-- GearBox -- zooming rotating fractal gearbox demo -- (GPL3+) 2012,2015 Claude Heiland-Allen -- tested with: ghc-7.6.3, ghc-7.8.2, ghc-7.10.1~rc2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, replicateM) import Data.Fixed (mod') import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef) import Data.Vec hiding (last, map, scale, take) import Foreign (Ptr, Storable(..), alloca, allocaArray, castPtr, nullPtr, with, withArray) import Foreign.C (withCString, peekCStringLen) import Graphics.UI.GLUT ( Size(Size) , DisplayMode(RGBMode, DoubleBuffered) , Key(Char) , KeyState(Down) , KeyboardMouseCallback , ($=) , addTimerCallback , createWindow , displayCallback , getArgsAndInitialize , initialDisplayMode , initialWindowSize , keyboardMouseCallback , mainLoop , postRedisplay , reportErrors , reshapeCallback , swapBuffers , fullScreenToggle ) import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw import System.Exit (exitSuccess) -- 4x4 matrix type type R = GLdouble type V = R :. R :. R :. R :. () type M = V :. V :. V :. V :. () -- length of animation loop in frames looplength :: Int looplength = 60 * 25 -- number of passes to iterate function system passes :: Int passes = 6 -- state for callbacks data IFS = IFS -- immutable state { fbo :: GLuint , t_source, t_ping, t_pong :: GLuint , p_shift :: GLuint, p_shift_u_t, p_shift_u_k :: GLint , w_tsize, w_width, w_height :: Int -- mutable state , w_frame :: Int, w_phase :: GLdouble } -- shader to generate a single blue gear wheel gear_frag_src :: String gear_frag_src = unlines [ "void main() {" , " vec2 p = (gl_TexCoord[0].xy - vec2(0.5)) * 2.0;" , " float r = length(p);" , " float a = atan(p.y, p.x);" , " float ro = 0.94 + 0.03 * sin(30.0 * a);" , " float ri = 0.82 - 0.01 * sin(90.0 * a);" , " if (r < ro) {" , " gl_FragColor = ri < r ? vec4(0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0) : vec4(0.25,0.25,0.5,1.0);" , " } else {" , " discard;" , " }" , "}" ] -- shader to rotate colours in YUV space shift_frag_src :: String shift_frag_src = unlines [ "uniform sampler2D t;" , "uniform float k;" , "" , "void main() {" , " float c = cos(6.283185307179586 * k);" , " float s = sin(6.283185307179586 * k);" , " vec4 p = texture2D(t, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).rgba;" , " mat3 yuv2rgb = mat3(1.0, 0.0, 1.28033, 1.0, -0.21482, -0.38059, 1.0, 2.12798, 0.0);" -- rec.709 , " mat3 rgb2yuv = mat3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, -0.09991, -0.33609, 0.43600, 0.615, -0.5586, -0.05639);" , " p.rgb = clamp(p.rgb * rgb2yuv * mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, c, s, 0, -s, c) * yuv2rgb, 0.0, 1.0);" , " gl_FragColor = p;" , "}" ] -- draw a textured quad unitQuad :: IO () unitQuad = do glBegin gl_QUADS glTexCoord2f 0 0 glVertex2f (-1) (-1) glTexCoord2f 1 0 glVertex2f 1 (-1) glTexCoord2f 1 1 glVertex2f 1 1 glTexCoord2f 0 1 glVertex2f (-1) 1 glEnd -- load a matrix into GL loadMatrix :: M -> IO () loadMatrix ((a:.b:.c:.d:.()):.(e:.f:.g:.h:.()):.(i:.j:.k:.l:.()):.(m:.n:.o:.p:.()):.()) = withArray [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p] $ glLoadMatrixd -- helper for ping-pong technique swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a) swap ~(a,b) = (b,a) -- simple transformations scale :: R -> M scale s = diagonal (s :. s :. s :. 1 :. ()) mirror :: M mirror = diagonal (1 :. (-1) :. 1 :. 1 :. ()) rotateXY :: R -> M rotateXY t = (c:.s:.0:.0:.()):.((-s):.c:.0:.0:.()):.(0:.0:.1:.0:.()):.(0:.0:.0:.1:.()):.() where c = cos t ; s = sin t translateX :: R -> M translateX d = (1:.0:.0:.0:.()):.(0:.1:.0:.0:.()):.(0:.0:.1:.0:.()):.(d:.0:.0:.1:.()):.() (<>) :: M -> M -> M (<>) = multmm -- display callback display :: IORef IFS -> IO () display ifsR = do ifs <- readIORef ifsR -- compute transforms for iterated function system fractal let p0 = w_phase ifs f0 = w_frame ifs q = f0 `mod` looplength k = q < (looplength `div` 2) p = if k then p0 else -p0 s = 0.28 d = 0.54 transforms = [ identity , mirror <> scale s <> rotateXY ( 4 * p) ] ++ [ mirror <> scale s <> rotateXY (-3 * p) <> translateX d <> rotateXY (2 * pi * fromIntegral (if k then i else -i) / 5 + p) | i <- [0 .. 4 :: Int] ] -- iterated function system from gear to gears glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral $ w_tsize ifs) (fromIntegral $ w_tsize ifs) glMatrixMode gl_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrtho (-1) 1 (-1) 1 (-1) 1 glMatrixMode gl_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glBindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER (fbo ifs) glUseProgram (fromIntegral $ p_shift ifs) glUniform1i (p_shift_u_t ifs) 0 to <- fmap last $ forM (take passes . ((True, (t_source ifs, t_ping ifs)) :) . zip (repeat False) $ (iterate swap (t_ping ifs, t_pong ifs))) $ \(pass1, (ping, pong)) -> do glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D ping glGenerateMipmap gl_TEXTURE_2D glFramebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl_TEXTURE_2D pong 0 glClear (fromIntegral gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) forM_ ([0 .. 6 :: Int] `zip` transforms) $ \(w, m) -> do let sk = case w of 0 -> 0 1 -> 0 _ -> fromIntegral (4 * w - 7) / 10 glUniform1f (p_shift_u_k ifs) sk loadMatrix $ (if pass1 && not k then rotateXY (pi / 30) else identity) <> m unitQuad glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 glFramebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 0 return pong glUseProgram 0 glBindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER 0 -- display the output scaled to the window let w = fromIntegral $ w_width ifs h = fromIntegral $ w_height ifs glViewport 0 0 w h glClear (fromIntegral gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glMatrixMode gl_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity let (ax, ay) | w >= h = (1, fromIntegral h / fromIntegral w) | otherwise = (fromIntegral w / fromIntegral h, 1) glOrtho (-ax) ax (-ay) ay (-1) 1 glMatrixMode gl_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D to glGenerateMipmap gl_TEXTURE_2D loadMatrix $ scale 1.5 <> scale (s ** negate ((p0 / (2 * pi)) `mod'` 1)) <> rotateXY (- 2 * p) unitQuad glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 -- animate modifyIORef ifsR $ \ifs' -> let w_frame' = w_frame ifs' + 1 in ifs' { w_frame = w_frame' , w_phase = fromIntegral w_frame' * 4 * pi / fromIntegral looplength } swapBuffers reportErrors -- timer callback (25fps) timer :: IORef IFS -> IO () timer ifsR = do addTimerCallback 40 (timer ifsR) postRedisplay Nothing -- window reshape callback reshape :: IORef IFS -> Size -> IO () reshape ifsR (Size w h) = modifyIORef ifsR $ \ifs -> ifs { w_width = fromIntegral w, w_height = fromIntegral h } -- compile a shader shader :: String -> IO (Either String GLuint) shader frag = do p <- glCreateProgram f <- glCreateShader gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER withCString frag $ \s -> with s $ \src -> do glShaderSource (fromIntegral f) 1 (castPtr src) nullPtr glCompileShader (fromIntegral f) glAttachShader p f glLinkProgram (fromIntegral p) alloca $ \sp -> do glGetProgramiv (fromIntegral p) gl_LINK_STATUS sp success <- peek sp if (success == 0) then alloca $ \lp -> do glGetProgramiv (fromIntegral p) gl_INFO_LOG_LENGTH lp l <- peek lp poke lp 0 allocaArray (fromIntegral l) $ \lg -> do glGetProgramInfoLog (fromIntegral p) (fromIntegral l) (castPtr lp) lg l' <- peek lp ss <- peekCStringLen (castPtr lg, fromIntegral l') return (Left ss) else return (Right (fromIntegral p)) -- generate a texture newTexture :: Int -> IO GLuint newTexture size = alloca $ \pt -> do glGenTextures 1 pt t <- peek pt glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D t let s = fromIntegral size glTexImage2D gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 (fromIntegral gl_RGBA) s s 0 gl_RGBA gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE (nullPtr :: Ptr GLubyte) glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER (fromIntegral gl_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER (fromIntegral gl_LINEAR) glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_S (fromIntegral gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_T (fromIntegral gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 return t -- keyboard callback keyboard :: IORef IFS -> KeyboardMouseCallback keyboard _ (Char 'f') Down _ _ = fullScreenToggle keyboard _ (Char _) Down _ _ = exitSuccess keyboard _ _ _ _ _ = return () -- main program main :: IO () main = do let w = 512 h = 288 initialWindowSize $= Size (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) initialDisplayMode $= [ RGBMode, DoubleBuffered ] (_, args) <- getArgsAndInitialize quality <- case map reads args of [[(q,"")]] | 5 < q && q < 15-> return q _ -> return (9 :: Int) let tsize' = 2 ^ quality _ <- createWindow "GearBox" -- compile shaders (FIXME: print log to stderr on failure and exit) Right p_shift' <- shader shift_frag_src p_shift_u_t' <- withCString "t" $ glGetUniformLocation p_shift' . castPtr p_shift_u_k' <- withCString "k" $ glGetUniformLocation p_shift' . castPtr Right p_gear' <- shader gear_frag_src -- misc setup glHint gl_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT gl_NICEST glEnable gl_TEXTURE_2D glEnable gl_BLEND glBlendFunc gl_SRC_ALPHA gl_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA glClearColor 0.25 0.25 0.5 0 -- allocate textures [t_source', t_ping', t_pong'] <- replicateM 3 (newTexture tsize') -- allocate frame buffer fbo' <- alloca $ \p -> do glGenFramebuffers 1 p peek p -- initialize state ifsR <- newIORef IFS { fbo = fbo', t_source = t_source', t_ping = t_ping', t_pong = t_pong' , p_shift = p_shift', p_shift_u_t = p_shift_u_t', p_shift_u_k = p_shift_u_k' , w_width = w, w_height = h, w_tsize = tsize' , w_frame = 0, w_phase = 0 } -- render the gear texture glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral tsize') (fromIntegral tsize') glMatrixMode gl_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrtho (-1) 1 (-1) 1 (-1) 1 glMatrixMode gl_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glBindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glFramebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl_TEXTURE_2D t_source' 0 glClear (fromIntegral gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glUseProgram (fromIntegral p_gear') unitQuad glUseProgram 0 glFramebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 0 glBindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER 0 glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D t_source' glGenerateMipmap gl_TEXTURE_2D glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 -- set callbacks reshapeCallback $= Just (reshape ifsR) displayCallback $= display ifsR addTimerCallback 40 (timer ifsR) keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (keyboard ifsR) reportErrors mainLoop