h&WPj      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ Safe-Inferred Safe-Inferred;fontconfig-pureMatches a numeric range.fontconfig-pureMatches an integral range.  Safe-Inferredfontconfig-pureAn  holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to indicate which properties are to be returned in the patterns from FontList.NoneFfontconfig-pure'An FcCharSet is a set of Unicode chars.fontconfig-pure8Utility for parsing "unicode-range" @font-face property. Safe-Inferredfontconfig-pure$Output string lists from FontConfig.fontconfig-pure2Set of strings, as exposed by other FreeType APIs. None 1 fontconfig-pureResult of language comparisons. fontconfig-pureAn   is a set of language names (each of which include language and an optional territory). They are used when selecting fonts to indicate which languages the fonts need to support. Each font is marked, using language orthography information built into fontconfig, with the set of supported languages. fontconfig-pureReturns a string set of the default languages according to the environment variables on the system. This function looks for them in order of FC_LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG then. If there are no valid values in those environment variables, "en" will be set as fallback. fontconfig-pure,Returns a string set of all known languages. fontconfig-pure  compares language coverage for ls_a and ls_b. If they share any language and territory pair, returns . If they share a language but differ in which territory that language is for, this function returns ?. If they share no languages in common, this function returns .fontconfig-pure returns FcTrue if ls_a contains every language in ls_b. ls_a will contain a language from ls_b if ls_a has exactly the language, or either the language or ls_a has no territory.fontconfig-pureFcLangSetHasLang checks whether ls supports lang. If ls has a matching language and territory pair, this function returns . If ls has a matching language but differs in which territory that language is for, this function returns 9. If ls has no matching language, this function returns . fontconfig-pure5Returns a string to make lang suitable on FontConfig.fontconfig-pure%Returns the FcCharMap for a language.   None; fontconfig-pure+Coerces compiletime types to runtime types.fontconfig-pureA dynamic type system for Patterns. None!fontconfig-pure Variant of  taking ints.fontconfig-pure Variant of  taking ints.fontconfig-pure is the inverse of . If the input is less than FC_WEIGHT_THIN or greater than FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK, returns -1. Otherwise returns a number in the range 1 to 1000.fontconfig-pureReturns an double value to use with "weight", from an double in the 1..1000 range, resembling the numbers from OpenType specification's OS2 usWeight numbers, which are also similar to CSS font-weight numbers. If input is negative, zero, or greater than 1000, returns -1. This function linearly interpolates between various FC_WEIGHT_* constants. As such, the returned value does not necessarily match any of the predefined constants. None";|fontconfig-pure:How important is it to match this property of the Pattern.fontconfig-pureAn ` holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name refers to a property of a font. s are used as inputs to the matching code as well as holding information about specific fonts. Each property can hold one or more values; conventionally all of the same type, although the interface doesn't demand that.fontconfig-pureReplaces the values under the given "key" in given "pattern" with given "binding" & "value". fontconfig-pureReplaces the values under the given "key" in given "pattern" with given "binding" & "value"s.!fontconfig-purefontconfig-pure*Returns the current default configuration.?fontconfig-pureChecks all of the files related to config and returns whether any of them has been modified since the configuration was created.@fontconfig-pureReturn the current user's home directory, if it is available, and if using it is enabled, and NULL otherwise. (See also ;).Afontconfig-pureReturns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files for config. Does not include any subdirectories.Bfontconfig-pure Variant of A( operating on the current configuration.Cfontconfig-pureReturns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files for config. Does not include any subdirectories.Dfontconfig-pure Variant of C- which operates on the current configuration.Efontconfig-pureReturns the list of font directories in config. This includes the configured font directories along with any directories below those in the filesystem.Ffontconfig-pure Variant of E& which operates on the current config.Gfontconfig-pureReturns the list of known configuration files used to generate config.Hfontconfig-pure Variant of G+ which operates upon current configuration.Ifontconfig-pureReturns a string list containing all of the directories that fontconfig will search when attempting to load a cache file for a font directory.Jfontconfig-pure Variant of I+ which operates upon current configuration.Kfontconfig-pureReturns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified by set. This font set is owned by the library and must not be modified or freed. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. This function isn't MT-safe.Lfontconfig-pure Variant of K+ which operates upon current configuration.Mfontconfig-pureReturns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in seconds) specified in config. The configuration is checked during a call to FcFontList when this interval has passed since the last check. An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.Nfontconfig-pure Variant of M+ which operates upon current configuration.fontconfig-pureSets the rescan interval. An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.fontconfig-pure Variant of + which operates upon current configuration.Ofontconfig-pure7Adds an application-specific font to the configuration.Pfontconfig-pure Variant of O+ which operates upon current configuration.Qfontconfig-pureScans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the application-specific set of fonts.Rfontconfig-pure Variant of Q+ which operates upon current configuration.Sfontconfig-pure-Clears the set of application-specific fonts.Tfontconfig-pure Variant of S+ which operates upon current configuration.Ufontconfig-purePerforms the sequence of pattern modification operations, if kind is 4, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied, else if kind is 5, those tagged as font operations are applied and p_pat is used for  test elements with target=pattern.Vfontconfig-pure Variant of U+ which operates upon current configuration.Wfontconfig-pure6Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat without setting p_pat.Xfontconfig-pureVariant W+ which operates upon current configuration.Yfontconfig-pureFinds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result of ] for that font and the provided pattern. This function should be called only after W and * have been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct.Zfontconfig-pure Variant of Y+ which operates upon current configuration.[fontconfig-pure?Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p. If trim is , elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned in -. This function should be called only after W and * have been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct.\fontconfig-pure Variant of [+ which operates upon current configuration.]fontconfig-pureCreates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat, elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat for elements appearing in both. The result is passed to U with kind  matchFont and then returned.^fontconfig-pure Variant of ]+ which operates upon current configuration._fontconfig-pureSelects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing only the objects in os and returns the set of unique such patterns.`fontconfig-pure Variant of _+ which operates upon current configuration.afontconfig-pureWalks the configuration in file0 and constructs the internal representation in config+. Any include files referenced from within file will be loaded and parsed. If complain is ", no warning will be displayed if file does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr. cfontconfig-pureWalks the configuration in memory0 and constructs the internal representation in config,. Any includes files referenced from within memory! will be loaded and dparsed. If complain is ", no warning will be displayed if file does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr.dfontconfig-pure Variant of c, which operates upon current configuration.efontconfig-pure%Obtains the system root directory in config if available. All files (including file properties in patterns) obtained from this config are relative to this system root directory. This function isn't MT-safe. ffontconfig-pure Variant of e+ which operates upon current configuration.gfontconfig-pureSet sysroot as the system root directory. All file paths used or created with this config (including file properties in patterns) will be considered or made relative to this sysroot. This allows a host to generate caches for targets at build time. This also allows a cache to be re-targeted to a different base directory if e is used to resolve file paths. When setting this on the current config this causes changing current config.hfontconfig-pure Variant of g+ which operates upon current configuration.ifontconfig-pureRetrieves a list of all filepaths & descriptions for all fonts in this configuration alongside whether each is enabled. Not thread-safe.jfontconfig-pureVariant i+ which operates upon current configuration.3654798:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijNone?kfontconfig-pureLibrary version number Returns the version number of the library.lfontconfig-pureChecks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if when any changes are detected. Returns False if the configuration cannot be reloaded (see FcInitReinitialize). Otherwise returns True.mfontconfig-pureForces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default configuration. Returns  if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due to configuration file errors, allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns True.nfontconfig-pureFrees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a new call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig function may be called.ofontconfig-pureInitialize fontconfig library Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and sets the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns FcTrue.pfontconfig-pureLoads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. Does not load any font information.qfontconfig-pureLoads the default configuration file and builds information about the available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration.:klmnopq Safe-InferredEerfontconfig-pureSelects fonts matching pattern from sets, creates patterns from those fonts containing only the objects in object_set and returns the set of unique such patterns.sfontconfig-pure Variant of r! operating upon register default :.tfontconfig-pureFinds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result of ] for that font and the provided pattern. This function should be called only after W and * have been called for pattern; otherwise the results will not be correct.ufontconfig-pure Variant of t# operating upon registered default :.vfontconfig-pureReturns the list of fonts from sets sorted by closeness to pattern. If trim is , elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned in csp. This function should be called only after W and * have been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. The returned FcFontSet references  structures which may be shared by the return value from multiple [ calls, applications cannot modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with pattern to ]- which combines them into a complete pattern.wfontconfig-pure Variant of v# operating upon registered default :. rstuvwNoneNxfontconfig-pure Results from .fontconfig-pureDefines subpixel order to use. Note that this is *ignored* if antialiasing has been disabled.fontconfig-pureFrom FontConfig.fontconfig-pureDisable subpixel antialiasing.fontconfig-pureResults queried from FontConfig with caller-relevant properties, notably relating to layout.fontconfig-pureA 7 queried from FontConfig with glyph-loading parameters.fontconfig-pure5How consistant are the widths of the chars in a font.fontconfig-pure)Where the font has glyphs of many widths.fontconfig-pure2Where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths.fontconfig-pureWhere all glyphs have the same width. | Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. 0 receives the computed spacing type of the font.fontconfig-pureMaps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions.fontconfig-pureScans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars.fontconfig-pure&Constructs a pattern representing the  th face in . The number of faces in file is returned in .fontconfig-pureConstructs patterns found in filename+. If id is -1, then all patterns found in filename are added to /. Otherwise, this function works exactly like . The number of faces in filename is returned in .fontconfig-pure"Constructs a pattern representing face. filename and . are used solely as data for pattern elements.fontconfig-pureConverts the results of a FontConfig query requesting a specific size into a ) & related properties. Throw exceptions.fontconfig-pureLooks up a given glyph in a  & its underlying  Taking into account additional properties from FontConfig. Runs a provided callback to render the glyph into a reusable datastructure. The  given to this callback must not be used outside it. Throws exceptions.1xyz{|}~1xyz{|}~ Safe-InferredOt  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw2./01:<=>?@;ABCDEFGHIJ789KLMNSTOPQR3456UV_`WXYZ[\]^abefcdghijrstuvwpqonmlk (')*+,- &!"#$% ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z {|}~                                                                              fontconfig-pure- Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ResultGraphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range#Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet!Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet!Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Strings!Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSetGraphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Weight!Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern!Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ConfigGraphics.Text.Font.Choose.Init%Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet.APIbaseGHC.CharchrGHC.BaseordRangeiRange ObjectSetCharSetStrListStrSetLangSet defaultLangslangslangSetCompare langNormalize langCharSetValue ValueVoidValueInt ValueDouble ValueString ValueBool ValueMatrix ValueCharSet ValueFTFace ValueLangSet ValueRangeBindingStrongWeakSamePatternsetValue setValues getValues getValues'getValue getValue' getValue0unsetnormalizePattern equalSubsetfilterdefaultSubstitute nameParse nameUnparseformatFontFaceParsercssFontscssInnerFontSet MatchKind MatchPattern MatchFont MatchScanSetName SetSystemSetApplicationConfigconfigEnableHome configCreateconfigSetCurrentconfigGetCurrentconfigUptoDate configHomeconfigBuildFontsconfigBuildFonts'configGetConfigDirsconfigGetConfigDirs'configGetFontDirsconfigGetFontDirs'configGetConfigFilesconfigGetConfigFiles'configGetCacheDirsconfigGetCacheDirs'configGetFontsconfigGetFonts'configGetRescanIntervalconfigGetRescanInterval'configAppFontAddFileconfigAppFontAddFile'configAppFontAddDirconfigAppFontAddDir'configAppFontClearconfigAppFontClear'configSubstituteWithPatconfigSubstituteWithPat'configSubstituteconfigSubstitute' fontMatch fontMatch'fontSort fontSort'fontRenderPreparefontRenderPrepare'fontList fontList'configParseAndLoadconfigParseAndLoad'configParseAndLoadFromMemoryconfigParseAndLoadFromMemory'configGetSysRootconfigGetSysRoot'configSetSysRootconfigSetSysRoot'configGetFileInfoconfigGetFileInfo'version bringUptoDatereinitfiniinitinitLoadConfiginitLoadConfigAndFonts fontSetList fontSetList' fontSetMatch fontSetMatch' fontSetSort fontSetSort' FTFC_GlyphGlyph glyphFontName glyphImage glyphAdvance glyphSubpixel glyphMetrics FTFC_Subpixel SubpixelNoneSubpixelHorizontalRGBSubpixelHorizontalBGRSubpixelVerticalRGBSubpixelVerticalBGRSubpixelDefault FTFC_MetricsMetricsheightdescentascent maxAdvancemetricsAntialiasmetricsSubpixel metricsName FTFC_InstanceInstancefontNamefontPathfontFace fontLoadFlags fontAntialias fontEmbolden fontIsColorfontRenderFlagsfontRenderFlagsSubpixelfontPixelSizeFixupfontPixelFixupEstimatedfontBGR fontLCDFilter fontFeats fontMetrics ftCharIndex ftCharSetftCharSetAndSpacingftQuery ftQueryAll ftQueryFaceinstantiatePattern glyphForIndexbmpAndMetricsForIndexGHC.WordWord8ErrorErrTypeMismatch ErrResultNoIdErrOutOfMemoryResultMatchOtherNoMatch TypeMismatch ResultNoId OutOfMemoryresultFromPointer throwResultthrowIntthrowPtr throwFalse throwNullRange_Range'fcRangeGetDoublefcRangeDestroyfcRangeCreateDouble withRange thawRange ObjectSet_ ObjectSet'fcObjectSetDestroyfcObjectSetCreatefcObjectSetAdd withObjectSetwithNewObjectSet parseCharSet CharSetIter_ CharSetIter'CharSet_CharSet'fcCharSetIterDonefcCharSetIterNextfcCharSetIterStartfcCharSetIterDestroyfcCharSetIterCreatefcCharSetAddCharfcCharSetDestroyfcCharSetCreate parseChar replaceWild parseWild parseCharSet'withNewCharSet withCharSet thawCharSet thawCharSet_ thawCharSet'StrList_StrSet_ withStrSetwithFilenameSet thawStrSet thawStrSet_ withStrList thawStrList thawStrList_ LangResultSameLangDifferentTerritory DifferentLanglangSetContainslangSetHasLangLangSet_ withLangSet thawLangSetToValueValue_toValue fromValue fromValue' value'Size withValue thawValueweightToOpenTypeweightToOpenTypeDoubleweightFromOpenTypeweightFromOpenTypeDouble GHC.MaybeMaybePattern_fcPatternReference withPatternpatternAsPointer thawPattern thawPattern_parseFontFamilyparseFontFeatures parseFontVars parseLengthparseFontStretchparseFontWeightstylist-traits- Stylist.Parse StyleSheetFontSet_FontSet'get_fontSet_fontget_fontSet_nfont fcFontSetAddfcFontSetDestroyfcFontSetCreatewithNewFontSet withFontSet withFontSets withFontSets' thawFontSet thawFontSet_parseFontFaceSrcproperties2fontghc-prim GHC.TypesTrueFalseconfigSetRescanIntervalconfigSetRescanInterval' Data.TuplesndConfigFileInfoIter_ConfigFileInfoIter'Config_Config'fcConfigFileInfoIterGetfcConfigFileInfoIterNextfcConfigFileInfoIterInitconfigFileInfoIter'SizefcConfigSetSysRootfcConfigGetSysRootfcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemoryfcConfigParseAndLoad fcFontListfcFontRenderPrepare fcFontSort fcFontMatchfcConfigSubstitutefcConfigSubstituteWithPatfcConfigAppFontClearfcConfigAppFontAddDirfcConfigAppFontAddFilefcConfigSetRescanIntervalfcConfigGetRescanIntervalfcConfigGetFontsfcConfigGetCacheDirsfcConfigGetConfigFilesfcConfigGetFontDirsfcConfigGetConfigDirsfcConfigBuildFonts fcConfigHomefcConfigUptoDatefcConfigReferencefcConfigSetCurrentfcConfigDestroyfcConfigCreate ptr2configconfigStrsFunc fcFontSetSortfcFontSetMatch fcFontSetListfreetype2-0.2.0-7bf6919c09ddd1c4def49c8e7faccfcf273be5ab732c17020cb6e1cb355ba63aFreeType.Circular.TypesFT_FaceSpacing ProportionalDualMonoidfstFreeType.Core.Types.Types FT_Bitmap