{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- | ---- Module : Fuzzytime ---- Copyright : (C) Kamil Stachowski ---- License : GPL3+ ---- Maintainer : Kamil Stachowski ---- Stability : unstable ---- Portability : unportable ---- Prints the current time in a more casual way (the \"ten past six\"-style). -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- module Main ( -- * Description -- $description main , FuzzyTime , toFuzzyTime ) where import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Time -- $description -- A small utility to print the current time in a more casual way (the \"ten past six\"-style). -- -- The whole thing works like this: the current time is read and turned into CalendarTime. This is fuzzified (i.e. the precision is reduced) and at the same time changed into FuzzyTime. FuzzyTime holds the time as two Ints, and the target language. It is an instance of Show. Custom functions show FuzzyTime as the \"ten past six\"-style String. -- -- Depends on N. Mitchell's System.Console.CmdArds 0.6.4-1 -- -- To add a new language, two things need to be done: -- -- (1) The new language has to be added to the instance of Show FuzzyTime, and to the help message. -- -- (2) An appropriate function has to be created to turn FuzzyTime -> String. -- CHANGELOG -- TODO -- noon, midnight -- more languages -- wrong cli options -- 0.2 2011.01.12 -- added French and German -- added 12 vs. 24-hour clock -- 0.1 2010.12.05 -- initial release: two languages (en and pl), 1 < precision < 60 -- 0.1.1 2010.12.06 -- added cabal -- config =============================================================================== -- | \[config] The default language. confDefaultLang :: String confDefaultLang = "en" -- | \[config] The default precision in minutes. Should be 1 < precision < 60. confDefaultPrec :: Int confDefaultPrec = 5 -- | \[config] The default for 12 vs. 24-hour clock. confDefaultClock :: Int confDefaultClock = 12 -- main ================================================================================= -- | The main part. Only reads the command line args and the current time, fuzzifies and prints it. main :: IO () main = do cl <- cmdArgs clOpts now <- getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime print $ toFuzzyTime (clock cl) (lang cl) (prec cl) now -- cl args ============================================================================== -- | Two options can be set via the command line: language and precision. data CLOpts = CLOpts { clock :: Int , lang :: String , prec :: Int } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) clOpts = CLOpts { clock =confDefaultClock &= help "12 or 24-hour clock; default 12-hour." , lang =confDefaultLang &= help "Language (currently de, en, fr and pl); default en." , prec =confDefaultPrec &= help "Precision (1 < prec < 60 [minutes]); default 5." } &= program "fuzzytime" &= summary "Print fuzzy time, e.g. 10:52 -> ten to eleven.\nv0.2, 2011.01.12, kamil.stachowski@gmail.com, GPL3+" -- FuzzyTime – main ===================================================================== -- | Data for fuzzified time. Only keeps hour, minutes (both as Ints), and language. -- Can be created from CalendarTime with toFuzzyTime. The String output (the \"ten past six\"-style) is obtained through Show. data FuzzyTime = FuzzyTime { fzHour :: Int , fzMin :: Int , fzLang :: String } deriving (Eq) -- | This is where FuzzyTime Int Int String is turned into the time String. -- It is assumed that by the time these functions are called, hour will be in [0..23] and min will be in [0..59]. instance Show FuzzyTime where show (FuzzyTime hour min lang) = case lang of "de" -> showFuzzyTimeDe hour min "en" -> showFuzzyTimeEn hour min "fr" -> showFuzzyTimeFr hour min "pl" -> showFuzzyTimePl hour min otherwise -> "Language " ++ lang ++ " is not supported." -- | Converts CalendarTime to FuzzyTime using the given precision. The language is also set, so that Show knows how to display it. toFuzzyTime :: Int -- ^ clock -> String -- ^ language -> Int -- ^ precision -> CalendarTime -- ^ time -> FuzzyTime toFuzzyTime cClock cLang cPrec time = FuzzyTime hour (fuzzdM min) cLang where min :: Int min = (ctMin time) hour :: Int hour = if cClock==24 then (ctHour time) else (ctHour time) `mod` 12 fuzzdM :: Int -> Int fuzzdM m = let mf = fromIntegral m cf = fromIntegral cPrec in round(mf/cf) * cPrec -- FuzzyTime – shows ==================================================================== -- English ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ showFuzzyTimeEn :: Int -> Int -> String showFuzzyTimeEn hour min | min == 0 = numeralEn hour ++ " o’clock" | min <= 30 = numeralEn min ++ " past " ++ numeralEn hour | min > 30 = numeralEn (60-min) ++ " to " ++ numeralEn (hour+1) | otherwise = "Oops, it looks like it's " ++ show hour ++ ":" ++ show min ++ "." numeralEn :: Int -> String numeralEn n | n < 20 = numeralEnHelper1 n | n == 30 = "half" | n `mod` 10 == 0 = numeralEnHelper10 (n `div` 10) | otherwise = numeralEnHelper10 (n `div` 10) ++ "-" ++ numeralEnHelper1 (n `mod` 10) where numeralEnHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralEnHelper1 i = ["twelve", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "quarter", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] !! i numeralEnHelper10 :: Int -> String numeralEnHelper10 i = ["twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty"] !! (i-2) -- German ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showFuzzyTimeDe :: Int -> Int -> String showFuzzyTimeDe hour min | min == 0 = numeralDe hour ++ " Uhr" | min < 30 = numeralDe min ++ " nach " ++ numeralDe hour | min == 30 = "halb " ++ numeralDe (hour+1) | min > 30 = numeralDe (60-min) ++ " vor " ++ numeralDe (hour+1) | otherwise = "Oops, es sieht aus, dass es " ++ show hour ++ ":" ++ show min ++ " ist." numeralDe :: Int -> String numeralDe n | n < 20 = numeralDeHelper1 n | n `mod` 10 == 0 = numeralDeHelper10 (n `div` 10) | otherwise = numeralDeHelper1 (n `mod` 10) ++ "und" ++ numeralDeHelper10 (n `div` 10) where numeralDeHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralDeHelper1 i = ["zwölf", "ein", "zwei", "drei", "vier", "fünf", "sechs", "sieben", "acht", "neun", "zehn", "elf", "zwőlf", "dreizehn", "vierzehn", "Viertel", "sechzehn", "siebzehn", "achtzehn", "neunzehn"] !! i numeralDeHelper10 :: Int -> String numeralDeHelper10 i = ["zwanzig", "dreissig", "vierzig", "fünfzig"] !! (i-2) -- French ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showFuzzyTimeFr :: Int -> Int -> String showFuzzyTimeFr hour min | min == 0 = numeralFr hour ++ hourFr hour | min == 15 = numeralFr hour ++ hourFr hour ++ " et quart" | min < 30 = numeralFr hour ++ hourFr hour ++ " " ++ numeralFr min | min == 30 = numeralFr hour ++ hourFr hour ++ " et demie" | min == 45 = numeralFr (hour+1) ++ hourFr (hour+1) ++ " moins le quart" | min > 30 = numeralFr (hour+1) ++ hourFr (hour+1) ++ " moins " ++ numeralFr (60-min) | otherwise = "Oops, il semble qu’il est " ++ show hour ++ ":" ++ show min ++ "." where hourFr :: Int -> String hourFr h = if h==1 then " heure" else " heures" numeralFr :: Int -> String numeralFr n | n < 20 = numeralFrHelper1 n | n `mod` 10 == 0 = numeralFrHelper10 (n `div` 10) | otherwise = numeralFrHelper10 (n `div` 10) ++ "-" ++ numeralFrHelper1 (n `mod` 10) where numeralFrHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralFrHelper1 i = ["douze", "une", "deux", "trois", "quatre", "cinq", "six", "sept", "huit", "neuf", "dix", "onze", "douze", "treize", "quatorze", "quinze", "seize", "dix-sept", "dix-huit", "dix-neuf"] !! i numeralFrHelper10 :: Int -> String numeralFrHelper10 i = ["vingt", "trente", "quarante", "cinquante"] !! (i-2) -- Polish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ showFuzzyTimePl :: Int -> Int -> String showFuzzyTimePl hour min | min == 0 = numeralPlOrdNom hour | min < 30 = numeralPlCard min ++ " po " ++ numeralPlOrdPraep hour | min == 30 = "wpół do " ++ numeralPlOrdPraep (hour+1) | min > 30 = "za " ++ numeralPlCard (60-min) ++ " " ++ numeralPlOrdNom (hour+1) | otherwise = "Oops, wychodzi, że jest " ++ show hour ++ ":" ++ show min ++ "." numeralPlCard :: Int -> String numeralPlCard n | n < 20 = numeralPlCardHelper1 n | n `mod` 10 == 0 = numeralPlCardHelper10 (n `div` 10) | otherwise = numeralPlCardHelper10 (n `div` 10) ++ " " ++ numeralPlCardHelper1 (n `mod` 10) where numeralPlCardHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralPlCardHelper1 i = ["jeden", "dwa", "trzy", "cztery", "pięć", "sześć", "siedem", "osiem", "dziewięć", "dziesięć", "jedenaście", "dwanaście", "trzynaście", "czternaście", "kwadrans", "szesnaście", "siedemnaście", "osiemnaście", "dziewiętnaście"] !! (i-1) numeralPlCardHelper10 :: Int -> String numeralPlCardHelper10 i = ["dwadzieścia", "trzydzieści", "czterdzieści", "pięćdziesiąt"] !! (i-2) numeralPlOrdNom :: Int -> String numeralPlOrdNom n | n <= 20 = numeralPlOrdNomHelper1 n | otherwise = "dwudziesta " ++ numeralPlOrdNomHelper1 (n `mod` 10) where numeralPlOrdNomHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralPlOrdNomHelper1 n = ["dwunasta", "pierwsza", "druga", "trzecia", "czwarta", "piąta", "szósta", "siódma", "ósma", "dziewiąta", "dziesiąta", "jedenasta", "dwunasta", "trzynasta", "czternasta", "piętnasta", "szesnasta", "siedemnasta", "osiemnasta", "dziewiętnasta", "dwudziesta"] !! n numeralPlOrdPraep :: Int -> String numeralPlOrdPraep n | n <= 20 = numeralPlOrdPraepHelper1 n | otherwise = "dwudziestej " ++ numeralPlOrdPraepHelper1 (n `mod` 10) where numeralPlOrdPraepHelper1 :: Int -> String numeralPlOrdPraepHelper1 n = ["dwunastej","pierwszej", "drugiej", "trzeciej", "czwartej", "piątej", "szóstej", "siódmej", "ósmej", "dziewiątej", "dziesiątej", "jedenastej", "dwunastej", "trzynastej", "czternastej", "piętnastej", "szesnastej", "siedemnastej", "osiemnastej", "dziewiętnastej", "dwudziestej"] !! n