{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Extensible.Inclusion
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fumiaki Kinoshita 2015
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Fumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module Data.Extensible.Inclusion (
  -- * Inclusion
  , Include
  , inclusion
  , shrink
  , spread
  -- * Key-value
  , IncludeAssoc
  , Associated
  , inclusionAssoc
  , shrinkAssoc
  , spreadAssoc
  -- * Inverse
  , coinclusion
  , wrench
  , retrench
  , Nullable(..)
  , nullable
  , mapNullable
  ) where

import Data.Extensible.Class
import Data.Extensible.Product
import Data.Extensible.Sum
import Data.Extensible.Internal
import Data.Extensible.Internal.Rig
import Data.Monoid

-- | Unicode alias for 'Include'
type xs  ys = Include ys xs

-- | @ys@ contains @xs@
type Include ys = Forall (Member ys)

-- | Reify the inclusion of type level sets.
inclusion :: forall xs ys. Include ys xs => Membership ys :* xs
inclusion = htabulateFor (Proxy :: Proxy (Member ys)) (const membership)
{-# INLINABLE inclusion #-}

-- | /O(m log n)/ Select some elements.
shrink :: (xs  ys) => h :* ys -> h :* xs
shrink h = hmap (hindex h) inclusion
{-# INLINE shrink #-}

-- | /O(log n)/ Embed to a larger union.
spread :: (xs  ys) => h :| xs -> h :| ys
spread (EmbedAt i h) = views (pieceAt i) EmbedAt inclusion h
{-# INLINE spread #-}

-- | The inverse of 'inclusion'.
coinclusion :: (Include ys xs, Generate ys) => Nullable (Membership xs) :* ys
coinclusion = flip appEndo (htabulate (const Null))
  $ hfoldMap getConst'
  $ hmapWithIndex (\src dst -> Const' $ Endo $ pieceAt dst `over` const (Eine src))
  $ inclusion

-- | Extend a product and fill missing fields by 'Null'.
wrench :: (Generate ys, xs  ys) => h :* xs -> Nullable h :* ys
wrench xs = mapNullable (flip hlookup xs) `hmap` coinclusion
{-# INLINE wrench #-}

-- | Narrow the range of the sum, if possible.
retrench :: (Generate ys, xs  ys) => h :| ys -> Nullable ((:|) h) xs
retrench (EmbedAt i h) = views (pieceAt i) (mapNullable (`EmbedAt`h)) coinclusion
{-# INLINE retrench #-}


class Associated xs t where
  getAssociation :: Membership xs t

instance Associate k v xs => Associated xs (k ':> v) where
  getAssociation = association
  {-# INLINE getAssociation #-}

-- | Similar to 'Include', but this focuses on keys.
type IncludeAssoc ys = Forall (Associated ys)

-- | Reify the inclusion of type level sets.
inclusionAssoc :: forall xs ys. IncludeAssoc ys xs => Membership ys :* xs
inclusionAssoc = htabulateFor (Proxy :: Proxy (Associated ys)) (const getAssociation)
{-# INLINABLE inclusionAssoc #-}

-- | /O(m log n)/ Select some elements.
shrinkAssoc :: (IncludeAssoc ys xs) => h :* ys -> h :* xs
shrinkAssoc h = hmap (hindex h) inclusionAssoc
{-# INLINE shrinkAssoc #-}

-- | /O(log n)/ Embed to a larger union.
spreadAssoc :: (IncludeAssoc ys xs) => h :| xs -> h :| ys
spreadAssoc (EmbedAt i h) = views (pieceAt i) EmbedAt inclusionAssoc h
{-# INLINE spreadAssoc #-}