{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} module Main where import Database.Franz.URI import Database.Franz.Client import qualified Database.Franz.Contents as C import Control.Monad import Data.Function (fix) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import System.IO import Text.Read (readEither) import Options.Applicative printBS :: C.Item -> IO () printBS C.Item{C.payload = bs} = do BB.hPutBuilder stdout $ BB.word64LE $ fromIntegral $ B.length bs B.hPutStr stdout bs hFlush stdout main :: IO () main = join $ execParser (info app mempty) parseRange :: String -> Either String (Int, Int) parseRange st = case break (==':') st of (begin, ':' : end) -> (,) <$> readEither begin <*> readEither end _ -> readEither st >>= \x -> pure (x, x) app :: Parser (IO ()) app = do ranges <- many $ option (eitherReader parseRange) $ short 'r' <> long "range" <> metavar "FROM:TO" <> help "range of seqnos to read" path <- argument (eitherReader toFranzPath) $ metavar "URL" <> help "Path or URL to the directory" timeout <- fmap (floor . (* 1000000)) $ option auto $ long "timeout" <> value (30 :: Double) <> help "Timeout in seconds" follow <- switch $ long "follow" <> help "Follow the stream" stream <- strArgument $ metavar "NAME" <> help "Stream name" pure $ withConnection path $ \conn -> do let req i j = Query stream (BySeqNum i) (BySeqNum j) AllItems -- Query data specified in --range forM_ ranges $ \(i, j) -> fetchSimple conn timeout (req i j) >>= mapM_ printBS . maybe [] C.toList let start = case ranges of [] -> 0 xs -> snd (last xs) + 1 when follow $ flip fix start $ \self i -> do bss <- maybe [] C.toList <$> fetchSimple conn timeout (req i i) mapM_ printBS bss unless (null bss) $ self $ C.seqNo (last bss) + 1