-- Prelude -- ------- -- If you are familiar with Haskell or ML, the prelude may serve as a -- good introduction to forml. -- Forml's syntax is quite liberal; to illustrate, the prelude will -- maintain an intentionally inconsistent style throughout. -- First, we need to create a namespace with the `module` keyword. module prelude JS a = {} -> a inline object? x = do! `typeof x === "object"` inline array? = do! `is_array` inline string? x = do! `typeof x === "string"` inline num? x = do! `typeof x == "number"` inline type? x = do! `typeof x` inline not: Bool -> Bool not x = do! `!x` not false object? {} array? [] not (array? {}) not (object? 0) -- Side effects can only happen in Javascript, so we use a monadic container to -- compose these bits. inline (>>=): JS a -> (a -> JS b) -> JS b (>>=) x y = y (run x) inline (>>): JS a -> JS b -> JS b (>>) x y = `run x; return (run y)` inline return: a -> JS a return x = `x` do! x <- `1 + 4` y <- `2 + 3` ans <- `x + y` return (10 == ans) 5 == do! return 5 10 == do! `5 + 5` inline log: a -> JS {} | x = `console.log(x)` -- Testing to verify that escaping Javascript & utilizing escaped -- Javascript with `do` sugar and composition in general works as -- expected. var x = 0 y = do z <- `x = 1` return z x == 0 -- Numbers -- ------- -- Some basic aliases to native javascript infix functions. These are type -- annotated to constrain inferrence - otherwise, these functions would all be -- inferred as `a -> b -> c`. inline (&&): Bool -> Bool -> Bool | x y = do! `x && y` inline (||): Bool -> Bool -> Bool | x y = do! `x || y` inline (*): Num -> Num -> Num | x y = do! `x * y` inline (/): Num -> Num -> Num | x y = do! `x / y` inline (%): Num -> Num -> Num | x y = do! `x % y` inline (+): Num -> Num -> Num | x y = do! `x + y` inline (-): Num -> Num -> Num | x y = do! `x - y` inline (<=): Num -> Num -> Bool | x y = do! `x <= y` inline (>=): Num -> Num -> Bool | x y = do! `x >= y` inline (<): Num -> Num -> Bool | x y = do! `x < y` inline (>): Num -> Num -> Bool | x y = do! `x > y` -- Equality is overloaded to match records and arrays. By constraining the type of -- this operator, we need only dispatch on the type of the first element, -- constraining inline x != y = not (x is y) inline x /= y = not (x == y) (==): a -> a -> Bool | x y when do! `x === y` = true | x y when object? x = do! `var result = true; for (key in x) { result = result && y.hasOwnProperty(key) && _eq_eq(x[key])(y[key]); }; var z = Object.keys(x).length === Object.keys(y).length; result && z` | x y when array? x = do! `var result = true; for (z in x) { result = result && _eq_eq(x[z])(y[z]); }; result && x.length == y.length` | x y = false -- And a few simple tests to verify the correctness of these -- implementations. This is not meant to be exhaustive, only a smoke -- test against regressions. (3 * 4) + 5 * 4 == 64 / 2 4 - 1 != 5 - 10 (10 >= 5 + 5) != (4 + 5 <= 10 - 2) ({test: 1} == {test: 1}) == true ({test: 1} != {test: 1}) == false -- Fibonacci function fib 0 = 0 | 1 = 1 | n = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) -- Speed -- ----- -- Due to the nested recursion, `fib` is an excellent function for testing the -- runtime speed versus raw javascript. `fast_fib` is a trivial javascript -- implementation of the same function, recursed itself to remove any potential -- overhead from forml's dispatch mechanism. module speedtest private inline get_time = `new Date().getTime()` time js = do start <- get_time js stop <- get_time return (stop - start) private inline fast_fib = do! `var f = function(n) { return 0 === n ? 0 : 1 === n ? 1 : f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) }; f` fast_fib 7 == fib 7 -- With this, we can set up a simple canary to let us know if the prelude is -- suddenly dramatically slower than it previously was; in this case, we fail a test -- if the forml version isn't at least 90% as fast as the native javascript -- version. floor: Num -> Num = do! `Math.floor` do! fast_time <- time yield fast_fib 30 slow_time <- time yield fib 30 return (floor (fast_time / slow_time * 100) >= 80) -- Function Combinators -- -------------------- -- Simple left & right pipes, ala F#. inline x <| y = x y inline x |> y = y x 3 |> (λy = y + 1) |> λy = y + 1 == 5 (λy x z = x + y + z + 1) 1 <| 3 <| 4 == 9 -- Alternatively, there is a right associative version of `<|`, ala -- haskell. All operators which end with a `:` are right associative. inline x <: y = x y (λx = x - 3) <: (λx = x - 3) <: 5 + 5 == 4 -- Function composition inline x .: y = λz = x y(z) inline id x = x inline flip(f) x y = f(y, x) inline x ' y = y x ((λx = x + 1) .: (λx = x * 2) .: λx = x - 3) 4 == 3 id [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3] flip (λx y = x - y) 3 5 == 2 -- Strings -- ------- module string inline lstrip: String -> String lstrip x = do! `x.replace(/^\s+/, '')` inline rstrip: String -> String | x = do! `x.replace(/\s+$/, '')` inline strip: String -> String | = lstrip .: rstrip length: String -> Num | n = do! `n.length` inline (+++): a -> b -> String x +++ y = do! `"" + x + y` strip " test " is "test" -- interpolated strings let x = "test" in "hello `x`" is "hello test" open string -- Tests -- ----- -- By invoking javascript, we can listen for exceptions. err x = do! `try { x(); return false; } catch (e) { return e; }` -- Option -- ------ module option Option a = {some: a} | {none} option b {none} = b | _ {some: x} = x option 3 {some: 2} == 2 module html HTML = { element: a inner: JS String on_click: JS {} -> JS {} set: b -> JS {} add_class: String -> JS {} add_style: String -> String -> JS {} } get: String -> JS HTML | x = do el <- `$(x).get(0)` return { element = el inner = `el.innerHTML` on_click y = `el.onclick = y` set y = `el.innerHTML = y` add_class y = `el.setAttribute("class", el.getAttribute("class") + " " + y)` add_style y z = `el.style[y] = z` } inline ($=): String -> a -> JS {} x $= y = `if (typeof $ != "undefined") { var xx = $(x).get(0); if (typeof xx != "undefined") { xx.innerHTML = y; } }` inline ($|): String -> String -> String -> JS {} selector $| rule value = `$(selector).css(rule, value)` inline ($.): String -> String -> JS {} ($.) x y = `$(x).addClass(y)` inline ($+): String -> String -> JS {} | x y = `$(x).append(y)` div: String -> JS String | x = yield "
" move: HTML -> HTML -> JS a | x y = `$(y.element).append($(x.element).detach())` on_load: JS {} -> JS {} | x = `window.addEventListener("load", x, false)` inline stringify: a -> String | x = do! `JSON.stringify(x)` inline (!!): Array a -> Num -> a | x y = do! `x[y]` with_page: JS -> JS | x = do old <- `$("body").clone()` xx <- x `$("body").replaceWith(old)` return xx -- do! with_page do "body" $= "Test" -- text <- get "body" -- text <- text.inner -- return (text == "Test") do! d <- div "test1" "body" $+ d "#test1" $= "I am a test!" text <- get "#test1" text <- text.inner "#test1" $= "" return (text == "I am a test!") inline split: String -> String -> Array String | y x = do! `x.split(y)` -- This is the initializer for prelude's console test suite. console_runner: JS {} = var is_error = 0 var get_line x = x |> split "__::__" |> \x = x !! 0 |> split "_" |> \x = x !! 0 |> \x = do! `parseInt x` |> \x = x + 1 |> stringify var report_failed spec results = let items = spec.results_.items_ desc = spec.description.split "__::__" !! 1 exp = stringify (items !! 0).expected act = stringify (items !! 0).actual line = get_line spec.description do if is_error == 0 then log "\r " else return {} `is_error = 1` log "Test failed at line `line` `desc` Expected `exp` Actual `act`" log "" var report spec = do! results <- `spec.results()` passed <- `results.passed()` if passed then return {} else report_failed spec results var reporter = { reportSpecResults: report reportRunnerResults: `phantom.exit(is_error)` } do env <- `jasmine.getEnv()` `env.addReporter(reporter)` `env.execute()` push : a -> Array a -> JS (Array a) push xs x = `xs.push(x)` private console_reporter = { total = 0 failed = 0 messages = [] reportSpecResults spec = do! results <- `spec.results()` passed <- `results.passed()` `console_reporter.total++` if not passed then do `console_reporter.failed++` push console_reporter.messages spec.description return {} else return {} reportRunnerResults = do if console_reporter.failed > 0 log console_reporter.messages else return {} log "`console_reporter.total - console_reporter.failed`/`console_reporter.total` tests passed" } -- This is the initializer for prelude's HTML test suite. table_of_contents = do "code" $. "prettyprint" "code" $. "lang-hs" ".test" $| "position" <| "relative" ".test" $| "left" <| "50px" `prettyPrint()` trivial <- `new jasmine.TrivialReporter()` forml <- `new jasmine.FormlReporter()` env <- `jasmine.getEnv()` `env.addReporter trivial` `env.addReporter forml` `env.addReporter console_reporter` `env.execute()` reporter <- get ".jasmine_reporter" body <- get "#test_suite" move reporter body module array inline push! : x -> Array x -> Array x | x xs = do! `xs.unshift(x); xs` -- Lists -- ----- -- A simple implementation of a library for manipulating linked lists. module list List a = { head: a, tail: List a } | { nil } -- This complex type can be hidden behind a constructor function which -- works more like a traditional cons. inline x :: y = { head = x, tail = y } -- The compiler itself also supports the list sugar `[: 1, 2, 3 ]` (or -- `[: 1, 2, 3 :]`, if you prefer symmetry). All of these lists are -- synonyms. var xs = [: [:1,2,3] [:1,2,3:] (1::2::3::{nil}) { head = 1 tail = { head = 2 tail = { head = 3 tail = {nil} }}} ] all? (λy = [:1,2,3] == y) xs -- Simple implementations of list accessors, which illustrate -- incomplete definition. empty? { nil } = true | _ = false head { head: x, tail: _ } = x | { nil } = error "Head called on empty list" tail { head: _, tail: x } = x | { nil } = error "Tail called on empty list" last { head: x, tail: { nil } } = x last { head: _, tail: x } = last x last { nil } = error "Last called on empty list" take 0 x = { nil } | n x = head x :: take (n - 1) (tail x) drop 0 x = x | n x = drop (n - 1) (tail x) x .. y = let f xx z when xx >= x = f (xx - 1) (xx :: z) f _ z = z f y {nil} 1 .. 5 == [:1,2,3,4,5] -- Project Euler problem 1, modified to protect the innocent: 288045 == 1 .. 1111 |> filter (λx = x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0) |> sum take_while f { nil } = { nil } | f x when f (head x) = head x :: filter f (tail x) | _ _ = { nil } drop_while f { nil } = { nil } | f x when f (head x) = drop_while f (tail x) | _ x = x not (empty? (1 :: {nil})) empty? [:] head [: 1, 2 ] is 1 tail [: 1, 2 ] is [:2] last [: 1, 2 ] is 2 err (lazy head {nil}) is "Head called on empty list" err (lazy tail {nil}) is "Tail called on empty list" err (lazy last {nil}) is "Last called on empty list" take(2, [: 1, 2, 3 ]) == [: 1, 2 ] drop(2, [: 1, 2, 3 ]) == [: 3 ] take_while (λx = x < 0) [:] == [:] take_while (λx = x > 0) [: 2, 1, 0 ] == [: 2, 1 ] drop_while (λx = x < 0) {nil} == {nil} drop_while (λx = x > 0) [: 2, 1, 0 ] == [: 0 ] -- Cardinality length | {nil} = 0 | {head: _, tail: x} = 1 + length x length [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 4 -- Generators init 0 _ = {nil} | n x = x :: init (n - 1) x length (init 30 0) == 30 tail (init 3 0) == init 2 0 -- List concatenation (++) | {nil} y = y | {head: y, tail: ys} xs = y :: (ys ++ xs) {nil} ++ (1 :: 2 :: {nil}) == 1 :: 2 :: {nil} [: 1, 2 ] ++ [: 3, 4 ] == [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] -- Filter. filter: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a | f {nil} = {nil} | f x when f (head x) = head x :: filter f (tail x) | f x = filter f <| tail x [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 'filter (λx = x > 2) == [: 3, 4 ] -- Map map(f, {nil}) = {nil} map(f, x) = f(head(x)) :: map(f, tail(x)) [: 2, 3, 4 ] == [: 1, 2, 3 ] |> map λx = x + 1 -- Reverse reverse y = let r rest [:] = rest r rest { head: x, tail: xs } = r (x :: rest) xs in r {nil} y reverse [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == [: 4, 3, 2, 1 ] var test_x = [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] test_x == reverse <| reverse test_x take' x y = let t(0, _, acc) = acc t(n, x, acc) = t(n - 1, tail x, head x :: acc) in reverse t(x, y, {nil}) var x = [: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] take 5 x == take' 5 x -- Folds foldl f x xs = var g y {nil} = y | y { head: z, tail: zs } = g (f y z) zs g x xs foldl1 _ {nil} = error "Foldl1 called on empty list" | f x = foldl f (head x) (tail x) foldr f x = var g {nil} = x g { head: y, tail: ys } = f y (g ys) g foldr1 _ {nil} = error "Foldr1 called on empty list" | f x = foldr f (head x) (tail x) all? f = foldl1 (λx y = x && y) .: map f any? f = foldl1 (λx y = x || y) .: map f sum = foldl1 λ(x, y) = x + y product = foldl1 λ(x, y) = x * y concat = foldl1 λx y = x ++ y concat_map f xs = concat (map f xs) maximum = foldl1 λ(x, y) when x > y = x |(_, y) = y minimum = foldl1 λx y = if x > y then y else x foldl (λx y = x + y) 0 [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 10 foldr (λx y = x + y) 0 [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 10 all? id [:true,true] not (all? id [:true,false]) any? id [:true,false] not (any? id [:false,false]) sum [:1,2,3] == 6 product [:1,2,4] == 8 let x = [:1,2], y = [:3,4] concat [:x,y] == [:1,2,3,4] concat_map (λx = [:x,x+1]) [:1,2] == [:1,2,2,3] minimum [: 1, 2, 3 ] == 1 maximum [: 1, 2, 3 ] == 3 -- Sequences -- --------- -- Sequences are an abstract data type which resembles a list, except that elements -- Sequences may be infinite, as long as you never try to read every element. -- However, the current implementation is stack-consuming and thus limited by the -- underlying javascript runtime [TODO]. module seq open list open speedtest open html Seq a = { seq: JS { elem: a, next: Seq a}} | { end } inline seq x = {seq: x} iterate f x = seq yield { elem: x, next: iterate f (f x) } from_list {nil} = {end} | { head: x, tail: xs } = { seq: yield { elem: x, next: from_list xs }} to_list { end } = {nil} | { seq: x } = do! { elem: y, next: ys } <- x return (y :: to_list ys) take _ {end} = {end} | 0 _ = {end} | x { seq: y } = seq do { elem: z, next: zs } <- y return { elem: z, next: take (x - 1) zs } to_list (from_list [:1,2]) == [:1,2] iterate (λx = x + 1) 0 |> take 100 |> to_list |> length == 100 zip_with: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c | _ {end} _____ = {end} | _ _____ {end} = {end} | f {seq: a} {seq: b} = seq do { elem: xx, next: xs } <- a { elem: yy, next: ys } <- b return { elem: f xx yy, next: zip_with f xs ys } inline x ::: y = seq yield { elem: x, next: do! y } tail: Seq a -> Seq a | {end} = error "tail called on empty seq" | {seq: t} = do! t >>= λx = return x.next to_lazy | {end} = {end} | {seq: y} = seq lazy do! {elem: x, next: xs} <- y return {elem: x, next: to_lazy xs} -- Infinite sequence example fibs = to_lazy <: 1 ::: return <: 1 ::: yield zip_with (λx y = x + y) fibs <: tail fibs -- Since the `lazy` keyword memoizes it's argument, this fibonacci implementation -- is ridiculously faster than the recursive version. For example, the runtime -- speed of this fib implementation compared to the native recursive one is __________%. do! fast_time <- time yield fast_fib 30 slow_time <- time yield fibs |> take 30 |> to_list |> last let ratio = floor (fast_time / slow_time * 100) "#speedtest" $= ratio return (ratio >= 2) fibs |> take 5 |> to_list == [:1,1,2,3,5] fast_fib 15 == fibs |> take 15 |> to_list |> last -- FormlZ -- ------- -- Demonstration of some classic FP data structures. This form of polymorphism can -- be simulated in Forml the same way they are implemented in Haskell - as a function -- dictionary, the only difference being that you must explicitly bind the dictionary -- instance to a symbol (as opposed to it being referenced by the type variable's -- instantiation). module "Forml Z" open list Functor f = { map: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b } Monad m = { (>>=): m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b ret: a -> m a } map z x f = z.map f x bind { ret: f, _ } x = f x list_functor = { map _ {nil} = {nil} | f { head: x, tail: xs } = { head: f x tail: list_functor.map f xs }} list_monad = { (>>=) x g = concat_map g x return x = [:x] } js_monad = { (>>=) x f = x >>= f return x = return x } let (>>>=) x g = concat_map g x z = 1 .. 3 >>>= λx = [:x, x + 1, x + 2] z == [:1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5]