{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} module Main ( -- * Run all tests main ) where import Prelude hiding (Either(..)) import Generics.Deriving import Generics.Deriving.TH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Temporary tests for TH generation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data (:/:) f a = MyType1Nil | MyType1Cons { myType1Rec :: (f :/: a), myType2Rec :: MyType2 } | MyType1Cons2 (f :/: a) Int a (f a) data MyType2 = MyType2 Float ([] :/: Int) $(deriveAll ''(:/:)) $(deriveAll ''MyType2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Haskell's lists and Maybe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hList1, hList2 :: [Int] hList1 = [1..10] hList2 = [2,4..] maybe1 = Nothing maybe2 = Just (Just 'p') testsStandard = [ gshow hList1 , gshow (children maybe2) , gshow (geq hList1 hList1) , gshow (geq maybe1 maybe2) , gshow (take 5 (genum :: [Maybe Int])) , gshow (take 15 (genum :: [[Int]])) , gshow (range ([0], [1::Int])) , gshow (inRange ([0], [3,5::Int]) hList1) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: trees of integers (kind *) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Tree = Empty | Branch Int Tree Tree #ifdef __UHC__ deriving instance GShow Tree deriving instance Uniplate Tree deriving instance GEnum Tree #else {- data Tree_ data Empty_ data Branch_ instance Datatype Tree_ where datatypeName _ = "Tree" moduleName _ = "Examples" instance Constructor Empty_ where conName _ = "Empty" instance Constructor Branch_ where conName _ = "Branch" -- Only a Representable0 instance is needed (no Representable1) type Rep0Tree = D1 Tree_ (C1 Empty_ U1 :+: C1 Branch_ (Rec0 Int :*: (Rec0 Tree :*: Rec0 Tree))) instance Representable0 Tree Rep0Tree where from0 Empty = M1 (L1 (M1 U1)) from0 (Branch i l r) = M1 (R1 (M1 (K1 i :*: (K1 l :*: K1 r)))) to0 (M1 (L1 (M1 U1))) = Empty to0 (M1 (R1 (M1 (K1 i :*: (K1 l :*: K1 r))))) = Branch i l r -} $(deriveAll ''Tree) instance GShow Tree where gshowsPrec = gshowsPrecdefault (undefined :: Rep0Tree_ x) instance Uniplate Tree where children = childrendefault (undefined :: Rep0Tree_ x) instance GEnum Tree where genum = genumDefault (undefined :: Rep0Tree_ x) instance Typeable Tree where typeOf = typeOf0default (undefined :: Rep0Tree_ x) #endif -- Example usage tree = Branch 2 Empty (Branch 1 Empty Empty) testsTree = [ gshow tree , gshow (children tree) , gshow (take 10 (genum :: [Tree])) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: lists (kind * -> *) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) #ifdef __UHC__ deriving instance (GShow a) => GShow (List a) deriving instance GFunctor List deriving instance Uniplate (List a) #else data List_ data Nil_ data Cons_ instance Datatype List_ where datatypeName _ = "List" moduleName _ = "Examples" instance Constructor Nil_ where conName _ = "Nil" instance Constructor Cons_ where conName _ = "Cons" type Rep0List_ a = D1 List_ ((:+:) (C1 Nil_ U1) (C1 Cons_ ((:*:) (Par0 a) (Rec0 (List a))))) instance Representable0 (List a) (Rep0List_ a) where from0 Nil = M1 (L1 (M1 U1)) from0 (Cons h t) = M1 (R1 (M1 ((:*:) (K1 h) (K1 t)))) to0 (M1 (L1 (M1 U1))) = Nil to0 (M1 (R1 (M1 (K1 h :*: K1 t)))) = Cons h t type Rep1List_ = D1 List_ ((:+:) (C1 Nil_ U1) (C1 Cons_ ((:*:) Par1 (Rec1 List)))) instance Representable1 List Rep1List_ where from1 Nil = M1 (L1 (M1 U1)) from1 (Cons h t) = M1 (R1 (M1 (Par1 h :*: Rec1 t))) to1 (M1 (L1 (M1 U1))) = Nil to1 (M1 (R1 (M1 (Par1 h :*: Rec1 t)))) = Cons h t -- Instance for generic functions (should be automatically generated) instance GFunctor List where gmap = t undefined where t :: Rep1List_ a -> (a -> b) -> List a -> List b t = gmapdefault {- instance (Typeable a) => Typeable1 List where typeOf1 = t undefined where t :: (Typeable a) => Rep1List_ a -> List a -> TypeRep t = typeOf1default instance GFoldable List where gfoldMap = gfoldMapdefault (undefined :: RepList x) instance GTraversable List where gtraverse = gtraversedefault (undefined :: RepList x) -} instance (GShow a) => GShow (List a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow a) => Rep0List_ a x -> Int -> List a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance (Uniplate a) => Uniplate (List a) where children = t undefined where t :: (Uniplate a) => Rep0List_ a x -> List a -> [List a] t = childrendefault #endif -- Example usage list = Cons 'p' (Cons 'q' Nil) listlist = Cons list (Cons Nil Nil) -- ["pq",""] testsList = [ gshow (gmap fromEnum list) , gshow (gmap gshow listlist) , gshow list , gshow listlist , gshow (children list) , gshow (children listlist) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Nested datatype, record selectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Nested a = Leaf | Nested { value :: a, rec :: Nested [a] } #ifdef __UHC__ deriving instance (GShow a) => GShow (Nested a) deriving instance GFunctor Nested #else {- data NestedD data NestedC data Leaf_ data Value data Rec instance Datatype NestedD where datatypeName _ = "Nested" moduleName _ = "Examples" instance Constructor NestedC where conName _ = "Nested" conIsRecord _ = True instance Constructor Leaf_ where conName _ = "Leaf" instance Selector Value where selName _ = "value" instance Selector Rec where selName _ = "rec" -- Representable1 instances type Rep0Nested a = D1 NestedD ( C1 Leaf_ U1 :+: C1 NestedC ( S1 Value (Par0 a) :*: S1 Rec (Rec0 (Nested [a])))) instance Representable0 (Nested a) (Rep0Nested a) where from0 Leaf = M1 (L1 (M1 U1)) from0 (Nested a l) = M1 (R1 (M1 (M1 (K1 a) :*: M1 (K1 l)))) to0 (M1 (L1 (M1 U1))) = Leaf to0 (M1 (R1 (M1 (M1 (K1 a) :*: M1 (K1 l))))) = Nested a l -} $(deriveAll ''Nested) type RepNested = D1 Nested_ (C1 Nested_Leaf_ U1 :+: C1 Nested_Nested_ (Par1 :*: Nested :.: Rec1 [])) instance Representable1 Nested RepNested where from1 Leaf = M1 (L1 (M1 U1)) from1 (Nested a l) = M1 (R1 (M1 (Par1 a :*: Comp1 (gmap Rec1 l)))) to1 (M1 (L1 (M1 U1))) = Leaf to1 (M1 (R1 (M1 (Par1 a :*: Comp1 l)))) = Nested a (gmap unRec1 l) -- Instance for gshow (should be automatically generated) instance (GShow a) => GShow (Nested a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow a) => Rep0Nested_ a x -> Int -> Nested a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance GFunctor Nested where gmap = t undefined where t :: RepNested a -> (a -> b) -> Nested a -> Nested b t = gmapdefault {- instance (GFoldable f) => GFoldable (GRose f) where gfoldMap f (x :: GRose f a) = gfoldMapdefault (undefined :: RepGRose f x) f x instance (GTraversable f) => GTraversable (GRose f) where gtraverse f (x :: GRose f a) = gtraversedefault (undefined :: RepGRose f x) f x -} #endif -- Example usage nested :: Nested Int nested = Nested 1 (Nested [2] (Nested [[3],[4,5],[]] Leaf)) --nested = Nested 1 (Nested (Nested 1 Leaf) Leaf) testsNested = [ gshow nested , gshow (gmap gshow nested) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Type composition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Rose a = Rose [a] [Rose a] #ifdef __UHC__ deriving instance (GShow a) => GShow (Rose a) deriving instance GFunctor Rose #else data RoseD data RoseC instance Datatype RoseD where datatypeName _ = "Rose" moduleName _ = "Examples" instance Constructor RoseC where conName _ = "Rose" -- Representable1 instances type Rep0Rose a = D1 RoseD (C1 RoseC (Rec0 [a] :*: Rec0 [Rose a])) instance Representable0 (Rose a) (Rep0Rose a) where from0 (Rose a x) = M1 (M1 (K1 a :*: K1 x)) to0 (M1 (M1 (K1 a :*: K1 x))) = Rose a x type RepRose = D1 RoseD (C1 RoseC (Rec1 [] :*: [] :.: Rec1 Rose)) instance Representable1 Rose RepRose where from1 (Rose a x) = M1 (M1 (Rec1 a :*: Comp1 (gmap Rec1 x))) to1 (M1 (M1 (Rec1 a :*: Comp1 x))) = Rose a (gmap unRec1 x) -- Instance for gshow (should be automatically generated) instance (GShow a) => GShow (Rose a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow a) => Rep0Rose a x -> Int -> Rose a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance GFunctor Rose where gmap = t undefined where t :: RepRose a -> (a -> b) -> Rose a -> Rose b t = gmapdefault {- instance GFoldable Rose where gfoldMap = gfoldMapdefault (undefined :: RepRose x) instance GTraversable Rose where gtraverse = gtraversedefault (undefined :: RepRose x) -} #endif -- Example usage rose1 :: Rose Int rose1 = Rose [1,2] [Rose [3,4] [], Rose [5] []] testsRose = [ gshow rose1 , gshow (gmap gshow rose1) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Higher-order kinded datatype, type composition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data GRose f a = GRose (f a) (f (GRose f a)) #ifdef __UHC__ deriving instance (GShow (f a), GShow (f (GRose f a))) => GShow (GRose f a) deriving instance (GFunctor f) => GFunctor (GRose f) #else {- data GRoseD data GRoseC instance Datatype GRoseD where datatypeName _ = "GRose" moduleName _ = "Examples" instance Constructor GRoseC where conName _ = "GRose" type Rep0GRose f a = D1 GRoseD (C1 GRoseC (Rec0 (f a) :*: Rec0 (f (GRose f a)))) instance Representable0 (GRose f a) (Rep0GRose f a) where from0 (GRose a x) = M1 (M1 (K1 a :*: K1 x)) to0 (M1 (M1 (K1 a :*: K1 x))) = GRose a x -} $(deriveAll ''GRose) type Rep1GRose f = D1 GRose_ (C1 GRose_GRose_ (Rec1 f :*: f :.: (Rec1 (GRose f)))) instance (GFunctor f) => Representable1 (GRose f) (Rep1GRose f) where from1 (GRose a x) = M1 (M1 (Rec1 a :*: Comp1 (gmap Rec1 x))) to1 (M1 (M1 (Rec1 a :*: Comp1 x))) = GRose a (gmap unRec1 x) -- Requires UndecidableInstances instance (GShow (f a), GShow (f (GRose f a))) => GShow (GRose f a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow (f a), GShow (f (GRose f a))) => Rep0GRose_ f a x -> Int -> GRose f a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance (GFunctor f) => GFunctor (GRose f) where gmap = t undefined where t :: (GFunctor f) => Rep1GRose f a -> (a -> b) -> GRose f a -> GRose f b t = gmapdefault {- instance (GFoldable f) => GFoldable (GRose f) where gfoldMap f (x :: GRose f a) = gfoldMapdefault (undefined :: RepGRose f x) f x instance (GTraversable f) => GTraversable (GRose f) where gtraverse f (x :: GRose f a) = gtraversedefault (undefined :: RepGRose f x) f x -} #endif -- Example usage grose1 :: GRose [] Int grose1 = GRose [1,2] [GRose [3] [], GRose [] []] testsGRose = [ gshow grose1 , gshow (gmap gshow grose1) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: NGRose (minimal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cannot represent because of nesting on an argument other than the parameter {- data NGRose f a = NGNode a (f (NGRose (Comp f f) a)) data Comp f g a = Comp (f (g a)) type Rep0NGRose f a = Par0 a :*: Rec0 (f (NGRose (Comp f f) a)) instance Representable0 (NGRose f a) (Rep0NGRose f a) where from0 (NGNode a x) = K1 a :*: K1 x to0 (K1 a :*: K1 x) = NGNode a x type Rep0Comp f g a = Rec0 (f (g a)) instance Representable0 (Comp f g a) (Rep0Comp f g a) where from0 (Comp x) = K1 x to0 (K1 x) = Comp x type Rep1Comp f g = f :.: Rec1 g instance (GFunctor f) => Representable1 (Comp f g) (Rep1Comp f g) where from1 (Comp x) = Comp1 (gmap Rec1 x) to1 (Comp1 x) = Comp (gmap unRec1 x) type Rep1NGRose f = Par1 :*: f :.: Rec1 (NGRose (Comp f f)) instance (GFunctor f) => Representable1 (NGRose f) (Rep1NGRose f) where from1 (NGNode a x) = Par1 a :*: (Comp1 (gmap Rec1 x)) to1 (Par1 a :*: Comp1 x) = NGNode a (gmap unRec1 x) instance (GShow a, GShow (f (NGRose (Comp f f) a))) => GShow (NGRose f a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow a, GShow (f (NGRose (Comp f f) a))) => Rep0NGRose f a x -> NGRose f a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance (GShow a) => GShow (Comp f g a) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (GShow a) => Rep0Comp f g a x -> Comp f g a -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance (GFunctor f, GFunctor (Comp f f)) => GFunctor (NGRose f) where gmap = t undefined where t :: (GFunctor f, GFunctor (Comp f f)) => Rep1NGRose f a -> (a -> b) -> NGRose f a -> NGRose f b t = gmapdefault ngrose1 :: NGRose [] Int ngrose1 = NGNode 0 [ngrose2, ngrose2] ngrose2 :: NGRose (Comp [] []) Int ngrose2 = NGNode 1 (Comp []) testsNGRose = [ gshow ngrose1 , gshow (gmap gshow ngrose1) ] -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Double type composition (minimal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add this to EHC unComp (Comp1 x) = x data Weird a = Weird [[[a]]] deriving Show type Rep1Weird = [] :.: [] :.: Rec1 [] instance Representable1 Weird Rep1Weird where from1 (Weird x) = Comp1 (gmap (Comp1 . gmap Rec1) x) to1 (Comp1 x) = Weird (gmap (gmap unRec1 . unComp) x) instance GFunctor Weird where gmap = t undefined where t :: Rep1Weird a -> (a -> b) -> Weird a -> Weird b t = gmapdefault -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: Two parameters, datatype constraint, nested on other parameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Any constraints on |b| mean we cannot generate the Representable1 instance -- Constraints on |a| are just propagated to Representable0 and generic -- function instances data (Show a) => Either a b = Left (Either [a] b) | Right b -- Representable1 instances type Rep0Either a b = Rec0 (Either [a] b) :+: Rec0 b instance (Show a) => Representable0 (Either a b) (Rep0Either a b) where from0 (Left a) = L1 (K1 a) from0 (Right a) = R1 (K1 a) to0 (L1 (K1 a)) = Left a to0 (R1 (K1 a)) = Right a type RepEither a = Rec1 (Either [a]) :+: Par1 instance (Show a) => Representable1 (Either a) (RepEither a) where from1 (Left a) = L1 (Rec1 a) from1 (Right a) = R1 (Par1 a) to1 (L1 (Rec1 a)) = Left a to1 (R1 (Par1 a)) = Right a -- Instance for gshow (should be automatically generated) instance (Show a, GShow a, GShow b) => GShow (Either a b) where gshowsPrec = t undefined where t :: (Show a, GShow a, GShow b) => Rep0Either a b x -> Int -> Either a b -> ShowS t = gshowsPrecdefault instance (Show a) => GFunctor (Either a) where gmap = t undefined where t :: (Show a) => RepEither a b -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c t = gmapdefault either1 :: Either Int Char either1 = Left either2 either2 :: Either [Int] Char either2 = Right 'p' testsEither = [ gshow either1 , gshow (gmap gshow either1) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do let p = putStrLn . ((++) "- ") . show putStrLn "[] and Maybe tests:" mapM_ p testsStandard putStrLn "Tests for Tree:" mapM_ p testsTree putStrLn "\nTests for List:" mapM_ p testsList putStrLn "\nTests for Rose:" mapM_ p testsRose putStrLn "\nTests for GRose:" mapM_ p testsGRose putStrLn "\nTests for Either:" mapM_ p testsEither putStrLn "\nTests for Nested:" mapM_ p testsNested