name: ghc-syb version: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Claus Reinke copyright: (c) Claus Reinke 2008 maintainer: Thomas Schilling homepage: description: Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API. synopsis: Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API. category: Development stability: provisional build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.2.3 tested-with: GHC ==6.10.4, GHC ==6.12.1 library build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, ghc >= 6.10 && < 6.14 hs-source-dirs: . extensions: CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types exposed-modules: GHC.SYB.Instances if impl(ghc >= 6.12) cpp-options: -DCAN_SPELL -DHAS_SIMPLE_DOCS -DHAS_TUPARG if impl(ghc < 6.12) cpp-options: -DHAS_DN_STUFF -DHAS_FOTYPE if impl(ghc > 6.11.20081030) cpp-options: -DHAS_ANNOTATIONS if impl(ghc >= 6.11.20090318) cpp-options: -DCONSTRUCTOR_LIKE_IDS if impl(ghc >= 6.10.2) cpp-options: -DHAS_FUNCTION_OR_DATA