{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- due to tag type class design {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- due to generic type class design module Generic.Data.Function.FoldMap.Constructor where import GHC.Generics import Data.Kind ( type Constraint, type Type ) import Generic.Data.Wrappers ( NoRec0, type ENoRec0, EmptyRec0 ) import GHC.TypeLits ( TypeError ) -- | Implementation enumeration type class for generic 'foldMap'. -- -- The type variable is uninstantiated, used purely as a tag. -- -- Avoid orphan instances by defining custom empty types to use here. -- See the binrep library on Hackage for an example. class GenericFoldMap tag where -- | The target 'Monoid' to 'foldMap' to. type GenericFoldMapM tag :: Type -- | The type class providing the map function in 'foldMap' for permitted -- types. type GenericFoldMapC tag a :: Constraint -- | The map function in 'foldMap' (first argument). genericFoldMapF :: GenericFoldMapC tag a => a -> GenericFoldMapM tag -- | 'foldMap' over types with no fields in any constructor. instance GenericFoldMap (NoRec0 (m :: Type)) where type GenericFoldMapM (NoRec0 m) = m type GenericFoldMapC (NoRec0 m) _ = TypeError ENoRec0 genericFoldMapF = undefined -- ^ TODO why safe -- | 'foldMap' over types where all fields map to 'mempty'. instance Monoid m => GenericFoldMap (EmptyRec0 m) where type GenericFoldMapM (EmptyRec0 m) = m type GenericFoldMapC (EmptyRec0 m) _ = () genericFoldMapF _ = mempty -- | 'foldMap' on individual constructors (products). class GFoldMapC tag f where gFoldMapC :: f p -> GenericFoldMapM tag -- | 'foldMap' on individual constructors (products). instance (Semigroup (GenericFoldMapM tag), GFoldMapC tag l, GFoldMapC tag r) => GFoldMapC tag (l :*: r) where gFoldMapC (l :*: r) = gFoldMapC @tag l <> gFoldMapC @tag r instance (GenericFoldMap tag, GenericFoldMapC tag a) => GFoldMapC tag (S1 c (Rec0 a)) where gFoldMapC (M1 (K1 a)) = genericFoldMapF @tag a -- | Wow, look! Nothing! instance Monoid (GenericFoldMapM tag) => GFoldMapC tag U1 where gFoldMapC U1 = mempty