module Data.FixFile (
) where
import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM, lookup, null)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding (iso, para)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (mapM_)
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as RWS hiding (mapM_)
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString as BS hiding (null, empty)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL hiding (null, empty)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Hashable
import Data.HashTable.IO hiding (mapM_)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Generics
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.FixFile.Fixed
import Data.FixFile.Null
type HashTable k v = CuckooHashTable k v
data Cache f = Cache Int (HashTable (Ptr f) (f (Ptr f)))
(HashTable (Ptr f) (f (Ptr f)))
deriving (Typeable)
type Caches = M.Map TypeRep Dynamic
createCache :: IO (Cache f)
createCache = Cache 0 <$> new <*> new
cacheInsert :: Ptr f -> f (Ptr f) -> Cache f -> IO (Cache f)
cacheInsert p f (Cache i oc nc) =
if i >= 50
then new >>= cacheInsert p f . Cache 0 nc
else do
insert nc p f
return (Cache (i + 1) oc nc)
cacheLookup :: Ptr f -> Cache f -> IO (Cache f, Maybe (f (Ptr f)))
cacheLookup p c@(Cache _ oc nc) = do
nval <- lookup nc p
val <- maybe (lookup oc p) (return . Just) nval
case (nval, val) of
(Nothing, Just v) -> do
c' <- cacheInsert p v c
return (c', val)
_ -> return (c, val)
getCachedOrStored :: (Null1 f, Typeable f) => Ptr f -> IO (f (Ptr f)) ->
MVar Caches -> IO (f (Ptr f))
getCachedOrStored (Ptr 0) _ _ = return empty1
getCachedOrStored p m cs = do
mval <- withCache cs (cacheLookup p)
case mval of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
v <- m
withCache_ cs (cacheInsert p v)
return v
withCache :: Typeable c => MVar Caches -> (Cache c -> IO (Cache c, a)) -> IO a
withCache cs f = modifyMVar cs $ \cmap -> do
let mc = M.lookup mt cmap >>= fromDynamic
mt = typeOf $ fromJust mc
c <- maybe createCache return mc
(c', a) <- f c
return (M.insert mt (toDyn c') cmap, a)
withCache_ :: Typeable c => MVar Caches -> (Cache c -> IO (Cache c)) -> IO ()
withCache_ cs f = withCache cs $ \c -> f c >>= \c' -> return (c', ())
type Pos = Word64
data WriteBuffer = WB ([BS.ByteString] -> [BS.ByteString]) Pos Pos
bufferFlushSize :: Word64
bufferFlushSize = 10485760
initWB :: Handle -> IO WriteBuffer
initWB h = do
hSeek h SeekFromEnd 0
p <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
return $ WB id p p
writeWB :: Binary a => a -> WriteBuffer -> (WriteBuffer, Pos, Bool)
writeWB a (WB bsf st end) = sbs `seq` wb where
wb = (WB bsf' st end', end, end' st > bufferFlushSize)
enc = encode a
len = fromIntegral $ BSL.length enc
len' = encode (len :: Word32)
sbs = BSL.toStrict (len' <> enc)
end' = end + 4 + fromIntegral len
bsf' = bsf . (sbs:)
flushBuffer :: WriteBuffer -> Handle -> IO WriteBuffer
flushBuffer (WB bsf st en) h = do
hSeek h SeekFromEnd 0
p <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
when (p /= st) $ fail "WriteBuffer position failure."
mapM_ (BS.hPut h) (bsf [])
return (WB id en en)
data FFH = FFH (MVar Handle) (IORef WriteBuffer) (MVar Caches)
getRawBlock :: Binary a => Handle -> Pos -> IO a
getRawBlock h p = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral p)
(sb :: Word32) <- decode <$> (BSL.hGet h 4)
decode <$> BSL.hGet h (fromIntegral sb)
getBlock :: Fixable f => Ptr f -> FFH -> IO (f (Ptr f))
getBlock p@(Ptr pos) (FFH mh _ mc) = getCachedOrStored p readFromFile mc where
readFromFile = withMVar mh $ flip getRawBlock pos
putRawBlock :: Binary a => Bool -> a -> FFH -> IO Pos
putRawBlock fl a (FFH mh wb _) = do
wb' <- readIORef wb
let (wb'', p, fl') = writeWB a wb'
if (fl' || fl)
then do
wb''' <- withMVar mh (flushBuffer wb'')
writeIORef wb wb'''
else writeIORef wb wb''
return p
putBlock :: Fixable f => f (Ptr f) -> FFH -> IO (Ptr f)
putBlock a h@(FFH _ _ mc)
| null a = return (Ptr 0)
| otherwise = putRawBlock False a h >>= cacheBlock . Ptr where
cacheBlock p = do
withCache_ mc (cacheInsert p a)
return p
data Stored s f =
Memory (f (Stored s f))
| Cached !(Ptr f) (f (Stored s f))
instance Fixed (Stored s) where
inf = Memory
outf (Memory a) = a
outf (Cached _ a) = a
sync :: (Fixable f) => FFH -> Stored s f -> IO (Ptr f)
sync h = commit where
commit (Memory r) = do
r' <- mapM commit r
putBlock r' h
commit (Cached p _) = return p
newtype Ptr (f :: * -> *) = Ptr Pos
deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Binary (Ptr f)
instance Hashable (Ptr f) where
hashWithSalt x (Ptr y) = hashWithSalt x y
type Fixable f = (Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f)), Typeable f, Null1 f)
class FixTraverse (t :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> *) where
traverseFix :: Applicative f =>
(forall g. Fixable g => a g -> f (b g)) -> t a -> f (t b)
type Root r = (FixTraverse r, Binary (r Ptr))
readRoot :: Root r => r Ptr -> Transaction r' s (r (Stored s))
readRoot = traverseFix readPtr where
readPtr p = withHandle $ flip readStoredLazy p
writeRoot :: Root r => r (Stored s) -> Transaction r' s (r Ptr)
writeRoot = traverseFix writeStored where
writeStored s = withHandle $ flip sync s
rootIso :: (Root r, Fixed g, Fixed h) => r g -> r h
rootIso = runIdentity . traverseFix (Identity . iso)
newtype Ref (f :: * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> *) = Ref { deRef :: g f }
deriving (Generic)
instance Binary (Ref f Ptr)
instance Fixable f => FixTraverse (Ref f) where
traverseFix isoT (Ref a) = Ref <$> isoT a
ref :: Lens' (Ref f g) (g f)
ref = lens (\(Ref a) -> a) (\_ b -> Ref b)
newtype Transaction r s a = Transaction {
runRT :: RWS.RWST FFH (Last (r Ptr)) (r (Stored s)) IO a
instance Functor (Transaction f s) where
fmap f (Transaction t) = Transaction $ fmap f t
instance Applicative (Transaction f s) where
pure = Transaction . pure
Transaction a <*> Transaction b = Transaction $ a <*> b
instance Monad (Transaction f s) where
return = pure
Transaction t >>= f = Transaction $ RWS.RWST $ \ffh root -> do
(a, root', w) <- RWS.runRWST t ffh root
(a', root'', w') <- RWS.runRWST (runRT $ f a) ffh root'
return (a', root'', w `mappend` w')
instance RWS.MonadState (r (Stored s)) (Transaction r s) where
get = Transaction $ RWS.get
put = Transaction . RWS.put
state = Transaction . RWS.state
subTransaction :: Lens' (r (Stored s)) (r' (Stored s)) -> Transaction r' s a ->
Transaction r s a
subTransaction l st = Transaction $ RWS.RWST $ \ffh root -> do
(a, r, _) <- RWS.runRWST (runRT st) ffh (root^.l)
return (a, set l r root, mempty)
withHandle :: (FFH -> IO a) -> Transaction r s a
withHandle f = Transaction $ RWS.ask >>= liftIO . f
readStoredLazy :: Fixable f => FFH -> Ptr f -> IO (Stored s f)
readStoredLazy h p = do
f <- getBlock p h
let fcons = Cached p
fcons <$> mapM (unsafeInterleaveIO . readStoredLazy h) f
alterT :: (tr ~ Transaction (Ref f) s, Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) =>
(Stored s f -> Stored s f) -> tr ()
alterT f = ref %= f
lookupT :: (tr ~ Transaction (Ref f) s, Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) =>
(Stored s f -> a) -> tr a
lookupT f = f <$> use ref
data FixFile r = FixFile FilePath (MVar (FFH, r Ptr)) (MVar ())
fixFilePath :: FixFile r -> FilePath
fixFilePath (FixFile p _ _) = p
acquireWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO ()
acquireWriteLock (FixFile _ _ wl) = do
void $ takeMVar wl
releaseWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO ()
releaseWriteLock (FixFile _ _ wl) = do
putMVar wl ()
withWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO a -> IO a
withWriteLock ff f = do
acquireWriteLock ff
f `finally` releaseWriteLock ff
readHeader :: FFH -> IO (Pos)
readHeader (FFH mh _ _) = withMVar mh $ \h -> do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
decode <$> BSL.hGet h 8
updateHeader :: Pos -> Transaction r s ()
updateHeader p = do
withHandle $ \(FFH mh _ _) ->
withMVar mh $ \h -> do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
BSL.hPut h (encode p)
hFlush h
createFixFile :: Root r => r Fix -> FilePath -> IO (FixFile r)
createFixFile initial path =
openBinaryFile path ReadWriteMode >>= createFixFileHandle initial path
createFixFileHandle :: Root r =>
r Fix -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO (FixFile r)
createFixFileHandle initial path h = do
BSL.hPut h (encode (0 :: Pos))
wb <- initWB h
ffh <- FFH <$> newMVar h <*> newIORef wb <*> newMVar M.empty
let t = runRT $ do
dr <- writeRoot $ rootIso initial
(withHandle $ putRawBlock True dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
(_,_,root') <- RWS.runRWST t ffh undefined
let Just root = getLast root'
ffhmv <- newMVar (ffh, root)
FixFile path ffhmv <$> newMVar ()
openFixFile :: Binary (r Ptr) => FilePath -> IO (FixFile r)
openFixFile path =
openBinaryFile path ReadWriteMode >>= openFixFileHandle path
openFixFileHandle :: Binary (r Ptr) => FilePath -> Handle ->
IO (FixFile r)
openFixFileHandle path h = do
wb <- initWB h
ffh <- FFH <$> newMVar h <*> newIORef wb <*> newMVar M.empty
root <- readHeader ffh >>= getRawBlock h
ffhmv <- newMVar (ffh, root)
FixFile path ffhmv <$> newMVar ()
closeFixFile :: FixFile r -> IO ()
closeFixFile (FixFile path tmv _) = do
(FFH mh _ _, _) <- takeMVar tmv
h <- takeMVar mh
hClose h
putMVar mh $ error (path ++ " is closed.")
putMVar tmv $ error (path ++ " is closed.")
readTransaction :: Root r => FixFile r ->
(forall s. Transaction r s a) -> IO a
readTransaction (FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> t
(a, _) <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
return a
writeTransaction :: Root r =>
FixFile r -> (forall s. Transaction r s a)
-> IO a
writeTransaction ff@(FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = res where
res = withWriteLock ff runTransaction
runTransaction = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> t >>= save
save a = do
dr <- RWS.get >>= writeRoot
(withHandle $ putRawBlock True dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
return a
(a, root') <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
case getLast root' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just root'' -> do
void $ swapMVar ffhmv (ffh, root'')
return a
writeExceptTransaction :: Root r =>
FixFile r -> (forall s. ExceptT e (Transaction r s) a)
-> IO (Either e a)
writeExceptTransaction ff@(FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = res where
res = withWriteLock ff runTransaction
runTransaction = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> runExceptT t >>= save
save l@(Left _) = return l
save r@(Right _) = do
dr <- RWS.get >>= writeRoot
(withHandle $ putRawBlock True dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
return r
(a, root') <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
case (a, getLast root') of
(Right _, Just root'') -> do
void $ swapMVar ffhmv (ffh, root'')
_ -> return ()
return a
getRoot :: Root r => Transaction r s (r Fix)
getRoot = rootIso <$> RWS.get
getFull :: Functor f => Transaction (Ref f) s (Fix f)
getFull = uses ref iso
cloneH :: Root r => FixFile r -> Handle -> IO ()
cloneH (FixFile _ mv _) dh = runClone where
runClone = do
mv'@(ffh, root) <- takeMVar mv
BSL.hPut dh (encode (Ptr 0))
wb <- initWB dh
wb' <- newIORef wb
dffh <- FFH <$> newMVar dh <*> return wb' <*> newMVar M.empty
root' <- traverseFix (copyPtr ffh dffh) root
r' <- putRawBlock True root' dffh
hSeek dh AbsoluteSeek 0
BSL.hPut dh (encode r')
putMVar mv mv'
copyPtr ffh h = hyloM
(flip getBlock ffh)
((Ptr <$>) . flip (putRawBlock False) h)
clone :: Root r => FilePath -> FixFile r -> IO ()
clone fp ff = openBinaryFile fp ReadWriteMode >>= cloneH ff
vacuum :: Root r => FixFile r -> IO ()
vacuum ff@(FixFile path mv _) = withWriteLock ff runVacuum where
runVacuum = do
(tp, th) <- openTempFile (takeDirectory path) ".ffile.tmp"
cloneH ff th
(FixFile _ newMV _) <- openFixFileHandle tp th
renameFile tp path
void $ takeMVar mv
readMVar newMV >>= putMVar mv