# 1.14.4 [2023.04.30] * Allow building with GHC backends where `HTYPE_SIG_ATOMIC_T` is not defined, such as the WASM backend. * Place `INLINE [1]` pragmas on `from` and `to` implementations when types don't have too many constructors or fields, following the heuristics that GHC 9.2+ uses for `Generic` deriving. # 1.14.3 [2023.02.27] * Support `th-abstraction-0.5.*`. # 1.14.2 [2022.07.23] * Fix a bug in which `deriveAll1` could generate ill kinded code when using `kindSigOptions=False`, or when using GHC 8.0 or earlier. * Fix a bug in which `deriveAll1` would reject data types whose last type variable has a kind besides `Type` or `k` on GHC 8.2 or later. # 1.14.1 [2021.08.30] * Backport the `Generic(1)` instances introduced for tuples (8 through 15) in `base-4.16`. * Make the test suite compile on GHC 9.2 or later. * Always import `Data.List` qualified to fix the build with recent GHCs. # 1.14 [2020.09.30] * Remove instances for `Data.Semigroup.Option`, which is deprecated as of `base-`. * Allow building with `template-haskell-` (GHC 9.0). * Fix a bug in which `deriveAll1` would needlessly reject data types whose last type parameter appears as an oversaturated argument to a type family. # 1.13.1 [2019.11.26] * Backport the `Generic(1)` instances for `Kleisli` introduced in `base-4.14`. # 1.13 [2019.08.27] * Make `GSemigroup` a superclass of `GMonoid`. Similarly, make `GSemigroup'` a superclass of `GMonoid'`. * In the instance `GMonoid (Maybe a)`, relax the constraint on `a` from `GMonoid` to `GSemigroup`. # 1.12.4 [2019.04.26] * Support `th-abstraction-` or later. # 1.12.3 [2019.02.09] * Support `template-haskell-2.15`. * Add a `gshowList` method to `GShow`, which lets us avoid the need for `OverlappingInstances` in `Generics.Deriving.TH`. As a consequence, the `GShow String` instance has been removed, as it is now fully subsumed by the `GShow [a]` instance (with which it previously overlapped). * Functions in `Generics.Deriving.TH` now balance groups of `(:*:)` and `(:+:)` as much as possible (`deriving Generic` was already performing this optimization, and now `generic-deriving` does too). * Add a `Generics.Deriving.Default` module demonstrating and explaining how and why to use `DerivingVia`. There is also a test suite with further examples. # 1.12.2 [2018.06.28] * Backport the `Generic(1)` instances for `Data.Ord.Down`, introduced in `base-4.12`. Add `GEq`, `GShow`, `GSemigroup`, `GMonoid`, `GFunctor`, `GFoldable`, `GTraversable`, and `GCopoint` instances for `Down`. * Refactor internals using `th-abstraction`. * Adapt to `Maybe` moving to `GHC.Maybe` in GHC 8.6. # 1.12.1 [2018.01.11] * Remove a test that won't work on GHC 8.4. # 1.12 [2017.12.07] * Adapt to the `EmptyDataDeriving` proposal (introduced in GHC 8.4): * `Generics.Deriving.TH` now derives `to(1)` and `from(1)` implementations for empty data types that are strict in the argument. * Introduce an `EmptyCaseOptions` field to `Options` in `Generics.Deriving.TH`, which controls whether generated `from(1)`/`to(1)` implementations for empty data types should use the `EmptyCase` extension or not (as is the case in GHC 8.4). * Add `mkFrom0Options`, `mkFrom1Options`, `mkTo0Options`, and `mkTo1Options` functions to `Generics.Deriving.TH`, which take `EmptyCaseOptions` as arguments. * The backported instances for `V1` are now maximally lazy, as per `EmptyDataDeriving`. (Previously, some instances would unnecessarily force their argument, such as the `Eq` and `Ord` instances.) * Add instances for `V1` in `Generics.Deriving.Copoint`, `.Eq`, `.Foldable`, `.Functor`, `.Show`, and `.Traversable`. * Remove the bitrotting `simplInstance` function from `Generics.Deriving.TH`. # 1.11.2 [2017.04.10] * Add `GEq`, `GShow`, `GEnum`, and `GIx` instances for the new data types in `Foreign.C.Types` (`CBool`) and `System.Posix.Types` (`CBlkSize`, `CBlkCnt`, `CClockId`, `CFsBlkCnt`, `CFsFilCnt`, `CId`, `CKey`, and `CTimer`) introduced in `base-` # 1.11.1 [2016.09.10] * Fix Template Haskell regression involving data families * Convert examples to test suite * Backport missing `Data` and `Typeable` instances for `Rec1`, `M1`, `(:*:)`, `(:+:)`, and `(:.:)` # 1.11 * The behavior of functions in `Generics.Deriving.TH` have changed with respect to when type synonyms are generated for `Rep(1)` definitions. In particular: * By default, `deriveRepresentable(1)` will no longer define its `Rep(1)` type family instance in terms of the type synonym that has to be generated with `deriveRep(1)`. Similarly, `deriveAll(1)` and `deriveAll0And1` will no longer generate a type synonym. Instead, they will generate `Generic(1)` instances that directly define the `Rep(1)` instance inline. If you wish to revert to the old behavior, you will need to use the variants of those functions suffixed with `-Options`. * New functions `makeRep0Inline` and `makeRep1Inline` have been added which, for most purposes, should replace uses of `makeRep0`/`makeRep0FromType` and `makeRep1`/`makeRep1FromType` (but see the next bullet point for a caveat). * The use of `deriveRep(1)`, `makeRep0`/`makeRep0FromType`, and `makeRep1`/`makeRep1FromType` are now discouraged, but those functions are still available. The reason is that on GHC 7.0/7.2/7.4, it is impossible to use `makeRep0Inline`/`makeRep1Inline` due to a GHC bug. Therefore, you must use `makeRep0`/`makeRep1` and `deriveRep(1)` on GHC 7.0/7.2/7.4 out of necessity. These changes make dealing with `Generic` instances that involve `PolyKinds` and `TypeInType` much easier. * All functions suffixed in `-WithKindSigs` in `Generics.Deriving.TH` have been removed in favor of a more sensible `-Options` suffixing scheme. The ability to toggle whether explicit kind signatures are used on type variable binders has been folded into `KindSigOptions`, which is an explicit argument to `deriveRep0Options`/`deriveRep1Options` and also a field in the more general 'Options' data type. * Furthermore, the behavior of derived instances' kind signatures has changed. By default, the TH code will now _always_ use explicit kind signatures whenever possible, regardless of whether you're working with plain data types or data family instances. This makes working with `TypeInType` less surprising, but at the cost of making it slightly more awkward to work with derived `Generic1` instances that constrain kinds to `*` by means of `(:.:)`. * Since `Generic1` is polykinded on GHC 8.2 and later, the functions in `Generics.Deriving.TH` will no longer unify the kind of the last type parameter to be `*`. * Fix a bug in which `makeRep` (and similarly named functions) would not check whether the argument type can actually have a well kinded `Generic(1)` instance. * Backport missing `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Rec1` # 1.10.7 * Renamed internal modules to avoid using apostrophes (averting this bug: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/3631) # 1.10.6 * A new `base-4-9` Cabal flag was added to more easily facilitate installing `generic-deriving` with manually installed versions of `template-haskell`. # 1.10.5 * Apply an optimization to generated `to(1)`/`from(1)` instances that factors out common occurrences of `M1`. See http://git.haskell.org/ghc.git/commit/9649fc0ae45e006c2ed54cc5ea2414158949fadb * Export internal typeclass names * Fix Haddock issues with GHC 7.8 # * Fix Haddock parsing issue on GHC 8.0 # 1.10.4 * Backported `MonadPlus` and `MonadZip` instances for `U1`, and made the `Functor`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, `Alternative`, and `Monad` instances for `U1` lazier to correspond with `base-4.9` # 1.10.3 * Backported `Enum`, `Bounded`, `Ix`, `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `MonadFix`, `MonadPlus`, `MonadZip`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, and `Data` instances (introduced in `base-4.9`) for datatypes in the `Generics.Deriving.Base` module # 1.10.2 * Fix TH regression on GHC 7.0 # 1.10.1 * Added `Generics.Deriving.Semigroup` * Added `GMonoid` instance for `Data.Monoid.Alt` * Fixed a bug in the `GEnum` instances for unsigned `Integral` types * Added `Safe`/`Trustworthy` pragmas * Made instances polykinded where possible # 1.10.0 * On GHC 8.0 and up, `Generics.Deriving.TH` uses the new type literal-based machinery * Rewrote the Template Haskell code to be robust. Among other things, this fixes a bug with deriving Generic1 instances on GHC 7.8, and makes it easier to derive Generic1 instances for datatypes that utilize GHC 8.0's `-XTypeInType` extension. * Added `deriveAll0` and `makeRep0` for symmetry with `deriveAll1` and `makeRep1` * Added`makeRep0FromType` and `makeRep1FromType` to make it easier to pass in the type instance (instead of having to pass each individual type variable, which can be error-prone) * Added functions with the suffix `-WithKindSigs` to allow generating type synonyms with explicit kind signatures in the presence of kind-polymorphic type variables. This is necessary for some datatypes that use `-XTypeInType` to have derived `Generic(1)` instances, but is not turned on by default since the TH kind inference is not perfect and would cause otherwise valid code to be rejected. Use only if you know what you are doing. * Fixed bug where a datatype with a single, nullary constructor would generate incorrect `Generic` instances * More sensible `GEnum` instances for fixed-size integral types * Added `GCopoint`, `GEnum`, `GEq`, `GFoldable`, `GFunctor`, `GMonoid`, `GShow`, and `GTraversable` instances for datatypes introduced in GHC 8.0 * Backported `Generic(1)` instances added in GHC 8.0. Specifically, `Generic` instances for `Complex` (`base-4.4` and later) `ExitCode`, and `Version`; and `Generic1` instances for `Complex` (`base-4.4` and later) and `Proxy` (`base-4.7` and later). Added `GEnum`, `GEq`, `GFoldable`, `GFunctor`, `GIx`, `GShow`, and `GTraversable` instances for these datatypes where appropriate. # 1.9.0 * Allow deriving of Generic1 using Template Haskell * Allow deriving of Generic(1) for data families * Allow deriving of Generic(1) for constructor-less plain datatypes (but not data families, due to technical restrictions) * Support for unboxed representation types on GHC 7.11+ * More `GCopoint`, `GEnum`, `GEq`, `GFoldable`, `GFunctor`, `GIx`, `GMonoid`, `GShow`, and `GTraversable` instances * The field accessors for the `(:+:)` type in `Generics.Deriving.Base` have been removed to be consistent with `GHC.Generics` * Ensure that TH generates definitions for isNewtype and packageName, if a recent-enough version of GHC is used * Ensure that TH-generated names are unique for a given data type's module and package (similar in spirit to Trac #10487) * Allow building on stage-1 compilers