# Version 0.4 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed `TypeApplications` for `flay1` so that @c@ comes first. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Not exporting `GFlay'`, `gflay'`, `gterminal` anymore. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `GFlay` and `All` are now type synonyms rather than classes. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `Flayable1` is not a typeclass anymore. Now it is a type synonym for `Flayable` using “quantified constraints” as implemented in `Data.Constraint.Forall`. Accordingly, `flay1` is not a typeclass method anymore. * `Generic` types parametrized by a type constructor who have *all* of their immediate children fields using said type constructor get a `Flayable` instance for free. * Added `pump`, `dump`, `Pump` and `GPump`. * Added `GTerminal` instance for `GHC.Generics.U1`. * Added `Fields`, `GFields`, `FieldsF` and `GFieldsF`. # Version 0.3 * BREAKING CHANGE: `zip`, `zip1` and `unsafeZip` now take a monadic pairing function, and return `Maybe` where `Nothing` happens in the target indexes do not match. * BREAKING CHANGE: Remove `Record` and `GRecord`. * Added `trivialize`. * Generalized type of `trivial'`. # Version 0.2 * BREAKING CHANGE: The `m` parameter in in `Flay` and `Flayable` has been existentialized, to be chosen by the caller. * BREAKING CHANGE: We don't use `DefaultSignatures` for `flay = gflay` anymore. This is very sad, but unfortunately type inferrence for the `c` type variable in new `Flayable` instances doesn't work. * Added `Flayable1`, `trivial1`, `collect1`, `Terminal`, `GTerminal`, `zip1`, `zip`, `Record`, `GRecord`. * Removed `outer`. * Made compatible with GHC 8.2.2. # Version 0.1 * Initial version.