module Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Plugin.Rule
( RulePlugin(..)
) where
import Data.Typeable
import Feldspar.Transformation
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Options
data RulePlugin = RulePlugin
instance Transformation RulePlugin
type From RulePlugin = ()
type To RulePlugin = ()
type Down RulePlugin = Options
type Up RulePlugin = [Rule]
type State RulePlugin = Int
instance Plugin RulePlugin
type ExternalInfo RulePlugin = Options
executePlugin _ externalInfo = result . transform RulePlugin 0 externalInfo
instance ( DefaultTransformable RulePlugin t
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
, Typeable t
, Typeable1 t
) => Transformable RulePlugin t where
transform t s d orig = recurse { result = x'', up = pr1 ++ pr2 ++ pr3, state = newID2 }
recurse = defaultTransform t s d orig
applyRule :: t () -> Int -> [Rule] -> (t (), [Rule], [Rule], Int)
applyRule c x = foldl applyRuleFun (c,[],[],x)
applyRuleFun :: (t (), [Rule], [Rule], Int) -> Rule -> (t (), [Rule], [Rule], Int)
applyRuleFun (cc,incomp,prop,currentID) (Rule r) = case cast r of
Nothing -> (cc,incomp ++ [Rule r],prop, currentID)
Just r' -> (cc',incomp,prop ++ prop', newID)
(cc',prop', newID) = applyAction cc currentID (r' cc)
applyAction :: t () -> Int -> [Action (t ())] -> (t (), [Rule], Int)
applyAction ccc cid = foldl applyActionFun (ccc,[],cid)
applyActionFun :: (t (), [Rule], Int) -> Action (t ()) -> (t (), [Rule], Int)
applyActionFun (_ , prop'', i) (Replace newConstr) = (newConstr, prop'' , i)
applyActionFun (ccc' , prop'', i) (Propagate pr) = (ccc' , prop'' ++ [pr], i)
applyActionFun (constr, _ , i) (WithId f) = applyAction constr (i + 1) (f i)
applyActionFun (constr, _ , i) (WithOptions f) = applyAction constr i (f d)
(x',_,pr1,newID1) = applyRule (result recurse) (state recurse) (rules d)
(x'',pr3,pr2,newID2) = applyRule x' newID1 (up recurse)
instance Combine [Rule] where
combine = (++)