{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs         #-}
-- |
module Data.Vector.HFixed.Functor.HVecF (
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Vector.HFixed.Cont
import Data.Vector.HFixed.Class
import Data.Vector.HFixed.HVec (HVec)
import qualified Data.Vector.HFixed as H

-- | Partially heterogeneous vector which can hold elements of any
--   type.
newtype HVecF xs f = HVecF { getHVecF :: HVec (Wrap f xs) }

-- | It's not possible to remove constrain @Arity (Wrap f xs)@ because
--   it's required by superclass and we cannot prove it for all
--   /f/. 'witWrapped' allow to generate proofs for terms
instance (Arity (Wrap f xs), Arity xs) => HVector (HVecF xs f) where
  type Elems (HVecF xs f) = Wrap f xs
  inspect v f = inspectF v (funToTFun f)
  construct   = tfunToFun constructF
  {-# INLINE inspect   #-}
  {-# INLINE construct #-}

instance Arity xs => HVectorF (HVecF xs) where
  type ElemsF (HVecF xs) = xs
  inspectF (HVecF v) (f :: TFun f xs a) =
    case witWrapped :: WitWrapped f xs of
      WitWrapped -> inspect v (tfunToFun f)
  {-# INLINE inspectF   #-}
  constructF :: forall f. TFun f (ElemsF (HVecF xs)) (HVecF xs f)
  constructF =
    case witWrapped :: WitWrapped f xs of
      WitWrapped -> funToTFun $ fmap HVecF construct
  {-# INLINE constructF #-}

instance (Arity xs, ArityC Eq (Wrap f xs)) => Eq (HVecF xs f) where
  (==) = H.eq
  {-# INLINE (==) #-}

instance (Arity xs, ArityC Eq (Wrap f xs), ArityC Ord (Wrap f xs)) => Ord (HVecF xs f) where
  compare = H.compare
  {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance (Arity xs, ArityC NFData (Wrap f xs)) => NFData (HVecF xs f) where
  rnf = H.rnf
  {-# INLINE rnf #-}