-- | -- Module : Properties.ShortByteString -- Copyright : (c) Andrew Lelechenko 2021 -- License : BSD-style {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- We are happy to sacrifice optimizations in exchange for faster compilation, -- but need to test rewrite rules. As one can check using -ddump-rule-firings, -- rewrite rules do not fire in -O0 mode, so we use -O1, but disable almost all -- optimizations. It roughly halves compilation time. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O1 -fenable-rewrite-rules -fmax-simplifier-iterations=1 -fsimplifier-phases=0 -fno-call-arity -fno-case-merge -fno-cmm-elim-common-blocks -fno-cmm-sink -fno-cpr-anal -fno-cse -fno-do-eta-reduction -fno-float-in -fno-full-laziness -fno-loopification -fno-specialise -fno-strictness #-} #ifdef WORD16 module Properties.ShortByteString.Word16 (tests) where import System.OsPath.Data.ByteString.Short.Internal (_nul, isSpace) import qualified System.OsPath.Data.ByteString.Short.Word16 as B import qualified System.OsPath.Data.ByteString.Short as BS #else module Properties.ShortByteString (tests) where import qualified System.OsPath.Data.ByteString.Short as B import qualified Data.Char as C #endif import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString) import Data.Word import Control.Arrow import Data.Foldable import Data.List as L hiding (unsnoc) import Data.Semigroup import Data.Tuple import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO, run ) import Text.Show.Functions () #ifdef WORD16 numWord :: ShortByteString -> Int numWord = B.numWord16 toElem :: Word16 -> Word16 toElem = id swapW :: Word16 -> Word16 swapW = byteSwap16 sizedByteString :: Int -> Gen ShortByteString sizedByteString n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap B.pack $ vectorOf m arbitrary instance Arbitrary ShortByteString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString n <- choose (0, 2) return (B.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset instance CoArbitrary ShortByteString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (B.unpack s) #else _nul :: Word8 _nul = 0x00 isSpace :: Word8 -> Bool isSpace = C.isSpace . word8ToChar -- | Total conversion to char. word8ToChar :: Word8 -> Char word8ToChar = C.chr . fromIntegral numWord :: ShortByteString -> Int numWord = B.length toElem :: Word8 -> Word8 toElem = id swapW :: Word8 -> Word8 swapW = id sizedByteString :: Int -> Gen ShortByteString sizedByteString n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap B.pack $ vectorOf m arbitrary instance Arbitrary ShortByteString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString n <- choose (0, 2) return (B.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset shrink = map B.pack . shrink . B.unpack instance CoArbitrary ShortByteString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (B.unpack s) #endif tests :: [(String, Property)] tests = [ ("pack . unpack", property $ \x -> x === B.pack (B.unpack x)) , ("unpack . pack" , property $ \(map toElem -> xs) -> xs === B.unpack (B.pack xs)) , ("read . show" , property $ \x -> (x :: ShortByteString) === read (show x)) , ("==" , property $ \x y -> (x == y) === (B.unpack x == B.unpack y)) , ("== refl" , property $ \x -> (x :: ShortByteString) == x) , ("== symm", property $ \x y -> ((x :: ShortByteString) == y) === (y == x)) , ("== pack unpack", property $ \x -> x == B.pack (B.unpack x)) , ("compare", property $ \x y -> compare x y === compare (swapW <$> B.unpack x) (swapW <$> B.unpack y)) , ("compare EQ", property $ \x -> compare (x :: ShortByteString) x == EQ) , ("compare GT", property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare (B.snoc x c) x == GT) , ("compare LT", property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare x (B.snoc x c) == LT) , ("compare GT empty", property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare x B.empty == GT) , ("compare LT empty", property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare B.empty x == LT) , ("compare GT concat", property $ \x y -> not (B.null y) ==> compare (x <> y) x == GT) , ("compare char" , property $ \(toElem -> c) (toElem -> d) -> compare (swapW c) (swapW d) == compare (B.singleton c) (B.singleton d)) , ("compare unsigned", once $ compare (B.singleton 255) (B.singleton 127) == GT) , ("null" , property $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x)) , ("empty 0" , once $ numWord B.empty === 0) , ("empty []", once $ B.unpack B.empty === []) , ("mempty 0", once $ numWord mempty === 0) , ("mempty []", once $ B.unpack mempty === []) #ifdef WORD16 , ("isInfixOf works correctly under UTF16", once $ let foo = BS.pack [0xbb, 0x03] foo' = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb] bar = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad] bar' = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xbb, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00] in [B.isInfixOf foo bar, B.isInfixOf foo' bar, B.isInfixOf foo bar'] === [False, True, True] ) #endif , ("break breakSubstring", property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.break (== c) x === B.breakSubstring (B.singleton c) x ) , ("breakSubstring", property $ \x y -> not (B.null x) ==> B.null (snd (B.breakSubstring x y)) === not (B.isInfixOf x y) ) , ("breakSubstring empty", property $ \x -> B.breakSubstring B.empty x === (B.empty, x) ) , ("isInfixOf", property $ \x y -> B.isInfixOf x y === L.isInfixOf (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y)) , ("mconcat" , property $ \xs -> B.unpack (mconcat xs) === mconcat (map B.unpack xs)) , ("mconcat [x,x]" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, x]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, B.unpack x]) , ("mconcat [x,[]]" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, B.empty]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, []]) , ("null" , property $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x)) , ("reverse" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.reverse x) === reverse (B.unpack x)) , ("all" , property $ \f x -> B.all f x === all f (B.unpack x)) , ("all ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.all (== c) x === all (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("any" , property $ \f x -> B.any f x === any f (B.unpack x)) , ("any ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.any (== c) x === any (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("mappend" , property $ \x y -> B.unpack (mappend x y) === B.unpack x `mappend` B.unpack y) , ("<>" , property $ \x y -> B.unpack (x <> y) === B.unpack x <> B.unpack y) , ("stimes" , property $ \(Positive n) x -> stimes (n :: Int) (x :: ShortByteString) === mtimesDefault n x) , ("break" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break f x) === break f (B.unpack x)) , ("break ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (== c) x) === break (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("break /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (/= c) x) === break (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("break span" , property $ \f x -> B.break f x === B.span (not . f) x) , ("breakEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.break f (B.reverse x)))) , ("breakEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === B.spanEnd (not . f) x) , ("break isSpace" , property $ \x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break isSpace x) === break isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("singleton" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.singleton c) === [c]) , ("cons" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.cons c x) === c : B.unpack x) , ("cons []" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.cons c B.empty) === [c]) , ("uncons" , property $ \x -> fmap (second B.unpack) (B.uncons x) === L.uncons (B.unpack x)) , ("snoc" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.snoc x c) === B.unpack x ++ [c]) , ("snoc []" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.snoc B.empty c) === [c]) , ("unsnoc" , property $ \x -> fmap (first B.unpack) (B.unsnoc x) === unsnoc (B.unpack x)) , ("drop" , property $ \n x -> B.unpack (B.drop n x) === drop (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("drop 10" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.drop 10 x) === drop 10 (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile f x) === dropWhile f (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (== c) x) === dropWhile (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (/= c) x) === dropWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile isSpace" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile isSpace x) === dropWhile isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("take" , property $ \n x -> B.unpack (B.take n x) === take (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("take 10" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.take 10 x) === take 10 (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile f x) === takeWhile f (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (== c) x) === takeWhile (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (/= c) x) === takeWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile isSpace" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile isSpace x) === takeWhile isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("dropEnd" , property $ \n x -> B.dropEnd n x === B.take (numWord x - n) x) , ("dropWhileEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.dropWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.dropWhile f (B.reverse x))) , ("takeEnd" , property $ \n x -> B.takeEnd n x === B.drop (numWord x - n) x) , ("takeWhileEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.takeWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.takeWhile f (B.reverse x))) , ("length" , property $ \x -> numWord x === fromIntegral (length (B.unpack x))) , ("count" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.count c x === fromIntegral (length (elemIndices c (B.unpack x)))) , ("filter" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.filter f x) === filter f (B.unpack x)) , ("filter compose" , property $ \f g x -> B.filter f (B.filter g x) === B.filter (\c -> f c && g c) x) , ("filter ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (== c) x) === filter (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("filter /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (/= c) x) === filter (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("partition" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.partition f x) === partition f (B.unpack x)) , ("find" , property $ \f x -> B.find f x === find f (B.unpack x)) , ("findIndex" , property $ \f x -> B.findIndex f x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndex f (B.unpack x))) , ("findIndices" , property $ \f x -> B.findIndices f x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndices f (B.unpack x))) , ("findIndices ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.findIndices (== c) x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndices (== c) (B.unpack x))) , ("elem" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elem c x === elem c (B.unpack x)) , ("not elem" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> not (B.elem c x) === notElem c (B.unpack x)) , ("elemIndex" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndex c x === fmap fromIntegral (elemIndex c (B.unpack x))) , ("elemIndices" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndices c x === fmap fromIntegral (elemIndices c (B.unpack x))) , ("map" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.map (toElem . f) x) === map (toElem . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("map compose" , property $ \f g x -> B.map (toElem . f) (B.map (toElem . g) x) === B.map (toElem . f . toElem . g) x) , ("replicate" , property $ \n (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate (fromIntegral n) c) === replicate n c) , ("replicate 0" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate 0 c) === replicate 0 c) , ("span" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span f x) === span f (B.unpack x)) , ("span ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (== c) x) === span (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("span /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (/= c) x) === span (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("spanEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.spanEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.span f (B.reverse x)))) , ("split" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> map B.unpack (B.split c x) === split c (B.unpack x)) , ("split empty" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.split c B.empty === []) , ("splitWith" , property $ \f x -> map B.unpack (B.splitWith f x) === splitWith f (B.unpack x)) , ("splitWith split" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.splitWith (== c) x === B.split c x) , ("splitWith empty" , property $ \f -> B.splitWith f B.empty === []) , ("splitWith length" , property $ \f x -> let splits = B.splitWith f x; l1 = fromIntegral (length splits); l2 = numWord (B.filter f x) in (l1 == l2 || l1 == l2 + 1) && sum (map numWord splits) + l2 == numWord x) , ("splitAt" , property $ \n x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.splitAt n x) === splitAt (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("head" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.head x == head (B.unpack x)) , ("last" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.last x == last (B.unpack x)) , ("tail" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.unpack (B.tail x) == tail (B.unpack x)) , ("tail length" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> numWord x == 1 + numWord (B.tail x)) , ("init" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.unpack (B.init x) == init (B.unpack x)) , ("init length" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> numWord x == 1 + numWord (B.init x)) , ("foldl" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl'" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr'" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl cons" , property $ \x -> B.foldl (flip B.cons) B.empty x === B.reverse x) , ("foldr cons" , property $ \x -> B.foldr B.cons B.empty x === x) , ("foldl special" , property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr special" , property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) x == foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1'" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) x == foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr1" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) x == foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr1'", -- there is not Data.List.foldr1' property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1' ((toElem .) . f) x == foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1 const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 const x == B.head x) , ("foldl1 flip const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 (flip const) x == B.last x) , ("foldr1 const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 const x == B.head x) , ("foldr1 flip const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 (flip const) x == B.last x) , ("foldl1 max" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 max x == B.foldl max minBound x) , ("foldr1 max" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 max x == B.foldr max minBound x) , ("index" , property $ \(NonNegative n) x -> fromIntegral n < numWord x ==> B.index x (fromIntegral n) == B.unpack x !! n) , ("indexMaybe" , property $ \(NonNegative n) x -> fromIntegral n < numWord x ==> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral n) == Just (B.unpack x !! n)) , ("indexMaybe Nothing" , property $ \n x -> (n :: Int) < 0 || fromIntegral n >= numWord x ==> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral n) == Nothing) , ("!?" , property $ \n x -> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral (n :: Int)) === x B.!? (fromIntegral n)) , ("unfoldrN" , property $ \n f (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (fst (B.unfoldrN n (fmap (first toElem) . f) c)) === take (fromIntegral n) (unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) c)) , ("unfoldrN replicate" , property $ \n (toElem -> c) -> fst (B.unfoldrN n (\t -> Just (t, t)) c) === B.replicate n c) , ("unfoldr" , property $ \n a (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1 :: Int) else Nothing) a) === unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1) else Nothing) a) --, ("unfoldr" , -- property $ \n f (toElem -> a) -> B.unpack (B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a)) === -- take n (unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a)) -- #ifdef WORD16 , ("useAsCWString str packCWString == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCWString x B.packCWString >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) , ("useAsCWStringLen str packCWStringLen == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCWStringLen x B.packCWStringLen >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) #else , ("useAsCString str packCString == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCString x B.packCString >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) , ("useAsCStringLen str packCStringLen == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCStringLen x B.packCStringLen >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) #endif ] split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split c = splitWith (== c) splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitWith _ [] = [] splitWith f ys = go [] ys where go acc [] = [reverse acc] go acc (x : xs) | f x = reverse acc : go [] xs | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc xs = Just (init xs, last xs)