# Fourmolu [![License BSD3](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD3-brightgreen.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/fourmolu.svg?style=flat)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/fourmolu) [![CI](https://github.com/fourmolu/fourmolu/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/fourmolu/fourmolu/actions/workflows/ci.yml) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Installation](#installation) * [Building from source](#building-from-source) * [Usage](#usage) * [Fourmolu Live](#fourmolu-live) * [Editor integration](#editor-integration) * [Language extensions, dependencies, and fixities](#language-extensions-dependencies-and-fixities) * [Magic comments](#magic-comments) * [Regions](#regions) * [Exit codes](#exit-codes) * [Using as a library](#using-as-a-library) * [Limitations](#limitations) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [License](#license) Fourmolu is a formatter for Haskell source code. It is a fork of [Ormolu](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu), with upstream improvements continually merged. We share all bar one of Ormolu's goals: * Using GHC's own parser to avoid parsing problems caused by [`haskell-src-exts`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskell-src-exts). * Let some whitespace be programmable. The layout of the input influences the layout choices in the output. This means that the choices between single-line/multi-line layouts in certain situations are made by the user, not by an algorithm. This makes the implementation simpler and leaves some control to the user while still guaranteeing that the formatted code is stylistically consistent. * Writing code in such a way so it's easy to modify and maintain. * That formatting style aims to result in minimal diffs. * Choose a style compatible with modern dialects of Haskell. As new Haskell extensions enter broad use, we may change the style to accommodate them. * Idempotence: formatting already formatted code doesn't change it. * Be well-tested and robust so that the formatter can be used in large projects. * ~~Implementing one “true” formatting style which admits no configuration.~~ We allow configuration of various parameters, via CLI options or config files. We encourage any contributions which add further flexibility. ## Configuration See https://fourmolu.github.io/config/ ## Installation To install the latest release from Hackage, simply install with Cabal or Stack: ```console $ cabal install fourmolu $ stack install fourmolu ``` ## Building from source ```console $ cabal build -fdev $ stack build --flag fourmolu:dev ``` The `dev` flag may be omitted in your local workflow as you work, but CI may not pass if you only build without the `dev` flag. ## Usage The following will print the formatted output to the standard output. ```console $ fourmolu Module.hs ``` Add `-i` (or `--mode inplace`) to replace the contents of the input file with the formatted output. ```console $ fourmolu -i Module.hs ``` Specify a directory to recursively process all of its `.hs` files: ```console $ fourmolu -i src ``` Or find all files in a project with `git ls-files`: ```bash $ fourmolu --mode inplace $(git ls-files '*.hs') # Or to avoid hitting command line length limits: $ git ls-files -z '*.hs' | xargs -0 fourmolu --mode inplace ``` To check if files are already formatted (useful on CI): ```console $ fourmolu --mode check src ``` #### :zap: Beware git's `core.autocrlf` on Windows :zap: Fourmolu's output always uses LF line endings. In particular, `fourmolu --mode check` will fail if its input is correctly formatted *except* that it has CRLF line endings. This situation can happen on Windows when checking out a git repository without having set [`core.autocrlf`]( https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-coreautocrlf) to `false`. ### Web app See https://fourmolu.github.io/ to try Fourmolu in your browser. This is re-deployed on every new commit to `main`, so will use the latest version of Fourmolu, potentially including unreleased changes. ### Editor integration Fourmolu can be integrated with your editor via the [Haskell Language Server](https://haskell-language-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html). Just set `haskell.formattingProvider` to `fourmolu` ([instructions](https://haskell-language-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html#language-specific-server-options)). ### Language extensions, dependencies, and fixities Fourmolu automatically locates the Cabal file that corresponds to a given source code file. When input comes from stdin, one can pass `--stdin-input-file` which will give Fourmolu the location of the Haskell source file that should be used as the starting point for searching for a suitable Cabal file. Cabal files are used to extract both default extensions and dependencies. Default extensions directly affect behavior of the GHC parser, while dependencies are used to figure out fixities of operators that appear in the source code. Fixities can also be overridden with the `fixities` configuration option in `fourmolu.yaml`, e.g. ```yaml fixities: - infixr 9 . - infixr 5 ++ - infixl 4 <$ - infixl 1 >>, >>= - infixr 1 =<< - infixr 0 $, $! - infixl 4 <*>, <*, *>, <**> ``` It uses exactly the same syntax as usual Haskell fixity declarations to make it easier for Haskellers to edit and maintain. Besides, all of the above-mentioned parameters can be controlled from the command line: * Language extensions can be specified with the `-o` or `--ghc-opt` flag. * Dependencies can be specified with the `-p` or `--package` flag. * Fixities can be specified with the `-f` or `--fixity` flag. Searching for `.cabal` files can be disabled by passing `--no-cabal`. ### Magic comments Fourmolu understands two magic comments: ```haskell {- FOURMOLU_DISABLE -} ``` and ```haskell {- FOURMOLU_ENABLE -} ``` This allows us to disable formatting selectively for code between these markers or disable it for the entire file. To achieve the latter, just put `{- FOURMOLU_DISABLE -}` at the very top. Note that for Fourmolu to work the fragments where Fourmolu is enabled must be parseable on their own. Because of that the magic comments cannot be placed arbitrarily, but rather must enclose independent top-level definitions. `{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -}` and `{- ORMOLU_ENABLE -}`, respectively, can be used to the same effect, and the two styles of magic comments can be mixed. ### Regions One can ask Fourmolu to format a region of input and leave the rest unformatted. This is accomplished by passing the `--start-line` and `--end-line` command line options. `--start-line` defaults to the beginning of the file, while `--end-line` defaults to the end. ### Exit codes Exit code | Meaning ----------|----------------------------------------------- 0 | Success 1 | General problem 2 | CPP used (deprecated) 3 | Parsing of original input failed 4 | Parsing of formatted code failed 5 | AST of original and formatted code differs 6 | Formatting is not idempotent 7 | Unrecognized GHC options 8 | Cabal file parsing failed 9 | Missing input file path when using stdin input and accounting for .cabal files 10 | Parse error while parsing fixity overrides 100 | In checking mode: unformatted files 101 | Inplace mode does not work with stdin 102 | Other issue (with multiple input files) 400 | Failed to load Fourmolu configuration file ### Using as a library The `fourmolu` package can also be depended upon from other Haskell programs. For these purposes only the top `Ormolu` module should be considered stable. It follows [PVP](https://pvp.haskell.org/) starting from the version Rely on other modules at your own risk. ## Limitations * CPP support is experimental. CPP is virtually impossible to handle correctly, so we process them as a sort of unchangeable snippets. This works only in simple cases when CPP conditionals surround top-level declarations. See the [CPP](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/blob/master/DESIGN.md#cpp) section in the design notes for a discussion of the dangers. * Input modules should be parsable by Haddock, which is a bit stricter criterion than just being valid Haskell modules. * Various minor idempotence issues, most of them are related to comments or column limits. * Fourmolu is in a fairly early stage of development. The implementation should be as stable as Ormolu, as it only makes minimal changes, and is extensively tested. But the default configuration style may change in some minor ways in the near future, as we make more options available. It will always be possible to replicate the old default behaviour with a suitable `fourmolu.yaml`. ## Contributing If there are any options you'd like to see, let us know. If it's not too complicated to implement (and especially if you implement it yourself!) then we'll probably add it. See `DEVELOPER.md` for documentation. ## License See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md). Copyright © 2018–2020 Tweag I/O, 2020-present Matt Parsons ## Acknowledgements The vast majority of work here has been done by the Ormolu developers, and thus they deserve almost all of the credit. This project is simply intended as a haven for those of us who admire their work, but can't quite get on board with some of their decisions when it comes down to the details.