{- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998 \section{Code output phase} -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module GHC.Driver.CodeOutput ( codeOutput , outputForeignStubs , profilingInitCode , ipInitCode ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Platform import GHC.ForeignSrcLang import GHC.CmmToAsm ( nativeCodeGen ) import GHC.CmmToLlvm ( llvmCodeGen ) import GHC.CmmToC ( cmmToC ) import GHC.Cmm.Lint ( cmmLint ) import GHC.Cmm import GHC.Cmm.CLabel import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts) import GHC.Driver.Config.CmmToAsm (initNCGConfig) import GHC.Driver.Config.CmmToLlvm (initLlvmCgConfig) import GHC.Driver.LlvmConfigCache (LlvmConfigCache) import GHC.Driver.Ppr import GHC.Driver.Backend import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ST import GHC.Data.Stream ( Stream ) import qualified GHC.Data.Stream as Stream import GHC.Utils.TmpFs import GHC.Utils.Error import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Logger import GHC.Utils.Exception (bracket) import GHC.Utils.Ppr (Mode(..)) import GHC.Unit import GHC.Unit.Finder ( mkStubPaths ) import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Types.CostCentre import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply ( mkSplitUniqSupply ) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Steering} * * ************************************************************************ -} codeOutput :: forall a. Logger -> TmpFs -> LlvmConfigCache -> DynFlags -> UnitState -> Module -> FilePath -> ModLocation -> (a -> ForeignStubs) -> [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)] -- ^ additional files to be compiled with the C compiler -> Set UnitId -- ^ Dependencies -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -- Compiled C-- -> IO (FilePath, (Bool{-stub_h_exists-}, Maybe FilePath{-stub_c_exists-}), [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]{-foreign_fps-}, a) codeOutput logger tmpfs llvm_config dflags unit_state this_mod filenm location genForeignStubs foreign_fps pkg_deps cmm_stream = do { -- Lint each CmmGroup as it goes past ; let linted_cmm_stream = if gopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags then Stream.mapM do_lint cmm_stream else cmm_stream do_lint cmm = withTimingSilent logger (text "CmmLint"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod)) (const ()) $ do { case cmmLint (targetPlatform dflags) cmm of Just err -> do { logMsg logger MCDump noSrcSpan $ withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle err ; ghcExit logger 1 } Nothing -> return () ; return cmm } ; let final_stream :: Stream IO RawCmmGroup (ForeignStubs, a) final_stream = do { a <- linted_cmm_stream ; let stubs = genForeignStubs a ; emitInitializerDecls this_mod stubs ; return (stubs, a) } ; (stubs, a) <- case backendCodeOutput (backend dflags) of NcgCodeOutput -> outputAsm logger dflags this_mod location filenm final_stream ViaCCodeOutput -> outputC logger dflags filenm final_stream pkg_deps LlvmCodeOutput -> outputLlvm logger llvm_config dflags filenm final_stream ; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs logger tmpfs dflags unit_state this_mod location stubs ; return (filenm, stubs_exist, foreign_fps, a) } -- | See Note [Initializers and finalizers in Cmm] in GHC.Cmm.InitFini for details. emitInitializerDecls :: Module -> ForeignStubs -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup () emitInitializerDecls this_mod (ForeignStubs _ cstub) | initializers <- getInitializers cstub , not $ null initializers = let init_array = CmmData sect statics lbl = mkInitializerArrayLabel this_mod sect = Section InitArray lbl statics = CmmStaticsRaw lbl [ CmmStaticLit $ CmmLabel fn_name | fn_name <- initializers ] in Stream.yield [init_array] emitInitializerDecls _ _ = return () doOutput :: String -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a doOutput filenm io_action = bracket (openFile filenm WriteMode) hClose io_action {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{C} * * ************************************************************************ -} outputC :: Logger -> DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -> Set UnitId -> IO a outputC logger dflags filenm cmm_stream unit_deps = withTiming logger (text "C codegen") (\a -> seq a () {- FIXME -}) $ do let pkg_names = map unitIdString (Set.toAscList unit_deps) doOutput filenm $ \ h -> do hPutStr h ("/* GHC_PACKAGES " ++ unwords pkg_names ++ "\n*/\n") hPutStr h "#include \"Stg.h\"\n" let platform = targetPlatform dflags writeC cmm = do let doc = cmmToC platform cmm putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_c_backend "C backend output" FormatC doc let ctx = initSDocContext dflags PprCode printSDocLn ctx LeftMode h doc Stream.consume cmm_stream id writeC {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Assembler} * * ************************************************************************ -} outputAsm :: Logger -> DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -> IO a outputAsm logger dflags this_mod location filenm cmm_stream = do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n' debugTraceMsg logger 4 (text "Outputing asm to" <+> text filenm) let ncg_config = initNCGConfig dflags this_mod {-# SCC "OutputAsm" #-} doOutput filenm $ \h -> {-# SCC "NativeCodeGen" #-} nativeCodeGen logger ncg_config location h ncg_uniqs cmm_stream {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{LLVM} * * ************************************************************************ -} outputLlvm :: Logger -> LlvmConfigCache -> DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -> IO a outputLlvm logger llvm_config dflags filenm cmm_stream = do lcg_config <- initLlvmCgConfig logger llvm_config dflags {-# SCC "llvm_output" #-} doOutput filenm $ \f -> {-# SCC "llvm_CodeGen" #-} llvmCodeGen logger lcg_config f cmm_stream {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Foreign import/export} * * ************************************************************************ -} {- Note [Packaging libffi headers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The C code emitted by GHC for libffi adjustors must depend upon the ffi_arg type, defined in . For this reason, we must ensure that is available in binary distributions. To do so, we install these headers as part of the `rts` package. -} outputForeignStubs :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitState -> Module -> ModLocation -> ForeignStubs -> IO (Bool, -- Header file created Maybe FilePath) -- C file created outputForeignStubs logger tmpfs dflags unit_state mod location stubs = do let stub_h = mkStubPaths (initFinderOpts dflags) (moduleName mod) location stub_c <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "c" case stubs of NoStubs -> return (False, Nothing) ForeignStubs (CHeader h_code) (CStub c_code _ _) -> do let stub_c_output_d = pprCode c_code stub_c_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_c_output_d -- Header file protos for "foreign export"ed functions. stub_h_output_d = pprCode h_code stub_h_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_h_output_d createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory stub_h) putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_foreign "Foreign export header file" FormatC stub_h_output_d -- we need the #includes from the rts package for the stub files let rts_includes = let mrts_pkg = lookupUnitId unit_state rtsUnitId mk_include i = "#include \"" ++ ST.unpack i ++ "\"\n" in case mrts_pkg of Just rts_pkg -> concatMap mk_include (unitIncludes rts_pkg) -- This case only happens when compiling foreign stub for the rts -- library itself. The only time we do this at the moment is for -- IPE information for the RTS info tables Nothing -> "" -- wrapper code mentions the ffi_arg type, which comes from ffi.h ffi_includes | platformMisc_libFFI $ platformMisc dflags = "#include \n" | otherwise = "" stub_h_file_exists <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_h stub_h_output_w ("#include \n" ++ cplusplus_hdr) cplusplus_ftr putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_foreign "Foreign export stubs" FormatC stub_c_output_d stub_c_file_exists <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_c stub_c_output_w ("#define IN_STG_CODE 0\n" ++ "#include \n" ++ rts_includes ++ ffi_includes ++ cplusplus_hdr) cplusplus_ftr -- We're adding the default hc_header to the stub file, but this -- isn't really HC code, so we need to define IN_STG_CODE==0 to -- avoid the register variables etc. being enabled. return (stub_h_file_exists, if stub_c_file_exists then Just stub_c else Nothing ) where cplusplus_hdr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n" cplusplus_ftr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\n}\n#endif\n" -- It is more than likely that the stubs file will -- turn out to be empty, in which case no file should be created. outputForeignStubs_help :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> IO Bool outputForeignStubs_help _fname "" _header _footer = return False outputForeignStubs_help fname doc_str header footer = do writeFile fname (header ++ doc_str ++ '\n':footer ++ "\n") return True -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialising cost centres -- We must produce declarations for the cost-centres defined in this -- module; -- | Generate code to initialise cost centres profilingInitCode :: Platform -> Module -> CollectedCCs -> CStub profilingInitCode platform this_mod (local_CCs, singleton_CCSs) = {-# SCC profilingInitCode #-} initializerCStub platform fn_name decls body where pdocC = pprCLabel platform CStyle fn_name = mkInitializerStubLabel this_mod "prof_init" decls = vcat $ map emit_cc_decl local_CCs ++ map emit_ccs_decl singleton_CCSs ++ [emit_cc_list local_CCs] ++ [emit_ccs_list singleton_CCSs] body = vcat [ text "registerCcList" <> parens local_cc_list_label <> semi , text "registerCcsList" <> parens singleton_cc_list_label <> semi ] emit_cc_decl cc = text "extern CostCentre" <+> cc_lbl <> text "[];" where cc_lbl = pdocC (mkCCLabel cc) local_cc_list_label = text "local_cc_" <> ppr this_mod emit_cc_list ccs = text "static CostCentre *" <> local_cc_list_label <> text "[] =" <+> braces (vcat $ [ pdocC (mkCCLabel cc) <> comma | cc <- ccs ] ++ [text "NULL"]) <> semi emit_ccs_decl ccs = text "extern CostCentreStack" <+> ccs_lbl <> text "[];" where ccs_lbl = pdocC (mkCCSLabel ccs) singleton_cc_list_label = text "singleton_cc_" <> ppr this_mod emit_ccs_list ccs = text "static CostCentreStack *" <> singleton_cc_list_label <> text "[] =" <+> braces (vcat $ [ pdocC (mkCCSLabel cc) <> comma | cc <- ccs ] ++ [text "NULL"]) <> semi -- | Generate code to initialise info pointer origin -- See Note [Mapping Info Tables to Source Positions] ipInitCode :: Bool -- is Opt_InfoTableMap enabled or not -> Platform -> Module -> [InfoProvEnt] -> CStub ipInitCode do_info_table platform this_mod ents | not do_info_table = mempty | otherwise = initializerCStub platform fn_nm decls body where fn_nm = mkInitializerStubLabel this_mod "ip_init" decls = vcat $ map emit_ipe_decl ents ++ [emit_ipe_list ents] body = text "registerInfoProvList" <> parens local_ipe_list_label <> semi emit_ipe_decl ipe = text "extern InfoProvEnt" <+> ipe_lbl <> text "[];" where ipe_lbl = pprCLabel platform CStyle (mkIPELabel ipe) local_ipe_list_label = text "local_ipe_" <> ppr this_mod emit_ipe_list ipes = text "static InfoProvEnt *" <> local_ipe_list_label <> text "[] =" <+> braces (vcat $ [ pprCLabel platform CStyle (mkIPELabel ipe) <> comma | ipe <- ipes ] ++ [text "NULL"]) <> semi