module Data.Expression ( module Data.Expression.Arithmetic
, module Data.Expression.Array
, module Data.Expression.Equality
, module Data.Expression.Parser
, module Data.Expression.Sort
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Eq
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Foldable
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Functor
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Show
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Sum
, module Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Traversable
, QFLogicF
, QFLiaF
, LiaF
, ALiaF
, Var
, QFLogic
, QFLia
, Lia
, QFALia
, ALia
, ComplementedLattice(..)
, VariableName
, VarF(..)
, ConjunctionF(..)
, DisjunctionF(..)
, NegationF(..)
, UniversalF(..)
, ExistentialF(..)
, Substitution(..)
, substitute
, for
, var
, true
, false
, and
, or
, not
, forall
, exists
, (.&.)
, (.|.)
, (.->.)
, (.<-.)
, (.<->.)
, (./=.)
, literals
, conjuncts
, disjuncts
, vars
, freevars
, MaybeQuantified
, isQuantified
, isQuantifierFree
, nnf
, Prenex
, prenex
, Flatten
, flatten
, Unstore
, unstore ) where
import Algebra.Lattice
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List hiding (and, or, union)
import Data.Map hiding (map, foldr, mapMaybe, partition)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Decide
import Prelude hiding (and, or, not)
import Data.Expression.Arithmetic
import Data.Expression.Array
import Data.Expression.Equality
import Data.Expression.Parser
import Data.Expression.Sort hiding (index)
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Eq
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Foldable
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Functor
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Show
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Sum
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Traversable
import qualified Data.Functor.Const as F
import qualified Prelude as P
type QFLogicF = EqualityF :+: ConjunctionF :+: DisjunctionF :+: NegationF :+: VarF
type QFLiaF = ArithmeticF :+: QFLogicF
type LiaF = ExistentialF 'BooleanSort :+: ExistentialF 'IntegralSort :+: UniversalF 'BooleanSort :+: UniversalF 'IntegralSort :+: QFLiaF
type QFALiaF = ArrayF :+: QFLiaF
type ALiaF = ExistentialF 'BooleanSort :+: ExistentialF 'IntegralSort :+: UniversalF 'BooleanSort :+: UniversalF 'IntegralSort :+: QFALiaF
type Var = IFix VarF
type QFLogic = IFix QFLogicF
type QFLia = IFix QFLiaF
type Lia = IFix LiaF
type QFALia = IFix QFALiaF
type ALia = IFix ALiaF
class BoundedLattice a => ComplementedLattice a where
complement :: a -> a
instance JoinSemiLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort) where a `join` b = a .|. b
instance JoinSemiLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort) where a `join` b = a .|. b
instance JoinSemiLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort) where a `join` b = a .|. b
instance JoinSemiLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort) where a `join` b = a .|. b
instance JoinSemiLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort) where a `join` b = a .|. b
instance MeetSemiLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort) where a `meet` b = a .&. b
instance MeetSemiLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort) where a `meet` b = a .&. b
instance MeetSemiLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort) where a `meet` b = a .&. b
instance MeetSemiLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort) where a `meet` b = a .&. b
instance MeetSemiLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort) where a `meet` b = a .&. b
instance Lattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort)
instance Lattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort)
instance Lattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort)
instance Lattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort)
instance Lattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort)
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort) where bottom = false
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort) where bottom = false
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort) where bottom = false
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort) where bottom = false
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort) where bottom = false
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort) where top = true
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort) where top = true
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort) where top = true
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort) where top = true
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort) where top = true
instance BoundedLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort)
instance BoundedLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort)
instance BoundedLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort)
instance BoundedLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort)
instance BoundedLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort)
instance ComplementedLattice (QFLogic 'BooleanSort) where complement = nnf . not
instance ComplementedLattice (QFLia 'BooleanSort) where complement = nnf . not
instance ComplementedLattice ( Lia 'BooleanSort) where complement = nnf . not
instance ComplementedLattice (QFALia 'BooleanSort) where complement = nnf . not
instance ComplementedLattice ( ALia 'BooleanSort) where complement = nnf . not
type VariableName = String
data VarF a (s :: Sort) where
Var :: VariableName -> Sing s -> VarF a s
instance IEq1 VarF where
Var na _ `ieq1` Var nb _ = na == nb
instance IFunctor VarF where
imap _ (Var n s) = Var n s
index (Var _ s) = s
instance IFoldable VarF where
ifold _ = F.Const mempty
instance ITraversable VarF where
itraverse _ (Var n s) = pure (Var n s)
instance IShow VarF where
ishow (Var n s) = F.Const ("(" ++ n ++ " : " ++ show s ++ ")")
instance VarF :<: f => Parseable VarF f where
parser _ _ = choice [ var', var'' ] <?> "Var" where
var' = do
_ <- char '('
n <- identifier
_ <- space *> char ':' *> space
s <- lift . lift $ parseSort
_ <- char ')'
assertSort n s
var''' n s
var'' = do
n <- many1 letter
s <- assumeSort n
var''' n s
var''' :: VariableName -> DynamicSort -> Parser (DynamicallySorted f)
var''' n (DynamicSort (s :: Sing s)) = return $ DynamicallySorted s (inject (Var n s))
var :: forall f s. ( VarF :<: f, SingI s ) => VariableName -> IFix f s
var n = inject (Var n (sing :: Sing s))
vars :: ( VarF :<: f, IFoldable f, IFunctor f ) => IFix f s -> [DynamicallySorted VarF]
vars = nub . F.getConst . icata vars' where
vars' a = case prj a of
Just (Var n s) -> F.Const [DynamicallySorted s . inject $ Var n s]
Nothing -> ifold a
newtype Substitution f = Substitution { runSubstitution :: forall (s :: Sort). IFix f s -> Maybe (IFix f s) }
for :: forall f (s :: Sort). ( IFunctor f, IEq1 f ) => IFix f s -> IFix f s -> Substitution f
b `for` a = Substitution $ \c -> case index (unIFix a) %~ index (unIFix c) of
Proved Refl -> if a == c then Just b else Nothing
Disproved _ -> Nothing
substitute :: ( IFunctor f, IEq1 f ) => IFix f s -> Substitution f -> IFix f s
substitute a s = case runSubstitution s a of
Just b -> b
Nothing -> IFix . imap (flip substitute s) . unIFix $ a
instance Monoid (Substitution f) where
mempty = Substitution (const Nothing)
(Substitution f) `mappend` (Substitution g) = Substitution $ \a -> getFirst (mconcat ([First . f, First . g] <*> [a]))
data ConjunctionF a (s :: Sort) where
And :: [a 'BooleanSort] -> ConjunctionF a 'BooleanSort
data DisjunctionF a (s :: Sort) where
Or :: [a 'BooleanSort] -> DisjunctionF a 'BooleanSort
data NegationF a (s :: Sort) where
Not :: a 'BooleanSort -> NegationF a 'BooleanSort
instance IEq1 ConjunctionF where
And as `ieq1` And bs = foldr (&&) True $ zipWith ieq as bs
instance IEq1 DisjunctionF where
Or as `ieq1` Or bs = foldr (&&) True $ zipWith ieq as bs
instance IEq1 NegationF where
Not a `ieq1` Not b = a `ieq` b
instance IFunctor ConjunctionF where
imap f (And as) = And $ map f as
index And {} = SBooleanSort
instance IFunctor DisjunctionF where
imap f (Or os) = Or $ map f os
index Or {} = SBooleanSort
instance IFunctor NegationF where
imap f (Not n) = Not $ f n
index Not {} = SBooleanSort
instance IFoldable ConjunctionF where
ifold (And as) = F.Const . mconcat . map F.getConst $ as
instance IFoldable DisjunctionF where
ifold (Or os) = F.Const . mconcat . map F.getConst $ os
instance IFoldable NegationF where
ifold (Not n) = n
instance ITraversable ConjunctionF where
itraverse f (And as) = And <$> traverse f as
instance ITraversable DisjunctionF where
itraverse f (Or os) = Or <$> traverse f os
instance ITraversable NegationF where
itraverse f (Not n) = Not <$> f n
instance IShow ConjunctionF where
ishow (And []) = F.Const $ "true"
ishow (And as) = F.Const $ "(and " ++ intercalate " " (map F.getConst as) ++ ")"
instance IShow DisjunctionF where
ishow (Or []) = F.Const $ "false"
ishow (Or os) = F.Const $ "(or " ++ intercalate " " (map F.getConst os) ++ ")"
instance IShow NegationF where
ishow (Not n) = F.Const $ "(not " ++ F.getConst n ++ ")"
instance ConjunctionF :<: f => Parseable ConjunctionF f where
parser _ r = choice [ true', and' ] <?> "Conjunction" where
true' = string "true" *> pure (DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ true)
and' = do
_ <- char '(' *> string "and" *> space
as <- r `sepBy1` space
_ <- char ')'
and'' as
and'' as = case mapM toStaticallySorted as of
Just as' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ and as'
Nothing -> fail "and of non-boolean arguments"
instance DisjunctionF :<: f => Parseable DisjunctionF f where
parser _ r = choice [ false', or' ] <?> "Disjunction" where
false' = string "false" *> pure (DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ false)
or' = do
_ <- char '(' *> string "or" *> space
os <- r `sepBy1` space
_ <- char ')'
or'' os
or'' os = case mapM toStaticallySorted os of
Just os' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ or os'
Nothing -> fail "or of non-boolean arguments"
instance NegationF :<: f => Parseable NegationF f where
parser _ r = not' <?> "Negation" where
not' = do
_ <- char '(' *> string "not" *> space
n <- r
_ <- char ')'
not'' n
not'' n = case toStaticallySorted n of
Just n' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ not n'
Nothing -> fail "not of non-boolean arguments"
literals :: ( ConjunctionF :<: f, DisjunctionF :<: f ) => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> [IFix f 'BooleanSort]
literals e = fromMaybe [e] $ (concatMap literals <$> conjuncts' e)
<|> (concatMap literals <$> disjuncts' e)
conjuncts' :: ConjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> Maybe [IFix f 'BooleanSort]
conjuncts' e = (\(And as) -> as) <$> match e
disjuncts' :: DisjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> Maybe [IFix f 'BooleanSort]
disjuncts' e = (\(Or os) -> os) <$> match e
conjuncts :: ConjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> [IFix f 'BooleanSort]
conjuncts e = fromMaybe [e] (conjuncts' e)
disjuncts :: DisjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> [IFix f 'BooleanSort]
disjuncts e = fromMaybe [e] (disjuncts' e)
(.&.) :: ConjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
a .&. b = merge (flatten'' a ++ flatten'' b) where
merge [] = true
merge [f] = f
merge as = inject $ And as
flatten'' e = case match e of
Just (And as) -> as
_ -> [e]
(.|.) :: DisjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
a .|. b = merge (flatten'' a ++ flatten'' b) where
merge [] = false
merge [f] = f
merge os = inject $ Or os
flatten'' e = case match e of
Just (Or os) -> os
_ -> [e]
(.->.), (.<-.) :: ( DisjunctionF :<: f, NegationF :<: f ) => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
a .->. b = not a .|. b
a .<-. b = b .->. a
(.<->.) :: ( ConjunctionF :<: f, DisjunctionF :<: f, NegationF :<: f ) => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
a .<->. b = (a .->. b) .&. (a .<-. b)
(./=.) :: forall f s. ( NegationF :<: f, EqualityF :<: f, SingI s ) => IFix f s -> IFix f s -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
a ./=. b = not (a .=. b)
infix 7 ./=.
infixr 6 .&.
infixr 5 .|.
infixr 4 .->.
infixl 4 .<-.
infix 3 .<->.
true :: ConjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort
true = inject $ And []
false :: DisjunctionF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort
false = inject $ Or []
and :: ConjunctionF :<: f => [IFix f 'BooleanSort] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
and [] = true
and [a] = a
and as = foldr (.&.) true as
or :: DisjunctionF :<: f => [IFix f 'BooleanSort] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
or [] = false
or [o] = o
or os = foldr (.|.) false os
not :: NegationF :<: f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
not n = case match n of
Just (Not n') -> n'
_ -> inject $ Not n
data UniversalF (v :: Sort) a (s :: Sort) where
Forall :: [Var v] -> a 'BooleanSort -> UniversalF v a 'BooleanSort
data ExistentialF (v :: Sort) a (s :: Sort) where
Exists :: [Var v] -> a 'BooleanSort -> ExistentialF v a 'BooleanSort
instance IEq1 (UniversalF v) where
Forall as phi `ieq1` Forall bs psi = (foldr (&&) True $ zipWith ieq as bs) && phi `ieq` psi
instance IEq1 (ExistentialF v) where
Exists as phi `ieq1` Exists bs psi = (foldr (&&) True $ zipWith ieq as bs) && phi `ieq` psi
instance IFunctor (UniversalF v) where
imap f (Forall vs phi) = Forall vs $ f phi
index Forall {} = SBooleanSort
instance IFunctor (ExistentialF v) where
imap f (Exists vs phi) = Exists vs $ f phi
index Exists {} = SBooleanSort
instance IFoldable (UniversalF v) where
ifold (Forall _ b) = b
instance IFoldable (ExistentialF v) where
ifold (Exists _ b) = b
instance ITraversable (UniversalF v) where
itraverse f (Forall vs b) = Forall vs <$> f b
instance ITraversable (ExistentialF v) where
itraverse f (Exists vs b) = Exists vs <$> f b
instance IShow (UniversalF v) where
ishow (Forall vs phi) = F.Const $ "(forall (" ++ intercalate " " (map show vs) ++ ") " ++ F.getConst phi ++ ")"
instance IShow (ExistentialF v) where
ishow (Exists vs phi) = F.Const $ "(exists (" ++ intercalate " " (map show vs) ++ ") " ++ F.getConst phi ++ ")"
instance ( UniversalF v :<: f, SingI v ) => Parseable (UniversalF v) f where
parser _ r = forall' <?> "Universal" where
var' :: Parser (DynamicallySorted VarF)
var' = parser (Proxy :: Proxy VarF) var'
forall' = do
_ <- char '(' *> string "forall" *> space *> char '('
vs <- var' `sepBy1` space
_ <- char ')' *> space
phi <- local (union (fromList $ map context vs)) r
_ <- char ')'
forall'' vs phi
forall'' [] _ = fail "quantifying zero variables"
forall'' vs phi = case (mapM toStaticallySorted vs :: Maybe [Var v]) of
Just vs' -> case toStaticallySorted phi of
Just phi' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ forall vs' phi'
Nothing -> fail "quantifying non-boolean expression"
Nothing -> fail "ill-sorted quantifier"
context (DynamicallySorted s v) = case match v of
Just (Var n _) -> (n, DynamicSort s)
_ -> error "impossible error"
instance ( ExistentialF v :<: f, SingI v ) => Parseable (ExistentialF v) f where
parser _ r = exists' <?> "Existential" where
var' :: Parser (DynamicallySorted VarF)
var' = parser (Proxy :: Proxy VarF) var'
exists' = do
_ <- char '(' *> string "exists" *> space *> char '('
vs <- var' `sepBy1` space
_ <- char ')' *> space
phi <- local (union (fromList $ map context vs)) r
_ <- char ')'
exists'' vs phi
exists'' [] _ = fail "quantifying zero variables"
exists'' vs phi = case (mapM toStaticallySorted vs :: Maybe [Var v]) of
Just vs' -> case toStaticallySorted phi of
Just phi' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ exists vs' phi'
Nothing -> fail "quantifying non-boolean expression"
Nothing -> fail "ill-sorted quantifier"
context (DynamicallySorted s v) = case match v of
Just (Var n _) -> (n, DynamicSort s)
_ -> error "impossible error"
class MaybeQuantified f where
isQuantified' :: MaybeQuantified g => f (IFix g) s -> F.Const Any s
freevars' :: f (F.Const [DynamicallySorted VarF]) s -> F.Const [DynamicallySorted VarF] s
instance MaybeQuantified VarF where
isQuantified' _ = F.Const (Any False)
freevars' (Var n s) = F.Const [DynamicallySorted s . inject $ Var n s]
instance MaybeQuantified (UniversalF v) where
isQuantified' _ = F.Const (Any True)
freevars' (Forall vs a) = F.Const . P.filter (`notElem` map (\v@(IFix (Var _ s)) -> DynamicallySorted s v) vs) . F.getConst $ a
instance MaybeQuantified (ExistentialF v) where
isQuantified' _ = F.Const (Any True)
freevars' (Exists vs a) = F.Const . P.filter (`notElem` map (\v@(IFix (Var _ s)) -> DynamicallySorted s v) vs) . F.getConst $ a
instance ( MaybeQuantified f, MaybeQuantified g ) => MaybeQuantified (f :+: g) where
isQuantified' (InL fa) = isQuantified' fa
isQuantified' (InR gb) = isQuantified' gb
freevars' (InL fa) = freevars' fa
freevars' (InR fb) = freevars' fb
instance ( IFunctor f, IFoldable f ) => MaybeQuantified f where
isQuantified' = ifold . imap (isQuantified' . unIFix)
freevars' = ifold
isQuantified :: MaybeQuantified f => IFix f s -> Bool
isQuantified = getAny . F.getConst . isQuantified' . unIFix
isQuantifierFree :: MaybeQuantified f => IFix f s -> Bool
isQuantifierFree = P.not . isQuantified
freevars :: ( IFunctor f, MaybeQuantified f ) => IFix f s -> [DynamicallySorted VarF]
freevars = nub . F.getConst . icata freevars'
forall :: UniversalF v :<: f => [Var v] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
forall [] f = f
forall vs f = case match f of
Just (Forall vs' f') -> forall (vs ++ vs') f'
Nothing -> inject $ Forall vs f
exists :: ExistentialF v :<: f => [Var v] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
exists [] f = f
exists vs f = case match f of
Just (Exists vs' f') -> exists (vs ++ vs') f'
Nothing -> inject $ Exists vs f
class HasDual f g where
dual :: f (IFix g) 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort
instance HasDual NegationF g where
dual (Not a) = a
instance ( DisjunctionF :<: g, HasDual g g ) => HasDual ConjunctionF g where
dual (And as) = or (map (dual . unIFix) as)
instance ( ConjunctionF :<: g, HasDual g g ) => HasDual DisjunctionF g where
dual (Or os) = and (map (dual . unIFix) os)
instance ( ExistentialF v :<: g, HasDual g g ) => HasDual (UniversalF v) g where
dual (Forall vs a) = exists vs (dual . unIFix $ a)
instance ( UniversalF v :<: g, HasDual g g ) => HasDual (ExistentialF v) g where
dual (Exists vs a) = forall vs (dual . unIFix $ a)
instance ( HasDual f h, HasDual g h ) => HasDual (f :+: g) h where
dual (InL fa) = dual fa
dual (InR gb) = dual gb
instance ( f :<: g, NegationF :<: g ) => HasDual f g where
dual = not . inject
class ( NegationF :<: f, HasDual f f ) => NNF f
instance ( NegationF :<: f, HasDual f f ) => NNF f
nnf :: forall f. NNF f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
nnf = nnf' where
nnf' :: IFix f s -> IFix f s
nnf' (IFix f) = case index f %~ SBooleanSort of
Proved Refl -> fromJust $ ( match (IFix f) >>= not' ) <|> Just (IFix (imap nnf' f))
Disproved _ -> IFix (imap nnf' f)
not' :: NegationF (IFix f) 'BooleanSort -> Maybe (IFix f 'BooleanSort)
not' (Not a) = return . dual . unIFix $ a
freename :: forall f (s :: Sort). ( VarF :<: f, IFunctor f, IFoldable f ) => IFix f s -> String
freename a = head . tail $ dropWhile (\s -> any (>= s) ns) pool where
fs = vars a
ns = sort $ map (\(DynamicallySorted _ (IFix (Var n _))) -> takeWhile (`elem` ['a'..'z']) n) fs
pool = [ [x] | x <- ['a'..'z'] ] ++ [ x ++ [y] | x <- pool, y <- ['a'..'z'] ]
freenames :: forall f (s :: Sort). ( VarF :<: f, IFunctor f, IFoldable f ) => IFix f s -> [String]
freenames a = map (\n -> freename a ++ show n) ([0..] :: [Int])
pushQuantifier' :: ( VarF :<: f, IEq1 f ) => ([Var v] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort) -> [Var v] -> IFix f 'BooleanSort -> State ([String], IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort) (IFix f 'BooleanSort)
pushQuantifier' c vs a = do
(ns, q) <- get
let vs' = zipWith (\(IFix (Var _ s)) n' -> IFix (Var n' s)) vs ns
ns' = drop (length vs) ns
q' = c vs' . q
sub = mconcat $ zipWith (\(IFix (Var n s)) n' -> inject (Var n' s) `for` inject (Var n s)) vs ns
put (ns', q')
return $ a `substitute` sub
class MaybeQuantified f => MaybeQuantified' f g where
pushQuantifier :: f (IFix g) s -> State ([String], IFix g 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort) (IFix g s)
instance ( VarF :<: g, UniversalF v :<: g, IEq1 g ) => MaybeQuantified' (UniversalF v) g where
pushQuantifier (Forall vs a) = pushQuantifier' forall vs a
instance ( VarF :<: g, ExistentialF v :<: g, IEq1 g ) => MaybeQuantified' (ExistentialF v) g where
pushQuantifier (Exists vs a) = pushQuantifier' exists vs a
instance ( MaybeQuantified' f h, MaybeQuantified' g h ) => MaybeQuantified' (f :+: g) h where
pushQuantifier (InL fa) = pushQuantifier fa
pushQuantifier (InR gb) = pushQuantifier gb
instance ( f :<: g, IFoldable f ) => MaybeQuantified' f g where
pushQuantifier = return . inject
class ( VarF :<: f, NegationF :<: f, IFunctor f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f, HasDual f f, MaybeQuantified' f f ) => Prenex f
instance ( VarF :<: f, NegationF :<: f, IFunctor f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f, HasDual f f, MaybeQuantified' f f ) => Prenex f
prenex :: forall f. Prenex f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
prenex f = let (a, (_, q)) = runState (imapM (pushQuantifier . unIFix) (nnf f)) (freenames f, id) in q a
class Bind f g where
bind :: Proxy f -> IFix g s -> Maybe (Bool, State ([String], [([DynamicallySorted VarF], IFix g 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort)]) (IFix g s))
instance forall g v. ( VarF :<: g, EqualityF :<: g, NegationF :<: g, DisjunctionF :<: g, UniversalF v :<: g, MaybeQuantified g, SingI v ) => Bind (UniversalF v) g where
bind _ a = case index (unIFix a) %~ (sing :: Sing v) of
Proved Refl -> Just . (\s -> (False, s)) $ do
(n : ns, q) <- get
let x :: forall f. VarF :<: f => IFix f v
x = var n
put (ns, (freevars a, forall [x] . (x .=. a .->.)) : q)
return x
Disproved _ -> Nothing
instance forall g v. ( VarF :<: g, EqualityF :<: g, ConjunctionF :<: g, ExistentialF v :<: g, MaybeQuantified g, SingI v ) => Bind (ExistentialF v) g where
bind _ a = case index (unIFix a) %~ (sing :: Sing v) of
Proved Refl -> Just . (\s -> (True, s)) $ do
(n : ns, q) <- get
let x :: forall f. VarF :<: f => IFix f v
x = var n
put (ns, (freevars a, exists [x] . (x .=. a .&.)) : q)
return x
Disproved _ -> Nothing
instance ( Bind f h, Bind g h ) => Bind (f :+: g) h where
bind _ a = let ls = bind (Proxy :: Proxy f) a
rs = bind (Proxy :: Proxy g) a in merge ls rs where
merge Nothing m = m
merge m Nothing = m
merge m@(Just (True, _)) _ = m
merge _ m@(Just (True, _)) = m
merge m _ = m
instance Bind f g where
bind _ _ = Nothing
class Bind' f g where
bind' :: Bind g g => f (IFix g) s -> Maybe (Bool, State ([String], [([DynamicallySorted VarF], IFix g 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort)]) (IFix g s))
instance VarF :<: g => Bind' VarF g where
bind' v = Just (True, return . inject $ v)
instance ArithmeticF :<: g => Bind' ArithmeticF g where
bind' c@Const {} = Just (True, return . inject $ c)
bind' a = bind (Proxy :: Proxy g) (inject a)
instance ConjunctionF :<: g => Bind' ConjunctionF g where
bind' a@(And []) = Just (True, return . inject $ a)
bind' a = bind (Proxy :: Proxy g) (inject a)
instance DisjunctionF :<: g => Bind' DisjunctionF g where
bind' a@(Or []) = Just (True, return . inject $ a)
bind' a = bind (Proxy :: Proxy g) (inject a)
instance ( Bind' f h, Bind' g h ) => Bind' (f :+: g) h where
bind' (InL fa) = bind' fa
bind' (InR gb) = bind' gb
instance f :<: g => Bind' f g where
bind' a = bind (Proxy :: Proxy g) (inject a)
bind'' :: forall f (s :: Sort). ( Bind f f, Bind' f f ) => IFix f s -> State ([String], [([DynamicallySorted VarF], IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort)]) (IFix f s)
bind'' a = fromMaybe (return a) . fmap snd . bind' . unIFix $ a
class MaybeQuantified'' f g where
flatten' :: ( Bind g g, Bind' g g ) => f (IFix g) s -> State ([String], [([DynamicallySorted VarF], IFix g 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort)]) (IFix g s)
instance ArrayF :<: g => MaybeQuantified'' ArrayF g where
flatten' (Select is es a i) = do
a' <- bind'' a
i' <- bind'' i
return . inject $ Select is es a' i'
flatten' (Store is es a i e) = do
a' <- bind'' a
i' <- bind'' i
e' <- bind'' e
return . inject $ Store is es a' i' e'
instance ( UniversalF v :<: g, SingI v ) => MaybeQuantified'' (UniversalF v) g where
flatten' (Forall vs a) = do
(ns, qs) <- get
let (d, i) = partition (\(vs', _) -> any (`elem` mapMaybe toStaticallySorted vs') vs) qs
put (ns, i)
return $ forall vs (foldr snd a d)
instance ( ExistentialF v :<: g, SingI v ) => MaybeQuantified'' (ExistentialF v) g where
flatten' (Exists vs a) = do
(ns, qs) <- get
let (d, i) = partition (\(vs', _) -> any (`elem` mapMaybe toStaticallySorted vs') vs) qs
put (ns, i)
return $ exists vs (foldr snd a d)
instance ( MaybeQuantified'' f h, MaybeQuantified'' g h ) => MaybeQuantified'' (f :+: g) h where
flatten' (InL fa) = flatten' fa
flatten' (InR gb) = flatten' gb
instance f :<: g => MaybeQuantified'' f g where
flatten' = return . inject
class ( VarF :<: f, Bind f f, Bind' f f, MaybeQuantified'' f f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f ) => Flatten f
instance ( VarF :<: f, Bind f f, Bind' f f, MaybeQuantified'' f f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f ) => Flatten f
flatten :: forall f. Flatten f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
flatten f = let (a, (_, qs)) = runState (imapM flatten'' f) (freenames f, []) in foldr snd a qs where
flatten'' f' = do
(ns, q) <- get
put (ns, [])
r <- flatten' (unIFix f')
(ns', q') <- get
put (ns', q ++ q')
return r
class Forall f g where
quantify :: Proxy f -> Sing s -> Maybe ([Var s] -> IFix g 'BooleanSort -> IFix g 'BooleanSort)
instance ( UniversalF v :<: g, SingI v ) => Forall (UniversalF v) g where
quantify _ s = case s %~ (sing :: Sing v) of
Proved Refl -> Just forall
Disproved _ -> Nothing
instance ( Forall f h, Forall g h ) => Forall (f :+: g) h where
quantify _ s = quantify (Proxy :: Proxy f) s <|> quantify (Proxy :: Proxy g) s
instance Forall f g where
quantify _ _ = Nothing
class Axiomatized f g where
instantiate :: Forall g g => IFix g s -> f (IFix g) s -> Maybe (State [String] (IFix g 'BooleanSort))
instance ( VarF :<: g, ConjunctionF :<: g, DisjunctionF :<: g, NegationF :<: g, EqualityF :<: g, ArrayF :<: g ) => Axiomatized ArrayF g where
instantiate a' (Store (is :: Sing is) es a i e) = case quantify (Proxy :: Proxy g) is of
Just q -> Just $ do
(n : ns) <- get
let j :: forall f. VarF :<: f => IFix f is
j = inject $ Var n is
put ns
return $ inject (Equals es (inject (Select is es a' i)) e) .&. q [j] (not (inject (Equals is i j)) .->. inject (Equals es (inject (Select is es a' j)) (inject (Select is es a j))))
Nothing -> Nothing
instantiate _ _ = Nothing
instance ( Axiomatized f h, Axiomatized g h ) => Axiomatized (f :+: g) h where
instantiate v (InL fa) = instantiate v fa
instantiate v (InR gb) = instantiate v gb
instance Axiomatized f g where
instantiate _ _ = Nothing
class ( VarF :<: f, EqualityF :<: f, Bind f f, Bind' f f, MaybeQuantified'' f f, Forall f f, Axiomatized f f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f ) => Unstore f
instance ( VarF :<: f, EqualityF :<: f, Bind f f, Bind' f f, MaybeQuantified'' f f, Forall f f, Axiomatized f f, IFoldable f, ITraversable f ) => Unstore f
unstore :: forall f. Unstore f => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> IFix f 'BooleanSort
unstore a = let a' = flatten a in evalState (imapM unstore' a') (freenames a') where
unstore' :: IFix f s -> State [String] (IFix f s)
unstore' a' = fromMaybe (return a') (match a' >>= \(Equals _ l r) -> instantiate l (unIFix r) <|> instantiate r (unIFix l))