Module      : Math.ExpPairs.Process
Description : Processes of van der Corput
Copyright   : (c) Andrew Lelechenko, 2014-2015
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : TemplateHaskell

Provides types for sequences of /A/- and /B/-processes of van der Corput. A good account on this topic can be found in /Graham S. W.,  Kolesnik G. A./ Van Der Corput's Method of Exponential Sums, Cambridge University Press, 1991, especially Ch. 5.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, CPP #-}
module Math.ExpPairs.Process
  ( Process ()
  , Path (Path)
  , aPath
  , baPath
  , evalPath
  , lengthPath
  ) where

import GHC.Generics             (Generic)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding ((<>))

import Math.ExpPairs.ProcessMatrix
import Math.ExpPairs.PrettyProcess

-- | Holds a list of 'Process' and a matrix of projective
-- transformation, which they define. It also provides a fancy 'Show'
-- instance. E. g.,
-- > show (mconcat $ replicate 10 aPath) == "A^10"
data Path = Path !ProcessMatrix ![Process]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Monoid Path where
  mempty  = Path mempty mempty
  mappend (Path m1 p1) (Path m2 p2) = Path (m1 <> m2) (p1 <> p2)

instance Pretty Path where
  pretty (Path _ l) = pretty (prettify l)

instance Read Path where
  readsPrec _ zs = [reads' zs] where
    reads' ('A':xs) = (aPath <> path, ys) where
      (path, ys) = reads' xs
    reads' ('B':'A':xs) = (baPath <> path, ys) where
      (path, ys) = reads' xs
    reads' ('B':xs) = (baPath, xs)
    reads' xs = (mempty, xs)

instance Ord Path where
  (Path _ q1) <= (Path _ q2) = cmp q1 q2 where
    cmp (A:p1)  (A:p2)  = cmp p1 p2
    cmp (BA:p1) (BA:p2) = cmp p2 p1
    cmp (A:_)   (BA:_)  = True
    cmp (BA:_)  (A:_)   = False
    cmp []      _       = True
    cmp _       []      = False

-- | Path consisting of a single process 'A'.
aPath :: Path
aPath  = Path aMatrix [ A]

-- | Path consisting of a single process 'BA'.
baPath :: Path
baPath = Path baMatrix [BA]

-- |Apply a projective transformation, defined by 'Path',
-- to a given point in two-dimensional projective space.
evalPath :: (Num t) => Path -> (t, t, t) -> (t, t, t)
evalPath (Path m _) = evalMatrix m

-- | Count processes in the 'Path'. Note that 'BA' counts
-- for one process, not two.
lengthPath :: Path -> Int
lengthPath (Path _ xs) = length xs