{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, KindSignatures #-} module Forml.Types.Statement where import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 import Language.Javascript.JMacro import Control.Applicative import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>), State, many, spaces, parse, label) import Text.Parsec.Indent hiding (same) import Data.String.Utils import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.List as L import Forml.Parser.Utils import Forml.Types.Type import Forml.Types.Axiom import Forml.Types.TypeDefinition import Forml.Types.Symbol import Forml.Types.Definition import Forml.Types.Expression import Forml.Types.Namespace import Forml.Javascript.Utils import Forml.Javascript.Backend import Prelude hiding (curry, (++)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- Statement data Statement = TypeStatement TypeDefinition UnionType | DefinitionStatement Definition | ExpressionStatement (Addr (Expression Definition)) | ImportStatement Namespace | ModuleStatement Namespace [Statement] instance Show Statement where show (TypeStatement t c) = [qq|type $t = $c|] show (DefinitionStatement d) = show d show (ExpressionStatement (Addr _ _ x)) = show x show (ImportStatement x) = [qq|import $x|] show (ModuleStatement x xs) = replace "\n |" "\n |" $ replace "\n\n" "\n\n " $ "module " ++ show x ++ "\n\n" ++ sep_with "\n\n" xs instance Syntax Statement where syntax = whitespace >> withPos statement_types <* many newline where statement_types = (type_statement "Type Definition") <|> (try import_statement "Import Statement") <|> (module_statement "Module Declaration") <|> (try def_statement "Symbol Definition") <|> (expression_statement "Assertion") def_statement = DefinitionStatement <$> syntax import_statement = do string "open" whitespace ImportStatement <$> syntax module_statement = do try (string "module") whitespace1 name <- try syntax <|> (char '"' *> (Namespace . (:[]) <$> (anyChar `manyTill` char '"'))) whitespace *> newline spaces *> (indented <|> same) ModuleStatement name <$> withPos (many1 ((spaces >> same >> syntax))) type_statement = do try (string "type" >> spaces) <|> return () def <- syntax set_indentation (+1) whitespace sig <- try (string "=" >> spaces >> (string "|" >> type_definition_signature)) <|> (string "=" >> spaces >> type_definition_signature) whitespace set_indentation (+(-1)) return $ TypeStatement def sig expression_statement = do try (string "test" >> spaces) <|> return () whitespace x <- getPosition y <- withPos$ addr syntax z <- getPosition return $ ExpressionStatement y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- Meta data Meta = Meta { target :: Target, namespace :: Namespace, modules :: [Module], expr :: Statement } deriving (Show) data Target = Test | Library deriving (Show) serial :: SourcePos -> SourcePos -> String serial a b = show (sourceLine a - 1) ++ "_" ++ show (sourceLine b - 1) ++ (if sourceLine a /= sourceLine b then "multi" else "") get_code :: forall a. Addr a -> JS String get_code a = do src <- JS (\s @ JSState {src = src} -> (s, src)) return $ get_error a src instance Javascript Meta JStat where -- Expressions are ignored for Libraries, and rendered as tests for Test toJS (Meta { target = Library, expr = ExpressionStatement _ }) = return mempty toJS (Meta { target = Test, expr = ExpressionStatement a' @ (Addr a b e) }) = do message <- get_code a' return [jmacro| it(`(serial a b ++ "__::__" ++ message)`, function() { `(Jasmine e)`; }); |] -- Imports work identically for both targets toJS (Meta { modules, namespace = Namespace [], expr = ImportStatement target_namespace @ (find modules -> Nothing) }) = fail [qq| Could not resolve namespace $target_namespace |] toJS (Meta { modules, expr = ImportStatement target_namespace, namespace = (find modules . (++ target_namespace) -> Just y) }) = return $ open target_namespace y toJS meta @ (Meta { expr = ImportStatement _, .. }) = let slice (Namespace ns) = Namespace . take (length ns - 1) $ ns in toJS (meta { namespace = slice namespace }) -- Modules in test mode must open the contents of the Library toJS meta @ (Meta { target = Library, namespace = Namespace [], expr = ModuleStatement ns xs, .. }) = do xs' <- toJS $ fmap (\z -> meta { namespace = ns, expr = z }) xs return $ declare_window (show ns) [jmacroE| new (function() { `(xs')`; }) |] toJS meta @ (Meta { target = Library, expr = ModuleStatement ns xs, .. }) = do xs' <- toJS $ fmap (\z -> meta { namespace = namespace ++ ns, expr = z }) xs return $ declare_this (show ns) [jmacroE| new (function() { `(xs')`; }) |] toJS meta @ (Meta { target = Test, expr = ModuleStatement ns xs, .. }) = let (imports, rest) = L.partition f xs f (ImportStatement _) = True f _ = False in do imports' <- toJS $ map (\z -> meta { namespace = namespace ++ ns, expr = z }) imports rest' <- toJS $ map (\z -> meta { namespace = namespace ++ ns, expr = z }) rest return [jmacro| describe(`(show ns)`, function() { `(open (namespace ++ ns) xs)`; `(imports')`; `(open (namespace ++ ns) xs)`; var x = new (function { `(rest')`; }()); }); |] -- Definitions are ignored for the Test target toJS (Meta { target = Library, expr = DefinitionStatement d }) = toJS d toJS (Meta { target = Test, expr = DefinitionStatement _ }) = return mempty toJS (Meta { expr = TypeStatement _ _ }) = return mempty -- toJS x = fail $ "Unimplemented " ++ show x empty_meta :: Target -> [Statement] -> Statement -> Meta empty_meta x = Meta x (Namespace []) . build_modules where build_modules (ModuleStatement n ns : xs) = Module n (build_modules ns) : build_modules xs build_modules (DefinitionStatement (Definition _ _ n _): xs) = Var (to_name n) : build_modules xs build_modules (_ : xs) = build_modules xs build_modules [] = [] find :: [Module] -> Namespace -> Maybe [String] find (Var s : ss) n @ (Namespace []) = Just [s] ++ find ss n find (Var _: xs) ns = find xs ns find [] (Namespace []) = Just [] find [] _ = Nothing find (Module _ xs : ms) n @ (Namespace []) = Just (map show xs) ++ find ms n find (Module (Namespace ys) x : zs) n @ (Namespace xs) | length xs >= length ys && take (length ys) xs == ys = find x (Namespace $ drop (length ys) xs) | otherwise = find zs n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- Open class Open a where open :: Namespace -> [a] -> JStat instance Open Statement where open _ [] = mempty open ns (DefinitionStatement (Definition _ _ _ (TypeAxiom _: [])) : xs) = open ns xs open ns (DefinitionStatement (Definition _ _ n _) : xs) = let f = ref . replace " " "_" . show x = [jmacroE| `(f ns)`[`(n)`] |] in [jmacro| `(declare (replace " " "_" $ to_name n) x)`; `(open ns xs)`; |] open nss (ModuleStatement ns @ (Namespace (n:_)) _:xs) = [jmacro| `(declare n (ref . replace " " "_" . show $ nss ++ ns))`; `(open nss xs)`; |] open ns (_ : xs) = open ns xs instance Open String where open _ [] = mempty open (Namespace (map (replace " " "_") -> ns)) (x:xs) = let print' [] = error "Empty Namespace" print' (y:[]) = [jmacroE| `(ref y)` |] print' (y:ys) = [jmacroE| `(print' ys)`[`(y)`] |] in declare x [jmacroE| `(print' $ reverse ns)`[`(x)`] || window[`(x)`] |] ++ open (Namespace ns) xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- Jasmine newtype Jasmine = Jasmine (Expression Definition) instance ToStat Jasmine where toStat (Jasmine (ApplyExpression (SymbolExpression (Operator "==")) [x, y])) = [jmacro| expect(`(x)`).toEqual(`(y)`); |] toStat (Jasmine (ApplyExpression (SymbolExpression (Operator "!=")) [x, y])) = [jmacro| expect(`(x)`).toNotEqual(`(y)`); |] toStat (Jasmine e) = [jmacro| expect((function() { try { return `(e)`; } catch (ex) { return { error: ex }; } })()).toEqual(true); |]