{- | This module is a drop in replacement for 'Data.Maybe.Maybe'. It generalizes
 the functions to any types that share the same \"sum of products\" view
 of 'Data.Maybe.Maybe'.
 To use the module for you type, enable GHC's DeriveGeneric extension and
 derive a Generic instance for your type.
import GHC.Generics
 data Result a = Success a | Fail
   deriving (Show, Generic)

 data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
   deriving (Show, Generic)
 After which you can use the function, like your type was 'Data.Maybe.Maybe'
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
module Generics.Maybe 
   ( fromMaybe
   , maybe
   , isJust
   , isNothing
   , fromJust
   , listToMaybe
   , maybeToList
   , catMaybes
   , mapMaybe
   -- * Exported for groking, but not for implementing.
   , MaybeLike
   ) where
import GHC.Generics
    ( Generic(..)
    , U1(..)
    , K1(K1)
    , M1(..)
    , (:+:)(..)
    , Rec0
    , C1
    , S1 
import Control.Lens ( Iso', Iso, over, iso, view )
import Generics.Deriving.Lens ( generic )
import qualified Control.Lens.Iso as Iso
import Prelude hiding (maybe)

-- DocTest setup

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric
-- >>> data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Show, Generic)
-- >>> data Result a = Success a | Fail deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe'
-- > fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
-- >>> fromMaybe 'a' Nothing
-- 'a'
-- >>> fromMaybe 'a' $ Just 'b'
-- 'b'
-- >>> fromMaybe 'a' Fail
-- 'a'
-- >>> fromMaybe 'a' $ Success 'b'
-- 'b'
-- >>> fromMaybe Zero Zero
-- Zero
-- >>> fromMaybe Zero $ Succ (Succ Zero)
-- Succ Zero
fromMaybe :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
          => a -> maybe -> a
fromMaybe x = fromMaybe' x . view gsimple 

fromMaybe' :: a 
           -> (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b
           -> a
fromMaybe' def e = case e of 
   L1 U1     -> def
   R1 (K1 x) -> x 
-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.maybe' 
-- > maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
-- >>> maybe (1 :: Int) (+1) Nothing
-- 1
-- >>> maybe 1 (+1) $ Just 1
-- 2
-- >>> maybe (1 :: Int) (+1) Fail
-- 1
-- >>> maybe 1 (+1) $ Success 1
-- 2
-- >>> maybe (Succ Zero) Succ Zero
-- Succ Zero
-- >>> maybe (Succ Zero) Succ $ Succ (Succ Zero)
-- Succ (Succ Zero)
maybe :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
      => b -> (a -> b) -> maybe -> b
maybe def f = maybe' def f . view gsimple
maybe' :: b -> (a -> b) -> (U1 :+: Rec0 a) x -> b
maybe' def f e = case e of
   L1 U1     -> def
   R1 (K1 x) -> f x 

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.isJust'
-- > isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool
-- >>> isJust Nothing
-- False
-- >>> isJust $ Just 'a'
-- True
-- >>> isJust Fail
-- False
-- >>> isJust $ Success 'a'
-- True
-- >>> isJust Zero
-- False
-- >>> isJust $ Succ Zero
-- True
isJust :: forall maybe a. 
          (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
       => maybe -> Bool
isJust = isJust' . view (gsimple :: Iso' maybe ((U1 :+: Rec0 a) p))

isJust' :: (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b -> Bool
isJust' e = case e of
   L1 {} -> False
   R1 {} -> True

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.isNothing'
-- > isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
-- >>> isNothing Nothing
-- True
-- >>> isNothing $ Just 'a'
-- False
-- >>> isNothing Fail
-- True
-- >>> isNothing $ Success 'a'
-- False
-- >>> isNothing Zero
-- True
-- >>> isNothing $ Succ Zero
-- False
isNothing :: forall maybe a.
             (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
          => maybe -> Bool   
isNothing = isNothing' . view (gsimple :: Iso' maybe ((U1 :+: Rec0 a) p))
isNothing' :: (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b -> Bool
isNothing' e = case e of
   L1 {} -> True
   R1 {} -> False

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.fromJust'
-- > fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
-- >>> fromJust Nothing
-- *** Exception: Generics.fromJust. You shouldn't really use this.
-- >>> fromJust $ Just 'a'
-- 'a'
-- >>> fromJust Fail
-- *** Exception: Generics.fromJust. You shouldn't really use this.
-- >>> fromJust $ Success 'a'
-- 'a'
-- >>> fromJust Zero
-- *** Exception: Generics.fromJust. You shouldn't really use this.
-- >>> fromJust $ Succ Zero
-- Zero
fromJust :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
         => maybe -> a   
fromJust = fromJust' . view gsimple
fromJust' :: (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b -> a
fromJust' (R1 (K1 x)) = x
fromJust' _ = error "Generics.fromJust. You shouldn't really use this."

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.listToMaybe'
-- > listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
-- >>> listToMaybe ['a', 'b'] :: Maybe Char
-- Just 'a'
-- >>> listToMaybe [] :: Maybe Char
-- Nothing
-- >>> listToMaybe ['a', 'b'] :: Result Char
-- Success 'a'
-- >>> listToMaybe [] :: Result Char
-- Fail
-- >>> listToMaybe [Zero, Succ Zero] :: Nat
-- Succ Zero
-- >>> listToMaybe [] :: Nat
-- Zero
listToMaybe :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
            => [a] -> maybe
listToMaybe = view (Iso.from gsimple) . listToMaybe' 
listToMaybe' :: [a] -> (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b
listToMaybe' e = case e of
   x:_ -> R1 $ K1 x
   []  -> L1 U1

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.maybeToList'
-- > maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
-- >>> maybeToList $ Just True
-- [True]
-- >>> maybeToList Nothing
-- []
-- >>> maybeToList $ Success True
-- [True]
-- >>> maybeToList Fail
-- []
-- >>> maybeToList $ Succ Zero
-- [Zero]
-- >>> maybeToList Zero
-- []
maybeToList :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
            => maybe -> [a]
maybeToList = maybeToList' . view gsimple

maybeToList' :: (U1 :+: Rec0 a) b -> [a]
maybeToList' e = case e of
   L1 {}     -> []
   R1 (K1 x) -> [x]

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes'
-- > catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
-- >>> catMaybes [Just True, Nothing, Just False]
-- [True,False]
-- >>> catMaybes [Success True, Fail, Success False]
-- [True,False]
-- >>> catMaybes [Succ Zero, Zero, Succ Zero]
-- [Zero,Zero]
catMaybes :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) a)
          => [maybe] -> [a]
catMaybes = catMaybes' . map (view gsimple) 

catMaybes' :: [(U1 :+: Rec0 a) b] -> [a]
catMaybes' xs = [x | R1 (K1 x) <- xs]

-- | A generalized version of 'Data.Maybe.mapMaybe'
-- > mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- >>> mapMaybe (\x -> if x then Just "True" else Nothing) [True, False, True]
-- ["True","True"]
-- >>> mapMaybe (\x -> if x then Success "True" else Fail) [True, False, True]
-- ["True","True"]
-- >>> mapMaybe (\x -> if x then Succ Zero else Zero) [True, False, True]
-- [Zero,Zero]
mapMaybe :: (Generic maybe, MaybeLike (Rep maybe) b)
         => (a -> maybe) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe f = mapMaybe' (view gsimple . f) 

mapMaybe' :: (a -> (U1 :+: Rec0 b) x) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe' _ []     = []
mapMaybe' f (x:xs) =
   let ys = mapMaybe' f xs in
   case f x of
     L1 {}     -> ys
     R1 (K1 y) -> y:ys
--                               Utils

m1 :: Iso (M1 i c f p) (M1 i' c' f' p') (f p) (f' p')
m1 = iso unM1 M1

commuteSum :: (f :+: g) p -> (g :+: f) p
commuteSum e = case e of
   L1 x -> R1 x
   R1 x -> L1 x
-- | This type class is used to swap the order of constructors so
--   unit shows up first.
-- > (M1 m a (C1 b (S1 e (Rec0 any)) :+: C1 y U1)) 
-- will become
-- > (M1 m a (C1 y U1 :+: C1 b (S1 e (Rec0 any))))
--   and
-- > (M1 m a (C1 y U1 :+: C1 b (S1 e (Rec0 any))))
-- is unchanged
-- Thus, there are only two instances and should only be, forever
-- and always ... I think.
class MaybeLike rep any | rep -> any where
  maybelike :: Iso' (rep p) ((U1 :+: Rec0 any) p)

instance MaybeLike (M1 m a (C1 y U1 :+: C1 b (S1 e (K1 k any)))) any  where
  maybelike = clean

instance MaybeLike (M1 m a (C1 b (S1 e (K1 k any)) :+: C1 y U1)) any where
  maybelike = iso invo invo . clean
      invo = over m1 commuteSum

-- Get rid of all the meta info
clean :: Iso ((M1 m  a  (C1 y  U1 :+: C1 b  (S1 e  (K1 k any )))) p)
             ((M1 m' a' (C1 y' U1 :+: C1 b' (S1 e' (K1 k any')))) p')
             ((U1 :+: Rec0 any) p)
             ((U1 :+: Rec0 any') p')
clean = iso fw bk where
   fw (M1 x) = case x of
            L1 (M1 l)           -> L1 l
            R1 (M1 (M1 (K1 r))) -> R1 $ K1 r
   bk e = case e of
            L1 l      -> M1 $ L1 $ M1 l
            R1 (K1 r) -> M1 $ R1 $ M1 $ M1 $ K1 r

-- Convert to the simplified generic form
gsimple :: ( Generic maybe
           , MaybeLike (Rep maybe) any
        => Iso' maybe ((U1 :+: Rec0 any) p)
gsimple = generic . maybelike