{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  FreeGame.UI
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Fumiaki Kinoshita
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Fumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Provides the "free" embodiment.
module FreeGame.UI (
    , reUI
    , reFrame
    , reGame
    , Frame
    , Game
    , FreeGame(..)
) where

import FreeGame.Class
import FreeGame.Internal.Finalizer
import FreeGame.Types
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import FreeGame.Data.Bitmap (Bitmap)
import Data.Color
import Data.BoundingBox.Dim2
import Control.Monad.Free.Church (F, iterM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Iter (IterT, foldM)
import Control.Monad (join)

data UI a =
    Draw (forall m. (Applicative m, Monad m, Picture2D m, Local m) => m a)
    | PreloadBitmap Bitmap a
    | FromFinalizer (FinalizerT IO a)
    | KeyStates (Map.Map Key ButtonState -> a)
    | MouseButtons (Map.Map Int ButtonState -> a)
    | MousePosition (Vec2 -> a)
    | TakeScreenshot (Bitmap -> a)
    | Bracket (Frame a)
    | SetFPS Int a
    | SetTitle String a
    | ShowCursor a
    | HideCursor a
    | ClearColor Color a
    | GetFPS (Int -> a)
    | ForkFrame (Frame ()) a
    | GetBoundingBox (BoundingBox Double -> a)
    | SetBoundingBox (BoundingBox Double) a
    deriving Functor

type Game = IterT Frame

type Frame = F UI

-- | Generalize `Game` to any monad based on `FreeGame`.
reGame :: (FreeGame m, Monad m) => Game a -> m a
reGame = Control.Monad.Trans.Iter.foldM (join . reFrame)
{-# RULES "reGame/sameness" reGame = id #-}

-- | Generalize `Frame` to any monad based on `FreeGame`.
reFrame :: (FreeGame m, Monad m) => Frame a -> m a
reFrame = iterM (join . reUI)
{-# RULES "reFrame/sameness" reFrame = id #-}

reUI :: FreeGame f => UI a -> f a
reUI (Draw m) = draw m
reUI (PreloadBitmap bmp cont) = cont <$ preloadBitmap bmp
reUI (FromFinalizer m) = fromFinalizer m
reUI (KeyStates cont) = cont <$> keyStates_
reUI (MouseButtons cont) = cont <$> mouseButtons_
reUI (MousePosition cont) = cont <$> globalMousePosition
reUI (TakeScreenshot cont) = cont <$> takeScreenshot
reUI (Bracket m) = bracket m
reUI (SetFPS i cont) = cont <$ setFPS i
reUI (SetTitle t cont) = cont <$ setTitle t
reUI (ShowCursor cont) = cont <$ showCursor
reUI (HideCursor cont) = cont <$ hideCursor
reUI (ClearColor col cont) = cont <$ clearColor col
reUI (GetFPS cont) = cont <$> getFPS
reUI (ForkFrame m cont) = cont <$ forkFrame m
reUI (GetBoundingBox cont) = cont <$> getBoundingBox
reUI (SetBoundingBox bb cont) = cont <$ setBoundingBox bb

{-# RULES "reUI/sameness" reUI = id #-}

class (Picture2D m, Local m, Keyboard m, Mouse m, FromFinalizer m) => FreeGame m where
    -- | Draw an action that consist of 'Picture2D''s methods.
    draw :: (forall f. (Applicative f, Monad f, Picture2D f, Local f) => f a) -> m a
    -- | Load a 'Bitmap' to avoid the cost of the first invocation of 'bitmap'.
    preloadBitmap :: Bitmap -> m ()
    -- | Run a 'Frame', and release all the matter happened.
    bracket :: Frame a -> m a
    -- | Run a 'Frame' action concurrently. Do not use this function to draw pictures.
    forkFrame :: Frame () -> m ()
    -- | Generate a 'Bitmap' from the front buffer.
    takeScreenshot :: m Bitmap
    -- | Set the goal FPS.
    setFPS :: Int -> m ()
    setTitle :: String -> m ()
    showCursor :: m ()
    hideCursor :: m ()
    clearColor :: Color -> m ()
    -- | Get the actual FPS value.
    getFPS :: m Int
    getBoundingBox :: m (BoundingBox Double)
    setBoundingBox :: BoundingBox Double -> m ()
instance FreeGame UI where
    draw = Draw
    {-# INLINE draw #-}
    preloadBitmap bmp = PreloadBitmap bmp ()
    {-# INLINE preloadBitmap #-}
    bracket = Bracket
    {-# INLINE bracket #-}
    forkFrame m = ForkFrame m ()
    takeScreenshot = TakeScreenshot id
    setFPS a = SetFPS a ()
    setTitle t = SetTitle t ()
    showCursor = ShowCursor ()
    hideCursor = HideCursor ()
    clearColor c = ClearColor c ()
    getFPS = GetFPS id
    getBoundingBox = GetBoundingBox id
    setBoundingBox s = SetBoundingBox s ()

overDraw :: (forall m. (Applicative m, Monad m, Picture2D m, Local m) => m a -> m a) -> UI a -> UI a
overDraw f (Draw m) = Draw (f m)
overDraw _ x = x
{-# INLINE overDraw #-}

instance Affine UI where
    translate v = overDraw (translate v)
    {-# INLINE translate #-}
    rotateR t = overDraw (rotateR t)
    {-# INLINE rotateR #-}
    rotateD t = overDraw (rotateD t)
    {-# INLINE rotateD #-}
    scale v = overDraw (scale v)
    {-# INLINE scale #-}

instance Picture2D UI where
    bitmap x = Draw (bitmap x)
    {-# INLINE bitmap #-}
    bitmapOnce x = Draw (bitmapOnce x)
    {-# INLINE bitmapOnce #-}
    line vs = Draw (line vs)
    polygon vs = Draw (polygon vs)
    polygonOutline vs = Draw (polygonOutline vs)
    circle r = Draw (circle r)
    circleOutline r = Draw (circleOutline r)
    thickness t = overDraw (thickness t)
    {-# INLINE thickness #-}
    color c = overDraw (color c)
    {-# INLINE color #-}
    blendMode m = overDraw (blendMode m)
    {-# INLINE blendMode #-}

instance Local UI where
    getLocation = Draw getLocation

instance FromFinalizer UI where
    fromFinalizer = FromFinalizer
    {-# INLINE fromFinalizer #-}

instance Keyboard UI where
    keyStates_ = KeyStates id

instance Mouse UI where
    globalMousePosition = MousePosition id
    -- mouseWheel = MouseWheel id
    mouseButtons_ = MouseButtons id