-- |
-- Module    : Control.Foldl.Statistics
-- Copyright : (c) 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan, 2016 National ICT Australia
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : alex.mason@nicta.com.au
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

module Control.Foldl.Statistics (
    -- * Introduction
    -- $intro
    -- * Descriptive functions
    , sum'

    -- * Statistics of location
    , mean
    , welfordMean
    , meanWeighted
    , harmonicMean
    , geometricMean

    -- * Statistics of dispersion
    -- $variance

    -- ** Functions over central moments
    , centralMoment
    , centralMoments
    , centralMoments'
    , skewness
    , kurtosis

    -- ** Functions requiring the mean to be known (numerically robust)
    -- $robust
    , variance
    , varianceUnbiased
    , stdDev
    , varianceWeighted

    -- ** Single-pass functions (faster, less safe)
    -- $cancellation
    , fastVariance
    , fastVarianceUnbiased
    , fastStdDev

    -- $correlation
    , correlation

    -- * References
    -- $references
    , module Control.Foldl

    ) where

import Control.Foldl as F
import qualified Control.Foldl
import Data.Profunctor

import Numeric.Sum (KBNSum, kbn, add, zero)

data T   = T   {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
data TS  = TS  {-# UNPACK #-}!KBNSum {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
data T1  = T1  {-# UNPACK #-}!Int    {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Double
data V   = V   {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Double
data V1  = V1  {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
data V1S = V1S {-# UNPACK #-}!KBNSum {-# UNPACK #-}!KBNSum {-# UNPACK #-}!Int

-- $intro
-- Statistical functions from the
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/statistics/docs/Statistics-Sample.html Statistics.Sample>
-- module of the
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/statistics statistics> package by
-- Bryan O'Sullivan, implemented as `Control.Foldl.Fold's from the
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/foldl foldl> package.
-- This allows many statistics to be computed concurrently with at most
-- two passes over the data, usually by computing the `mean' first, and
-- passing it to further `Fold's.

-- | A numerically stable sum using Kahan-Babuška-Neumaier
-- summation from "Numeric.Sum"
{-# INLINE sum' #-}
sum' :: Fold Double Double
sum' = Fold (add :: KBNSum -> Double -> KBNSum)
            (zero :: KBNSum)

-- | The difference between the largest and smallest
-- elements of a sample.
{-# INLINE range #-}
range :: Fold Double Double
range = (\(Just lo) (Just hi) -> hi - lo)
        <$> F.minimum
        <*> F.maximum

-- | Arithmetic mean.  This uses Kahan-Babuška-Neumaier
-- summation, so is more accurate than 'welfordMean' unless the input
-- values are very large.
{-# INLINE mean #-}
mean :: Fold Double Double
mean = Fold step (TS zero 0) final where
    step  (TS s n) x = TS (add s x) (n+1)
    final (TS s n)   = kbn s / fromIntegral n

-- | Arithmetic mean.  This uses Welford's algorithm to provide
-- numerical stability, using a single pass over the sample data.
-- Compared to 'mean', this loses a surprising amount of precision
-- unless the inputs are very large.
{-# INLINE welfordMean #-}
welfordMean :: Fold Double Double
welfordMean = Fold step (T 0 0) final where
    final (T m _) = m
    step (T m n) x = T m' n' where
        m' = m + (x - m) / fromIntegral n'
        n' = n + 1

-- | Arithmetic mean for weighted sample. It uses a single-pass
-- algorithm analogous to the one used by 'welfordMean'.
{-# INLINE meanWeighted #-}
meanWeighted :: Fold (Double,Double) Double
meanWeighted = Fold step (V 0 0) final
      final (V a _) = a
      step (V m w) (x,xw) = V m' w'
          where m' | w' == 0   = 0
                   | otherwise = m + xw * (x - m) / w'
                w' = w + xw

-- | Harmonic mean.
{-# INLINE harmonicMean #-}
harmonicMean :: Fold Double Double
harmonicMean = Fold step (T 0 0) final
    final (T b a) = fromIntegral a / b
    step (T x y) n = T (x + (1/n)) (y+1)

-- | Geometric mean of a sample containing no negative values.
{-# INLINE geometricMean #-}
geometricMean :: Fold Double Double
geometricMean = dimap log exp mean

-- | Compute the /k/th central moment of a sample.  The central moment
-- is also known as the moment about the mean.
-- This function requires the mean of the data to compute the central moment.
-- For samples containing many values very close to the mean, this
-- function is subject to inaccuracy due to catastrophic cancellation.
{-# INLINE centralMoment #-}
centralMoment :: Int -> Double -> Fold Double Double
centralMoment a m
    | a < 0  = error "Statistics.Sample.centralMoment: negative input"
    | a == 0 = 1
    | a == 1 = 0
    | otherwise = Fold step (TS zero 0) final where
        step  (TS s n) x = TS (add s $ go x) (n+1)
        final (TS s n)   = kbn s / fromIntegral n
        go x = (x-m) ^^^ a

-- | Compute the /k/th and /j/th central moments of a sample.
-- This fold requires the mean of the data to be known.
-- For samples containing many values very close to the mean, this
-- function is subject to inaccuracy due to catastrophic cancellation.
{-# INLINE centralMoments #-}
centralMoments :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Fold Double (Double, Double)
centralMoments a b m
    | a < 2 || b < 2 = (,) <$> centralMoment a m <*> centralMoment b m
    | otherwise      = Fold step (V1 0 0 0) final
  where final (V1 i j n)   = (i / fromIntegral n , j / fromIntegral n)
        step  (V1 i j n) x = V1 (i + d^^^a) (j + d^^^b) (n+1)
            where d  = x - m

-- | Compute the /k/th and /j/th central moments of a sample.
-- This fold requires the mean of the data to be known.
-- This variation of `centralMoments' uses Kahan-Babuška-Neumaier
-- summation to attempt to improve the accuracy of results, which may
-- make computation slower.
{-# INLINE centralMoments' #-}
centralMoments' :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Fold Double (Double, Double)
centralMoments' a b m
    | a < 2 || b < 2 = (,) <$> centralMoment a m <*> centralMoment b m
    | otherwise      = Fold step (V1S zero zero 0) final
  where final (V1S i j n)   = (kbn i / fromIntegral n , kbn j / fromIntegral n)
        step  (V1S i j n) x = V1S (add i $ d^^^a) (add j $ d^^^b) (n+1)
            where d  = x - m

-- | Compute the skewness of a sample. This is a measure of the
-- asymmetry of its distribution.
-- A sample with negative skew is said to be /left-skewed/.  Most of
-- its mass is on the right of the distribution, with the tail on the
-- left.
-- > skewness $ U.to [1,100,101,102,103]
-- > ==> -1.497681449918257
-- A sample with positive skew is said to be /right-skewed/.
-- > skewness $ U.to [1,2,3,4,100]
-- > ==> 1.4975367033335198
-- A sample's skewness is not defined if its 'variance' is zero.
-- This fold requires the mean of the data to be known.
-- For samples containing many values very close to the mean, this
-- function is subject to inaccuracy due to catastrophic cancellation.
{-# INLINE skewness #-}
skewness :: Double -> Fold Double Double
skewness m = (\(c3, c2) -> c3 * c2 ** (-1.5)) <$> centralMoments 3 2 m

-- | Compute the excess kurtosis of a sample.  This is a measure of
-- the \"peakedness\" of its distribution.  A high kurtosis indicates
-- that more of the sample's variance is due to infrequent severe
-- deviations, rather than more frequent modest deviations.
-- A sample's excess kurtosis is not defined if its 'variance' is
-- zero.
-- This fold requires the mean of the data to be known.
-- For samples containing many values very close to the mean, this
-- function is subject to inaccuracy due to catastrophic cancellation.
{-# INLINE kurtosis #-}
kurtosis :: Double -> Fold Double Double
kurtosis m = (\(c4,c2) -> c4 / (c2 * c2) - 3) <$> centralMoments 4 2 m

-- $variance
-- The variance&#8212;and hence the standard deviation&#8212;of a
-- sample of fewer than two elements are both defined to be zero.
-- Many of these Folds take the mean as an argument for constructing
-- the variance, and as such require two passes over the data.

-- $robust
-- These functions use the compensated summation algorithm of Chan et
-- al. for numerical robustness, but require two passes over the
-- sample data as a result.

-- Multiply a number by itself.
{-# INLINE square #-}
square :: Double -> Double
square x = x * x

{-# INLINE robustSumVar #-}
robustSumVar :: Double -> Fold Double TS
robustSumVar m = Fold step (TS zero 0) id where
    step  (TS s n) x = TS (add s . square . subtract m $ x) (n+1)

-- | Maximum likelihood estimate of a sample's variance.  Also known
-- as the population variance, where the denominator is /n/.
{-# INLINE variance #-}
variance :: Double -> Fold Double Double
variance m =
    (\(TS sv n) -> if n > 1 then kbn sv / fromIntegral n else 0)
    <$> robustSumVar m

-- | Unbiased estimate of a sample's variance.  Also known as the
-- sample variance, where the denominator is /n/-1.
{-# INLINE varianceUnbiased #-}
varianceUnbiased :: Double -> Fold Double Double
varianceUnbiased m =
    (\(TS sv n) -> if n > 1 then kbn sv / fromIntegral (n-1) else 0)
    <$> robustSumVar m

-- | Standard deviation.  This is simply the square root of the
-- unbiased estimate of the variance.
{-# INLINE stdDev #-}
stdDev :: Double -> Fold Double Double
stdDev m = sqrt (varianceUnbiased m)

{-# INLINE robustSumVarWeighted #-}
robustSumVarWeighted :: Double -> Fold (Double,Double) V1
robustSumVarWeighted m = Fold step (V1 0 0 0) id
      step (V1 s w n) (x,xw) = V1 (s + xw*d*d) (w + xw) (n+1)
          where d = x - m

-- | Weighted variance. This is biased estimation. Requires the
-- weighted mean of the input data.
{-# INLINE varianceWeighted #-}
varianceWeighted :: Double -> Fold (Double,Double)  Double
varianceWeighted m =
    (\(V1 s w n) -> if n > 1 then s / w else 0)
    <$> robustSumVarWeighted m

-- $cancellation
-- The functions prefixed with the name @fast@ below perform a single
-- pass over the sample data using Knuth's algorithm. They usually
-- work well, but see below for caveats. These functions are subject
-- to fusion and do not require the mean to be passed.
-- /Note/: in cases where most sample data is close to the sample's
-- mean, Knuth's algorithm gives inaccurate results due to
-- catastrophic cancellation.

{-# INLINE fastVar #-}
fastVar :: Fold Double T1
fastVar = Fold step (T1 0 0 0) id
    step (T1 n m s) x = T1 n' m' s'
      where n' = n + 1
            m' = m + d / fromIntegral n'
            s' = s + d * (x - m')
            d  = x - m

-- | Maximum likelihood estimate of a sample's variance.
{-# INLINE fastVariance #-}
fastVariance :: Fold Double Double
fastVariance = final <$> fastVar
  where final (T1 n _m s)
          | n > 1     = s / fromIntegral n
          | otherwise = 0

-- | Maximum likelihood estimate of a sample's variance.
{-# INLINE fastVarianceUnbiased #-}
fastVarianceUnbiased :: Fold Double Double
fastVarianceUnbiased = final <$> fastVar
  where final (T1 n _m s)
          | n > 1     = s / fromIntegral (n-1)
          | otherwise = 0

-- | Standard deviation.  This is simply the square root of the
-- maximum likelihood estimate of the variance.
{-# INLINE fastStdDev #-}
fastStdDev :: Fold Double Double
fastStdDev = sqrt fastVariance

-- $correlation
correlation :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Fold (Double,Double) Double
correlation (m1,m2) (s1,s2) = Fold step (TS zero 0) final where
    step  (TS s n) (x1,x2) = TS (add s $ ((x1-m1)/s1) * ((x2-m2)/s2)) (n+1)
    final (TS s n)         = kbn s / fromIntegral (n-1)

-- $references
-- * Chan, T. F.; Golub, G.H.; LeVeque, R.J. (1979) Updating formulae
--   and a pairwise algorithm for computing sample
--   variances. Technical Report STAN-CS-79-773, Department of
--   Computer Science, Stanford
--   University. <ftp://reports.stanford.edu/pub/cstr/reports/cs/tr/79/773/CS-TR-79-773.pdf>
-- * Knuth, D.E. (1998) The art of computer programming, volume 2:
--   seminumerical algorithms, 3rd ed., p. 232.
-- * Welford, B.P. (1962) Note on a method for calculating corrected
--   sums of squares and products. /Technometrics/
--   4(3):419&#8211;420. <http://www.jstor.org/stable/1266577>
-- * West, D.H.D. (1979) Updating mean and variance estimates: an
--   improved method. /Communications of the ACM/
--   22(9):532&#8211;535. <http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/359146.359153>

-- (^) operator from Prelude is just slow.
(^^^) :: Double -> Int -> Double
x ^^^ 1 = x
x ^^^ n = x * (x ^^^ (n-1))
{-# INLINE[2] (^^^) #-}
"pow 2"  forall x. x ^^^ 2  = x * x
"pow 3"  forall x. x ^^^ 3  = x * x * x
"pow 4"  forall x. x ^^^ 4  = x * x * x * x
"pow 5"  forall x. x ^^^ 5  = x * x * x * x * x
"pow 6"  forall x. x ^^^ 6  = x * x * x * x * x * x
"pow 7"  forall x. x ^^^ 7  = x * x * x * x * x * x * x
"pow 8"  forall x. x ^^^ 8  = x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x
"pow 9"  forall x. x ^^^ 9  = x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x
"pow 10" forall x. x ^^^ 10 = x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x
