{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- due to type hell {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- due to generic typeclass design module Generic.Data.Function.Traverse.Sum where import GHC.Generics import Generic.Data.Function.Common.Generic import Generic.Data.Function.Common.Generic.Meta import Generic.Data.Function.Traverse.Constructor import Data.Text ( Text ) import Control.Applicative qualified as Applicative import Control.Applicative ( Alternative((<|>)) ) -- | Sum type monads that can be generically 'traverse'd. class GenericTraverse tag => GenericTraverseSum tag where -- | Try to parse a prefix tag of type 'pt'. -- -- Relevant metadata is provided as arguments. genericTraverseSumPfxTagAction :: GenericTraverseC tag pt => String -- ^ data type name -> GenericTraverseF tag pt -- | Parse error due to no constructor matching the parsed prefix tag. -- -- Relevant metadata is provided as arguments. genericTraverseSumNoMatchingCstrAction :: String -- ^ data type name -> [String] -- ^ non-matching constructor names -> Text -- ^ prefix tag, prettified -> GenericTraverseF tag a -- | How to use a type as a prefix tag in a generic sum type parser. data PfxTagCfg a = PfxTagCfg { pfxTagCfgFromCstr :: String -> a -- ^ How to turn a constructor name into a prefix tag. , pfxTagCfgEq :: a -> a -> Bool -- ^ How to compare prefix tags for equality. -- -- By shoving this into our generic derivation config, we can avoid adding an -- insidious 'Eq' constraint. In general, you will want to set this to '(==)'. , pfxTagCfgShow :: a -> Text -- ^ Make a prefix tag human-readable. 'show' is often appropriate. } class GTraverseSum tag gf where gTraverseSum :: GenericTraverseC tag pt => PfxTagCfg pt -> GenericTraverseF tag (gf p) instance GenericTraverse tag => GTraverseSum tag V1 where gTraverseSum _ = genericTraverseV1 @tag -- | Test all constructors of the given non-void data type; if they all fail, -- run a failure action and pass it all the constructors names in the type. instance ( GenericTraverseC tag pt , Alternative (GenericTraverseF tag) , Monad (GenericTraverseF tag) , GenericTraverseSum tag, GTraverseCSum tag cd gf , Datatype cd , KnownSymbols (CstrNames gf) ) => GTraverseSum tag (D1 cd gf) where gTraverseSum ptc = do pt <- genericTraverseSumPfxTagAction @tag cd M1 <$> (gTraverseCSum @tag @cd ptc pt <|> parseErrorNoMatch pt) where cd = datatypeName' @cd parseErrorNoMatch pt = genericTraverseSumNoMatchingCstrAction @tag cd testedCstrs ((pfxTagCfgShow ptc) pt) testedCstrs = symbolVals @(CstrNames gf) class GTraverseCSum tag cd gf where gTraverseCSum :: PfxTagCfg pt -> pt -> GenericTraverseF tag (gf p) -- | Combine constructor options with '(<|>)' ("or"). instance ( Alternative (GenericTraverseF tag) , GTraverseCSum tag cd l , GTraverseCSum tag cd r ) => GTraverseCSum tag cd (l :+: r) where gTraverseCSum ptc pt = l <|> r where l = L1 <$> gTraverseCSum @tag @cd ptc pt r = R1 <$> gTraverseCSum @tag @cd ptc pt -- | If the constructor matches the expected prefix tag, then return the action -- handling that constructor's contents, else return the empty action. instance ( Alternative (GenericTraverseF tag) , GTraverseC tag cd cc 0 gf, Constructor cc ) => GTraverseCSum tag cd (C1 cc gf) where gTraverseCSum ptc pt = do if (pfxTagCfgEq ptc) pt ptCstr then M1 <$> gTraverseC @tag @cd @cc @0 else Applicative.empty where ptCstr = (pfxTagCfgFromCstr ptc) (conName' @cc)