module Data.FixFile.Set (Set
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Generics
import Data.FixFile
data Set i a = Empty | Node a i a
deriving (Read, Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable)
instance (Binary i, Binary a) => Binary (Set i a)
instance Null1 (Set i) where
empty1 = Empty
null1 Empty = True
null1 _ = False
node :: Fixed g => g (Set i) -> i -> g (Set i) -> g (Set i)
node l i r = inf $ Node l i r
insertSet :: (Ord i, Fixed g) => i -> g (Set i) -> g (Set i)
insertSet i s = newHead $ para phi s where
newHead = maybe s id
phi Empty = Just $ node empty i empty
phi (Node (ln, la) j (rn, ra)) = case compare i j of
EQ -> Nothing
LT -> la >>= \l -> return $ node l j rn
GT -> ra >>= \r -> return $ node ln j r
insertSetT :: (Ord i, Binary i) => i -> Transaction (Ref (Set i)) s ()
insertSetT i = alterT (insertSet i)
deleteSet :: (Ord i, Fixed g) => i -> g (Set i) -> g (Set i)
deleteSet i s = newHead $ para phi s Nothing where
newHead = maybe s id
phi Empty x = x
phi (Node (ln, la) j (rn, ra)) Nothing = case compare i j of
EQ -> la (Just rn)
LT -> la Nothing >>= \l -> return $ node l j rn
GT -> ra Nothing >>= \r -> return $ node ln j r
phi (Node (ln, _) j (_, ra)) x = node ln j <$> ra x
deleteSetT :: (Ord i, Binary i) => i -> Transaction (Ref (Set i)) s ()
deleteSetT i = alterT (deleteSet i)
lookupSet :: (Ord i, Fixed g) => i -> g (Set i) -> Bool
lookupSet i = cata phi where
phi Empty = False
phi (Node la j ra) = case compare i j of
EQ -> True
LT -> la
GT -> ra
lookupSetT :: (Ord i, Binary i) => i -> Transaction (Ref (Set i)) s Bool
lookupSetT i = lookupT (lookupSet i)
createSetFile :: (Binary i, Typeable i) =>
FilePath -> IO (FixFile (Ref (Set i)))
createSetFile fp = createFixFile (Ref empty) fp
openSetFile :: (Binary i, Typeable i) =>
FilePath -> IO (FixFile (Ref (Set i)))
openSetFile = openFixFile
toListSet :: Fixed g => g (Set i) -> [i]
toListSet s = cata phi s [] where
phi Empty l = l
phi (Node la i ra) l = (la . (i:) . ra) l
toListSetT :: Binary i => Transaction (Ref (Set i)) s [i]
toListSetT = lookupT toListSet
instance FixedAlg (Set i) where
type Alg (Set i) = i
instance FixedFoldable (Set i) where
foldMapF f = cata phi where
phi Empty = mempty
phi (Node l i r) = l <> f i <> r