module Data.Histogram.Adaptable (
, sliceAt
, insertAt
, mergeAtCut
, smallestCutContiguous
, smallestCutSingle
, mergeSmallest
, mergeSmallestSingle
) where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!),(++))
import Data.Histogram
import Data.Histogram.Bin.BinDU
import Prelude hiding ((++))
type HistogramDU = Histogram BinDU Double
sliceAt :: Histogram BinDU Double -> Double -> Histogram BinDU Double
sliceAt h x
| V.length (cuts (bins h)) == 0 = addFirst
| x < lowerLimit (bins h) = addLower
| x > upperLimit (bins h) = addUpper
| otherwise = addMiddle
b = bins h
n = nBins b
b' = addCut b x
v = histData h
i = toIndex b x
freq = h `atV` x
r = binInterval b i
size = binSizeN b i
slice0 = freq * (x fst r)/size
slice1 = freq * (snd r x)/size
addFirst = histogram (unsafeBinDU (V.fromList [x])) V.empty
addLower = histogram b' (V.singleton 0 ++ v)
addUpper = histogram b' (v ++ V.singleton 0)
addMiddle = histogram b' (V.concat
[ V.take i v
, V.fromList [slice0,slice1]
, V.drop (min (i+1) (n+1)) v
insertAt :: Histogram BinDU Double -> Double -> Histogram BinDU Double
insertAt h x
| V.length (cuts (bins h)) == 0 = addFirst
| x < lowerLimit (bins h) = addLower
| x > upperLimit (bins h) = addUpper
| otherwise = addMiddle
b = bins h
n = nBins b
b' = addCut b x
v = histData h
i = toIndex b x
addFirst = histogram (unsafeBinDU (V.fromList [x])) V.empty
addLower = histogram b' (V.singleton 0 ++ v)
addUpper = histogram b' (v ++ V.singleton 0)
addMiddle = histogram b' (V.concat
[ V.take (i+1) v
, V.singleton 0
, V.drop (min (i+1) (n+1)) v
mergeAtCut :: HistogramDU -> Int -> HistogramDU
mergeAtCut h i
| i <0 || i>n = error "Data.Histogram.HistogramA': outside index range"
| i == 0 = case h `atI` 0 of
0 -> histogram (deleteCut (bins h) i) (V.drop 1 v)
_ -> error "Data.Histogram.HistogramA': can't delete outer bin with non-zero frequency"
| i == n = case h `atI` (i1) of
0 -> histogram (deleteCut (bins h) i) (V.init v)
_ -> error "Data.Histogram.HistogramA': can't delete outer bin with non-zero frequency"
| otherwise = histogram b' v'
n = nBins (bins h)
b' = deleteCut (bins h) i
v = histData h
v' = V.concat
[ V.take (max 0 (i1)) v
, V.singleton (v ! (i 1) + v ! i)
, V.drop (min (i+1) n) v
smallestCutContiguous :: (Bin b, V.Unbox a, Ord a, Num a) => Histogram b a -> Int
smallestCutContiguous h
| v ! 0 == 0 = 0
| v ! n == 0 = n+1
| otherwise = 1 + V.minIndex (V.zipWith (+) (V.init v) (V.tail v))
v = histData h
n = nBins (bins h) 1
smallestCutSingle :: (Bin b, V.Unbox a, Ord a, Num a) => Histogram b a -> Int
smallestCutSingle h
| v ! 0 == 0 = 0
| v ! n == 0 = n+1
| mini == 0 = 1
| mini == n = n
| v!(mini1) < v!(mini+1) = mini
| otherwise = mini+1
v = histData h
n = nBins (bins h) 1
mini = V.minIndex v
mergeSmallest :: HistogramDU -> HistogramDU
mergeSmallest h = mergeAtCut h (smallestCutContiguous h)
mergeSmallestSingle :: HistogramDU -> HistogramDU
mergeSmallestSingle h = mergeAtCut h (smallestCutSingle h)