module Data.FixFile.Trie (Trie
) where
import Prelude hiding (tail)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Generics
import Data.FixFile
data Trie v a =
Value v
| Tail (Maybe a)
| String (Maybe a) BS.ByteString a
| Small (Maybe a) [(Word8, a)]
| Big (Maybe a) (Array Word8 (Maybe a))
| Mutable (Maybe a) (M.Map Word8 a)
deriving (Read, Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable)
instance Null1 (Trie v) where
empty1 = Tail Nothing
null1 (Tail Nothing) = True
null1 _ = False
instance (Binary v, Binary a) => Binary (Trie v a) where
put (Value v) = putWord8 0 >> put v
put (Tail a) = putWord8 1 >> put a
put (String m b a) = putWord8 2 >> put m >> put b >> put a
put (Small m l) = putWord8 3 >> put m >> put l
put (Big m a) = putWord8 4 >> put m >> put a
put m = put $ freeze' m
get = getWord8 >>= getTrie where
getTrie 0 = Value <$> get
getTrie 1 = Tail <$> get
getTrie 2 = String <$> get <*> get <*> get
getTrie 3 = Small <$> get <*> get
getTrie 4 = Big <$> get <*> get
getTrie _ = error "Invalid Serialized Trie"
value :: Fixed g => v -> g (Trie v)
value = inf . Value
tail :: Fixed g => Maybe (g (Trie v)) -> g (Trie v)
tail = inf . Tail where
string :: Fixed g => Maybe (g (Trie v)) -> BS.ByteString ->
g (Trie v) -> g (Trie v)
string v k t = inf $ String v k t
fill :: Fixed g => BS.ByteString -> Maybe (g (Trie v)) -> g (Trie v) ->
g (Trie v)
fill k x t = if BS.null k
then t
else string x k t
small :: Fixed g => Maybe (g (Trie v)) -> [(Word8, g (Trie v))]
-> g (Trie v)
small v l = inf $ Small v l
big :: Fixed g => Maybe (g (Trie v)) ->
Array Word8 (Maybe (g (Trie v)))
-> g (Trie v)
big v l = inf $ Big v l
mut :: Fixed g => Maybe (g (Trie v)) -> M.Map Word8 (g (Trie v)) ->
g (Trie v)
mut v l = inf $ Mutable v l
bigThreshold :: Int
bigThreshold = 20
freeze :: Fixed g => g (Trie v) -> g (Trie v)
freeze = cata (inf . freeze') where
freeze' :: Trie v a -> Trie v a
freeze' (Mutable a b) = if M.size b > bigThreshold
then Big a $ array (minBound, maxBound) $ do
i <- [minBound..maxBound]
case M.lookup i b of
Nothing -> return (i, Nothing)
Just t -> return (i, Just t)
else Small a $ M.toList b
freeze' m = m
thaw :: Trie v a -> Trie v a
thaw (Big a b) = Mutable a . M.fromList $ do
(i, Just v) <- assocs b
return (i, v)
thaw (Small a b) = Mutable a $ M.fromList b
thaw m = m
createTrieFile :: (Binary v, Typeable v) =>
FilePath -> IO (FixFile (Ref (Trie v)))
createTrieFile fp = createFixFile (Ref empty) fp
openTrieFile :: (Binary v, Typeable v) =>
FilePath -> IO (FixFile (Ref (Trie v)))
openTrieFile = openFixFile
lookupTrie :: Fixed g => BS.ByteString -> g (Trie v) -> Maybe v
lookupTrie a b = cata phi b a where
term v k = guard (BS.null k) >> v >>= ($ k)
phi (Value v) _ = return v
phi (Tail v) k = term v k
phi (String v s t) k = term v k <|> do
let (_, lt, rt) = splitKey s k
guard (BS.null lt)
t rt
phi (Small v l) k = term v k <|> do
(c, r) <- BS.uncons k
t <- lookup c l
t r
phi (Big v l) k = term v k <|> do
(c, r) <- BS.uncons k
t <- l ! c
t r
phi (Mutable v l) k = term v k <|> do
(c, r) <- BS.uncons k
t <- M.lookup c l
t r
lookupTrieT :: Binary v =>
BS.ByteString -> Transaction (Ref (Trie v)) s (Maybe v)
lookupTrieT k = lookupT (lookupTrie k)
splitKey :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString ->
(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
splitKey x y = case (BS.uncons x, BS.uncons y) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> (BS.empty, BS.empty, BS.empty)
(Nothing, Just _) -> (BS.empty, x, y)
(Just _, Nothing) -> (BS.empty, x, y)
(Just (xc, xs), Just (yc, ys)) -> if xc == yc
then let (shared, xt, yt) = splitKey xs ys
in (BS.cons xc shared, xt, yt)
else (BS.empty, x, y)
insertTrie :: Fixed g => BS.ByteString -> v -> g (Trie v) -> g (Trie v)
insertTrie a b c = para phi c a where
val = Just $ value b
valTail = tail val
phi (Value _) _ = error "Badly formed Trie"
phi (Tail vm) k = fill k (fmap fst vm) valTail
phi (String vm s (tn, ta)) k
| BS.null k = string val s tn
| otherwise =
let (sh, lt, rt) = splitKey k s
Just (lh, ls) = BS.uncons lt
Just (rh, rs) = BS.uncons rt
vm' = fmap fst vm
in case (BS.null sh, BS.null lt, BS.null rt) of
(True, False, False) -> mut vm' $ M.fromList
[(lh, fill ls Nothing valTail), (rh, fill rs Nothing tn)]
(True, _, _) -> error "Invalid Key Split"
(_, False, False) -> string vm' sh $ mut Nothing $ M.fromList
[(lh, fill ls Nothing valTail), (rh, fill rs Nothing tn)]
(_, True, False) -> string vm' sh $ string val rt tn
(_, False, True) -> string vm' sh $ ta lt
(_, True, True) -> string vm' s $ ta lt
phi x@(Big _ t) k
| BS.null k = big val (fmap (fmap fst) t)
| otherwise = phi (thaw x) k
phi x@(Small _ t) k
| BS.null k = small val (fmap (fmap fst) t)
| otherwise = phi (thaw x) k
phi (Mutable vm m) k = case BS.uncons k of
Nothing -> mut val (fmap fst m)
Just (kh, kt) -> mut (fmap fst vm) $ case M.lookup kh m of
Nothing -> M.insert kh (fill kt Nothing valTail) $ fmap fst m
Just (_, ta) -> M.insert kh (ta kt) $ fmap fst m
insertTrieT :: Binary v =>
BS.ByteString -> v -> Transaction (Ref (Trie v)) s ()
insertTrieT k v = alterT (insertTrie k v)
data Deleted g v =
| Deleted Bool (g (Trie v)) (Maybe (BS.ByteString, g (Trie v)))
deleteTrie :: Fixed g => BS.ByteString -> g (Trie v) -> g (Trie v)
deleteTrie a b = newHead $ para phi b a where
newHead NoDelete = b
newHead (Deleted True _ _) = empty
newHead (Deleted _ h _) = h
phi (Value _) _ = error "Invalid Trie"
phi (Tail _) k = if BS.null k
then Deleted True empty Nothing
else NoDelete
phi (String vm s (tn, ta)) k
| BS.null k = if isJust vm
then Deleted False (string Nothing s tn) (Just (s, tn))
else NoDelete
| otherwise =
let (_, lt, rt) = splitKey k s
ta' = ta lt
vm' = fmap fst vm
in if BS.null rt
then case ta' of
NoDelete -> NoDelete
Deleted True _ _ -> if isNothing vm'
then Deleted True empty Nothing
else Deleted False (tail vm') Nothing
Deleted False tn' (Just (b', tn'')) ->
Deleted False (string vm' s tn') $
Just (BS.append s b', tn'')
Deleted False tn' Nothing ->
Deleted False (string vm' s tn') Nothing
else NoDelete
phi x@(Small vm ts) k
| BS.null k = case vm of
Nothing -> NoDelete
_ -> Deleted False (small Nothing (fmap (fmap fst) ts)) Nothing
| otherwise = phi (thaw x) k
phi x@(Big vm ts) k
| BS.null k = case vm of
Nothing -> NoDelete
_ -> Deleted False (big Nothing (fmap (fmap fst) ts)) Nothing
| otherwise = phi (thaw x) k
phi (Mutable vm ts) k
| BS.null k = case vm of
Nothing -> NoDelete
_ -> Deleted False (mut Nothing (fmap fst ts)) Nothing
| otherwise = fromJust . (<|> Just NoDelete) $ do
(kh, kt) <- BS.uncons k
(_, ta) <- M.lookup kh ts
return $ case ta kt of
Deleted True _ _ ->
let ts' = fmap fst $ M.delete kh $ ts
mut' = mut vm' ts'
vm' = fmap fst vm
in case M.size ts' of
0 -> if isNothing vm'
then Deleted True empty Nothing
else Deleted False (tail vm') Nothing
_ -> Deleted False mut' Nothing
Deleted False dt _ ->
let ts' = M.insert kh dt $ fmap fst ts
mut' = mut vm' ts'
vm' = fmap fst vm
in Deleted False mut' Nothing
_ -> NoDelete
deleteTrieT :: Binary v =>
BS.ByteString -> Transaction (Ref (Trie v)) s ()
deleteTrieT k = alterT (deleteTrie k)
iterateTrie :: Fixed g => BS.ByteString -> g (Trie v) -> [(BS.ByteString, v)]
iterateTrie a b = cata phi b a BS.empty [] where
phi (Value v) _ k' l = (k',v):l
phi (Tail vm) k k' l = maybe l (\va -> va k k' l) (guard (BS.null k) >> vm)
phi (String vm s ta) k k' l =
let (_, lt, rt) = splitKey k s
f l' = maybe l' (\va -> va k k' l') (guard (BS.null k) >> vm)
in if BS.null lt || BS.null rt
then f $ ta lt (BS.append k' s) l
else f l
phi (Small vm ts) k k' l =
let f l' = maybe l' (\va -> va k k' l') (guard (BS.null k) >> vm)
in case BS.uncons k of
Nothing -> ($ l) . (f .) . Prelude.foldr (.) id $ do
(i, r) <- ts
return $ r BS.empty (BS.snoc k' i)
Just (i, k'') -> case lookup i ts of
Nothing -> l
Just r -> r k'' (BS.snoc k' i) l
phi (Big vm ts) k k' l =
let f l' = maybe l' (\va -> va k k' l') (guard (BS.null k) >> vm)
in case BS.uncons k of
Nothing -> ($ l) . (f .) . Prelude.foldr (.) id $ do
(i, Just r) <- assocs ts
return $ r BS.empty (BS.snoc k' i)
Just (i, k'') -> case ts ! i of
Nothing -> l
Just r -> r k'' (BS.snoc k' i) l
phi (Mutable vm ts) k k' l =
let f l' = maybe l' (\va -> va k k' l') (guard (BS.null k) >> vm)
in case BS.uncons k of
Nothing -> ($ l) . (f .) . Prelude.foldr (.) id $ do
(i, r) <- M.toList ts
return $ r BS.empty (BS.snoc k' i)
Just (i, k'') -> case M.lookup i ts of
Nothing -> l
Just r -> r k'' (BS.snoc k' i) l
iterateTrieT :: Binary v => BS.ByteString ->
Transaction (Ref (Trie v)) s [(BS.ByteString, v)]
iterateTrieT k = lookupT (iterateTrie k)
instance FixedAlg (Trie v) where
type Alg (Trie v) = v
instance FixedSub (Trie v) where
type Sub (Trie v) v v' = Trie v'
instance FixedFunctor (Trie v) where
fmapF f = cata phi where
phi (Value v) = value (f v)
phi (Tail v) = tail v
phi (String v b t) = string v b t
phi (Small v ts) = small v ts
phi (Big v ts) = big v ts
phi (Mutable v ts) = mut v ts
instance FixedFoldable (Trie v) where
foldMapF f = maybe mempty id . cata phi where
phi (Value v) = Just (f v)
phi (Tail v) = join v
phi (String v _ t) = join v <> t
phi (Small v l) = join v <> mconcat (snd <$> l)
phi (Big v a) = join v <> mconcat (join <$> elems a)
phi (Mutable v m) = join v <> foldMap id m
instance FixedTraversable (Trie v) where
traverseF f = cata phi where
mapply Nothing = pure Nothing
mapply (Just v) = Just <$> v
phi (Value v) = value <$> f v
phi (Tail v) = tail <$> mapply v
phi (String v b a) = string <$> mapply v <*> pure b <*> a
phi (Small v l) = small <$> mapply v <*>
traverse (\(w, a) -> (w,) <$> a) l
phi (Big v a) = big <$> mapply v <*> traverse mapply a
phi (Mutable v m) = mut <$> mapply v <*> traverse id m