{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | This tutorial is meant to be read alongside with the haddock comments in
-- "Generics.Eot".
-- @generics-eot@ allows roughly three different kinds of operations:
-- 1. Accessing meta information about ADTs ('datatype' for names, 'Proxy' and
--    'Eot' for field types). Example: Generation of database schemas for ADTs.
-- 2. Deconstructing values generically ('toEot'). Example: Serialization to a
--    binary format.
-- 3. Constructing values of an ADT generically ('fromEot').
--    Example: Deserialization from a binary format.
-- Sometimes only one of the three forms is used but often multiple have to
-- be combined. For example serialization to JSON usually
-- requires both 'datatype' and
-- 'toEot'.

module Generics.Eot.Tutorial where

import           Data.Char
import           Data.List
import           Data.Typeable

import           Generics.Eot

-- * #1stExample# 1st Example: Meta Information Without Types: Field Names

-- | This simple function extracts the names of all field selectors and returns
-- them as a list:
-- >>> namesOfFields (Proxy :: Proxy A)
-- ["foo","bar","baz"]
-- (You're encouraged to look at the source code of the examples in this
-- tutorial to understand how they work. If you're looking at a web page
-- generated by haddock, you'll hopefully find @Source@ links to the right.)
namesOfFields :: HasEot a => Proxy a -> [String]
namesOfFields proxy =
  nub $
  concatMap (fieldNames . fields) $
  constructors $ datatype proxy
    fieldNames :: Fields -> [String]
    fieldNames fields = case fields of
      Selectors names -> names
      _ -> []

data A = A1 {
    foo :: String,
    bar :: Int
  | A2 {
    bar :: Int,
    baz :: Bool
  deriving (Generic, Show)

-- * The 'Generic' instance: Don't forget!!!

-- $ To be able to use generic functions that are written with @generics-eot@
-- you need to derive an instance for 'GHC.Generics.Generic' (using
-- @DeriveGeneric@) for your ADTs. This will automatically give you an instance
-- for 'HasEot'.
-- When the instance for 'GHC.Generics.Generic' is missing the type error
-- messages are unfortunately very confusing and unhelpful. They go something
-- like this:
-- >    Couldn't match type ‘GHC.Generics.Rep WithoutGeneric’
-- >                   with ‘GHC.Generics.D1 c f’
-- >    The type variables ‘c’, ‘f’ are ambiguous
-- >    In the expression: namesOfFields (Proxy :: Proxy WithoutGeneric)
-- So don't forget: you need a 'Generic' instance.

-- ** 'Eot': Isomorphic representations

-- $ Part of the type class 'HasEot' is the type-level function 'Eot' that maps
-- ADTs to isomorphic types.
-- These isomorphic types are always a combination of 'Either's, tuples and
-- the uninhabited type 'Void'. For example this type:

data B = B1 Int | B2 String Bool | B3
  deriving (Generic)

-- $ would be mapped to
-- @'Either' ('Int', ()) ('Either' ('String', ('Bool', ())) ('Either' () 'Void'))@.
-- (For the exact rules of this mapping see here: 'Eot'.)
-- If we have an ADT @a@ then we can convert values of type @a@ to this
-- isomorphic representation
-- @'Eot' a@ with 'toEot' and we can convert in the other direction with
-- 'fromEot'. Generic functions always operate on these isomorphic
-- representations and then convert from or to the real ADTs with 'fromEot' and
-- 'toEot'.
-- These generic isomorphic types are referred to as "eot" -- short for
-- "'Either's of tuples".

-- * #2ndExample# 2nd Example: Deconstructing Values: Serialization

-- $ We start by writing a function that operates on the eot representations.
-- The eot representations follow simple patterns and always look similar, but
-- they don't look exactly the same for different ADTs.
-- For this reason we have to use a type class:

class EotSerialize eot where
  eotSerialize :: Int -- ^ The number of the constructor being passed in
    -> eot -- ^ The eot representation
    -> [Int] -- ^ A simple serialization format

-- $ Now we need to write instances for the types that occur in eot types.
-- (Please, look at the source code to see the instance implementations.)
-- Usually these are:
-- - @'Either' this next@:
--     - If as eot value we get @'Left' this@ it means that the original value
--     was constructed with the constructor that corresponds to @this@. In this
--     case we put the number of the constructor into the output and continue
--     with serializing the fields of type @this@.
--     - If we get @'Right' rest@ it means that one of the following
--     constructors was the one that the original value was built with. We
--     continue by increasing the constructor counter and serializing the value
--     of type @rest@.
--     Note that this results in 'EotSerialize' class constraints for both
--     @this@ and @rest@. If we write the correct instances for all eot types
--     these constraints should always be fulfilled.

instance (EotSerialize this, EotSerialize next) =>
  EotSerialize (Either this next) where

  eotSerialize n (Left fields) = n : eotSerialize n fields
  eotSerialize n (Right next) = eotSerialize (succ n) next

-- $
-- - 'Void':
--     We need this instance to make the compiler happy, but it'll never be
--     used. If you look at the type you can also see that: an argument of type
--     'Void' cannot be constructed.

instance EotSerialize Void where
  eotSerialize _ void = seq void $ error "impossible"

-- $
-- - @(x, xs)@:
--     Right-nested 2-tuples are used to encode all the fields for one specific
--     constructor. So @x@ is the current field and @xs@ are the remaining
--     fields. To serialize this we serialize @x@ (using 'serialize')
--     and also write the length of the
--     resulting list into the output. This will allow deserialization.
--     Note: We could use 'EotSerialize' to serialize the fields. But that would
--     be a bit untrue to the spirit, since the fields are not eot types. Apart
--     from that we might want to encode a field of e.g. type @'Either' a b@
--     differently than the eot type @'Either' a b@. So we use a very similar
--     but distinct type class called 'Serialize'.
--     The value of type @xs@ contains the remaining fields and will be encoded
--     recursively with 'eotSerialize'.

instance (Serialize x, EotSerialize xs) => EotSerialize (x, xs) where
  eotSerialize n (x, xs) =
    let xInts = serialize x
    in length xInts : xInts ++ eotSerialize n xs

-- $
-- - @()@:
--     Finally we need an instance for the unit type that marks the end of the
--     fields encoded in 2-tuples. Since @()@ doesn't carry any information, we
--     can encode it as the empty list.

instance EotSerialize () where
  eotSerialize _ () = []

-- | This is the class 'Serialize'. It's used to serialize every field of the
-- used ADTs, so we need instances for all of them.
class Serialize a where
  serialize :: a -> [Int]
  default serialize :: (HasEot a, EotSerialize (Eot a)) => a -> [Int]
  serialize = genericSerialize

instance Serialize Int where
  serialize i = [i]

instance Serialize String where
  serialize = map ord

instance Serialize Bool where
  serialize True = [1]
  serialize False = [0]

instance Serialize () where
  serialize () = []

-- | To tie everything together we provide a function 'genericSerialize' that
-- converts a value of some ADT into an eot value using 'toEot' and then uses
-- 'eotSerialize' to convert that eot value into a list of 'Int's.
genericSerialize :: (HasEot a, EotSerialize (Eot a)) => a -> [Int]
genericSerialize = eotSerialize 0 . toEot

-- $ And it works too:
-- >>> genericSerialize (A1 "foo" 42)
-- [0,3,102,111,111,1,42]
-- >>> genericSerialize (A2 23 True)
-- [1,1,23,1,1]

-- * #3rdExample# 3rd Example: Constructing Values: Deserialization

-- $ Deserialization works very similarly. It differs in that the functions turn
-- lists of 'Int's into eot values.
-- Here's the 'EotDeserialize' class with instances for:
--  - @'Either' this next@
--  - @'Void'@
--  - @(x, xs)@
--  - @()@

class EotDeserialize eot where
  eotDeserialize :: [Int] -> eot

instance (EotDeserialize this, EotDeserialize next) =>
  EotDeserialize (Either this next) where

  eotDeserialize (0 : r) = Left $ eotDeserialize r
  eotDeserialize (n : r) = Right $ eotDeserialize (pred n : r)
  eotDeserialize [] = error "invalid input"

instance EotDeserialize Void where
  eotDeserialize _ = error "invalid input"

instance (Deserialize x, EotDeserialize xs) =>
  EotDeserialize (x, xs) where

  eotDeserialize (len : r) =
    let (this, rest) = splitAt len r
    in (deserialize this, eotDeserialize rest)
  eotDeserialize [] = error "invalid input"

instance EotDeserialize () where
  eotDeserialize [] = ()
  eotDeserialize (_ : _) = error "invalid input"

-- $ And here's the 'Deserialize' class plus all instances to deserialize the
-- fields:

class Deserialize a where
  deserialize :: [Int] -> a

instance Deserialize Int where
  deserialize [n] = n
  deserialize _ = error "invalid input"

instance Deserialize String where
  deserialize = map chr

instance Deserialize () where
  deserialize [] = ()
  deserialize (_ : _) = error "invalid input"

instance Deserialize Bool where
  deserialize [0] = False
  deserialize [1] = True
  deserialize _ = error "invalid input"

-- | And here's 'genericDeserialize' to tie it together. It uses
-- 'eotDeserialize' to convert a list of 'Int's into an eot value and then
-- 'fromEot' to construct a value of the wanted ADT.
genericDeserialize :: (HasEot a, EotDeserialize (Eot a)) => [Int] -> a
genericDeserialize = fromEot . eotDeserialize

-- $ Here you can see it in action:
-- >>> genericDeserialize [0,3,102,111,111,1,42] :: A
-- A1 {foo = "foo", bar = 42}
-- >>> genericDeserialize [1,1,23,1,1] :: A
-- A2 {bar = 23, baz = True}
-- And it is the inverse of 'genericSerialize':
-- >>> (genericDeserialize $ genericSerialize $ A1 "foo" 42) :: A
-- A1 {foo = "foo", bar = 42}

-- * 4th Example: Meta Information with types: generating SQL schemas

-- $ Accessing meta information __including__ the types works very
-- similarly to deconstructing or constructing values. It uses the same
-- structure of type classes and instances for the eot-types. The difference is:
-- since we don't want actual values of our ADT as input or output we operate on
-- 'Proxy's of our eot-types.
-- As an example we're going to implement a function that generates SQL
-- statements that create tables that our ADTs would fit into. To be able to
-- use nice names for the table and columns we're going to traverse the
-- type-less meta information (see <#1stExample 1st example>) at the same time.
-- (Note that the generated SQL statements are targeted at a fictional
-- database implementation that magically understands Haskell types like
-- 'Int' and 'String', or rather @['Char']@.)
-- Again we start off by writing a class that operates on the eot-types. Besides
-- the eot-type the class has an additional parameter, @meta@, that will be
-- instantiated by the corresponding types used for untyped meta information.

class EotCreateTableStatement meta eot where
  eotCreateTableStatement :: meta -> Proxy eot -> [String]

-- $ Our first instance is for the complete datatype. @eot@ is instantiated to
-- @'Either' fields 'Void'@. Note that this instance only works for ADTs with
-- exactly one constructor as we don't support types with multiple constructors.
-- @meta@ is instantiated to 'Datatype' which is the type for meta information
-- for ADTs.

instance EotCreateTableStatement [String] fields =>
  EotCreateTableStatement Datatype (Either fields Void) where

  eotCreateTableStatement datatype Proxy = case datatype of
    Datatype name [Constructor _ (Selectors fields)] ->
      "CREATE TABLE " :
      name :
      " COLUMNS " :
      "(" :
      intercalate ", " (eotCreateTableStatement fields (Proxy :: Proxy fields)) :
      ");" :
    Datatype _ [Constructor name (NoSelectors _)] ->
      error ("constructor " ++ name ++ " has no selectors, this is not supported")
    Datatype name _ ->
      error ("type " ++ name ++ " must have exactly one constructor")

-- $ The second instance is responsible for creating the parts of the SQL
-- statements that declare the columns. As such it has to traverse the fields
-- of our ADT. @eot@ is instantiated to the usual @(x, xs)@. @meta@ is
-- instantiated to @['String']@, representing the field names. The name of the
-- field type is obtained using 'typeRep', therefore we need a @'Typeable' x@
-- constraint.

instance (Typeable x, EotCreateTableStatement [String] xs) =>
  EotCreateTableStatement [String] (x, xs) where

  eotCreateTableStatement (field : fields) Proxy =
    (field ++ " " ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy x))) :
    eotCreateTableStatement fields (Proxy :: Proxy xs)
  eotCreateTableStatement [] Proxy = error "impossible"

-- $ The last instances is for @()@. It's needed as the base case for
-- traversing the fields and as such returns just an empty list.

instance EotCreateTableStatement [String] () where
  eotCreateTableStatement [] Proxy = []
  eotCreateTableStatement (_ : _) Proxy = error "impossible"

-- | 'createTableStatement' ties everything together. It obtaines the meta
-- information through 'datatype' passing a 'Proxy' for @a@. And it creates a
-- 'Proxy' for the eot-type:
-- > Proxy :: Proxy (Eot a)
-- Then it calls 'eotCreateTableStatement' and just 'concat's the resulting
-- snippets.
createTableStatement :: forall a . (HasEot a, EotCreateTableStatement Datatype (Eot a)) =>
  Proxy a -> String
createTableStatement proxy =
  concat $ eotCreateTableStatement (datatype proxy) (Proxy :: Proxy (Eot a))

-- $ As an example, we're going to use 'Person':

data Person
  = Person {
    name :: String,
    age :: Int
  deriving (Generic)

-- $ And here's the created SQL statement:
-- >>> putStrLn $ createTableStatement (Proxy :: Proxy Person)
-- CREATE TABLE Person COLUMNS (name [Char], age Int);
-- If we try to use an ADT with multiple constructors, we get a type error
-- due to a missing instance:
-- >>> putStrLn $ createTableStatement (Proxy :: Proxy A)
-- ...
--     No instance for (EotCreateTableStatement
--                        Datatype
--                        (Either ([Char], (Int, ())) (Either (Int, (Bool, ())) Void)))
--       arising from a use of ‘createTableStatement’
-- ...
-- If we try to use it with an ADT with a single constructor but no selectors,
-- we get a runtime error:

data NoSelectors
  = NotSupported Int Bool
  deriving (Generic)

-- $ >>> putStrLn $ createTableStatement (Proxy :: Proxy NoSelectors)
-- *** Exception: constructor NotSupported has no selectors, this is not supported

-- * DefaultSignatures

-- $ There is a GHC language extension called @<https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/type-class-extensions.html#class-default-signatures DefaultSignatures>@.
-- In itself it has little to do with generic programming, but it makes a good
-- companion.

-- ** How DefaultSignatures work:

-- $ Imagine you have a type class called @ToString@ which allows to convert
-- values to 'String's:

class ToString a where
  toString :: a -> String
  default toString :: Show a => a -> String
  toString = show

-- $ You can write instances manually, but you might be tempted to give the
-- following default implementation for 'toString':
-- > toString = show
-- The idea is that then you can just write down an empty 'ToString' instance:
-- > instance ToString A
-- and you get to use 'toString' on values of type 'A' for free.
-- But that default implementation doesn't work, because in the class declaration
-- we don't have an instance for @Show a@. ghc says:
-- > Could not deduce (Show a) arising from a use of ‘show’
-- > from the context (ToString a)
-- One solution would be to make 'ToString' a subclass of 'Show', but then we
-- cannot implement 'ToString' instances manually anymore for types that don't
-- have a 'Show' instance. @DefaultSignatures@ provide a better solution. The
-- extension allows you to further narrow down the type for your default
-- implementation for class methods:
-- > class ToString a where
-- >   toString :: a -> String
-- >   default toString :: Show a => a -> String
-- >   toString = show
-- Then writing down empty instances work for types that have a 'Show' instance:
-- > instance ToString Int

instance ToString Int

-- $ >>> toString (42 :: Int)
-- "42"

-- $ Note: if you write down an empty @ToString@ instances for a type that
-- does not have a 'Show' instance, the error message looks like this:
-- > No instance for (Show NoShow)
-- This might be confusing especially since haddock docs don't list the default
-- signatures or implementations and users of the class might be wondering why
-- 'Show' comes into play at all.

-- ** How to use @DefaultSignatures@ for generic programming:

-- $ @DefaultSignatures@ are especially handy when doing generic programming.
-- Remember the type class 'Serialize' from the second example? Initially we
-- used it to serialize the fields of our ADTs in the generic serialization
-- through 'genericSerialize' and 'EotSerialize'. We just assumed that we would
-- have a manual implementation for all field types. But with
-- @DefaultSignatures@ we can now give a default implementation that uses
-- 'genericSerialize':
-- > class Serialize a where
-- >   serialize :: a -> [Int]
-- >   default serialize :: (HasEot a, EotSerialize (Eot a)) => a -> [Int]
-- >   serialize = genericSerialize
-- Note that the default implementation is given by 'genericSerialize' and has
-- the same constraints.
-- Now we can write empty instances for custom ADTs:

data C
  = C1 Int String
  deriving (Generic)

-- $
-- > instance Serialize C

instance Serialize C

-- $ You could say that by giving this empty instance we give our blessing to
-- use 'genericSerialize' for this type, but we don't have to actually implement
-- anything. And it works:
-- >>> serialize (C1 42 "yay!")
-- [0,1,42,4,121,97,121,33]

-- $ Important is that we still have the option to implement instances manually
-- by overwriting the default implementation. This is needed for basic types
-- like 'Int' and 'Char' that don't have useful generic representations. But it
-- also allows us to overwrite instances for ADTs manually. For example you may
-- want a certain type to be serialized in a special way that deviates from the
-- generic implementation or you may implement an instance manually for
-- performance gain.