Event Types: 0: Create thread (size 4) 1: Run thread (size 4) 2: Stop thread (size 10) 3: Thread runnable (size 4) 4: Migrate thread (size 6) 8: Wakeup thread (size 6) 9: Starting GC (size 0) 10: Finished GC (size 0) 11: Request sequential GC (size 0) 12: Request parallel GC (size 0) 15: Create spark thread (size 4) 16: Log message (size variable) 18: Block marker (size 14) 19: User message (size variable) 20: GC idle (size 0) 21: GC working (size 0) 22: GC done (size 0) 25: Create capability set (size 6) 26: Delete capability set (size 4) 27: Add capability to capability set (size 6) 28: Remove capability from capability set (size 6) 29: RTS name and version (size variable) 30: Program arguments (size variable) 31: Program environment variables (size variable) 32: Process ID (size 8) 33: Parent process ID (size 8) 34: Spark counters (size 56) 35: Spark create (size 0) 36: Spark dud (size 0) 37: Spark overflow (size 0) 38: Spark run (size 0) 39: Spark steal (size 2) 40: Spark fizzle (size 0) 41: Spark GC (size 0) 43: Wall clock time (size 16) 44: Thread label (size variable) 45: Create capability (size 2) 46: Delete capability (size 2) 47: Disable capability (size 2) 48: Enable capability (size 2) 49: Total heap mem ever allocated (size 12) 50: Current heap size (size 12) 51: Current heap live data (size 12) 52: Heap static parameters (size 38) 53: GC statistics (size 58) 54: Synchronise stop-the-world GC (size 0) 55: Task create (size 18) 56: Task migrate (size 12) 57: Task delete (size 8) 58: User marker (size variable) 59: Empty event for bug #9003 (size 0) 160: Start of heap profile (size variable) 161: Cost center definition (size variable) 162: Start of heap profile sample (size 8) 163: Heap profile cost-centre sample (size variable) 164: Heap profile string sample (size variable) 165: End of heap profile sample (size 8) 166: Start of heap profile (biographical) sample (size 16) 167: Time profile cost-centre stack (size variable) 168: Start of a time profile (size 8) 181: User binary message (size variable) 200: Begin concurrent mark phase (size 0) 201: End concurrent mark phase (size 4) 202: Begin concurrent GC synchronisation (size 0) 203: End concurrent GC synchronisation (size 0) 204: Begin concurrent sweep (size 0) 205: End concurrent sweep (size 0) 206: Update remembered set flushed (size 2) 207: Nonmoving heap census (size 13) 210: Ticky-ticky entry counter definition (size variable) 211: Ticky-ticky entry counter sample (size 32) Events: 292000: created capset 0 of type CapsetOsProcess 292000: created capset 1 of type CapsetClockDomain 293000: created cap 0 293000: assigned cap 0 to capset 0 294000: assigned cap 0 to capset 1 299000: capset 1: wall clock time 1607818763s 73220000ns (unix epoch) 299000: capset 0: pid 21680 305000: capset 0: parent pid 9239 312000: capset 0: RTS version "GHC- rts_debug" 315000: capset 0: args: ["./HelloWorld","+RTS","-lT"] 3772000: heap stats for heap capset 0: generations 2, 0 bytes max heap size, 1048576 bytes alloc area size, 1048576 bytes mblock size, 4096 bytes block size 3857000: task 0x7fd27f405e90 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 32996106 3861000: cap 0: creating thread 1 3871000: cap 0: running thread 1 4051000: cap 0: stopping thread 1 (thread finished) 4053000: task 0x7fd27f405e90 deleted 4055000: cap 0: creating thread 2 4055000: task 0x7fd27f405e90 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 32996106 4056000: cap 0: running thread 2 4060000: cap 0: stopping thread 2 (thread finished) 4061000: task 0x7fd27f405e90 deleted 4084000: cap 0: starting GC 4107000: cap 0: GC working 4358000: cap 0: GC idle 4359000: cap 0: GC done 4363000: cap 0: GC idle 4363000: cap 0: GC done 4364000: cap 0: GC idle 4364000: cap 0: GC done 4405000: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 51672 total bytes till now 4406000: cap 0: finished GC 4407000: cap 0: all caps stopped for GC 4407000: cap 0: GC stats for heap capset 0: generation 1, 3320 bytes copied, 25256 bytes slop, 942080 bytes fragmentation, 1 par threads, 0 bytes max par copied, 3320 bytes total par copied, 0 bytes balanced par copied 4407000: cap 0: live data in heap capset 0: 44376 bytes 4408000: cap 0: size of heap capset 0: 2097152 bytes 12419000: ticky counter sample 4535063528: entry count: 1, 0 allocs, 0 allocd 12420000: ticky counter sample 4535063632: entry count: 1, 0 allocs, 0 allocd 12421000: ticky counter sample 4535063728: entry count: 1, 0 allocs, 0 allocd 12434000: ticky counter definition 4535063528, arity: 0, def kinds: , name: Main.main1{v r1sI} (fun), itbl: 0 12434000: ticky counter definition 4535063632, arity: 0, def kinds: , name: Main.main2{v r1sJ} (fun), itbl: 0 12434000: ticky counter definition 4535063728, arity: 0, def kinds: , name: :Main.main{v 01D} (fun), itbl: 0 12448000: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 51672 total bytes till now 12451000: removed cap 0 from capset 0 12451000: removed cap 0 from capset 1 12451000: deleted cap 0 12451000: deleted capset 0 12452000: deleted capset 1