{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
           , FlexibleInstances
           , GADTs
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , OverloadedStrings
           , RankNTypes
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , TypeInType
           , TypeOperators #-}

-- |
-- Module     :  Data.Expression.Array
-- Copyright  :  (C) 2017-18 Jakub Daniel
-- License    :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :  Jakub Daniel <jakub.daniel@protonmail.com>
-- Stability  :  experimental

module Data.Expression.Array ( ArrayF(..)
                             , select
                             , store ) where

import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Decide

import Data.Expression.Parser
import Data.Expression.Sort
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Eq
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Foldable
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Functor
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Show
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Sum
import Data.Expression.Utils.Indexed.Traversable

-- | A functor representing array-theoretic terms (`select` and `store` also known as "read" and "write")
data ArrayF a (s :: Sort) where
    Select :: Sing i -> Sing e -> a ('ArraySort i e) -> a i        -> ArrayF a e
    Store  :: Sing i -> Sing e -> a ('ArraySort i e) -> a i -> a e -> ArrayF a ('ArraySort i e)

instance IEq1 ArrayF where
    Select isa _ aa ia `ieq1` Select isb _ ab ib = case isa %~ isb of
        Proved Refl -> aa `ieq` ab && ia `ieq` ib
        Disproved _ -> False
    Store _ _ aa ia va `ieq1` Store _ _ ab ib vb = aa `ieq` ab && ia `ieq` ib && va `ieq` vb
    _                  `ieq1` _                  = False

instance IFunctor ArrayF where
    imap f (Select is es a i)   = Select is es (f a) (f i)
    imap f (Store  is es a i e) = Store  is es (f a) (f i) (f e)

    index (Select _  es _ _  ) = es
    index (Store  is es _ _ _) = SArraySort is es

instance IFoldable ArrayF where
    ifold (Select _ _ a i)   = Const (getConst a) <> Const (getConst i)
    ifold (Store  _ _ a i e) = Const (getConst a) <> Const (getConst i) <> Const (getConst e)

instance ITraversable ArrayF where
    itraverse f (Select is es a i)   = Select is es <$> f a <*> f i
    itraverse f (Store  is es a i e) = Store  is es <$> f a <*> f i <*> f e

instance IShow ArrayF where
    ishow (Select _ _ a i)   = Const $ "(select " ++ getConst a ++ " " ++ getConst i ++ ")"
    ishow (Store  _ _ a i v) = Const $ "(store " ++ getConst a ++ " " ++ getConst i ++ " " ++ getConst v ++ ")"

instance ArrayF :<: f => Parseable ArrayF f where
    parser _ r = choice [ select', store' ] <?> "Array" where
        select' = do
            _ <- char '(' *> string "select" *> space
            a <- r
            _ <- space
            i <- r
            _ <- char ')'
            select'' a i
        store' = do
            _ <- char '(' *> string "store"  *> space
            a <- r
            _ <- space
            i <- r
            _ <- space
            v <- r
            _ <- char ')'
            store'' a i v

        select'' :: DynamicallySorted f -> DynamicallySorted f -> Parser (DynamicallySorted f)
        select'' (DynamicallySorted (SArraySort is1 es) a)
                 (DynamicallySorted is2                 i) = case is1 %~ is2 of
            Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted es $ inject (Select is1 es a i)
            Disproved _ -> fail "ill-sorted select"
        select'' _ _ = fail "selecting from non-array"

        store'' :: DynamicallySorted f -> DynamicallySorted f -> DynamicallySorted f -> Parser (DynamicallySorted f)
        store''  (DynamicallySorted as@(SArraySort _ _) a)
                 (DynamicallySorted is                  i)
                 (DynamicallySorted es                  v) = case as %~ SArraySort is es of
            Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted as $ inject (Store is es a i v)
            Disproved _ -> fail "ill-sorted store"
        store'' _ _ _ = fail "storing to non-array"

-- | A smart constructor for select
select :: ( ArrayF :<: f, SingI i, SingI e ) => IFix f ('ArraySort i e) -> IFix f i -> IFix f e
select a i = inject (Select sing sing a i)

-- | A smart constructor for store
store :: ( ArrayF :<: f, SingI i, SingI e ) => IFix f ('ArraySort i e) -> IFix f i -> IFix f e -> IFix f ('ArraySort i e)
store a i v = inject (Store sing sing a i v)