{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} module Main where import Control.Exception import Control.DeepSeq import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Equality import GHC.TypeLits import System.Exit import Test.QuickCheck import Unsafe.Coerce import Data.Finite import Data.Finite.Internal instance KnownNat n => Arbitrary (Finite n) where arbitrary | natVal @n Proxy == 0 = discard | otherwise = oneof [ pure (Finite 0) , pure (Finite $ natVal @n Proxy - 1) , Finite . (`mod` natVal @n Proxy) <$> arbitrary ] shrink (Finite x) = mapMaybe packFinite $ shrink x withNat' :: forall prop. Testable prop => Gen Integer -> (Integer -> [Integer]) -> (forall n. KnownNat n => (forall i. Num i => i) -> Proxy n -> prop) -> Property withNat' gen shr prop = forAllShrinkBlind gen shr $ \n -> case someNatVal n of Nothing -> counterexample "withNat" False Just (SomeNat p) -> counterexample ("@" ++ show n) $ prop (fromInteger (natVal p)) p withNat :: forall prop. Testable prop => (forall n. KnownNat n => (forall i. Num i => i) -> Proxy n -> prop) -> Property withNat = withNat' (getNonNegative <$> arbitrary) (map getNonNegative . shrink . NonNegative) withNatPos :: forall prop. Testable prop => (forall n. KnownNat n => (forall i. Num i => i) -> Proxy n -> prop) -> Property withNatPos = withNat' (getPositive <$> arbitrary) (map getPositive . shrink . Positive) unsafeWithKnownNat :: forall n prop. Testable prop => Integer -> (KnownNat n => prop) -> Property unsafeWithKnownNat n prop = case someNatVal n of Nothing -> counterexample "unsafeWithKnownNat: someNatVal" False Just (SomeNat (_ :: Proxy n')) -> case unsafeCoerce Refl :: n :~: n' of Refl -> property prop newtype IneqCond (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) = IneqCond ((n <= m) => Property) unsafeWithInequality :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) prop. Testable prop => ((n <= m) => prop) -> Property unsafeWithInequality prop = case unsafeCoerce (IneqCond @n @m $ property prop) :: IneqCond 0 1 of IneqCond prop' -> prop' prop_isvalid_under = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> x < 0 ==> expectFailure $ isValidFinite @n (Finite x) prop_isvalid_over = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) x -> x >= n ==> expectFailure $ isValidFinite @n (Finite x) prop_valid_finite = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (isValidFinite $ finite @n x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_getFinite_finite = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (getFinite (finite @n x) == x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_finite_getFinite = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> finite (getFinite @n x) === x prop_valid_maxBound = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> n > 0 ==> isValidFinite (maxBound @(Finite n)) prop_maxBound_max = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> n > 0 ==> maxBound @(Finite n) >= x prop_valid_minBound = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> n > 0 ==> isValidFinite (minBound @(Finite n)) prop_minBound_min = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> n > 0 ==> minBound @(Finite n) <= x prop_valid_toEnum = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (isValidFinite $ toEnum @(Finite n) x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_fromEnum_toEnum = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (fromEnum (toEnum @(Finite n) x) == x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_toEnum_fromEnum = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> toEnum @(Finite n) (fromEnum x) == x prop_valid_enumFrom = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> all isValidFinite $ enumFrom @(Finite n) x prop_getFinite_enumFrom = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> map getFinite (enumFrom @(Finite n) x) === takeWhile (isJust . packFinite @n) (enumFrom (getFinite x)) prop_valid_enumFromTo = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> all isValidFinite $ enumFromTo @(Finite n) x y prop_getFinite_enumFromTo = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> map getFinite (enumFromTo @(Finite n) x y) === enumFromTo (getFinite x) (getFinite y) prop_valid_enumFromThen = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> x /= y ==> all isValidFinite $ enumFromThen @(Finite n) x y prop_getFinite_enumFromThen = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> x /= y ==> map getFinite (enumFromThen @(Finite n) x y) === takeWhile (isJust . packFinite @n) (enumFromThen (getFinite x) (getFinite y)) prop_valid_enumFromThenTo = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y z -> x /= y ==> all isValidFinite $ enumFromThenTo @(Finite n) x y z prop_getFinite_enumFromThenTo = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y z -> x /= y ==> map getFinite (enumFromThenTo @(Finite n) x y z) === enumFromThenTo (getFinite x) (getFinite y) (getFinite z) prop_nonint_succ = withNat' genBig shrinkBig $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> forAllShrink genBig shrinkBig $ \x -> case packFinite @n $ succ x of Nothing -> discard Just y -> y === succ (finite x) where big = toInteger (maxBound :: Int) genBig = (big +) . getNonNegative <$> arbitrary shrinkBig = map ((big +) . getNonNegative) . shrink . NonNegative . subtract big prop_valid_read = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (isValidFinite $ read @(Finite n) (show @(Finite m) x)) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_read_show = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> read (show @(Finite n) x) === x prop_valid_plus = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> isValidFinite @n $ x + y prop_getFinite_plus = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> (getFinite @n (x + y) - (getFinite x + getFinite y)) `mod` n === 0 prop_valid_minus = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> isValidFinite @n $ x - y prop_getFinite_minus = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> (getFinite @n (x - y) - (getFinite x - getFinite y)) `mod` n === 0 prop_valid_times = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> isValidFinite @n $ x * y prop_getFinite_times = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> (getFinite @n (x * y) - (getFinite x * getFinite y)) `mod` n === 0 prop_valid_negate = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> isValidFinite @n $ -x prop_getFinite_negate = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> (getFinite @n (-x) - (- getFinite x)) `mod` n === 0 prop_valid_abs = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> isValidFinite @n $ abs x prop_getFinite_abs = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> getFinite @n (abs x) === abs (getFinite x) prop_valid_signum = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (isValidFinite @n $ signum x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_getFinite_signum = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (getFinite @n (signum x) == signum (getFinite x)) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_valid_fromInteger = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (isValidFinite $ fromInteger @(Finite n) x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_toInteger_fromInteger = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ evaluate (toInteger (fromInteger @(Finite n) x) == x) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True prop_fromInteger_toInteger = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> fromInteger (toInteger @(Finite n) x) === x prop_valid_quot = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> isValidFinite @n $ x `quot` y prop_getFinite_quot = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> getFinite @n (x `quot` y) === getFinite x `quot` getFinite y prop_valid_rem = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> isValidFinite @n $ x `rem` y prop_getFinite_rem = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> getFinite @n (x `rem` y) === getFinite x `rem` getFinite y prop_valid_div = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> isValidFinite @n $ x `div` y prop_getFinite_div = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> getFinite @n (x `div` y) === getFinite x `div` getFinite y prop_valid_mod = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> isValidFinite @n $ x `mod` y prop_getFinite_mod = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x y -> y /= 0 ==> getFinite @n (x `mod` y) === getFinite x `mod` getFinite y prop_force = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> expectFailure $ rnf @(Finite n) (error "Expected exception") `seq` True prop_valid_packFinite = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ packFinite @n x prop_getFinite_packFinite = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> maybe (property True) ((x ===) . getFinite) $ packFinite @n x prop_finite_packFinite = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> ioProperty $ case packFinite @n x of Nothing -> (evaluate (finite @n x) >> pure False) `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) -> pure True Just y -> evaluate (y == finite x) prop_valid_finites = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> all isValidFinite $ finites @n prop_finites_minMax = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> minBound `elem` finites @n .&&. maxBound `elem` finites @n prop_finites_ordered = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> finites @n === sort finites prop_finites_all = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> x {- could be discard -} `seq` x `elem` finites @n prop_valid_modulo = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) x -> isValidFinite $ modulo @n x prop_getFinite_modulo = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) x -> (getFinite (modulo @n x) - x) `mod` n === 0 prop_getFinite_equals = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> (x `equals` y) === (getFinite @n x == getFinite @m y) prop_getFinite_cmp = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> (x `cmp` y) === (getFinite @n x `compare` getFinite @m y) prop_valid_natToFinite = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n + 1 <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @(n + 1) @m @Bool $ isValidFinite $ natToFinite @n @m Proxy prop_getFinite_natToFinite = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n + 1 <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @(n + 1) @m @Property $ getFinite (natToFinite @n @m Proxy) === natVal @n Proxy prop_valid_weaken = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ weaken @n x prop_finites_weaken = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ map (weaken @n) finites === init finites prop_valid_strengthen = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ strengthen @n x prop_finites_strengthen = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ map (strengthen @n) finites === map Just finites ++ [Nothing] prop_valid_shift = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ shift @n x prop_finites_shift = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ map (shift @n) finites === tail finites prop_valid_unshift = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ unshift @n x prop_finites_unshift = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ map (unshift @n) finites === [Nothing] ++ map Just finites prop_valid_weakenN = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ weakenN @n @m x prop_finites_weakenN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ map (weakenN @n @m) finites === take n finites prop_valid_strengthenN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ strengthenN @n @m x prop_finites_strengthenN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @m @n @Property $ map (strengthenN @m @n) finites === take n (map Just finites) ++ replicate (n - m) Nothing prop_valid_shiftN = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ shiftN @n @m x prop_finites_shiftN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ map (shiftN @n @m) finites === drop (m - n) finites prop_valid_unshiftN = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ unshiftN @n @m x prop_finites_unshiftN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> m <= n ==> unsafeWithInequality @m @n @Property $ map (unshiftN @m @n) finites === replicate (n - m) Nothing ++ drop (m - n) (map Just finites) prop_valid_weakenProxy = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ weakenProxy @Proxy @k @n Proxy x prop_finites_weakenProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ map (weakenProxy @Proxy @k @n Proxy) finites === take n finites prop_valid_strengthenProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ strengthenProxy @n @Proxy @k Proxy x prop_finites_strengthenProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ map (strengthenProxy @n @Proxy @k Proxy) finites === take n (map Just finites) ++ replicate k Nothing prop_valid_shiftProxy = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ shiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy x prop_finites_shiftProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ map (shiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy) finites === drop k finites prop_valid_unshiftProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> maybe True isValidFinite $ unshiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy x prop_finites_unshiftProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ map (unshiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy) finites === replicate k Nothing ++ map Just finites prop_strengthen_weaken = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> strengthen @n (weaken x) === Just x prop_weaken_strengthen = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (weaken @n <$> strengthen x) prop_unshift_shift = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> property $ \x -> unshift @n (shift x) === Just x prop_shift_unshift = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + 1) (n + 1) $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (shift @n <$> unshift x) prop_strengthenN_weakenN = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> m <= n ==> unsafeWithInequality @m @n @Property $ property $ \x -> strengthenN @m @n (weakenN x) === Just x prop_weakenN_strengthenN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (weakenN @n @m <$> strengthenN x) prop_unshiftN_shiftN = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> m <= n ==> unsafeWithInequality @m @n @Property $ property $ \x -> unshiftN @m @n (shiftN x) === Just x prop_shiftN_unshiftN = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> n <= m ==> unsafeWithInequality @n @m @Property $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (shiftN @n @m <$> unshiftN x) prop_strengthenProxy_weakenProxy = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy k) -> property $ \x -> strengthenProxy @n @Proxy @k Proxy (weakenProxy Proxy x) === Just x prop_weakenProxy_strengthenProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (weakenProxy @Proxy @k @n Proxy <$> strengthenProxy Proxy x) prop_unshiftProxy_shiftProxy = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy k) -> property $ \x -> unshiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy (shiftProxy Proxy x) === Just x prop_shiftProxy_unshiftProxy = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \k (_ :: Proxy k) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + k) (n + k) $ property $ \x -> maybe True (== x) (shiftProxy @k @Proxy @n Proxy <$> unshiftProxy Proxy x) prop_valid_add = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ property $ \x y -> isValidFinite $ add @n @m x y prop_getFinite_add = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> getFinite (add @n @m x y) === getFinite x + getFinite y prop_valid_sub = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> either isValidFinite isValidFinite $ sub @n @m x y prop_getFinite_sub = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> either (negate . getFinite) getFinite (sub @n @m x y) === getFinite x - getFinite y prop_sub_Left_0 = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> sub @n @m x y =/= Left 0 prop_valid_multiply = withNatPos $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ property $ \x y -> isValidFinite $ multiply @n @m x y prop_getFinite_multiply = withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNatPos $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x y -> getFinite (multiply @n @m x y) === getFinite x * getFinite y prop_valid_combineSum = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite $ combineSum @n @m x prop_finites_combineSum = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ map (combineSum @n @m) (map Left finites ++ map Right finites) === finites prop_valid_combineProduct = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ property $ \x -> isValidFinite (combineProduct @n @m x) prop_finites_combineProduct = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ map (combineProduct @n @m) [(x, y) | y <- finites, x <- finites] === finites prop_valid_separateSum = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ property $ \x -> either isValidFinite isValidFinite $ separateSum @n @m x prop_finites_separateSum = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ map (separateSum @n @m) finites === map Left finites ++ map Right finites prop_valid_separateProduct = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ property $ \x -> x {- could be discard -} `seq` isValidFinite (fst $ separateProduct @n @m x) .&&. isValidFinite (snd $ separateProduct @n @m x) prop_finites_separateProduct = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ map (separateProduct @n @m) finites === [(x, y) | y <- finites, x <- finites] prop_combineSum_separateSum = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n + m) (n + m) $ property $ \x -> combineSum @n @m (separateSum x) === x prop_separateSum_combineSum = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x -> separateSum @n @m (combineSum x) === x prop_combineProduct_separateProduct = withNat $ \n (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \m (_ :: Proxy m) -> unsafeWithKnownNat @(n GHC.TypeLits.* m) (n * m) $ property $ \x -> x {- could be discard -} `seq` combineProduct @n @m (separateProduct x) === x prop_separateProduct_combineProduct = withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy n) -> withNat $ \_ (_ :: Proxy m) -> property $ \x -> force x {- could be discard -} `seq` separateProduct @n @m (combineProduct x) === x return [] main = $quickCheckAll >>= \case True -> pure () False -> exitFailure