module Text.Formlets.Form where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.State
import Text.XHtml.Strict ((+++))
import Text.XHtml.Strict as X

type Env = [(String, String)]
type FormState = Names
type Names = Integer
type Name = String
type Xml = X.Html

queryParam :: Env -> Name -> String
queryParam env name = case (name `lookup` env) of
                           Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't find " ++ name
                           Just x  -> x

newtype Form a = Form { deform :: Env -> State FormState (Collector a, X.Html) }

instance Functor Form where
  fmap f (Form a) = Form $ \env -> (fmap . fmapFst . fmap) f (a env)
   where fmapFst f (a, b) = (f a, b)

type Collector a = Env -> a

instance Applicative Form where
   pure = pureF
   (<*>) = applyF

pureF :: a -> Form a
pureF v = Form $ \env -> pure (const v, X.noHtml) -- K

applyF :: Form (a -> b) -> Form a -> Form b
(Form f) `applyF` (Form v) = Form $ \env -> pure combine <*> f env <*> v env
   where combine (f, x) (v, y) = (\e -> f e (v e), x +++ y)

freshName :: State FormState String
freshName = do n <- get
               put $ n + 1
               return $ "input_" ++ show n

currentName :: State FormState String
currentName = gets $ (++) "input_" . show

{- component: just some xml -}
xml :: X.Html -> Form ()
xml x = Form $ \env -> pure (const (), x)

{- component: just some text -}
text :: String -> Form ()
text s = Form $ \env -> pure (const (), toHtml s)

{- transform the XML component -}
plug :: (Xml -> Xml) -> Form a -> Form a
f `plug` (Form m) = Form $ \env -> pure plugin <*> m env
   where plugin :: (a, Xml) -> (a, Xml)
         plugin (c, x) = (c, f x)