{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.List (elemIndices, sort) import Data.Tuple (swap) import FitSpec import FitSpec.ShowMutable import FitSpec.PrettyPrint import Test.Check.Error (errorToNothing) import Test.TypeBinding main :: IO () main = do as <- System.Environment.getArgs let n = case as of [] -> 10 (s:_) -> read s -- n == 10 -- 1s on zero -- n == 32 -- 4s on zero -- n == 100 -- 15s on zero -- n == 200 -- 30s on zero case elemIndices False (tests n) of [] -> putStrLn "Tests passed!" is -> do putStrLn ("Failed tests:" ++ show is) exitFailure -- Below, some of the tests are marked as failing: -- They simply fail because there are too many values -- being tested (the showMutant function only approximates -- the printing of a mutant) -- There is a TODO in the other file related to this -- to allow configuration of how many values should be -- tried when enumerating the mutants. tests n = [ True , holds n $ prop_0 -:> int , holds n $ prop_0 -:> bool , holds n $ prop_0 -:> char , holds n $ prop_0 -:> string , fails n $ prop_0 -:> (int,int) , holds n $ prop_00 -:> (int,int) , holds n $ prop_00 -:> (bool,int) , holds n $ prop_00 -:> (int,bool) , holds n $ prop_00 -:> (string,char) , holds n $ prop_00 -:> (char,string) , h1 $ id -:> int , h1 $ id -:> bool , h1 $ id -:> (int,int) , h1 $ id -:> (bool,int) , h1 $ id -:> (int,bool) , h1 $ id -:> (bool,bool) , h1 $ id -:> (int,int,int) , h1 $ id -:> (int,(int,int)) , h1 $ id -:> ((int,int),int) , h1 $ const True -:> int -- fails (500 tests)! , h1 $ const (0::Int) -:> bool , h1 $ swap -:> (int,bool) , h1 $ swap -:> (bool,int) , h1 $ swap -:> (int,(int,int)) , h1 $ swap -:> ((int,int),int) , h2 $ const -: int >- int >- und , h2 $ const -: int >- bool >- und , h2 $ const -: bool >- int >- und -- fails (1000 tests)! , h2 $ (+) -:> int , hI $ (+) -:> int , h2 $ (*) -:> int , h2 $ (&&) , h2 $ (||) , h2 $ (:) -:> int -- fails (2000 tests)! , h2 $ (++) -:> [int] -- fails (3000 tests)! , h11 (id -:> int) (id ->: bool) , h11 (id -:> bool) (id ->: int) , h11 (swap -:> ((int,int),int)) (swap ->: (int,(int,int))) , h111 (id -:> int) (id ->: bool) (id ->: char) , h111 (id -:> bool) (id ->: char) (id ->: int) , h111 (swap -:> ((int,int),(int,int))) (swap -:> ((int,int),int)) (swap -:> (int,(int,int))) , h11' (id -:> int) (id ->: bool) (id ->: char) , h11' (id -:> bool) (id ->: char) (id ->: int) , h11' (swap -:> ((int,int),(int,int))) (swap -:> ((int,int),int)) (swap -:> (int,(int,int))) ] where h1 = holds n . prop_1 h2 = holds n . prop_2 hI = holds n . prop_I h11 f = holds n . prop_11 f h111 f g = holds n . prop_111 f g h11' f g = holds n . prop_11' f g -- prop_N, asserts the format of a mutation of a value of N arguments -- prop_MN, asserts the format of a pair of values of M and N arguments -- prop_MNO, asserts the format of a triple of values prop_0 :: (Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a) => a -> a -> Bool prop_0 x x' | x == x' = s == "x" | otherwise = s == show x' where s = showMutantAsTuple ["x"] x x' prop_00 :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b ) => (a,b) -> (a,b) -> Bool prop_00 (x,y) (x',y') | x == x' && y == y' = s == "(x,y)" | x == x' = s == "(x," ++ show y' ++ ")" | y == y' = s == "(" ++ show x' ++ ",y)" | otherwise = s == "(" ++ show x' ++ "," ++ show y' ++ ")" where s = showMutantAsTuple ["x","y"] (x,y) (x',y') prop_1 :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b ) => (a->b) -> a -> b -> Bool prop_1 f x fx = fx /= f x ==> showMutantAsTuple ["f x"] f (mutate f x fx) == showMutantF "f" x fx && showMutantDefinition ["f x"] f (mutate f x fx) == showMutantB "f" x fx prop_11 :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b , Eq c, Show c, Listable c, ShowMutable c , Eq d, Show d, Listable d, ShowMutable d ) => (a->b) -> (c->d) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> Bool prop_11 f g x fx y gy = fx /= f x && gy /= g y ==> showMutantAsTuple ["f x","g x"] (f,g) (mutate f x fx, mutate g y gy) == showTuple [showMutantF "f" x fx, showMutantF "g" y gy] && showMutantDefinition ["f x","g x"] (f,g) (mutate f x fx, mutate g y gy) == concat [showMutantB "f" x fx, showMutantB "g" y gy] prop_111 :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b , Eq c, Show c, Listable c, ShowMutable c , Eq d, Show d, Listable d, ShowMutable d , Eq e, Show e, Listable e, ShowMutable e , Eq f, Show f, Listable f, ShowMutable f ) => (a->b) -> (c->d) -> (e->f) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Bool prop_111 f g h x fx y gy z hz = fx /= f x && gy /= g y && hz /= h z ==> showMutantAsTuple ["f x","g x","h x"] (f,g,h) ( mutate f x fx , mutate g y gy , mutate h z hz ) == showTuple [ showMutantF "f" x fx , showMutantF "g" y gy , showMutantF "h" z hz ] && showMutantDefinition ["f x","g x","h x"] (f,g,h) ( mutate f x fx , mutate g y gy , mutate h z hz ) == concat [ showMutantB "f" x fx , showMutantB "g" y gy , showMutantB "h" z hz ] prop_11' :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b , Eq c, Show c, Listable c, ShowMutable c , Eq d, Show d, Listable d, ShowMutable d , Eq e, Show e, Listable e, ShowMutable e , Eq f, Show f, Listable f, ShowMutable f ) => (a->b) -> (c->d) -> (e->f) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Bool prop_11' f g h x fx y gy z hz = fx /= f x && gy /= g y && hz /= h z ==> showMutantAsTuple ["f x","g x","h x"] (f,(g,h)) ( mutate f x fx , ( mutate g y gy , mutate h z hz ) ) == showTuple [ showMutantF "f" x fx , showTuple [ showMutantF "(??)" y gy , showMutantF "(??)" z hz ] ] && showMutantDefinition ["f x","g x","h x"] (f,(g,h)) ( mutate f x fx , ( mutate g y gy , mutate h z hz ) ) == concat [ showMutantB "f" x fx , "g' = " `beside` showTuple [ showMutantF "(??)" y gy , showMutantF "(??)" z hz ] ] prop_2 :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b , Eq c, Show c, Listable c, ShowMutable c ) => (a->b->c) -> a -> b -> c -> Bool prop_2 f x y fxy = fxy /= f x y ==> showMutantAsTuple ["f x y"] f (mutate2 f x y fxy) == showMutantF2 "f" x y fxy && showMutantDefinition ["f x y"] f (mutate2 f x y fxy) == showMutantB2 "f" x y fxy prop_I :: ( Eq a, Show a, Listable a, ShowMutable a , Eq b, Show b, Listable b, ShowMutable b , Eq c, Show c, Listable c, ShowMutable c ) => (a->b->c) -> a -> b -> c -> Bool prop_I f x y fxy = fxy /= f x y ==> showMutantAsTuple ["x + y"] f (mutate2 f x y fxy) == showMutantI "+" x y fxy && showMutantDefinition ["x + y"] f (mutate2 f x y fxy) == showMutantBI "+" x y fxy mutate :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> a -> b -> (a -> b) mutate f x y x' | x' == x = y | otherwise = f x' mutate2 :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> c -> (a -> b -> c) mutate2 f x y z = curry (mutate (uncurry f) (x,y) z) -- | Show a mutant of a function of one argument showMutantF :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> a -> b -> String showMutantF f x y = "\\x -> case x of\n" ++ " " ++ show x ++ " -> " ++ show y ++ "\n" ++ " _ -> " ++ f ++ " x\n" -- | Show a mutant of a function of two arguments showMutantF2 :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => String -> a -> b -> c -> String showMutantF2 f x y z = "\\x y -> case (x,y) of\n" ++ " (" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ ") -> " ++ show z ++ "\n" ++ " _ -> " ++ f ++ " x y\n" showMutantB :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> a -> b -> String showMutantB f x fx = table " " [ [f ++ "'", show x, "=", show fx] , [f ++ "'", "x", "=", f ++ " x"] ] showMutantB2 :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => String -> a -> b -> c -> String showMutantB2 f x y fxy = table " " [ [f ++ "'", show x, show y, "=", show fxy] , [f ++ "'", "x", "y", "=", f ++ " x y"] ] -- | Show a mutant of an infix showMutantI :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => String -> a -> b -> c -> String showMutantI o x y z = "\\x y -> case (x,y) of\n" ++ " (" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ ") -> " ++ show z ++ "\n" ++ " _ -> x " ++ o ++ " y\n" showMutantBI :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => String -> a -> b -> c -> String showMutantBI o x y fxy = table " " [ [show x, o ++ "-", show y, "=", show fxy] , ["x", o ++ "-", "y", "=", "x " ++ o ++ " y"] ]