private Stream s; private BinaryReader b; // Note that the lookahead buffer does not interact well with // binary reading. We are careful to not let this become a // problem. private Stack LookaheadBuffer = new Stack(); private void ResetLookahead(){ LookaheadBuffer.Clear(); } private void ValueReader(Stream s) { this.s = s; } private void ValueReader() { this.s = Console.OpenStandardInput(); this.b = new BinaryReader(s); } private char? GetChar() { char c; if (LookaheadBuffer.Count == 0) { c = (char) this.b.ReadByte(); } else { c = LookaheadBuffer.Pop(); } return c; } private char[] GetChars(int n) { return Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select(_ => GetChar().Value).ToArray(); } private void UngetChar(char c) { LookaheadBuffer.Push(c); } private char PeekChar() { var c = GetChar(); UngetChar(c.Value); return c.Value; } private void SkipSpaces() { var c = GetChar(); while (c.HasValue){ if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c.Value)) { c = GetChar(); } else if (c == '-') { if (PeekChar() == '-') { while (c.Value != '\n') { c = GetChar(); } } else { break; } } else { break; } } if (c.HasValue) { UngetChar(c.Value); } } private bool ParseSpecificChar(char c) { var got = GetChar(); if (got.Value != c) { UngetChar(got.Value); throw new ValueError(); } return true; } private bool ParseSpecificString(string str) { var read = new List(); foreach (var c in str.ToCharArray()) { try { ParseSpecificChar(c); read.Add(c); } catch(ValueError) { read.Reverse(); foreach (var cc in read) { UngetChar(cc); } throw; } } return true; } private string Optional(Func p) { string res = null; try { res = p(); } catch (Exception) { } return res; } private bool Optional(Func p, char c) { try { return p(c); } catch (Exception) { } return false; } private bool OptionalSpecificString(string s) { var c = PeekChar(); if (c == s[0]) { return ParseSpecificString(s); } return false; } private List sepBy(Func p, Func sep) { var elems = new List(); var x = Optional(p); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)) { elems.Add(x); while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Optional(sep))) { var y = Optional(p); elems.Add(y); } } return elems; } private string ParseHexInt() { var s = ""; var c = GetChar(); while (c.HasValue) { if (Uri.IsHexDigit(c.Value)) { s += c.Value; c = GetChar(); } else if (c == '_') { c = GetChar(); } else { UngetChar(c.Value); break; } } return Convert.ToString(Convert.ToUInt32(s, 16)); } private string ParseInt() { var s = ""; var c = GetChar(); if (c.Value == '0' && "xX".Contains(PeekChar())) { GetChar(); s += ParseHexInt(); } else { while (c.HasValue) { if (char.IsDigit(c.Value)) { s += c.Value; c = GetChar(); }else if (c == '_') { c = GetChar(); } else { UngetChar(c.Value); break; } } } if (s.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("ValueError"); } return s; } private string ParseIntSigned() { var c = GetChar(); if (c.Value == '-' && char.IsDigit(PeekChar())) { return c + ParseInt(); } else { if (c.Value != '+') { UngetChar(c.Value); } return ParseInt(); } } private string ReadStrComma() { SkipSpaces(); ParseSpecificChar(','); return ","; } private int ReadStrInt(string s) { SkipSpaces(); var x = Convert.ToInt32(ParseIntSigned()); OptionalSpecificString(s); return x; } private ulong ReadStrUInt64(string s) { SkipSpaces(); var x = Convert.ToUInt64(ParseInt()); OptionalSpecificString(s); return x; } private long ReadStrInt64(string s) { SkipSpaces(); var x = Convert.ToInt64(ParseIntSigned()); OptionalSpecificString(s); return x; } private uint ReadStrUInt(string s) { SkipSpaces(); var x = Convert.ToUInt32(ParseInt()); OptionalSpecificString(s); return x; } private int ReadStrI8(){return ReadStrInt("i8");} private int ReadStrI16(){return ReadStrInt("i16");} private int ReadStrI32(){return ReadStrInt("i32");} private long ReadStrI64(){return ReadStrInt64("i64");} private uint ReadStrU8(){return ReadStrUInt("u8");} private uint ReadStrU16(){return ReadStrUInt("u16");} private uint ReadStrU32(){return ReadStrUInt("u32");} private ulong ReadStrU64(){return ReadStrUInt64("u64");} private sbyte ReadBinI8(){return (sbyte) b.ReadByte();} private short ReadBinI16(){return b.ReadInt16();} private int ReadBinI32(){return b.ReadInt32();} private long ReadBinI64(){return b.ReadInt64();} private byte ReadBinU8(){return (byte) b.ReadByte();} private ushort ReadBinU16(){return b.ReadUInt16();} private uint ReadBinU32(){return b.ReadUInt32();} private ulong ReadBinU64(){return b.ReadUInt64();} private float ReadBinF32(){return b.ReadSingle();} private double ReadBinF64(){return b.ReadDouble();} private bool ReadBinBool(){return b.ReadBoolean();} private char ReadChar() { SkipSpaces(); ParseSpecificChar('\''); var c = GetChar(); ParseSpecificChar('\''); return c.Value; } private double ReadStrHexFloat(char sign) { var int_part = ParseHexInt(); ParseSpecificChar('.'); var frac_part = ParseHexInt(); ParseSpecificChar('p'); var exponent = ParseHexInt(); var int_val = Convert.ToInt32(int_part, 16); var frac_val = Convert.ToSingle(Convert.ToInt32(frac_part, 16)) / Math.Pow(16, frac_part.Length); var exp_val = Convert.ToInt32(exponent); var total_val = (int_val + frac_val) * Math.Pow(2, exp_val); if (sign == '-') { total_val = -1 * total_val; } return Convert.ToDouble(total_val); } private double ReadStrDecimal() { SkipSpaces(); var c = GetChar(); char sign; if (c.Value == '-') { sign = '-'; } else { UngetChar(c.Value); sign = '+'; } // Check for hexadecimal float c = GetChar(); if (c.Value == '0' && "xX".Contains(PeekChar())) { GetChar(); return ReadStrHexFloat(sign); } else { UngetChar(c.Value); } var bef = Optional(this.ParseInt); var aft = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bef)) { bef = "0"; ParseSpecificChar('.'); aft = ParseInt(); }else if (Optional(ParseSpecificChar, '.')) { aft = ParseInt(); } else { aft = "0"; } var expt = ""; if (Optional(ParseSpecificChar, 'E') || Optional(ParseSpecificChar, 'e')) { expt = ParseIntSigned(); } else { expt = "0"; } return Convert.ToDouble(sign + bef + "." + aft + "E" + expt); } private float ReadStrF32() { try { ParseSpecificString("f32.nan"); return Single.NaN; } catch (ValueError) { try { ParseSpecificString("-f32.inf"); return Single.NegativeInfinity; } catch (ValueError) { try { ParseSpecificString("f32.inf"); return Single.PositiveInfinity; } catch (ValueError) { var x = ReadStrDecimal(); OptionalSpecificString("f32"); return Convert.ToSingle(x); } } } } private double ReadStrF64() { try { ParseSpecificString("f64.nan"); return Double.NaN; } catch (ValueError) { try { ParseSpecificString("-f64.inf"); return Double.NegativeInfinity; } catch (ValueError) { try { ParseSpecificString("f64.inf"); return Double.PositiveInfinity; } catch (ValueError) { var x = ReadStrDecimal(); OptionalSpecificString("f64"); return x; } } } } private bool ReadStrBool() { SkipSpaces(); if (PeekChar() == 't') { ParseSpecificString("true"); return true; } if (PeekChar() == 'f') { ParseSpecificString("false"); return false; } throw new ValueError(); } private (T[], int[]) ReadStrArrayElems(int rank, Func ReadStrScalar) { bool first = true; bool[] knows_dimsize = new bool[rank]; int cur_dim = rank-1; int[] elems_read_in_dim = new int[rank]; int[] shape = new int[rank]; int capacity = 100; T[] data = new T[capacity]; int write_ptr = 0; while (true) { SkipSpaces(); char c = (char) GetChar(); if (c == ']') { if (knows_dimsize[cur_dim]) { if (shape[cur_dim] != elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim]) { throw new Exception("Irregular array"); } } else { knows_dimsize[cur_dim] = true; shape[cur_dim] = elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim]; } if (cur_dim == 0) { break; } else { cur_dim--; elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim]++; } } else if (c == ',') { SkipSpaces(); c = (char) GetChar(); if (c == '[') { if (cur_dim == rank - 1) { throw new Exception("Array has too many dimensions"); } first = true; cur_dim++; elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim] = 0; } else if (cur_dim == rank - 1) { UngetChar(c); data[write_ptr++] = ReadStrScalar(); if (write_ptr == capacity) { capacity *= 2; Array.Resize(ref data, capacity); } elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim]++; } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected comma when reading array"); } } else if (first) { if (c == '[') { if (cur_dim == rank - 1) { throw new Exception("Array has too many dimensions"); } cur_dim++; elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim] = 0; } else { UngetChar(c); data[write_ptr++] = ReadStrScalar(); if (write_ptr == capacity) { capacity *= 2; Array.Resize(ref data, capacity); } elems_read_in_dim[cur_dim]++; first = false; } } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected character in array"); } } Array.Resize(ref data, write_ptr); return (data, shape); } private (T[], int[]) ReadStrArrayEmpty(int rank, string typeName, Func ReadStrScalar) { ParseSpecificString("empty"); ParseSpecificChar('('); int[] shape = new int[rank]; for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) { ParseSpecificString("["); shape[i] = Convert.ToInt32(ParseIntSigned()); ParseSpecificString("]"); } ParseSpecificString(typeName); ParseSpecificChar(')'); // Check whether the array really is empty. for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) { if (shape[i] == 0) { return (new T[1], shape); } } // Not an empty array! throw new Exception("empty() used with nonempty shape"); } private (T[], int[]) ReadStrArray(int rank, string typeName, Func ReadStrScalar) { long read_dims = 0; while (true) { SkipSpaces(); var c = GetChar(); if (c=='[') { read_dims++; } else { if (c != null) { UngetChar((char)c); } break; } } if (read_dims == 0) { return ReadStrArrayEmpty(rank, typeName, ReadStrScalar); } if (read_dims != rank) { throw new Exception("Wrong number of dimensions"); } return ReadStrArrayElems(rank, ReadStrScalar); } private Dictionary primtypes = new Dictionary { {" i8", "i8"}, {" i16", "i16"}, {" i32", "i32"}, {" i64", "i64"}, {" u8", "u8"}, {" u16", "u16"}, {" u32", "u32"}, {" u64", "u64"}, {" f32", "f32"}, {" f64", "f64"}, {"bool", "bool"} }; private int BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION = 2; private void read_le_2byte(ref short dest) { dest = b.ReadInt16(); } private void read_le_4byte(ref int dest) { dest = b.ReadInt32(); } private void read_le_8byte(ref long dest) { dest = b.ReadInt64(); } private bool ReadIsBinary() { SkipSpaces(); var c = GetChar(); if (c == 'b') { byte bin_version = new byte(); try { bin_version = (byte) b.ReadByte(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: could not read version"); Environment.Exit(1); } if (bin_version != BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION) { Console.WriteLine(( "binary-input: File uses version {0}, but I only understand version {1}.", bin_version, BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION)); Environment.Exit(1); } return true; } UngetChar((char) c); return false; } private (T[], int[]) ReadArray(int rank, string typeName, Func ReadStrScalar) { if (!ReadIsBinary()) { return ReadStrArray(rank, typeName, ReadStrScalar); } else { return ReadBinArray(rank, typeName, ReadStrScalar); } } private T ReadScalar(string typeName, Func ReadStrScalar, Func ReadBinScalar) { if (!ReadIsBinary()) { return ReadStrScalar(); } else { ReadBinEnsureScalar(typeName); return ReadBinScalar(); } } private void ReadBinEnsureScalar(string typeName) { var bin_dims = b.ReadByte(); if (bin_dims != 0) { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Expected scalar (0 dimensions), but got array with {0} dimensions.", bin_dims); Environment.Exit(1); } var bin_type = ReadBinReadTypeString(); if (bin_type != typeName) { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Expected scalar of type {0} but got scalar of type {1}.", typeName, bin_type); Environment.Exit(1); } } private string ReadBinReadTypeString() { var str_bytes = b.ReadBytes(4); var str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(str_bytes, 0, 4); return primtypes[str]; } private (T[], int[]) ReadBinArray(int rank, string typeName, Func ReadStrScalar) { var bin_dims = new int(); var shape = new int[rank]; try { bin_dims = b.ReadByte(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Couldn't get dims."); Environment.Exit(1); } if (bin_dims != rank) { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Expected {0} dimensions, but got array with {1} dimensions", rank, bin_dims); Environment.Exit(1); } var bin_primtype = ReadBinReadTypeString(); if (typeName != bin_primtype) { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Expected {0}D-array with element type '{1}', but got {2}D-array with element type '{3}'.", rank, typeName, bin_dims, bin_primtype); Environment.Exit(1); } int elem_count = 1; for (var i = 0; i < rank; i++) { long bin_shape = new long(); try { read_le_8byte(ref bin_shape); } catch { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: Couldn't read size for dimension {0} of array.", i); Environment.Exit(1); } elem_count *= (int) bin_shape; shape[i] = (int) bin_shape; } // For whatever reason, Marshal.SizeOf is 4, so special-case that here. var elem_size = typeof(T) == typeof(bool) ? 1 : Marshal.SizeOf(); var num_bytes = elem_count * elem_size; var tmp = new byte[num_bytes]; var data = new T[elem_count]; var to_read = num_bytes; var have_read = 0; while (to_read > 0) { var bytes_read = b.Read(tmp, have_read, to_read); to_read -= bytes_read; have_read += bytes_read; if (bytes_read == 0) { Console.WriteLine("binary-input: EOF after {0} bytes (expected {1})", have_read, num_bytes); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian && elem_size != 1) { for (int i = 0; i < elem_count; i ++) { Array.Reverse(tmp, i * elem_size, elem_size); } } Buffer.BlockCopy(tmp,0,data,0,num_bytes); /* we should have a proper error message here */ return (data, shape); } private sbyte ReadI8() { return (sbyte) ReadStrI8(); } private short ReadI16() { return (short) ReadStrI16(); } private int ReadI32() { return ReadStrI32(); } private long ReadI64() { return ReadStrI64(); } private byte ReadU8() { return (byte) ReadStrU8(); } private ushort ReadU16() { return (ushort) ReadStrU16(); } private uint ReadU32() { return (uint) ReadStrU32(); } private ulong ReadU64() { return (ulong) ReadStrU64(); } private bool ReadBool() { return ReadStrBool(); } private float ReadF32() { return ReadStrF32(); } private double ReadF64() { return ReadStrF64(); } private void WriteValue(bool x){Console.Write(x ? "true" : "false", x);} private void WriteValue(sbyte x){Console.Write("{0}i8", x);} private void WriteValue(short x){Console.Write("{0}i16", x);} private void WriteValue(int x){Console.Write("{0}i32", x);} private void WriteValue(long x){Console.Write("{0}i64", x);} private void WriteValue(byte x){Console.Write("{0}u8", x);} private void WriteValue(ushort x){Console.Write("{0}u16", x);} private void WriteValue(uint x){Console.Write("{0}u32", x);} private void WriteValue(ulong x){Console.Write("{0}u64", x);} private void WriteValue(float x){if (Single.IsNaN(x)) {Console.Write("f32.nan");} else if (Single.IsNegativeInfinity(x)) {Console.Write("-f32.inf");} else if (Single.IsPositiveInfinity(x)) {Console.Write("f32.inf");} else {Console.Write("{0:0.000000}f32", x);}} private void WriteValue(double x){if (Double.IsNaN(x)) {Console.Write("f64.nan");} else if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity(x)) {Console.Write("-f64.inf");} else if (Double.IsPositiveInfinity(x)) {Console.Write("f64.inf");} else {Console.Write("{0:0.000000}f64", x);}}