-- | Facilities for handling Futhark benchmark results. A Futhark -- benchmark program is just like a Futhark test program. module Futhark.Bench ( RunResult (..), DataResult (..), BenchResult (..), Result (..), encodeBenchResults, decodeBenchResults, binaryName, benchmarkDataset, RunOptions (..), prepareBenchmarkProgram, CompileOptions (..), ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as JSON import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as JSON import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as SBS import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LBS import Data.DList qualified as DL import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as U import Futhark.Server import Futhark.Test import Futhark.Util (showText) import Statistics.Autocorrelation (autocorrelation) import Statistics.Sample (fastStdDev, mean) import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process.ByteString (readProcessWithExitCode) import System.Timeout (timeout) -- | The runtime of a single succesful run. newtype RunResult = RunResult {runMicroseconds :: Int} deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The measurements resulting from various successful runs of a -- benchmark (same dataset). data Result = Result { runResults :: [RunResult], memoryMap :: M.Map T.Text Int, stdErr :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The results for a single named dataset is either an error message, or -- runtime measurements, the number of bytes used, and the stderr that was -- produced. data DataResult = DataResult String (Either T.Text Result) deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The results for all datasets for some benchmark program. data BenchResult = BenchResult FilePath [DataResult] deriving (Eq, Show) newtype DataResults = DataResults {unDataResults :: [DataResult]} newtype BenchResults = BenchResults {unBenchResults :: [BenchResult]} instance JSON.ToJSON Result where toJSON (Result runres memmap err) = JSON.toJSON (runres, memmap, err) instance JSON.FromJSON Result where parseJSON = fmap (\(runres, memmap, err) -> Result runres memmap err) . JSON.parseJSON instance JSON.ToJSON RunResult where toJSON = JSON.toJSON . runMicroseconds instance JSON.FromJSON RunResult where parseJSON = fmap RunResult . JSON.parseJSON instance JSON.ToJSON DataResults where toJSON (DataResults rs) = JSON.object $ map dataResultJSON rs toEncoding (DataResults rs) = JSON.pairs $ mconcat $ map (uncurry (JSON..=) . dataResultJSON) rs instance JSON.FromJSON DataResults where parseJSON = JSON.withObject "datasets" $ \o -> DataResults <$> mapM datasetResult (JSON.toList o) where datasetResult (k, v) = DataResult (JSON.toString k) <$> ((Right <$> success v) <|> (Left <$> JSON.parseJSON v)) success = JSON.withObject "result" $ \o -> Result <$> o JSON..: "runtimes" <*> o JSON..: "bytes" <*> o JSON..:? "stderr" dataResultJSON :: DataResult -> (JSON.Key, JSON.Value) dataResultJSON (DataResult desc (Left err)) = (JSON.fromString desc, JSON.toJSON err) dataResultJSON (DataResult desc (Right (Result runtimes bytes progerr_opt))) = ( JSON.fromString desc, JSON.object $ [ ("runtimes", JSON.toJSON $ map runMicroseconds runtimes), ("bytes", JSON.toJSON bytes) ] ++ case progerr_opt of Nothing -> [] Just progerr -> [("stderr", JSON.toJSON progerr)] ) benchResultJSON :: BenchResult -> (JSON.Key, JSON.Value) benchResultJSON (BenchResult prog r) = ( JSON.fromString prog, JSON.object [("datasets", JSON.toJSON $ DataResults r)] ) instance JSON.ToJSON BenchResults where toJSON (BenchResults rs) = JSON.object $ map benchResultJSON rs instance JSON.FromJSON BenchResults where parseJSON = JSON.withObject "benchmarks" $ \o -> BenchResults <$> mapM onBenchmark (JSON.toList o) where onBenchmark (k, v) = BenchResult (JSON.toString k) <$> JSON.withObject "benchmark" onBenchmark' v onBenchmark' o = fmap unDataResults . JSON.parseJSON =<< o JSON..: "datasets" -- | Transform benchmark results to a JSON bytestring. encodeBenchResults :: [BenchResult] -> LBS.ByteString encodeBenchResults = JSON.encode . BenchResults -- | Decode benchmark results from a JSON bytestring. decodeBenchResults :: LBS.ByteString -> Either String [BenchResult] decodeBenchResults = fmap unBenchResults . JSON.eitherDecode' --- Running benchmarks -- | How to run a benchmark. data RunOptions = RunOptions { -- | Applies both to initial and convergence phase. runMinRuns :: Int, runMinTime :: NominalDiffTime, runTimeout :: Int, runVerbose :: Int, -- | If true, run the convergence phase. runConvergencePhase :: Bool, -- | Stop convergence once this much time has passed. runConvergenceMaxTime :: NominalDiffTime, -- | Invoked for every runtime measured during the run. Can be -- used to provide a progress bar. runResultAction :: (Int, Maybe Double) -> IO () } -- | A list of @(autocorrelation,rse)@ pairs. When the -- autocorrelation is above the first element and the RSE is above the -- second element, we want more runs. convergenceCriteria :: [(Double, Double)] convergenceCriteria = [ (0.95, 0.0010), (0.75, 0.0015), (0.65, 0.0025), (0.45, 0.0050), (0.00, 0.0100) ] -- Returns the next run count. nextRunCount :: Int -> Double -> Double -> Int nextRunCount runs rse acor = if any check convergenceCriteria then div runs 2 else 0 where check (acor_lb, rse_lb) = acor > acor_lb && rse > rse_lb type BenchM = ExceptT T.Text IO -- Do the minimum number of runs. runMinimum :: BenchM (RunResult, [T.Text]) -> RunOptions -> Int -> NominalDiffTime -> DL.DList (RunResult, [T.Text]) -> BenchM (DL.DList (RunResult, [T.Text])) runMinimum do_run opts runs_done elapsed r = do let actions = do x <- do_run liftIO $ runResultAction opts (runMicroseconds (fst x), Nothing) pure x -- Figure out how much we have left to do. let todo | runs_done < runMinRuns opts = runMinRuns opts - runs_done | otherwise = -- Guesstimate how many runs we need to reach the minimum -- time. let time_per_run = elapsed / fromIntegral runs_done in ceiling ((runMinTime opts - elapsed) / time_per_run) -- Note that todo might be negative if minimum time has been exceeded. if todo <= 0 then pure r else do before <- liftIO getCurrentTime r' <- DL.fromList <$> replicateM todo actions after <- liftIO getCurrentTime let elapsed' = elapsed + diffUTCTime after before runMinimum do_run opts (runs_done + todo) elapsed' (r <> r') -- Do more runs until a convergence criterion is reached. runConvergence :: BenchM (RunResult, [T.Text]) -> RunOptions -> DL.DList (RunResult, [T.Text]) -> BenchM (DL.DList (RunResult, [T.Text])) runConvergence do_run opts initial_r = let runtimes = resultRuntimes (DL.toList initial_r) (n, _, rse, acor) = runtimesMetrics runtimes in -- If the runtimes collected during the runMinimum phase are -- unstable enough that we need more in order to converge, we throw -- away the runMinimum runtimes. This is because they often exhibit -- behaviour similar to a "warmup" period, and hence function as -- outliers that poison the metrics we use to determine convergence. -- By throwing them away we converge much faster, and still get the -- right result. case nextRunCount n rse acor of x | x > 0, runConvergencePhase opts -> moreRuns mempty mempty rse (x `max` runMinRuns opts) | otherwise -> pure initial_r where resultRuntimes = U.fromList . map (fromIntegral . runMicroseconds . fst) runtimesMetrics runtimes = let n = U.length runtimes rse = (fastStdDev runtimes / sqrt (fromIntegral n)) / mean runtimes (x, _, _) = autocorrelation runtimes in ( n, realToFrac (U.sum runtimes) :: NominalDiffTime, rse, fromMaybe 1 (x U.!? 1) ) sample rse = do x <- do_run liftIO $ runResultAction opts (runMicroseconds (fst x), Just rse) pure x moreRuns runtimes r rse x = do r' <- replicateM x $ sample rse loop (runtimes <> resultRuntimes r') (r <> DL.fromList r') loop runtimes r = do let (n, total, rse, acor) = runtimesMetrics runtimes case nextRunCount n rse acor of x | x > 0, total < runConvergenceMaxTime opts -> moreRuns runtimes r rse x | otherwise -> pure r -- | Run the benchmark program on the indicated dataset. benchmarkDataset :: Server -> RunOptions -> FutharkExe -> FilePath -> T.Text -> Values -> Maybe Success -> FilePath -> IO (Either T.Text ([RunResult], T.Text)) benchmarkDataset server opts futhark program entry input_spec expected_spec ref_out = runExceptT $ do output_types <- cmdEither $ cmdOutputs server entry input_types <- cmdEither $ cmdInputs server entry let outs = ["out" <> showText i | i <- [0 .. length output_types - 1]] ins = ["in" <> showText i | i <- [0 .. length input_types - 1]] cmdMaybe . liftIO $ cmdClear server let freeOuts = cmdMaybe (cmdFree server outs) freeIns = cmdMaybe (cmdFree server ins) loadInput = valuesAsVars server (zip ins $ map inputType input_types) futhark dir input_spec reloadInput = freeIns >> loadInput loadInput let runtime l | Just l' <- T.stripPrefix "runtime: " l, [(x, "")] <- reads $ T.unpack l' = Just x | otherwise = Nothing doRun = do call_lines <- cmdEither (cmdCall server entry outs ins) when (any inputConsumed input_types) reloadInput case mapMaybe runtime call_lines of [call_runtime] -> pure (RunResult call_runtime, call_lines) [] -> throwError "Could not find runtime in output." ls -> throwError $ "Ambiguous runtimes: " <> showText ls maybe_call_logs <- liftIO . timeout (runTimeout opts * 1000000) . runExceptT $ do -- First one uncounted warmup run. void $ cmdEither $ cmdCall server entry outs ins ys <- runMinimum (freeOuts *> doRun) opts 0 0 mempty xs <- runConvergence (freeOuts *> doRun) opts ys vs <- readResults server outs <* freeOuts pure (vs, DL.toList xs) (vs, call_logs) <- case maybe_call_logs of Nothing -> throwError . T.pack $ "Execution exceeded " ++ show (runTimeout opts) ++ " seconds." Just x -> liftEither x freeIns report <- cmdEither $ cmdReport server maybe_expected <- liftIO $ maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . getExpectedValues) expected_spec case maybe_expected of Just expected -> checkResult program expected vs Nothing -> pure () pure ( map fst call_logs, T.unlines $ map (T.unlines . snd) call_logs <> report ) where getExpectedValues (SuccessValues vs) = getValues futhark dir vs getExpectedValues SuccessGenerateValues = getExpectedValues $ SuccessValues $ InFile ref_out dir = takeDirectory program -- | How to compile a benchmark. data CompileOptions = CompileOptions { compFuthark :: String, compBackend :: String, compOptions :: [String] } progNotFound :: String -> String progNotFound s = s ++ ": command not found" -- | Compile and produce reference datasets. prepareBenchmarkProgram :: MonadIO m => Maybe Int -> CompileOptions -> FilePath -> [InputOutputs] -> m (Either (String, Maybe SBS.ByteString) ()) prepareBenchmarkProgram concurrency opts program cases = do let futhark = compFuthark opts ref_res <- runExceptT $ ensureReferenceOutput concurrency (FutharkExe futhark) "c" program cases case ref_res of Left err -> pure $ Left ( "Reference output generation for " ++ program ++ " failed:\n" ++ unlines (map T.unpack err), Nothing ) Right () -> do (futcode, _, futerr) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode futhark ( [compBackend opts, program, "-o", binaryName program, "--server"] <> compOptions opts ) "" case futcode of ExitSuccess -> pure $ Right () ExitFailure 127 -> pure $ Left (progNotFound futhark, Nothing) ExitFailure _ -> pure $ Left ("Compilation of " ++ program ++ " failed:\n", Just futerr)