{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- due to tag type class design {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- required below GHC 9.6 module Generic.Data.Function.FoldMap.NonSum where import GHC.Generics import Generic.Data.Function.FoldMap.Constructor ( GFoldMapC(gFoldMapC) , GenericFoldMap(type GenericFoldMapM) ) import Generic.Data.Rep.Error {- | 'foldMap' over generic product data types. Take a generic representation, map each field in the data type to a 'Monoid', and combine the results with ('<>'). -} class GFoldMapNonSum tag gf where gFoldMapNonSum :: gf p -> GenericFoldMapM tag instance GFoldMapNonSum tag gf => GFoldMapNonSum tag (D1 c gf) where gFoldMapNonSum = gFoldMapNonSum @tag . unM1 instance GFoldMapC tag gf => GFoldMapNonSum tag (C1 c gf) where gFoldMapNonSum (M1 a) = gFoldMapC @tag a instance GFoldMapNonSum tag (l :+: r) where gFoldMapNonSum = error eNoSum instance GFoldMapNonSum tag V1 where gFoldMapNonSum = error eNoEmpty