module ReadBookmarks where --import Prelude hiding (IOError) import System.IO.Error(tryIOError) --import DialogueIO --import ContinuationIO(stdout) import Control.Monad(mzero,(<=<),msum) import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe) --import Fudgets import HtmlParser2 import Html import HtmlTags import TagAttrs import HtmlFuns data Bookmarks = Bookmark Title Url | Menu Title [Bookmarks] | Sep deriving (Eq) type Title = String type Url = String {- readBookmarksF filename cont = hIOerrF (ReadFile filename) errF (either errF (maybe errF' (succ . toBookmarks) . getmenu).parseHtml.(\(Str s)->s)) where succ = cont . Just errF' = errF "Didn't find any menu in the bookmarks file" errF x = pr x (cont Nothing) where prs s = hIOSuccF (AppendChan stdout s) pr = -} readBookmarksIO filename = either errIO okIO =<< tryIOError (readFile filename) where okIO = either errIO (maybe errIO' (succ.toBookmarks) . getmenu).parseHtml errIO x = err (show x) errIO' = err "Didn't find any menu in the bookmarks file" succ = return . Just err msg = putStr msg >> return Nothing toBookmarks = bm "Bookmarks" where bm title html = case html of HtmlContext (A,TA (("HREF",url):_)) html1:html -> Bookmark (htmlchars html1) url:bm title html HtmlCommand (HR,_):html -> Sep:bm title html HtmlContext (DL,_) html1:html -> Menu title (bm "??" html1):bm title html HtmlContext (DD,_) _:html -> bm title html HtmlContext (H3,_) html1:html -> bm (htmlchars html1) html HtmlContext (tag,_) html1:html -> bm title (html1++html) _:html -> bm title html _ -> [] findBookmark t = msum . map find where find b = case b of Menu title bms -> if title==t then return bms else findBookmark t bms _ -> mzero --- getmenu = find DL <=< find BODY --getmenu = find DL . find BODY where find tag = listToMaybe . find' tag find' tag = concatMap contents . extractElements tag contents (HtmlContext _ html) = [html] contents (HtmlCommand _) = []