{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Cmd.Build ( buildCmd, BuildOpts(..) ) where import Common import Common.System import Bodhi import Bugzilla import Branches import Cmd.Merge import Git import Krb import Koji import Package import Prompt import RpmBuild (checkSourcesMatch) import Types data BuildOpts = BuildOpts { buildoptMerge :: Maybe Bool , buildoptNoFailFast :: Bool , buildoptSidetagTarget :: Maybe SideTagTarget , buildoptOverride :: Maybe Int , buildoptWaitrepo :: Maybe Bool , buildoptDryrun :: Bool , buildoptSkipFetch :: Bool , buildoptUpdate :: (Maybe UpdateType, UpdateSeverity) , buildoptUseChangelog :: Bool , buildoptByPackage :: Bool , buildoptAllowDirty :: Bool } -- FIXME merge --from -- FIXME check bugs before building? -- FIXME --sidetag -- FIXME --sort -- FIXME --add-to-update nvr -- FIXME --rpmlint (default for rawhide?) -- FIXME support --wait-build=NVR -- FIXME build from ref -- FIXME tail of failed build.log -- FIXME --auto-override for deps in testing -- FIXME -B fails to find new branches (fixed?) -- FIXME disallow override for autoupdate? -- FIXME --yes buildCmd :: BuildOpts -> (BranchesReq, [String]) -> IO () buildCmd opts (breq, pkgs) = do let singleBrnch = if isJust (buildoptSidetagTarget opts) then ZeroOrOne else AnyNumber mlastOfPkgs = if length pkgs > 1 then Just (Package (last pkgs)) else Nothing gitopts | buildoptAllowDirty opts = dirtyGitActive | buildoptSkipFetch opts = cleanGitActive | otherwise = cleanGitFetchActive if not (buildoptByPackage opts) && breq /= Branches [] && length pkgs > 1 then do brs <- listOfBranches True True breq forM_ brs $ \br -> withPackagesByBranches HeaderMay True gitopts singleBrnch (buildBranch mlastOfPkgs opts) (Branches [br], pkgs) else withPackagesByBranches HeaderMay True gitopts singleBrnch (buildBranch mlastOfPkgs opts) (breq, pkgs) -- FIXME what if untracked files buildBranch :: Maybe Package -> BuildOpts -> Package -> AnyBranch -> IO () buildBranch _ _ _ (OtherBranch _) = error' "build only defined for release branches" buildBranch mlastpkg opts pkg rbr@(RelBranch br) = do let moverride = buildoptOverride opts whenJust moverride $ \days -> when (days < 1) $ error "override duration must be positive number of days" gitSwitchBranch rbr gitMergeOrigin br newrepo <- initialPkgRepo tty <- isTty (ancestor,unmerged,mnewer) <- newerMergeable br -- FIXME if already built or failed, also offer merge merged <- case buildoptMerge opts of Just False -> return False Just True -> do whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> mergeBranch (buildoptDryrun opts) True True False (Just pkg) (ancestor,unmerged) newer br return True Nothing -> if ancestor && (newrepo || tty) then do whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> mergeBranch (buildoptDryrun opts) True False True (Just pkg) (ancestor,unmerged) newer br return True else do unless (br == Rawhide) $ whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> putStrLn $ show newer +-+ "branch not mergeable" return False let spec = packageSpec pkg checkForSpecFile spec checkSourcesMatch spec unpushed <- gitOneLineLog $ "origin/" ++ show br ++ "..HEAD" nvr <- pkgNameVerRel' br spec putNewLn mpush <- if null unpushed then return Nothing else do when (not merged || br == Rawhide) $ do putStrLn $ nvr ++ "\n" putStrLn "Local commits:" displayCommits True unpushed putNewLn -- see mergeBranch for: unmerged == 1 (774b5890) if tty && (not merged || (newrepo && ancestor && length unmerged == 1)) then do refPrompt unpushed $ "Press Enter to push and build" ++ (if length unpushed > 1 then "; or give ref to push" else "") ++ (if not newrepo then "; or 'no' to skip pushing" else "") else return $ Just $ commitRef $ head unpushed let dryrun = buildoptDryrun opts buildstatus <- maybeTimeout 30 $ kojiBuildStatus nvr let msidetagTarget = buildoptSidetagTarget opts mwaitrepo = buildoptWaitrepo opts target <- targetMaybeSidetag dryrun br msidetagTarget case buildstatus of Just BuildComplete -> do putStrLn $ nvr ++ " is already built" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" when (br /= Rawhide && isNothing msidetagTarget) $ do tags <- maybeTimeout 30 $ kojiNVRTags nvr autoupdate <- checkAutoBodhiUpdate br -- FIXME update referenced bugs for autoupdate branch unless autoupdate $ do unless (any (`elem` tags) [show br, show br ++ "-updates", show br ++ "-updates-pending", show br ++ "-updates-testing", show br ++ "-updates-testing-pending"]) $ do mbug <- bzReviewAnon bodhiUpdate dryrun (buildoptUpdate opts) mbug (buildoptUseChangelog opts) spec nvr unless (any (`elem` tags) [show br, show br ++ "-updates", show br ++ "-override"]) $ whenJust moverride $ \days -> bodhiCreateOverride dryrun (Just days) nvr when (isJust mlastpkg && mlastpkg /= Just pkg || mwaitrepo == Just True) $ when ((isJust moverride && mwaitrepo /= Just False) || (autoupdate && mwaitrepo == Just True)) $ kojiWaitRepo dryrun True target nvr Just BuildBuilding -> do putStrLn $ nvr ++ " is already building" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" whenJustM (kojiGetBuildTaskID fedoraHub nvr) kojiWatchTask -- FIXME do override _ -> do mbuildref <- case mpush of Nothing -> Just <$> git "show-ref" ["--hash", "origin/" ++ show br] _ -> return mpush opentasks <- kojiOpenTasks pkg mbuildref target case opentasks of [task] -> do putStrLn $ nvr ++ " task " ++ displayID task ++ " is already open" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" kojiWatchTask task (_:_) -> error' $ show (length opentasks) ++ " open " ++ unPackage pkg ++ " tasks already!" [] -> do let tag = if target == branchTarget br then branchDestTag br else target mlatest <- kojiLatestNVR tag $ unPackage pkg if equivNVR nvr (fromMaybe "" mlatest) then putStrLn $ nvr ++ " is already latest" ++ if Just nvr /= mlatest then " (modulo disttag)" else "" else do when (null unpushed || merged && br /= Rawhide) $ do putStrLn $ nvr ++ "\n" firstBuild <- do mtestingRepo <- bodhiTestingRepo br case mtestingRepo of Nothing -> return $ isNothing mlatest Just testing -> do mnewest <- kojiLatestNVR testing $ unPackage pkg case mnewest of Nothing -> return $ isNothing mlatest Just newest -> do newestTags <- kojiNVRTags newest unless (any (`elem` newestTags) [show br, show br ++ "-updates", show br ++ "-updates-pending"]) $ do putStrLn $ "Warning: " ++ newest ++ " still in testing?" prompt_ "Press Enter to continue" return False unless dryrun krbTicket whenJust mpush $ \ref -> unless dryrun $ gitPushSilent $ Just $ ref ++ ":" ++ show br unlessM (null <$> gitOneLineLog ("origin/" ++ show br ++ "..HEAD")) $ when (isJust mpush && not dryrun) $ error' "Unpushed changes remain" unless (buildoptAllowDirty opts) $ unlessM isGitDirClean $ error' "local changes remain (dirty)" -- FIXME parse build output unless dryrun $ kojiBuildBranch target pkg mbuildref ["--fail-fast" | not (buildoptNoFailFast opts)] mBugSess <- if firstBuild && isJust (fst (buildoptUpdate opts)) then bzReviewSession else return Nothing autoupdate <- checkAutoBodhiUpdate br if autoupdate then whenJust mBugSess $ \ (bid,session) -> putBugBuild dryrun session bid nvr else do when (isNothing msidetagTarget) $ do whenJust (fmap fst mBugSess) $ \bid -> putStr "review bug: " >> putBugId bid -- FIXME diff previous changelog? bodhiUpdate dryrun (buildoptUpdate opts) (fmap fst mBugSess) (buildoptUseChangelog opts) spec nvr -- FIXME prompt for override note whenJust moverride $ \days -> bodhiCreateOverride dryrun (Just days) nvr when (isJust mlastpkg && mlastpkg /= Just pkg || mwaitrepo == Just True) $ when ((isJust moverride && mwaitrepo /= Just False) || (autoupdate && mwaitrepo == Just True)) $ kojiWaitRepo dryrun True target nvr