC.promoteDataCon <$> GHC.tcLookupDataCon GHC.TypeLits.typeErrorTextDataConName
  showTypeTyCon   <- GHC.promoteDataCon <$> GHC.tcLookupDataCon GHC.TypeLits.typeErrorShowTypeDataConName
  concatTyCon     <- GHC.promoteDataCon <$> GHC.tcLookupDataCon GHC.TypeLits.typeErrorAppendDataConName
  vcatTyCon       <- GHC.promoteDataCon <$> GHC.tcLookupDataCon GHC.TypeLits.typeErrorVAppendDataConName
  rewrittenTyFamsIORef <- GHC.tcPluginIO $ newIORef GHC.emptyUDFM
  pure ( BuiltinDefs { .. } )

interpretErrorMessage :: BuiltinDefs -> TcPluginErrorMessage -> GHC.PredType
interpretErrorMessage ( BuiltinDefs { .. } ) = go
    go :: TcPluginErrorMessage -> GHC.PredType
    go ( Txt str ) =
      GHC.mkTyConApp textTyCon [ GHC.LitTy . GHC.StrTyLit . GHC.fsLit $ str ]
    go ( PrintType ty ) =
      GHC.mkTyConApp showTypeTyCon [ GHC.tcTypeKind ty, ty ]
        -- The kind gets ignored by GHC when printing the error message (see GHC.Core.Type.pprUserTypeErrorTy).

        -- However, including the wrong kind can lead to ASSERT failures, so we compute the kind and pass it.

    go ( msg1 :|: msg2 ) =
      GHC.mkTyConApp concatTyCon [ go msg1, go msg2 ]
    go ( msg1 :-: msg2 ) =
      GHC.mkTyConApp vcatTyCon [ go msg1, go msg2 ]