module Cmd.Update ( updateCmd ) where import Branches import Common import Common.System import Git import InterleaveOutput (cmdSilent') import Krb import Package import Data.RPM.VerCmp import SimplePrompt (promptEnter) -- FIXME if autorelease, drop -b baserelease -- FIXME --no-prep to avoid overwriting ongoing build -- FIXME don't bump release if already bumped -- FIXME check EVR increased -- FIXME if multiple sources might need to bump release -- FIXME Haskell subpackages require release bump even with version bump updateCmd :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Maybe Branch,[String]) -> IO () updateCmd onlysources force allowHEAD (mbr,args) = do pkgGit <- isPkgGitSshRepo (mver,pkgs) <- case args of [a] -> do if pkgGit then return (Just a,[]) else do mspec <- maybeFindSpecfile return $ if isJust mspec then (Just a,[]) else (Nothing,[a]) _ -> return (Nothing,args) let mgitops = let dirty = if allowHEAD then dirtyGitHEAD else dirtyGitFetch in if pkgGit then dirty else if null pkgs then Nothing else dirty withPackagesMaybeBranch HeaderMay False mgitops (updatePkg pkgGit mver) (mbr, pkgs) where updatePkg :: Bool -> Maybe String -> Package -> AnyBranch -> IO () updatePkg distgit mver pkg br = do when (distgit && br /= RelBranch Rawhide) $ promptEnter $ "Are you sure you want to update" +-+ show br +-+ "branch?!" spec <- if allowHEAD then findSpecfile else localBranchSpecFile pkg br (curver,_) <- pkgVerRel spec vdiff <- filter ("Version:" `isInfixOf`) . filter (not . ("@@ " `isPrefixOf`)) <$> gitLines "diff" ["-U0", "HEAD", spec] unless (length vdiff `elem` [0,2]) $ error' $ "diff contains complex version change:\n" ++ unlines vdiff case mver of Nothing -> do when (null vdiff && not onlysources) $ error' "specify or edit version to update" putStrLn $ "current version:" +-+ curver Just nver -> do when (length vdiff == 2) $ error' $ "spec version already bumped to" +-+ curver when (curver == nver) $ putStrLn $ "already new version" +-+ curver let moldnewver = case mver of Just nver -> Just (curver,nver) Nothing -> case map (last . words) vdiff of [old,new] -> Just (old,new) _ -> Nothing unless onlysources $ do let (oldver,newver) = fromMaybe (error' "complex version change") moldnewver -- FIXME take epoch into account when (rpmVerCompare oldver newver == GT) $ putStrLn $ "current" +-+ oldver +-+ "is newer!" putStrLn $ oldver +-+ "->\n" ++ newver when (curver /= newver) $ do editSpecField "Version" newver spec editSpecField "Release" "0%{?dist}" spec -- FIXME should be sure sources exists for distgit whenM (doesFileExist "sources") $ cmd_ "sed" ["-i", "/" ++ unPackage pkg ++ "-" ++ oldver ++ "./d", "sources"] whenM isPkgGitSshRepo $ do -- FIXME forM_ sources <- map sourceFieldFile <$> cmdLines "spectool" ["-S", spec] existing <- filterM doesFileExist sources unless (existing == sources) $ do cmd_ "fedpkg" ["sources"] unless force $ -- FIXME only if not all exist cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-S", spec] patches <- map sourceFieldFile <$> cmdLines "spectool" ["-P", spec] forM_ patches $ \patch -> unlessM (doesFileExist patch) $ cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-P", spec] when force $ do let archives = filter isArchiveFile existing forM_ archives removeFile cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-S", spec] krbTicket cmd_ "fedpkg" $ "new-sources" : filter isArchiveFile sources whenJust moldnewver $ \(_old,newver) -> do versions <- changelogVersions spec let missing = null versions || not ((newver ++ "-") `isPrefixOf` head versions) when missing $ do cmd_ "rpmdev-bumpspec" ["-c", "update to" +-+ newver, spec] git_ "commit" ["-a", "-m", "update to" +-+ newver] putStr "Prepping... " cmdSilent' "rpmbuild" ["-bp", "--nodeps", spec] putStrLn "done" -- FIXME git amend (if previous commit was update) sourceFieldFile :: String -> FilePath sourceFieldFile field = if null field then -- should be impossible error "empty source field!" else (takeFileName . last . words) field -- FIXME handle .tgz? isArchiveFile :: FilePath -> Bool isArchiveFile f = any ($ f) [(".tar." `isInfixOf`), (".zip" `isSuffixOf`), (".gpg" `isSuffixOf`), (".tgz" `isSuffixOf`)] pkgVerRel :: FilePath -> IO (String,String) pkgVerRel spec = do --dist <- branchDist br -- workaround dist with bootstrap --hostdist <- cmd "rpm" ["--eval", "%{dist}"] mvr <- cmdMaybe "rpmspec" ["-q", "--srpm", "--qf", "%{version}-%{release}", spec] case mvr of Nothing -> error' $ "Failed to read package ver-rel:" +-+ spec Just vr -> return $ splitBy "-" vr splitBy :: String -> String -> (String,String) splitBy sep xs = let ws = splitOn sep xs in case ws of [f,v] -> (f,v) _ -> error $ "inconsistent field:" +-+ xs changelogVersions :: FilePath -> IO [String] changelogVersions spec = do ns <- cmdLines "rpmspec" ["-q", "--srpm", "--qf", "%{changelogname}", spec] return $ map (removePrefix "- " . dropWhile (/= '-')) ns