--# -path=.:../abstract:../common concrete DocumentationEng of Documentation = CatEng ** open ResEng, HTML in { lincat Inflection = {t : Str; s1,s2 : Str} ; Document = {s : Str} ; Tag = {s : Str} ; lin InflectionN, InflectionN2, InflectionN3 = \noun -> { t = "n" ; s1 = heading1 ("Noun" ++ case noun.g of { Neutr => ""; Masc => "(masc)"; Fem => "(fem)" }) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th "nom" ++ th "gen") ++ tr (th "sg" ++ td (noun.s ! Sg ! Nom) ++ td (noun.s ! Sg ! Gen)) ++ tr (th "pl" ++ td (noun.s ! Pl ! Nom) ++ td (noun.s ! Pl ! Gen)) ) } ; InflectionA, InflectionA2 = \adj -> { t = "a" ; s1 = heading1 "Adjective" ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th "nom" ++ th "gen") ++ tr (th "posit" ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Posit Nom) ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Posit Gen)) ++ tr (th "compar" ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Compar Nom) ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Compar Gen)) ++ tr (th "superl" ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Superl Nom) ++ td (adj.s ! AAdj Superl Gen)) ) ++ heading1 "Adverb" ++ paragraph (adj.s ! AAdv) } ; InflectionAdv = \adv -> { t = "adv" ; s1= heading1 "Adverb" ; s2= paragraph (adv.s) ; s3= "" } ; InflectionPrep = \prep -> { t = "prep" ; s1= heading1 "Preposition" ; s2= paragraph (prep.s) ; s3= "" } ; InflectionV v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p) ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2 v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ v.c2 ++ pp "object") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV3 v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ v.c2 ++ pp "arg1" ++ v.c3 ++ pp "arg2") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2V v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ v.c2 ++ pp "object" ++ v.c3 ++ case v.typ of { VVAux => pp "verb" ; VVInf => "to" ++ pp "verb" ; VVPresPart => pp "verb+ing" }) ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2S v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ v.c2 ++ pp "object" ++ "that" ++ pp "sentence") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2Q v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ pp "question") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2A v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ v.c2 ++ pp "object" ++ pp "adjective") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionVV v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VVF VInf ++ v.p ++ case v.typ of { VVAux => pp "verb" ; VVInf => "to" ++ pp "verb" ; VVPresPart => pp "verb+ing" }) ; s2= frameTable ( tr (th "infitive" ++ td (v.s ! VVF VInf)) ++ tr (th "present" ++ td (v.s ! VVF VPres ++ " " ++ v.s ! VVPresNeg)) ++ tr (th "past" ++ td (v.s ! VVF VPast ++ " " ++ v.s ! VVPastNeg)) ++ --# notpresent tr (th "past part." ++ td (v.s ! VVF VPPart)) ++ tr (th "present part." ++ td (v.s ! VVF VPresPart)) ) } ; InflectionVS v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ "that" ++ pp "sentence") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionVQ v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ pp "question") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionVA v = { t = "v" ; s1= heading1 "Verb" ++ paragraph (pp "subject" ++ v.s ! VInf ++ v.p ++ pp "adjective") ; s2= inflVerb v } ; oper inflVerb : Verb -> Str = \verb -> frameTable ( tr (th "infitive" ++ td (verb.s ! VInf)) ++ tr (th "present" ++ td (verb.s ! VPres)) ++ tr (th "past" ++ td (verb.s ! VPast)) ++ --# notpresent tr (th "past part." ++ td (verb.s ! VPPart)) ++ tr (th "present part." ++ td (verb.s ! VPresPart)) ) ; pp : Str -> Str = \s -> "<"+s+">"; lin MkDocument b i e = {s = i.s1 ++ paragraph b.s ++ i.s2 ++ paragraph e.s} ; MkTag i = {s = i.t} ; }