{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.CCUDA ( compileProg , GC.CParts(..) , GC.asLibrary , GC.asExecutable ) where import qualified Language.C.Quote.OpenCL as C import Data.List import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC as GC import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.CUDA as ImpGen import Futhark.Error import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory hiding (GetSize, CmpSizeLe, GetSizeMax) import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.COpenCL.Boilerplate (commonOptions) import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.CCUDA.Boilerplate import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC.Options import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m => Prog ExplicitMemory -> m (Either InternalError GC.CParts) compileProg prog = do res <- ImpGen.compileProg prog case res of Left err -> return $ Left err Right (Program cuda_code cuda_prelude kernel_names _ sizes prog') -> let extra = generateBoilerplate cuda_code cuda_prelude kernel_names sizes in Right <$> GC.compileProg operations extra cuda_includes [Space "device", DefaultSpace] cliOptions prog' where operations :: GC.Operations OpenCL () operations = GC.Operations { GC.opsWriteScalar = writeCUDAScalar , GC.opsReadScalar = readCUDAScalar , GC.opsAllocate = allocateCUDABuffer , GC.opsDeallocate = deallocateCUDABuffer , GC.opsCopy = copyCUDAMemory , GC.opsStaticArray = staticCUDAArray , GC.opsMemoryType = cudaMemoryType , GC.opsCompiler = callKernel , GC.opsFatMemory = True } cuda_includes = unlines [ "#include " , "#include " ] cliOptions :: [Option] cliOptions = commonOptions ++ [ Option { optionLongName = "dump-cuda" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|{futhark_context_config_dump_program_to(cfg, optarg); entry_point = NULL;}|] } , Option { optionLongName = "load-cuda" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_program_from(cfg, optarg);|] } , Option { optionLongName = "dump-ptx" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|{futhark_context_config_dump_ptx_to(cfg, optarg); entry_point = NULL;}|] } , Option { optionLongName = "load-ptx" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_ptx_from(cfg, optarg);|] } , Option { optionLongName = "nvrtc-option" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "OPT" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_add_nvrtc_option(cfg, optarg);|] } ] writeCUDAScalar :: GC.WriteScalar OpenCL () writeCUDAScalar mem idx t "device" _ val = do val' <- newVName "write_tmp" GC.stm [C.cstm|{$ty:t $id:val' = $exp:val; CUDA_SUCCEED( cuMemcpyHtoD($exp:mem + $exp:idx * sizeof($ty:t), &$id:val', sizeof($ty:t))); }|] writeCUDAScalar _ _ _ space _ _ = error $ "Cannot write to '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." readCUDAScalar :: GC.ReadScalar OpenCL () readCUDAScalar mem idx t "device" _ = do val <- newVName "read_res" GC.decl [C.cdecl|$ty:t $id:val;|] GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED( cuMemcpyDtoH(&$id:val, $exp:mem + $exp:idx * sizeof($ty:t), sizeof($ty:t))); |] return [C.cexp|$id:val|] readCUDAScalar _ _ _ space _ = error $ "Cannot write to '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." allocateCUDABuffer :: GC.Allocate OpenCL () allocateCUDABuffer mem size tag "device" = GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED(cuda_alloc(&ctx->cuda, $exp:size, $exp:tag, &$exp:mem));|] allocateCUDABuffer _ _ _ space = error $ "Cannot allocate in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." deallocateCUDABuffer :: GC.Deallocate OpenCL () deallocateCUDABuffer mem tag "device" = GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED(cuda_free(&ctx->cuda, $exp:mem, $exp:tag));|] deallocateCUDABuffer _ _ space = error $ "Cannot deallocate in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." copyCUDAMemory :: GC.Copy OpenCL () copyCUDAMemory dstmem dstidx dstSpace srcmem srcidx srcSpace nbytes = do fn <- memcpyFun dstSpace srcSpace GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED( $id:fn($exp:dstmem + $exp:dstidx, $exp:srcmem + $exp:srcidx, $exp:nbytes)); |] where memcpyFun DefaultSpace (Space "device") = return "cuMemcpyDtoH" memcpyFun (Space "device") DefaultSpace = return "cuMemcpyHtoD" memcpyFun (Space "device") (Space "device") = return "cuMemcpy" memcpyFun _ _ = error $ "Cannot copy to '" ++ show dstSpace ++ "' from '" ++ show srcSpace ++ "'." staticCUDAArray :: GC.StaticArray OpenCL () staticCUDAArray name "device" t vs = do let ct = GC.primTypeToCType t name_realtype <- newVName $ baseString name ++ "_realtype" num_elems <- case vs of ArrayValues vs' -> do let vs'' = [[C.cinit|$exp:v|] | v <- map GC.compilePrimValue vs'] GC.libDecl [C.cedecl|static $ty:ct $id:name_realtype[$int:(length vs'')] = {$inits:vs''};|] return $ length vs'' ArrayZeros n -> do GC.libDecl [C.cedecl|static $ty:ct $id:name_realtype[$int:n];|] return n -- Fake a memory block. GC.contextField (pretty name) [C.cty|struct memblock_device|] Nothing -- During startup, copy the data to where we need it. GC.atInit [C.cstm|{ ctx->$id:name.references = NULL; ctx->$id:name.size = 0; CUDA_SUCCEED(cuMemAlloc(&ctx->$id:name.mem, ($int:num_elems > 0 ? $int:num_elems : 1)*sizeof($ty:ct))); if ($int:num_elems > 0) { CUDA_SUCCEED(cuMemcpyHtoD(ctx->$id:name.mem, $id:name_realtype, $int:num_elems*sizeof($ty:ct))); } }|] GC.item [C.citem|struct memblock_device $id:name = ctx->$id:name;|] staticCUDAArray _ space _ _ = error $ "CUDA backend cannot create static array in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space" cudaMemoryType :: GC.MemoryType OpenCL () cudaMemoryType "device" = return [C.cty|typename CUdeviceptr|] cudaMemoryType space = error $ "CUDA backend does not support '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." callKernel :: GC.OpCompiler OpenCL () callKernel (GetSize v key) = GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key;|] callKernel (CmpSizeLe v key x) = do x' <- GC.compileExp x GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key <= $exp:x';|] callKernel (GetSizeMax v size_class) = let field = "max_" ++ cudaSizeClass size_class in GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->cuda.$id:field;|] where cudaSizeClass (SizeThreshold _) = "threshold" cudaSizeClass SizeGroup = "block_size" cudaSizeClass SizeNumGroups = "grid_size" cudaSizeClass SizeTile = "tile_size" cudaSizeClass SizeLocalMemory = "shared_memory" cudaSizeClass (SizeBespoke x _) = pretty x callKernel (LaunchKernel name args num_blocks block_size) = do args_arr <- newVName "kernel_args" time_start <- newVName "time_start" time_end <- newVName "time_end" (args', shared_vars) <- unzip <$> mapM mkArgs args let (shared_sizes, shared_offsets) = unzip $ catMaybes shared_vars shared_offsets_sc = mkOffsets shared_sizes shared_args = zip shared_offsets shared_offsets_sc shared_tot = last shared_offsets_sc mapM_ (\(arg,offset) -> GC.decl [C.cdecl|unsigned int $id:arg = $exp:offset;|] ) shared_args (grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) <- mkDims <$> mapM GC.compileExp num_blocks (block_x, block_y, block_z) <- mkDims <$> mapM GC.compileExp block_size let perm_args | length num_blocks == 3 = [ [C.cinit|&perm[0]|], [C.cinit|&perm[1]|], [C.cinit|&perm[2]|] ] | otherwise = [] let args'' = perm_args ++ [ [C.cinit|&$id:a|] | a <- args' ] sizes_nonzero = expsNotZero [grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, block_x, block_y, block_z] GC.stm [C.cstm| if ($exp:sizes_nonzero) { int perm[3] = { 0, 1, 2 }; if ($exp:grid_y > (1<<16)) { perm[1] = perm[0]; perm[0] = 1; } if ($exp:grid_z > (1<<16)) { perm[2] = perm[0]; perm[0] = 2; } size_t grid[3]; grid[perm[0]] = $exp:grid_x; grid[perm[1]] = $exp:grid_y; grid[perm[2]] = $exp:grid_z; void *$id:args_arr[] = { $inits:args'' }; typename int64_t $id:time_start = 0, $id:time_end = 0; if (ctx->debugging) { fprintf(stderr, "Launching %s with grid size (", $string:name); $stms:(printSizes [grid_x, grid_y, grid_z]) fprintf(stderr, ") and block size ("); $stms:(printSizes [block_x, block_y, block_z]) fprintf(stderr, ").\n"); $id:time_start = get_wall_time(); } CUDA_SUCCEED( cuLaunchKernel(ctx->$id:name, grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], $exp:block_x, $exp:block_y, $exp:block_z, $exp:shared_tot, NULL, $id:args_arr, NULL)); if (ctx->debugging) { CUDA_SUCCEED(cuCtxSynchronize()); $id:time_end = get_wall_time(); fprintf(stderr, "Kernel %s runtime: %ldus\n", $string:name, $id:time_end - $id:time_start); } }|] where mkDims [] = ([C.cexp|0|] , [C.cexp|0|], [C.cexp|0|]) mkDims [x] = (x, [C.cexp|1|], [C.cexp|1|]) mkDims [x,y] = (x, y, [C.cexp|1|]) mkDims (x:y:z:_) = (x, y, z) addExp x y = [C.cexp|$exp:x + $exp:y|] alignExp e = [C.cexp|$exp:e + ((8 - ($exp:e % 8)) % 8)|] mkOffsets = scanl (\a b -> a `addExp` alignExp b) [C.cexp|0|] expNotZero e = [C.cexp|$exp:e != 0|] expAnd a b = [C.cexp|$exp:a && $exp:b|] expsNotZero = foldl expAnd [C.cexp|1|] . map expNotZero mkArgs (ValueKArg e t) = (,Nothing) <$> GC.compileExpToName "kernel_arg" t e mkArgs (MemKArg v) = do v' <- GC.rawMem v arg <- newVName "kernel_arg" GC.decl [C.cdecl|typename CUdeviceptr $id:arg = $exp:v';|] return (arg, Nothing) mkArgs (SharedMemoryKArg (Count c)) = do num_bytes <- GC.compileExp c size <- newVName "shared_size" offset <- newVName "shared_offset" GC.decl [C.cdecl|unsigned int $id:size = $exp:num_bytes;|] return (offset, Just (size, offset)) printSizes = intercalate [[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, ", ");|]] . map printSize printSize e = [[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, "%d", $exp:e);|]]