module Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU (
, binDU
, cuts
, unsafeBinDU
, AdaptableBin(..)
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Data (Data,Typeable)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector,(!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Histogram.Bin.Classes
data BinDU = BinDU !(Vector Double)
deriving (Data,Typeable,Eq)
unsafeBinDU :: Vector Double
-> BinDU
unsafeBinDU = BinDU
binDU :: Vector Double
-> BinDU
binDU c
| VU.length c < 2 = error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.binDU': nonpositive number of bins"
| VU.any (uncurry (>)) ( (VU.init c) (VU.drop 1 c)) = error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.binDU': cuts not in ascending order"
| otherwise = BinDU c
cuts :: BinDU -> Vector Double
cuts (BinDU c) = c
instance Bin BinDU where
type BinValue BinDU = Double
toIndex (BinDU c) !x = case VU.findIndex (>x) c of
Nothing -> error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.toIndex: above range"
Just i -> case i of
0 -> error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.toIndex: below range"
_ -> i1
fromIndex (BinDU c) !i
| i >= VU.length c 1 =
error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.fromIndex: above range"
| otherwise = ((c ! i) + (c ! (i+1)))/2
nBins (BinDU c) = if VU.length c < 2 then 0 else VU.length c 1
instance IntervalBin BinDU where
binInterval (BinDU c) i = (c ! i, c ! (i+1))
instance Bin1D BinDU where
lowerLimit (BinDU c) = VU.head c
upperLimit (BinDU c) = VU.last c
instance SliceableBin BinDU where
unsafeSliceBin i j (BinDU c) = BinDU (VU.drop i $ VU.take (ji) c)
instance VariableBin BinDU where
binSizeN (BinDU c) !i = c ! (i+1) c ! i
instance BinEq BinDU where
binEq (BinDU c) (BinDU c')
= isNothing (VU.find (\(d,d') -> d d' > eps * abs d) $ c c')
eps = 3e-11
instance Show BinDU where
show (BinDU c) = "# BinDU cuts\n" ++ concat (fmap showCut $ VU.toList c) ++ "\n\n"
showCut x = show x ++ "\t"
instance NFData BinDU
class Bin b => AdaptableBin b where
deleteCut :: b -> Int -> b
addCut :: b -> Double -> b
instance AdaptableBin BinDU where
deleteCut (BinDU c) !i
| VU.length c <= 2 =
error "Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU.deletBin: deleting single bin"
| otherwise = BinDU (VU.take i c VU.++ VU.drop (i+1) c)
addCut (BinDU c) !x = BinDU (VU.concat [VU.take i c, VU.singleton x, VU.drop i c])
i = fromMaybe (VU.length c) (VU.findIndex (> x) c)